Roberta (Robin) Lee

Roberta (Robin) J. Lee , MPH, MSN, RN

Assistant Professor of Clinical

Professional Summary

Roberta J. Lee is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing at the College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati. In addition to her teaching courses in public health and nursing, she is a consultant on programs to assist minority and under-served populations. With an MSN and a BSN from the University of Cincinnati and an MPH from UC Berkeley, her extensive public health experience includes long-term postings in Central America, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and the Caribbean. She has also travelled to Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Israel, and Haiti.

Most recently, Professor Lee has reviewed research abstracts for the Native Research Network, evaluated health promotion grant proposals for Indian Health Services, (INS), and evaluated an Ethiopian Health Officer Training Program for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). She has also led groups of nursing students on public health immersion trips to Honduras and The Gambia. In an innovative cross-disciplinary initiative, she and her students are collaborating with the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) to design health and wellness devices and processes.

In addition to her professional activities, Professor Lee is a leader among various community groups that seek to improve the quality of life for residents, including serving as a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Coalition, President of the Clifton Senior Center, and a founding member of the Clifton Citizens on Patrol chapter.


MPH: University of California at Berkeley 1983 (Maternal and Child Health)

MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1974 (Psychiatric Nursing)

BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1960 (Nursing)

Positions and Work Experience

2002 -To Present Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, • Clinical and didactic courses in Community Health at the undergraduate and graduate levels, Professional Nursing, Health Assessment, online Patient Education in Health and Illness. • Clinical practice/supervision with student nurses at the Drop Inn Nurses Clinic for the Homeless and the City Gospel Mission After Hours Nurse Clinic • Spear-heading a “Gero” Wellness Site at the Clifton Senior Center including a Student Nurse Managed “Ask a Nurse” Clinic • Developing innovative teaching strategies and settings to increase and improve clinical learning resources for undergraduate students , University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH

2000 -2002 Visiting Assistant Professor, • Taught theory and Clinical courses in Community Health, International Health, and Professional Nursing. , University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH

1999 -2000 Visiting Assistant Professor, • Taught theory and clinical courses in Community Health Nursing, Complex Health Problems, and Teaching/Learning. • Implemented new text for theory portion of community health course , Miami University at Oxford, Oxford, OH

1998 -1999 Adjunct Assistant Professor, • Taught clinical courses in Community Health and Professional Nursing Role Transition, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

1998 -2000 Adjunct Faculty, • Taught clinical and theory courses in Community Health, Gerontology, Anthropology, and Intercultural Nursing., Indiana Wesleyan University, Lawrenceburg, Indiana

1994 -1997 Advisor for Maternal/Child Health Projects, Africare is a minority –owned, non-governmental, non-profit organization providing development and relief assistance to more than 25 sub-Saharan African countries with headquarters in Washington, DC. Prof. Lee lived and worked in remote, rural communities on two of Africare’s projects, in Ethiopia in East Africa, and in Nigeria in West Africa:, Africare, Washington, DC

1994 -1996 Project Advisor, The program was administered in the Adamawa State capitol of Yola, in northeast Nigeria. Funding was through USAID. • As the on-site resident Advisor, provided technical assistance to Project Manager, Staff, and Ministry of Health, to plan, budget, organize, implement, and evaluate community-based Child Survival/Maternal health interventions. • The project strengthened local capacity, reduced maternal and child morbidity and mortality, and prevented and treated River Blindness (Onchocerciasis). , Nigerian Adamawa State Ministry of Health Child Survival, Maternal Health and River Blindness Prevention Projects,

1997 - Africare Project Advisor, The program was administered in the Gurage Zonal town of Wolkite and funded through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). • As the on-site resident Advisor, assisted Project Manager, Staff, and Zone to plan, budget, organize, and extend implementation of a successful and sustainable community health project. • Worked with Zonal Ministry Staff in mountainous, isolated villages. • Provided technical assistance for a Primary Health Care Project with integrated components in Maternal Health/Family Planning, Essential Drugs, Water/Sanitation and Child Survival. Conducted and supervised Training of Trainer Workshops with Ministry staff in village-based courses for Community Health Workers, and Traditional Birth Attendants. , Ethiopian Zonal Ministry of Health Child Survial, Maternal Health Project,

