Olga Liaudanskaya

Olga Liaudanskaya

Asst Professor

Biosciences Center
3159 Eden Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone 5135567758
Email liaudava@ucmail.uc.edu

Professional Summary

Olga Liaudanskaya is an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Liaudanskaya completed her undergraduate degree in Genetics from the Belarusian State University. She earned her Master of Science degree in Applied Biology from the National Academy of Sciences in Belarus. At last, she received her doctoral degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Trento in Italy. Following her doctoral work, she completed postdoctoral training at Tufts University in collaboration with the Massachusetts General Hospital and Uniformed Services University she developed a complex human 3D in vitro brain injury model and described the contribution of dysfunctional mitochondria to injury-induced neurodegeneration progression. In collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania (neurosurgery department), she developed brain transplants for large-size brain injuries and described the detrimental effect of neuroinflammation on transplant survival. 


Ph.D: University of Trento Italy, 2015 (Materials Science and Engineering)

MS.c: National Academy of Sciences Belarus, 2011 (Applied biology )

B.S: Belarusian State University Belarus, 2010 (Genetics)

Research and Practice Interests

The Liaudanskaya group is focused on developing a fundamental understanding of the molecular machinery of neurodegeneration incited after traumatic brain injury. The interdisciplinary research includes a systematic investigation of the effect different brain cell types, neuroinflammation, and genetics have on neurodegeneration progression, utilizing tools from bioengineering, imaging, bioinformatics, cellular and molecular biology, and genetics.

Positions and Work Experience

10-01-2015 -08-12-2022 Postdoctoral scholar, Tufts University , Boston

Research Support

Investigators:Liaudanskaya, Volha -11-30-2024 National Institute on Aging The cell-specific neurodegenerative potential of mitochondria Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #1R21AG085052-01A1 Investigators:Liaudanskaya, Olga 07-01-2024 -06-30-2027 National Institute on Aging The cell-specific neurodegenerative potential of mitochondria post-traumatic brain injury Role:PI 636514.00 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #1089923-6444-67696 / HU0001-24-2-0075 Investigators:Liaudanskaya, Olga 08-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Epigenetic regulation of neurodegenerative processes after repetitive traumatic brain injury Role:PI 417418.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #1098604-6556-67766 / HU0001-24-2-0102 Investigators:Liaudanskaya, Olga; Breiter, Hans 01-01-2025 -08-31-2027 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Molecular mechanisms of blast and blunt injury in a novel 3D bioengineered brain-like tissue Role:PI 1243280.00 Active Type:Grant


Peer Reviewed Publications

Dingle, Yu-Ting L; Bonzanni, Mattia; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Nieland, Thomas J F; Kaplan, David L (2021. ) Integrated functional neuronal network analysis of 3D silk-collagen scaffold-based mouse cortical culture.STAR protocols, , 2 (1 ) ,100292 More Information

Dingle, Yu-Ting L; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Finnegan, Liam T; Berlind, Kyler C; Mizzoni, Craig; Georgakoudi, Irene; Nieland, Thomas J F; Kaplan, David L (2020. ) Functional Characterization of Three-Dimensional Cortical Cultures for In Vitro Modeling of Brain Networks.iScience, , 23 (8 ) ,101434 More Information

Liaudanskaya, Volha; Chung, Joon Yong; Mizzoni, Craig; Rouleau, Nicolas; Berk, Alexander N; Wu, Limin; Turner, Julia A; Georgakoudi, Irene; Whalen, Michael J; Nieland, Thomas J F; Kaplan, David L (2020. ) Modeling Controlled Cortical Impact Injury in 3D Brain-Like Tissue Cultures.Advanced healthcare materials, , 9 (12 ) ,e2000122 More Information

Rouleau, Nicolas; Cantley, William L; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Berk, Alexander; Du, Chuang; Rusk, William; Peirent, Emily; Koester, Cole; Nieland, Thomas J F; Kaplan, David L (2020. ) A Long-Living Bioengineered Neural Tissue Platform to Study Neurodegeneration.Macromolecular bioscience, , 20 (3 ) ,e2000004 More Information

Liaudanskaya, Volha; Jgamadze, Dennis; Berk, Alexander N; Bischoff, David J; Gu, Ben J; Hawks-Mayer, Hannah; Whalen, Michael J; Chen, H Isaac; Kaplan, David L (2019. ) Engineering advanced neural tissue constructs to mitigate acute cerebral inflammation after brain transplantation in rats.Biomaterials, , 192 ,510-522 More Information

Liaudanskaya, Volha; Migliaresi, Claudio; Motta, Antonella (2018. ) Homeostasis maintenance of encapsulated cells.Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, , 12 (3 ) ,830-839 More Information

Le, Thi Duy Hanh; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Bonani, Walter; Migliaresi, Claudio; Motta, Antonella (2018. ) Enhancing bioactive properties of silk fibroin with diatom particles for bone tissue engineering applications.Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, , 12 (1 ) ,89-97 More Information

Stuntz, Emily; Gong, Yusi; Sood, Disha; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Pouli, Dimitra; Quinn, Kyle P; Alonzo, Carlo; Liu, Zhiyi; Kaplan, David L; Georgakoudi, Irene (2017. ) Endogenous Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence Imaging Characterizes Neuron and Astrocyte Metabolic Responses to Manganese Toxicity.Scientific reports, , 7 (1 ) ,1041 More Information

Namkoong, Bumjin; Güven, Sinan; Ramesan, Shwathy; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Abzhanov, Arhat; Demirci, Utkan (2016. ) Recapitulating cranial osteogenesis with neural crest cells in 3-D microenvironments.Acta biomaterialia, , 31 ,301-311 More Information

Tasoglu, Savas; Yu, Chu Hsiang; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Guven, Sinan; Migliaresi, Claudio; Demirci, Utkan (2015. ) Magnetic Levitational Assembly for Living Material Fabrication.Advanced healthcare materials, , 4 (10 ) ,1469-76, 1422 More Information

Liaudanskaya, Volha; Gasperini, Luca; Maniglio, Devid; Motta, Antonella; Migliaresi, Claudio (2015. ) Assessing the impact of electrohydrodynamic jetting on encapsulated cell viability, proliferation, and ability to self-assemble in three-dimensional structures.Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods, , 21 (6 ) ,631-8 More Information

Liaudanskaya, Volha; Fiore, Nicholas J; Zhang, Yang; Milton, Yuka; Kelly, Marilyn F; Coe, Marly; Barreiro, Ariana; Rose, Victoria K; Shapiro, Matthew R; Mullis, Adam S; Shevzov-Zebrun, Anna; Blurton-Jones, Mathew; Whalen, Michael J; Symes, Aviva J; Georgakoudi, Irene; Nieland, Thomas J F; Kaplan, David L (2023. ) Mitochondria dysregulation contributes to secondary neurodegeneration progression post-contusion injury in human 3D in vitro triculture brain tissue model.Cell death & disease, , 14 (8 ) ,496 More Information

Snapper, Dustin M; Reginauld, Bianca; Liaudanskaya, Volha; Fitzpatrick, Vincent; Kim, Yeonho; Georgakoudi, Irene; Kaplan, David L; Symes, Aviva J (2023. ) Development of a novel bioengineered 3D brain-like tissue for studying primary blast-induced traumatic brain injury.Journal of neuroscience research, , 101 (1 ) ,3-19 More Information

Contact Information

Academic - Biosciences Center
3159 Eden Ave
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45219
Phone: 5135567758