Lisa C. Lemen , PhD
Research Scientist
Associate Professor
Vontz Center
COM Dean Research Core Facilities - 0521
Bachelor's Degree: Duke University Durham, North Carolina, 1984 (Physics & Economics)
Masters Degree: Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, 1988 (Physics)
Fellowship: McDonnell Summer Institute Dartmouth, VT, 1997 ( Cognitive Neuroscience )
Fellowship: University of Wisconsin Madison, WI, 1998
Doctoral Degree: University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Texas, 1998 (Radiological Studies)
Positions and Work Experience
2007 -To Present Director for Radiological Physics Course, Radiology , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2006 -To Present Associate Professor, Radiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2006 -To Present Diagnostic Physicist, University Radiology Associates, Cincinnati, Ohio
07-2005 -10-2005 Director for Radiological Physics Course, Radiology, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
07-2003 -01-2006 Associate Professor, Radiology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
04-2003 -10-2005 MRI Physicist, Radiology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, New Orleans, LA
- Graduate Faculty , School of Medicine, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
07-2000 -To Present Affiliate Investigator, South Central MIRECC, Mental Health Service, Dept of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
06-1998 -01-2006 Chair, Division of Physics , (Director for Radiological Physics Course)Radiology, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
12-1997 -07-2003 Assistant Professor, Radiology, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
07-1996 -08-1996 Transient Physicist, Stanley Scott Cancer Center, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
08-1992 -01-2006 Radiological Physics Consultant, Precision Diagnostics/NMMR, San Antonio, TX
04-1992 -08-1992 Faculty Associate, Radiology, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, Texas
04-1992 -08-1992 Radiological Physics Coordinator, Radiology, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, Texas
01-1989 -04-1992 Radiological Physics Coordinator, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, Texas
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Physics, 8/84-12/85 & 1/87-5/88, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
01-1986 -01-1987 Assistant Lab Technician Physics Lab Center, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
05-1983 -08-1984 Research Assistant, High Energy group, Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC
Research Support
Grant: ##T42/OH008432-02 Investigators:Lemen Lisa PhD K. Cecil, PhD, K. Davis, PhD, S. Kotowski, MS 09-01-2006 -06-30-2007 NIOSH Pilot Research Project Training Program at the Univ. Cincinnati ERC A novel approach to understanding the link between low back pain and brain response Role:PI $9,000
Investigators:Lemen Lisa PhD A. Foundas 09-2003 -09-2006 Limb Apraxia: Neural mechanisms in left and right hemispheric stroke Role:Co-PI $337,900
Investigators:Lemen, Lisa PhD D. Lindquist, PhD, Co-Investigators: J. Vasterling, PhD, A. Foundas, MD 01-01-2002 -01-01-2004 Dept. of Veterans Affairs, South Central MIRECC, Pilot Grant Program Study of in-vivo H-1 MR Spectroscopy Metabolic Patterns in Depression and PTSD Role:PI
Investigators:PI: J. Vasterling, Ph.D.; Co-PI: A. Foundas, M.D. Co-I: L. Lemen, Ph.D., J. I. Constans Ph.D., K. Brailey, Ph.D.; K. Kotrla, M.D 09-15-2001 -09-14-2003 Cognitive Biases in Comorbid Depression and PTSD: An fMRI Study Role:Co-PI $ 95,065