1989 -1993 Assistant Professor, • With host country national counterparts, developed and taught clinical and didactic courses in Medical/Surgical, Psychiatric, and Community Health Nursing, including: Community Health: Theory and Clinical supervision of students in urban squatter settlements and Primary Health Care Clinics in Karachi, Pakistan, utilizing Maternal Health/Child Survival strategies. Psychiatric nursing: Theory and Clinical supervision of students working in the hospital with psychotic inpatients, and in community mental health settings. Medical/surgical nursing: Clinical supervision in acute inpatient hospital settings and home health care in neurological nursing. • Chaired Curriculum and Publication Committees. • Researched, developed, and implemented first-ever course in Psychiatric Nursing taught at the Baccalaureate level, in Pakistan. • Guided and supervised senior level BSN students in Teaching Practicum and Workshops in which Nurse Tutors country-wide, were trained to teach community health nursing (Training of Trainers). • Advised and assisted in the development of new nursing curriculum at the baccalaureate level for Pakistan, specifically in Psychiatric and Community Health Nursing. , The Aga Khan University School of Nursing, Karachi, Pakistan

1988 -1989 Nurse Clinician, • Member of University Hospital’s Emergency Department Walk-in Clinic Team, providing comprehensive ambulatory care for indigent persons. A large proportion of the patients presented with STD’s, dual diagnosis, substance abuse, psychiatric disorders and chronic health problems., University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

1983 -1987 Nurse Coordinator/ Educator, Project HOPE, Grenada, West Indies and Belize, Central America

1983 -1986 Assisted with implementation of Primary Health Care curriculum, teaching didactic and clinical courses in community health, pediatrics and obstetrics Developmed and conducted countrywide workships on Primary Health Care Worked with staff at all government levels to plan, develop, and write a $666,000 United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 3 year Child Survival Project, Belize, Central America

1986 -1987 With host country national counterparts, taught clinical courses in Medical/Surgical Nursing Assisted in development of Distance Learning program and modules in conjunction with University of West Indies Coordinated, developed, and implemented 1) Operating Room Tech course 2) Office of Continuing Education for host country national nurses, Grenada, West Indies

1981 -1982 Public Health Nurse, and Nurse Clinician concurrently, • Contra Costa County: Public Health Nurse: managed caseload consisting mainly of Laotian, Vietnamese and Cambodian families. Staffed Well Child, Immunization, Tuberculosis, and Early/periodic Screening and Disease Detection clinics. Provided home visits for prenatal and postnatal care, communicable disease control, handicapped and abused children, and chronic disease care. • Livermore Veterans Administration Medical Center: Nurse Clinician, provided skilled nursing care as member of staff that opened a new nursing home Rehabilitation and Care Unit. , Contra Costa County Health Services and Livermore Veterans' Administration Medical Services, San Francisco Bay area, California

1976 -1981 Director, Special Nursing Services, • Directed and managed public health program budgeted at $3.7 million. • Supervised 21 staff that coordinated decentralized health programs impacting on over 100 nurses. Responsibilities included an emergency back up, referral and after hour’s system and programs for Home Health, Sickle Cell Testing/Counseling, School Health & Handicapped Children, Hemophilia, Poison Control, and license enforcement for Nursing Homes, and Day Care Ordinances. • As Task Force Member, participated in design of improvements for a Primary Health Care System awarded a $3 million Robert Wood Johnson grant , Cincinnati Health Department, Cincinnati, OH

1976 - Instructor, • Taught school health courses to school teachers, Edgecliff College, Cincinnati, Ohio

1974 -1976 Public Health Nursing Supervisor, • Served as mental health consultant to school nurses and supervised school nurses, Cincinnati Health Department, Cincinnati, Ohio

