Peter H Lenz , MD
Professor Educator
Fellowship Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Director, Hoxworth Medical Specialties
UC College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way, ML 0564
Medical Sciences Building
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-4831
Fax 513-558-4858
Email peter.lenz@uc.edu
Bachelor's Degree: The Ohio State University 1998 (Biology)
Medical Degree: Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 2003
Residency : Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center 2006 (Internal Medicine )
Chief Resident: Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center 2007 (Internal Medicine )
Fellowship : Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center 2010 (Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Critical Care Medicine) (Certification Date: 10-13-2010 ) - (Recertification Date: to 09-22-2020 )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 08-28-2006 ) - (Recertification Date: to 12-22-2016 )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Pulmonary Disease) (Certification Date: 10-26-2009 ) - (Recertification Date: to 09-01-2019 )
Clinical Interests
Critical Care Medicine
Lung Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Airway Disorders
Bronchial Disease
Chronic Cough
Legionnaires' Disease (Legionellosis)
Respiration Disorders
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Respiratory Tract Disease
Respiratory Tract Infections
Shortness of Breath
Thoracic Disease
Triad Asthma
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Critical Care Medicine
Internal Medicine
Positions and Work Experience
1997 -1999 Technical Lab Assistant, Department of Microbiology, Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OH
2000 -2001 Anatomy & Biochemistry Course Instructor for Prematriculation Program, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, OH
2000 -2001 Tutor for Year I Medical Students in Biochemistry, Immunology and Anatomy, Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, OH
2003 -2006 Resident Physician in Training, Department of Internal Medicine, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC
2006 - Hospitalist - Clinical Instructor/General Medicine Inpatient Ward Attending, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC
2006 -2008 Monitoring Physician, Excel Imaging & MRI Center, Winston-Salem, NC
2006 -2007 Clinical Instructor & Chief Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC
2007 -2010 Fellow in Training, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC
2010 -To Present Assistant Professor and Associate Fellowship Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Investigators:E Warm, M Rashkin, FX McCormack, PH Lenz 2010 Office of Medical Education at the University of Cincinnati Using an Online Rich Media Self Directed Learning Module & Pocket Reference Card to Improve Resident Knowledge and Confidence in the Medical ICU
Grant: #CHF-GA Investigators:Lenz, Peter 10-01-2012 -09-30-2013 Cardinal Health Foundation The UC Health Asthma and COPD Nurse Coordinator Project: Increasing Healthcare Access and Medication Education for Obstructive Lung Disease Patients Role:PI $29,750.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Epstein, Tolly G; Kesavalu, Banurekha; Bernstein, Cheryl K; Ryan, Patrick H; Bernstein, Jonathan A; Zimmermann, Nives; Lummus, Zana; Villareal, Manuel S; Smith, Andrew M; Lenz, Peter H; Bernstein, David I (2013. ) Chronic traffic pollution exposure is associated with eosinophilic, but not neutrophilic inflammation in older adult asthmatics.The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma, , 50 (9 ) ,983-9 More Information
Sharp, Michelle; Burkart, Kristin M; Adelman, Mark H; Ashton, Rendell W; Biddison, Lee Daugherty; Bosslet, Gabriel T; Doyle, Stephen T; Eckmann, Thomas; Khurram S Khan, Malik M; Lenz, Peter H; McCallister, Jennifer W; O'Toole, Jacqueline; Rand, Cynthia S; Riekert, Kristin A; Soffler, Morgan I; Winter, Gretchen R; Zaeh, Sandra; Eakin, Michelle N (2020. ) "A National Survey of Burnout and Depression Among Fellows Training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine: A Special Report by the APCCMPD.Chest, , More Information