Investigators:R. Komorowski VA Little Rock. Co-P.I. (VA New Orleans, LA): A. Foundas, Co-Investigators: J. Vasterling, L. Lemen. 04-01-2001 -03-30-2001 Multi-site Comparison of in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy of Control Subjects Role:Co-PI
Grant: #NIH 5M01 RR05096 Investigators:Lemen Lisa PhD A Foundas, MD 01-01-2001 -12-31-2006 Tulane-Charity-LSU General Clinical Research Center, Medical Center of Louisiana, New Orleans, Pilot fMRI studies Role:Co-PI
Investigators:Lemen Lisa PhD J. Dien, PhD, A. Foundas, MD, P Nunez, PhD 06-1999 -06-30-2001 Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund Enhancement Grant Establishing a Leading Edge Position for Louisiana Neuroimaging $96,043 Type:Contract
Investigators:Lemen, Lisa PhD 12-1997 -12-1998 Research Imaging Center, UTHSCSA An in-vivo study of neurophysiological responses to prolonged visual stimulation Role:PI
Investigators:Lemen Lisa PhD D. Hurst 1991 -1992 Siemens Multi-Center Clinical Trials Proton MR Spectroscopy; Epilepsy study group”, coordinated by G Jackson, MD, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London Award: imaging costs, software and travel (20 MRS studies)
Investigators:L Lemen R Rojas. PI. FH Siddiqui 03-2004 -03-2005 Internal funding, Radiology and Occupational Therapy, LSUHSC. Defining Cortical Reorganization with the use of Constraint Induced Motor Therapy-A Pilot Study
Investigators:A Zemtsov, MD; Investigators: J Reed, MD; L Dixon, MS. 04-1991 -04-1992 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) of Skin Neoplasms Role:Co-PI
Investigators:SK Daniels, PI 10-01-2005 -10-01-2008 Department of Veterans Affairs VA Career Award Program Neurological Predictors of Dysphagia Severity and Recovery in Stroke Role:Consultant
Investigators:S K Daniels, PI 07-01-2003 -06-30-2006 Department of Veterans Affairs Neurological Predictors of Dysphagia Severity and Recovery in Stroke Role:Consultant
Investigators:P.I. C. Clayton Advisor A. Foundas, MD 12-01-2000 -11-30-2002 Human Hand Preferences: Structural/Functional MRI Studies Role:Consultant
Investigators:site PI. L. Anthony, sub-investigator, L.Lemen, J.Nelson Coulter Pharmaceuticals Expanded Access Study of Iodine-131 Anti-B1 Antibody for Relapsed/Refractory Low-grade and Transformed Low-grade Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Completed
Investigators:Site P.I. L. Anthony, sub-investigators, L.Lemen, J.Nelson Mallinkrodt Pharmaceuticals Completed
Investigators:PI: K. Sakauye, MRI sub-study PI: L. Lemen Sanofi-Synthelabo A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 18 month study of the efficacy of Xaliproden in patients with mild to moderate dementia of the Alzheimer’s type Completed
Investigators:PI: J Rao, sub-investigator: L Lemen, C Mena GE Healthcare An open-label, phase III study to assess the safety and efficacy of Technetium (99mTc) NC100697 injection in diagnosing Parkinsonian syndrome Completed
Published Abstracts
A Zemtsov, L Dixon, J Reed. (1992. ) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Skin Tumors .[Abstract]J. Mag. Res. Imag, 2(P) ,
A Zemtsov, L Dixon, G Cameron 31P MRS of psoriasis and skin tumors: correlation with chromatographic data .[Abstract]J Mag Res Imag, Vol 4(P). ,
Peer Reviewed Publications
J Dien, MS Franklin, CA Michelson, LC Lemen, CL Adams, KA Kiehl (2008. ) fMRI Characterization of the Language Formulation Area. .Brain Research , , 1229 ,179-192
MJ Gelfand, LC Lemen (2007. ) PET/CT and SPECT/CT Dosimetry in Children: "The Challenge to the Pediatric Imager . Semin Nucl Med , , 37 ,391-398.