Research Support

Grant: #1007776 Investigators:PI Craig Vogel 2009 -2010 Assistive Mobility Device Development Role:Co-PI $50,000

01-2010 Council on Aging to The Clifton Senior Services Center Board for services $190,000

Investigators:Participatory research project with Elaine Miller 2006 Cincinnati Health Department Stroke Prevention with the College Preparatory Academy, Harmony School, and the Cincinnati Health Department $83,000

Investigators:With Christine Savage, Principle Investigator 2004 -2006 Greater Cincinnati Foundation After Hours Nurse Clinic at City Gospel Mission for the homeless Role:Co-PI $117,626

Investigators:Passamoquoddy Tribe Health Council 1994 -1999 Centers for Disease Control Tribal Women's Project on Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control: Cancer Control Model $1,000,000

1986 -1989 Belize Ministry of Health and United States Agency for International Development Child Survival Primary Health Care Project $666,000

1992 Union Texas Oil of Pakistan and the Aza Khan University

1976 -1981 Task Force Member: Cincinnati Health Department / Robert Wood Johnson Primary Health Care System Awarded a $3 million Robert Wood Johnson Grant $3 million

Grant: #LWC-Mobility Device Investigators:Anthony, Jean E.S.; Doehler, Steven; Frasure, Jamey; Lee, Roberta 01-04-2010 -06-30-2010 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Assistive Mobility Device Development Role:Collaborator $31,027.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #SRS 007873 Investigators:Doehler, Steven; Lee, Roberta 12-01-2011 -12-31-2012 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. LWC: Pfizer ThermaCare Role:Collaborator $40,125.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #SRS 008459 Investigators:Lee, Roberta; Vogel, Craig 12-01-2012 -12-31-2013 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. 65+Personal Care Role:Collaborator $40,440.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit


Published Abstracts

Savage, C.L, Dempsy, A. Lee. R. J., & McKinstry, B. (2005. ) Hazardous drinking in homeless clients at a free clinic Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research .[Abstract]

Peer Reviewed Publications

Savage, CL; Lindsell, CJ; Gillespie, GL; Dempsey, A; Lee, RJ; & Corbin, A (2006. ) Health Care Needs of Homeless Adults at a Nurse Managed Clinic .Journal of Community Health Nursing, , 23 (4 ) ,225-234

Savage, C. L., & Lee, R. J. (03-2010. ) Caring for a homeless adult with a chronic disease .American Nurse Today, , 5 (3 ) ,

Savage, C. L., Gillespie, G. L., Lee, R. J., & Lindsell, C. J (2008. ) The effectiveness of a United States urban nurse managed clinic for the homeless in improving health status .Health & Social Care in the Community, , 16 (5 ) ,469-475

Smith, G. G., & Lee, R. J. (1984. ) The use of cervical caps at the University of California, Berkeley; A survey." .Contraception, , 20 (2 ) ,

Lee, R. J. (1978. ) Deinstitutionalization .The Cincinnati Health Forum, , 4 (1 ) ,

Lee, R. J. (1976. ) Self images of the elderly. .The Nursing Clinics of North America, , 11 (1 ) ,

Book Chapter

Halperin, R; Lee, R; Brown, L (2006 ) Deterritorialization, Crisis Management, and the Beginnings of Reterritorialization Whose School is it? Women, Children, Memory, and Practice in the City .(pp. 120 -130).Austin, TX, University of Texas Press

Halperin, R; Lee, R; Brown, L The Intervention Team Women Schooling Urban Memory: Community Charter School as Global Borderland .Austin, TX, University of Texas Press

Halperin, R; Brown, L; & Lee, R Crisis Management and Case Managers Women Schooling Urban Memory: Community Charter School as Global Borderland .Austin, TX, University of Texas Press

Halperin, R., Lee, R.J., & Brown, L. (2006 ) Deterritorialization, Crisis Management, and the Beginnings of Reterritorialization Whose school is it? Women, Children, Memory, and Practice in the City .(pp. 146-163).Austin, TX, University of Texas Press

Additional Publications


Invited Presentations

Savage, C & Lee, RJ (03-13-2006. ) Capstone Celebrations with Master's Students; After Hours Nurse Clinic .Scholarship Roundtable,

Lovell, M & Lee, RJ (12-01-2005. ) Leveraging Philanthropy: A Community Health Initiative .American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2005 Baccalaureate Education Conference, Chicago, IL.