Oberle, Amber J; Kumar, Sunita; Nelson, Michael; Kraft, Monica; Lenz, Peter H (2019. ) Searching for the First Job: A Practical Guide for Fellows-in-Training.Chest, , 155 (1 ) ,25-32 More Information
Ashton, Rendell W; Burkart, Kristin M; Lenz, Peter H; Kumar, Sunita; McCallister, Jennifer W (2018. ) Response.Chest, , 154 (4 ) ,990-991 More Information
Ashton, Rendell W; Burkart, Kristin M; Lenz, Peter H; Kumar, Sunita; McCallister, Jennifer W (2018. ) Response.Chest, , 153 (4 ) ,1082-1083 More Information
Ashton, Rendell W; Burkart, Kristin M; Lenz, Peter H; Kumar, Sunita; McCallister, Jennifer W (2018. ) Strategies for Success in Fellowship.Chest, , 153 (1 ) ,233-237 More Information
Richards, Jeremy B; McCallister, Jennifer W; Lenz, Peter H (2016. ) Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors' Attitudes toward Training in Medical Education. A Nationwide Survey Study.Annals of the American Thoracic Society, , 13 (4 ) ,475-80 More Information
Kannan, Jennifer A; Bernstein, David I; Bernstein, Cheryl K; Ryan, Patrick H; Bernstein, Jonathan A; Villareal, Manuel S; Smith, Andrew M; Lenz, Peter H; Epstein, Tolly G (2015. ) Significant predictors of poor quality of life in older asthmatics.Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, , 115 (3 ) ,198-204 More Information
Lenz, Peter H; McCallister, Jennifer W; Luks, Andrew M; Le, Tao T; Fessler, Henry E (2015. ) Practical strategies for effective lectures.Annals of the American Thoracic Society, , 12 (4 ) ,561-6 More Information
Doyle, Stephen; Sharp, Michelle; Winter, Gretchen; Khan, Malik M Khurram S; Holden, Rhiannon; Djondo, Daniel; Bosslet, Gabriel; Lenz, Peter (2021. ) Twelve tips for teaching in the ICU.Medical teacher, , 1-10 More Information
O'Toole, Jacqueline; Zaeh, Sandra; Eakin, Michelle N; Adelman, Mark H; Ashton, Rendell W; Biddison, Lee Daugherty; Bosslet, Gabriel T; Burkart, Kristin M; Doyle, Stephen T; Khan, Malik M Khurram S; Lenz, Peter H; McCallister, Jennifer W; Rand, Cynthia S; Riekert, Kristin A; Soffler, Morgan I; Winter, Gretchen R; Sharp, Michelle (2021. ) Balancing Demands: Determinants of Burnout Reported by Fellows in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.ATS scholar, , 2 (1 ) ,108-123 More Information
Bosslet, Gabriel T; Carmona, Hugo; Burkart, Kristin M; McCallister, Jennifer; Reitzner, Joyce; Kreider, Maryl; Lenz, Peter H (2020. ) Virtually Hosting a National Medical Society Conference. Lessons Learned from the 2020 Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors Conference.ATS scholar, , 1 (3 ) ,307-315 More Information
Honors and Awards
2003 Outstanding Fourth Year Medical Student in Internal Medicine Award
2003 Alpha Omega Alpha Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
2004 -2007 Medical Student Teaching Recognition Received 4 letters from the Internal Medicine Chair that detailed medical student recognition of teaching efforts as resident and instructor
2004 Elected to Chief Resident position for 2006-2007 post
2006 Volk Family Scholar Received monetary scholarship to attend program on Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine held at Duke University
2009 2nd Place, Fellows Clinical Research Poster Wake Forest Medical Research Fair - Won for poster on Pleural Fluid pH findings
2010 Friends of Students Award Awarded by Wake Forest University School of Medicine Class of 2012 to recognize those whose actions have significantly contributed to the medical student experience and overall learning environment at WFUSOM
pulmonary diseases, lung disease, critical care medicine, asthma, COPD
Contact Information
Academic - UC College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way, ML 0564
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-4831
Fax: 513-558-4858
Practice - UC Health Physicians Office-Clifton
222 Piedmont Ave, Suite 4000
Ohio, 45219
Phone: 513-475-8523