TA Knaus, AM Bollich, DM Corey, LC Lemen, AL Foundas (2007. ) Anatomical asymmetries of anterior perisylvian speech-language regions .Cortex, , 43 ,499-510
JN Zadina, DM Corey, RM Casbergue, LC Lemen, JC Rouse, TA Knaus, AL Foundas (2006. ) Lobar asymmetries in subtypes of dyslexic and control subjects .J Child Neurol., , 21 (11 ) ,922-31
TA Knaus, AM Bollich, DM Corey, LC Lemen, AL Foundas (2006. ) Variability in perisylvian brain anatomy in healthy adults .Brain Lang., , 97 (2 ) ,219-32
LC Lemen (2004. ) A Discussion of Radiation in Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies .Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders , , 13 (3 ) ,5-13
AL Foundas, AM Bollich, DM Corey, M Hurley, LC Lemen, KM Heilman (2004. ) Aberrant auditory processing and atypical planum temporale in developmental stuttering .Neurology. , , 63 (9 ) ,1640-6
TA Knaus, AM Bollich, DM Corey, LC Lemen, AL Foundas (2004. ) Sex-linked differences in the anatomy of the perisylvian language cortex: a volumetric MRI study of gray matter volumes .Neuropsychology, , 18 (4 ) ,738-47
RA Komoroski, KJ Kotrla, L Lemen, D Lindquist, P Diaz (2004. ) Brain Metabolite Concentration Ratios In Vivo: Multisite Reproducibility by Single-Voxel 1H MR Spectroscopy .Magnetic Resonance Imaging , , 22 (5 ) ,721-725
WT Phillips, L Lemen, B Goins, AS Rudolph, R Klipper, D Fresne, PA Jerabek, ME Emch CC Martin, PT Fox, CA McMahan (1997. ) The use of 15O-O2 to measure oxygen carrying capacity of blood substitutes in-vivo .Am J Physiology , , 272 (S ) ,H2492-H2499
J-H Gao, L Lemen, J Xiong, B Patyal, PT Fox (1997. ) Magnetization and diffusion effects in NMR imaging with hyperpolarized substances .Mag Res Med , , 1 ,153-158.
A Zemtsov, L Dixon (1995. ) Monitoring wound healing of venous stasis ulcers by in-vivo 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy .Skin Research and Technology , , 1 ,36-40.
A Zemtsov, L Dixon, G Cameron (1994. ) Human in-vivo phosphorous-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy of psoriasis: A non-invasive tool to monitor response to treatment and to study pathophysiology of the disease .J American Academy of Dermatology , , 30 ,959-965
A Zemtsov, L Dixon, J Reed (1992. ) Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation helps to delineate a recurrent skin cancer present under the skin flap .J Dermatol Surg Oncol , , 18 ,508-511
A Zemtsov, W Koss, L Dixon, S Tyring, P Rady (1992. ) Anal verrucous carcinoma associated with HPV II: MRI and DNA flow cytometry evaluation .Letter, Arch Derm , , 128 ,
HH Chen, M Lamba, C Alsip, L Lemen Organ and effective dose in the pediatric patient in 64-slice computed tomography .
JC Rouse, G Manguno-Mire, JJ Vasterling, F Sautter, K Brailey, L Jordan, E Jensen, DM Corey, L Lemen, AL Foundas Prefrontal cortex and combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a multi-region structural analysis. .
Qi, Zhihua; Lemen, Lisa C; Lamba, Michael; Chen, Hua-Hsuan; Samaratunga, Ranasinghage; Mahoney, Mary; Hendrick, R Edward (2016. ) Radiation Dose to the Breast by 64-slice CT: Effects of Scanner Model and Study Protocol.Academic radiology, , 23 (8 ) ,987-93 More Information
Gelfand, Michael J; Lemen, Lisa C (2007. ) PET/CT and SPECT/CT dosimetry in children: the challenge to the pediatric imager.Seminars in nuclear medicine, , 37 (5 ) ,391-8 More Information
Invited Presentations
S. Kotowski, L. Lemen, K. Cecil, K. Davis (2006. ) A novel approach to understanding the link between low back pain and brain response .NIOSH Pilot Research Project Training Program Symposium, , Univ. Cincinnati .