Gillespie, G; Savage, CL; Lee, RJ & Corbin, A (12-2005. ) The Impact of Dental Health on Homeless Clients and a Nurse Run Clinic .American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Dempsey, A; Savage, CL; Lee, RJ; & Corbin, A (12-2005. ) ADHD in a Population of Homeless Adult Men .American Public Health Associating, Philadelphia, PA.

Savage, C; Lee, RJ; Corbin, A; Gillespie, G; & Dempsey, A (09-09-2005. ) Substance Use Among Homeless Clients Attending a Free Nurse Managed Clinic .International Nurses Society on Addictions International Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Lee, RJ; Lovell, M; Sharon, S (10-19-2003. ) The Big Picture: Free Clinics Within the Context of Health People 2010 .Fourth Annual Ohio Free Clinics Conference, The Ohio Association of Free Clinics, Columbus, OH.

Brown, L & Lee, RJ (02-2002. ) East End Community Heritage School: A Team Approach that Builds Partnerships for the Future .UUP Public Policy Forum, Ohio's Urban Universities and the State's Economic Future, Workshop Presentation, Columbus, OH.

Lee, RJ (05-09-2001. ) Globalization and Your Career .Delphi International Career Forum, Career Development Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

Bolon, S., Diller, P., & Lee, R. J. (11-2009. ) Methods of community assessment in low resource settings .Global Health Education Consortium Great Lakes Regional Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Lee, R. J., Castillo, J., Collins, D., & O’Dea, C. (11-2009. ) Careers in global health .Health Education Consortium Great Lakes Regional Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Xu, Y., & Lee, R. J. (11-2006. ) Nurse mobility versus ‘brain drain’ .American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Human Rights through Global Lens: Challenges and Opportunities, Boston, MA.

Lee, R. J., & Kappesser, M. (11-2006. ) Community health workers: Neighbors helping neighbors .Monthly Roundtable, Mental Health Association of Southwest Ohio, Cincinnati, OH.

Brown, L., & Lee R. J. (02-2002. ) East End Community Heritage School: A team approach that builds partnerships for the future. .UUP Public Policy Forum, "Ohio's Urban Universities and the State's Economic Future,” , Cincinnati, OH.

Lee, R. J. (05-2001. ) Globalization and your career .Delphi International Career Forum. Career Development Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.

Lobo, C., Gannon, R. Lee, R.J., & Edwards, J. (09-1993. ) Ghabrahat: An exploration of a behavioral phenomenon found in Pakistan .The 5th International Congress on Mental Health Nursing, Manchester, England.

Marshall, P., Jan, R., & Lee, R. J. (02-1992. ) Culture and mental health .The Aga Khan University School of Nursing Conference on Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing in Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan.

Lobo, C., Jan, R., Edwards, J., Gannon, R., & Lee, R. J. (05-1992. ) Ghabrahat: An occasion for nurse-physician collaboration .Aga Khan University, International Nurses Day Conference, Karachi, Pakistan.

Poster Presentations

Lovell, M; Lee, RJ; Tillman, B (10-05-2003. ) Undergraduate Health Philanthropy Education Program .Ohio Nurses Association Biennial Convention, Dayton Crowne Plaza/Convention Center, Dayton, OH. .

Miller, E., & Lee, R. J. (03-2008. ) Improving health through stroke prevention education in school-aged children at Harmony School .Showcase UC, Cincinnati, OH. .

Lee, R. J. (1985. ) Pregnancy outcomes of South East Asian refugee women: A descriptive study .Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Israel Research Congress, Jerusalem, Israel. .


Savage, C. L. Lee, R. J., Gillespie, G., Lindsell, C. J., & Corbin, A. (05-2007). Maintaining a partnership between a college of nursing and providers of care to the homeless . Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute, Kansas City, KS.

Savage, C. L., Lee, R. J., & Kelly, J. (09-2006). Substance use and access to health care in the homeless . International Nurses Society on Addictions International Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Savage, C. L., & Lee, R. J. (03-2006). After hours nurse clinic . College of Nursing Scholarship Roundtable/Capstone Celebrations with Master’s Students, Cincinnati, OH.

Lee, R.J., Lovell, M., & Sherlock, S (10-2003). The big picture: Free clinics within the context of healthy people 2010 . Fourth Annual Ohio Free Clinics Conference, The Ohio Association of Free Clinics, Columbus, OH.

Lee, R. J. (07-1992). Workshop for preparation of nursing educators for implementation of the community health nursing (CHN) curriculum . Aga Khan University School of Nursing, Karachi, Pakistan.


Miller, E., Lee, R. J., King, K., & Miller, R. (02-2007. ) Testing the FAST Stroke Educational Prevention Program .San Francisco, CA. .

Dempsey, A., Savage, C. L., Lee, R. J., & Corbin, A. (12-2005. ) ADHD in a population of homeless adult men .Philadelphia PA.

Lovell, M., & Lee, R. J. (12-2005. ) Leveraging philanthropy: A community health initiative .Chicago, IL.

Gillespie, G., Savage, C. L., Lee, R. J., & Corbin, A. (12-2005. ) The impact of dental health on homeless clients and a nurse run clinic .Philadelphia, PA.

Savage, C., Lee, R. J., Corbin, A., Gillespie, G., & Dempsey, A. (09-2005. ) Substance use among homeless clients attending a free nurse managed clinic .Minneapolis, MN.

Lee, R. J., Lovell, M., & Tillman, B. (10-2004. ) Workshop: The power of collaboration for change: Community & academic partnerships. Columbus, OH.

Lee, R. J. (1991. ) Educational preparation and academic outcomes of The Aga Khan University School of Nursing students 1983-1988 .San Francisco, CA.

Sogunro, G. O., & Lee, R. J. (1983. ) Traditional birth attendants: A Nigerian experience examined in the light of WHO's primary health care matrix format .Washington, DC.


Lee, R. J., Geminez, A., Rajwani, R., Lobo, C., Fazal, S., & Mulji, F. (11-1990. ) Educational preparation and outcomes of The Aga Khan University School of Nursing students: 1983-88 .Karachi, Pakistan.

Honors and Awards

05-2007 Excellence in Teaching Award South West Ohio Nurses Association

05-2006 Distinguished Alumnus Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing

01-2010 From the Council on Aging to The Clifton Senior Services Center Board for services.

06-13-2007 Excellence in Nursing Education Award, Cincinnati, OH South West Ohio Nurses Association

08-2003 Native Research Network, membership “Treasured Friend” The Native Research Network maintains a pro-active research network of Indigenous People of the Americas, such as American Indian, Alaska Native, Kanaka Maoli, and Canadian Aboriginal peoples.

1991 Research grant awarded by Union Texas Oil of Pakistan and the Aga Khan University

1983 H. M. Wallace Fellowship for graduate research University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health

1982 -1983 NIMH Public Health Traineeship

1972 -1974 NIMH Public Health Traineeship


Center of Excellence in Metabolic Diseases (Curriculum, Outreach, and Policy committee ) Committee Member 2010

BSN Curriculum Talk Force 2009

Clifton Senior Services Board President 2008 -2010

Clifton Senior Services Board Member 2004 -To Present

Clifton Town Meeting (Board of Trustees ) 2005 -2009

Clifton Town Meeting Member 2003 -To Present

Cincinnati Police Department, Cincinnati Citizens on Patrol,(CCOP) 2007 -To Present