L. Lemen, A. Jensen, C. Cusick, B. Davis, K Ramsdell, K. Landry, R.Rojas, M. Serou, F Siddiqui (03-2005. ) Pilot fMRI study of motor cortical reorganization after constraint-induced motor therapy: preliminary results .Oral presentation, LSUHSC Radiology Research Day,
J Dien, MS Franklin, LC Lemen (10-2004. ) Combined ERP and fMRI examination of lateralized processing of semantic expectancy and meaningfulness .Behavioral Psychology Symposium ,
J. Rouse, J. Vasterling, F. Sautter, D. Corey, L Lemen, G. Manguno-Mire, E. Jensen, L. Jordan,A. Foundas (03-2004. ) Reduced Prefrontal Cortex Volume in Combat Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .Poster, Tulane Research Day ,
L.Lemen, R.Reger (02-2004. ) PET Mouse Tales .Presented at Southwest Chapter AAPM, South Padre Island, TX.
L. Lemen, M. Serou, R. Rojas, B. Fisch (02-2004. ) Integrated EEG and ERP Recordings Inside the MRI Works in Progress oral presentation .LSUHSC Radiology Research Day ,
J. Zadina, L. Lemen, A. Foundas (2004. ) Heterogeneity of Dyslexia Subtypes: Behavioral Heterogeneity of Dyslexia Subtypes: Behavioral and Anatomical Differences in Dyslexia .Presented at AERA ,
CC Baucom, CG Cusick, LC Lemen, and AL Foundas (2004. ) Handedness Predicts Functional Activation in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex: An fMRI Study .Society for Neuroscience ,
K.E. McCarthy, A. Powers, L. Lemen, J. Nelson M. Cronin, G. Espenan, E.A. Woltering L.B. Anthony (03-2002. ) Dosimetry of Indium-111 pentetreotide predicts responses to high dose radiotherapy with somatostatin analogs in patients with gastropancreatic tumors . Presented at the Southwestern Chapter Society of Nuclear Medicine, 47th Annual Meeting, Galveston, TX.
J Nelson, L Lemen, KE McCarthy (03-2002. ) A simplified method for whole body elimination measurements for iodine I131 Tositumomab (Bexxar) treatment in lymphoma .Presented at the Southwestern Chapter Society of Nuclear Medicine, 47th Annual Meeting, Galveston, TX.
R.A. Komoroski, K. Kotrla, A. Foundas, D Lindquist, P. Diaz, L. Lemen (2002. ) Multisite reproducibility of metabolite ratios in vivo by single-voxel 1H MR Spectroscopy .ISMRM (Hawaii) ,
KJ Kotrla, CC Baucom, J Langdoc, P Diaz, DM Corey, LD Lemen, P Van Gelderen, CG Cusick, AL Foundas (11-2001. ) A structural and functional MRI study of the motor system in schizophrenia .Society for Neuroscience, 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA .
LC Lemen, MG Woldorff, M Seabolt, J-H Gao, PT Fox (05-1997. ) Neuronal stability in prolonged visual stimulation .Presented at the Third International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain , Copenhagen, Denmark .
B Goins, WT Phillips, L Lemen, R Klipper, CC Martin, AS Rudolph, PA Jerabek, PT Fox. (03-1996. ) Use of oxygen-15 labeled molecular oxygen to study lung uptake and tissue delivery of liposome Use of oxygen-15 labeled molecular oxygen to study lung uptake and tissue delivery of liposome Use of oxygen-15 labeled molecular oxygen to study lung uptake and tissue delivery of liposome encapsulated hemoglobin .Presented at Current Issues in Blood Substitute Research and Development , San Diego, CA .
L Lemen, WT Phillips, R Klipper, AS Rudolph, R Cliff, MD Emch, PA Jerabek, CC Martin, PT Fox and B Goins (03-1995. ) Using O-15 to study oxygen carrying capacities in hemoglobin-based blood substitutes .Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Chapter Society of Nuclear Medicine, San Antonio, Texas.
LC Dixon (04-1994. ) Artifacts in Nuclear Medicine .Presented at the Southwest Section of the Health Physics Society meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
WT Phillips, L Dixon, R Klipper, AS Rudolph, R Cliff, ME Emch, PA Jerabek, CC Martin PT Fox and B Goins (1994. ) Use of cyclotron produced oxygen-15 to study oxygen carrying capacity of liposome encapsulated hemoglobin .Presented at ISABI ,
LC Dixon and A Zemtsov (1993. ) Monitoring venous leg ulcer healing with P-31 MR Spectroscopy .Presented at the International Society of Digital Imaging of the Skin Annual Meeting , Washington DC.