Southwest Nurses Association (SONA) (Drop Inn Homeless Shelter Nurses Clinic ) 2003 -To Present

Martin Luther King Coalition 1997 -To Present

Chatfield College Community Health Worker Program (Collaborative Community Health Advocacy Team (CCHAT) ) 03-2004 -09-2007

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College (Community Health Worker Advisory Committee ) 2005 -To Present

College of Nursing BSN Competency Task Force Member 2002 -2003

(College of Nursing Faculty Forum ) Secretary 2003 -2004

(College of Nursing Affirmative Action Committee ) Committee Member 2003 -2004

Gambia Board: International Health Consortium with The Republic of the Gambia (University of Cincinnati, Xavier and Miami Universities ) Member 2001 -2006

Native Research Network Consultant 05-2010

Indian tribal Governments and Alaskan Native Villages Consultant 07-2009 -08-2009

Contractor for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 05-2008 -06-2008

Ohio Commission on Minority Health, Columbus, Ohio 07-2003

International Action Against Hunger (AICF/USA) Consultant 11-1997 -12-1997

Passamoquoddy Tribe of Eastern Maine Consultant 02-1994 -01-1995

Indian Health Service Consultant 04-1994

PVO Child Survival Support Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene & Public Health Consultant 05-1994

Union Texas Oil Company of Pakistan, Karachi, Sindh Province, Pakistan Consultant 1990 -1993

Post Graduate Training and Education

08-1987-10-1987 Spanish Language Study, La Universidad de Carabobo, , Valencia, Venezuela

1987Physical Assessment, 6 Graduate Credits, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, ,

1999Nursing Informatics, 3 Graduate Credits, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, ,

Professional Affiliation

2010 -2011: College of Nursing Council Faculty Affairs University of Cincinnati College of Nursing,

2008 -2010: College of Nursing Council Curriculum University of Cincinnati College of Nursing,

2006 -2007: College of Nursing Council Nursing Practice University of Cincinnati College of Nursing ,

2005 -2006: College of Nursing Council Student Affairs University of Cincinnati College of Nursing,

Member Association of Community Health Nurse Educators (ACHNE) ,

2003 -To Present: Member American Association of University Professors (AAUP),

2002 -2008: Member Board of Directors of the Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association (SONA),

2001 -To Present: Member SONA Human Rights Committee,

2003: SONA Delegate Ohio Nurses Association Biennial Meeting,

2005: SONA Delegate Ohio Nurses Association Biennial Meeting,

2007: SONA Delegate Ohio Nurses Association Biennial Meeting,

Member Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association, (SONA),

1978: Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing

Courses Taught

Emerging Health Issues for Populations and Communities Level:Graduate

Health Care and Nursing in the Gambia Workshop Level:Undergraduate

Transition to Professional Practice in the Community/ Accelerated Program Level:Graduate

Seminar: Community as Client/ Accelerated program Level:Graduate


29-NURS-501 PT EDUC HLTH ILLNSS Level:Undergraduate

29-NURS-469 RN-SENIOR CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate

29-NURS-466 RN-COM PARTNER PRAC Level:Undergraduate

RN Practicum II: Transition to Professional Practice in the Community Level:Undergraduate

RN Practicum I: Transition to Professional Practice in the Community Level:Undergraduate

RN Seminar I and II: Community as Client Level:Undergraduate

BSN Community as Partner

BSN Community as Partner Clinical Practicum Level:Undergraduate

29-NURS-406 PRAC IN COMMUNITY Level:Undergraduate

29-NURS-404 COMMUNITY AS CLIENT Level:Undergraduate

Transition to Professional Practice Level:Undergraduate

Nursing Assessment for Professional Practice

Continuum of Care in the Community (Ob, Peds, Mental Health) Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

11-06-2004 -11-10-2004 Public Health and the Environment American Public Health Association Annual Meeting Washington, D.C. Type:Continuing Education Program

10-11-2004 -10-12-2004 "Trends in the Future of Health Care”, “Exploring Public Policy Responses to the Uninsured”, Improving Access to Prenatal Care Through Community Collaboration”, “Improving Patient Care: The Importance of Building Relationships with Elected Officials” Fifth Annual Ohio Free Clinic Conference Type:Continuing Education Program

09-17-2004 Community Dimensions of Practice Skills Module Ohio Nurses Foundation Type:Continuing Education Program

05-10-2004 The Law and Legalities in Nursing SONA Type:Continuing Education Program

02-26-2004 Mistreatment in the Workplace: Current Research UC NIOSH/INR College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

02-18-2004 Overcoming Barriers to Health and Health Care: The Community Health Access Project (CHAP) Tri Health Parish Nurse Ministry, Center for International & Developmental Affairs,College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program

11-04-2005 -11-08-2005 Center for Learning – Global Health APHA 134th Annual Meeting Boston, MA Type:Continuing Education Program

10-07-2005 -10-09-2005 Cornelius Congress Conference: Environmental Health Issues Nursing, Your Seat at the Health Care Table, Posters, ONA and ONF Convention Perrysburg, OH Type:Continuing Education Program

10-03-2005 Evaluation of Online Courses UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

09-29-2005 Emerging Trends in Breast Cancer Xavier University Department of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

06-09-2005 Ethics at the End of Life SONA Type:Continuing Education Program

04-25-2005 Innovative Teaching Strategies: Finding Solutions that Work UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

01-31-2005 Nursing Rules and Laws SONA Type:Continuing Education Program

01-19-2005 Patient Satisfaction in the New Millennium Sigma Theta Tau Type:Continuing Education Program

11-04-2006 -11-08-2006 Center for Learning – Global Health APHA 134th Annual Meeting Boston, MA Type:Continuing Education Program

09-13-2006 Crossing Cultural Boundaries: An Experience with Healthcare in Mexico CHMC Type:Continuing Education Program

02-15-2006 Me? Lobbyist? UC College of Nursing, ONA Type:Continuing Education Program

01-30-2006 Leveling the Playing Field: The Beginning of a Discourse on Diversity in our Classrooms UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

10-20-2007 Links to Learning V, The Dawn of a New Era in Healthcare, The Truth About OTC Diagnostic Testing, Passport Health: First Class Medical Care for Travel Anywhere, The Basics of Wound Care Management, The Weak Patient Mullaney’s Pharmacy and Medical Inc. Type:Continuing Education Program

10-17-2007 Pharmacogenetics: NO Longer Just Research Sigma Theta Tau Type:Continuing Education Program

10-12-2007 -10-13-2007 The Magic P’s: Emerging Issues”, “Becoming a Magic Maker: Leadership, Communication, and Workplace Advocacy Magical Protocol: Delegate’s Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure, Posters, ONA/ONF Convention Columbus, Ohio Type:Continuing Education Program

09-12-2007 Critical Thinking and Test Writing Workshop UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

08-10-2007 -08-11-2007 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTEL)in Nursing Conference UC College of Nursing Cincinnati, OH Type:Continuing Education Program

07-11-2007 Nursing Laws and Rules in Ohio: An Overview ONF Type:Continuing Education Program

06-13-2007 The Power of One Voice: Actins for the Future Type:Continuing Education Program

05-14-2007 Partnering to Reduce Obesity with Environmental Changes INR UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

04-25-2007 Ethical Decision Making and Nursing Practice SONA University Hospital Type:Continuing Education Program

04-09-2007 Effects of Religiosity on Depression in College Age Students UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

02-28-2007 Health Policy, SONA, and You SONA UC Raymond Walters College Type:Continuing Education Program

01-22-2007 Evidence-based Stroke and TIA Prevention in Older Adults UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

09-20-2008 Ergogenesis and the Bodybilt Chair Genome Research Institute UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