G Jackson, R Achten, P Vainio, D Hurst, M Allard, L Lemen, A Connelly and R Sauter (1993. ) Single volume proton MR Spectroscopy in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy – a multicenter pilot study .Poster: American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting , Miami, Florida.
LC Dixon and JA McIntyre (03-1988. ) Tomograph characteristics required to obtain images with optimum spatial resolution in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) .Presented at the Texas Section of the American Physical Society meeting, Austin, Texas.
DL Hurst, L Lemen, H Maldonado Tilted coronal magnetic resonance imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy .Poster: American Epilepsy Society 1993 Annual Meeting , Miami, Florida.
G Jackson, R Achten, P Vainio, D Hurst, M Allard, L Lemen, A Connelly and R Sauter Single volume proton MR Spectroscopy in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy – a multicenter pilot study .Proceedings of the SMRM, Vol 3: 1567. Poster: SMRM 1993 ,
Poster Presentations
HH Chen, M Lamba, C Alsip, L Lemen (07-2008. ) Organ and effective dose in the pediatric patient in 64-slice computed tomography .
L Lemen, M Lamba, HH Chen, R Samaratunga, MMahoney (07-2008. ) Radiation Dose to the Female Breast in 64-slice Computed Tomography .
JD Cohen, J Rouse, JR. Mock, L Lemen, AL Foundas (10-2006. ) Insular cortex: MRI morphometry in humans.” .Society for Neuroscience ,
JR Mock, JN Zadina, J Rouse, DM Corey, LC Lemen, AL Foundas (10-2006. ) Atypical cerebral laterality in children with developmental stuttering .
J Dien, MS Franklin, CA Michelson, LC Lemen, CL Adams, KA Kiehl (2006. ) ERP/fMRI Characterization of the Language Formulation Area: Implications for Dyslexia .
L. Lemen, A. Jensen, C. Cusick, B. Davis, K.Ramsdell, K. Landry, R. Rojas, M. Serou, F. Siddiqui (06-2005. ) Pilot fMRI study of motor cortical reorganization after constraint-induced motor therapy .
M McClain et al (01-2005. ) Limb apraxia in acute stroke .
L. Lemen (07-2004. ) Phantom Comparison of Standard Clinical Spectroscopy Packages .Moderated Posters, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Pittsburgh. .
L. Lemen, C Augustine, R Rojas, D Lindquist, J Vasterling, A Foundas (03-2004. ) Study of in-vivo H-1 MR Spectroscopy Metabolic Patterns in Depression and PTSD .(Little Rock). .
J Dien, MS Franklin, L Lemen (2004. ) Combined ERP and fMRI examination of lateralized processing of semantic expectancy and meaningfulness .
P DeGeorge, SK Daniels, .. L Lemen, AL Foundas (2004. ) MRI in Stroke .Poster, 57th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology,
J.N. Zadina, T.A. Knaus, D.M.Corey, R.M. Casbergue, L.C. Lemen, A.L. Foundas (2004. ) A cognitive-anatomic study of dyslexia subtypes .
T.A. Knaus, D.M. Corey, A.M. Bollich, L.C. Lemen, A.L. Foundas (2003. ) Sex Differences in Auditory Temporal Cortex .
A.L. Foundas, D.M. Corey; A.M. Bollich; T.A. Knaus; C.C. Baucom; L.C. Lemen (2003. ) Developmental stuttering: anatomical and behavioral measures predict group .
TA Knaus, VR Angeles, DM Corey, KJ Kotrla, LC Lemen, AL Foundas (2002. ) Lobar Asymmetries in Schizophrenia .Poster, Society for Neuroscience,
CC Baucom, DM Corey, CG Cusick, LC Lemen, AL Foundas (2002. ) Sex-linked Differences Asymmetries of primary sensorimotor regions in humans .Poster, Soc. Neuroscience,
CC Baucom, DM Corey, LC Lemen, and AL Foundas (2001. ) The motor knob landmark: Omega or Epsilon ?” .Poster, Society for Neuroscience, 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. .