09-13-2008 Continuing Education Symposium, Safety vs. Therapy: Proper Lifting, Transferring of Patients, Tips and Techniques in Caring for Bariatric Patients, The Many Faces of Arthritis, There’s No Place Like Home, The Impact of C-diff Infections on Morbidity and Mortality, Sleep Apnea: Sleep Disordered Breathing Mullaney’s Pharmacy and Medical Inc

09-12-2008 Nursing Education Model for the Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

06-10-2008 Navigating Ohio Nursing Law & Rules Healthcare Risk Aversion Group, LLC Type:Continuing Education Program

01-28-2008 Understanding & Implementing a Quality Improvement Process UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

11-07-2009 Equipping and Empowering Current and Future Global Health Practitioners Global Health Education Consortium, Great Lakes Regional Conference UC college of Medicine Type:Continuing Education Program

10-26-2009 Mixed Methods: Principles, Purpose and Practice UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

10-16-2009 Taking the Leading Role Cornelius Congress Conference : Leadership, Communication, and Workplace Advocacy, Poster Presentations: Taking the Lead: Promoting Professionalism in Nursing Through Certification, Relationship Based Care Journey, Building a Culture of Care Relationship, Facilitating Transformational Change Through the Role of a Safe Patient Handling Advocate, Creating Agency/Academic Partnership, ONA/ONF Convention Independence, Ohio Type:Continuing Education Program

10-10-2009 Continuing Education Symposium, Multifaceted approach to Venous Disease Management, The ABC’s of Incontinence : Assessment, Behavioral and Containment, The Hormone Harmony: Mechanisms of Balance vs. Imbalance, Oh My Aching Back!, Orthopaedic Overview of Joint replacements, Legalities in Nursing Documentation, Legal alphabet Soup: Employment Law for Nurses Mullaney’s Pharmacy and Medical Inc. Type:Continuing Education Program

06-10-2009 Nursing Organizations and Health Policy Issues Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association Type:Continuing Education Program

02-13-2009 Implementing the 2008 Baccalaureate Essentials UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

09-18-2010 Continuing Education Symposium, Geriatric Failure to Thrive, Brain Attack: Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease, Common Sleep Disorders and Therapeutic Interventions, Headaches and Migraines, Recovery and Rehabilitation After Stroke, Triumphs and Challenges of Family Caregiving Mullaney’s Pharmacy and Medical Inc. Type:Continuing Education Program

06-29-2010 Impact of Violence in the Community O’dell Owens, MD, MPH, Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association Type:Continuing Education Program

04-05-2010 The Presence and Absence of Cultural Diversity in the Nurse Education Curriculum UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

03-30-2010 Trends in Dementia Care Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association Type:Continuing Education Program

03-01-2010 Rubrics: Guide Your Students and Streamline Your Life UC College of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

02-01-2010 Kids These Days: Using Theory to Explain the Ever Evolving Student UC college of Nursing Type:Continuing Education Program

Other Information


  • Community Health: Tapping into her wide-ranging public health background, Professor Lee has developed clinical sites in diverse communities, created primary health care/ prevention programs, and coordinated partnerships among community leaders, university faculty, nurse clinicians, and health care practitioners.  As a result, she has designed health care placements that are holistic and community-based.
  • Multicultural Nursing: Drawing on extensive clinical experience in primary health care settings and knowledge of primary health care best practices, Prof. Lee has applied research-based knowledge to both clinical practice and teaching.  She applies a range of  research techniques and findings such as: a participatory approach to fieldwork and clinical practice, rapid assessment, epidemiological methods, environmental and occupational health assessment, and quantitative and qualitative methods of medical anthropology. 
  • Community Psychiatry: With an MSN in Psychiatric Nursing, Prof. Lee has applied community mental health to all clinical settings.  She has integrated her skills and expertise in mental health into her work with vulnerable populations, such as the homeless, the elderly and at-risk youth.

Contact Information

247 Procter Hall
Phone: 513-558-5643