DM Corey, AM Bollich, V Angeles, KJ Kotrla, J Langdoc, LC Lemen, P Diaz, and AL Foundas (2001. ) Neuroanatomy in schizophrenia: Sylvian fissure and prefrontal cortex .Poster,Society for Neuroscience, 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. .
TA Knaus, DM Corey, AM Bollich, LC Lemen, and AL Foundas (2001. ) Sex differences in posterior cortical areas .Poster, Society for Neuroscience, 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. .
CC Baucom, C Cusick, L Lemen and AL Foundas (02-2000. ) Human Hand Preferences: Structural / Functional MRI Studies .Poster, LSUHSC Neuroscience Research Day,
LC Lemen, PT Fox, MG Woldorff, S McGinnis, PA Jerabek, J-H Gao (06-1998. ) Sustained visual stimulation: neuronal and hemodynamic responses .Poster: Fourth International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Montreal, Canada. .
J-H Gao, L Lemen, J Xiong, B Patyal, PT Fox (1996. ) Magnetization effects in blood flow NMR imaging of hyperpolarized noble gases .
L Lemen, B Goins, R Klipper, AS Rudolph, R Cliff, ME Emch, PA Jerabek, CC Martin, PT Fox and WT Phillips (06-1995. ) Application of oxygen-15-labeled oxygen for assessment of hemoglobin-based blood substitutes .Poster: SNM 42nd Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. .
(2008. ) Clinical Medical Physics – Using the EM Spectrum in Medicine .
(2007. ) Hands-on MRI Course .Houston, TX .
(2006. ) Optimizing MR Imaging Procedures: The Physicist as a Consultant .
(2006. ) Take-Home Points in PET-CT Acceptance Testing .
(2005. ) MR systems, fMRI and EEG/ERP in the MR - practical aspects” (including lab visit) .Dept. Psychology, Tulane Univ .
(2004. ) Overview of PET & fMRI as a Brain Imaging Technique .
(2004. ) MRI Physics, mini-course (3 lectures) .
(2002. ) Neurophysiological Responses to Prolonged Visual Stimulation .
(2002. ) MR Safety .Tulane Univ. HSC.
(2001. ) MR Safety .
(2001. ) Fundamentals of MR and fMRI .Tulane Univ .
(2000. ) fMRI for Fun and Research .Univ of New Orleans.
(2000. ) Intro to Functional NeuroImaging .
(1996. ) Radioactivity I”, UTHSCSA .
(1990. ) South Plains College computer class: “The computer in MRI: from signal to image .
(1990. ) Basic Physics of MRI or Why you see What you see .
Texas Tech MedNet: “Radiation Control & Protection .
Physics Review in Magnetic Resonance Imaging .
Use of phantoms for quality control and research (2007, 2008) .
MRI Physics, Radiological Physics Course .
Radiation Safety Aspects of I-131 Therapy .
Honors and Awards
1998 Summer School Scholar: Capintec Suzuki Award
1997 Fellow, McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience
1996 Scholarship, American Association of University Women, San Antonio Chapter
Best Student Presentation, Int. Soc. Digital Imaging of the Skin, 1993 Annual Meeting
1980 -1984 National Merit Finalist Scholarship
(Radiology Education Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service
(Radiology Research Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service
(Center for Imaging Research Scientific Advisory Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service
(QA sub-committee for CCHMC-Shriner's Radiation Safety Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service
(IRB protocols using radiation ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service 2007
(Rodent imaging task group ) Member Type:University/College Service
(CRE for CCHMC and Shriner's ) Type:Departmental Service 07-2007
Professional Affiliation
2009: Chair, American Association of Physicist in Medicine: MR Subcommittee
Society of Nuclear Medicine
Organization for Human Brain Mapping
Contact Information
Wherry Hall G11
Department of Radiology
Phone: (513)584-1584