Jason Long , PhD
Professor of Clinical-Affiliate
Childrens Hospital Bldg R
COM Orthopaedic Surgery - 0212
Professional Summary
I have over twenty years’ experience in motion analysis and biomechanical modeling, focusing on the assessment of lower extremity kinematics and kinetics during ambulation. My previous research has dealt with perturbations in gait associated with lower limb disorders, with a focus on cerebral palsy and foot/ankle pathology. I employ 3D kinematic assessment and inverse dynamics modeling to quantify biomechanical changes in gait for patients undergoing conservative or surgical intervention.
BS: Marquette University Milwaukee, WI, 1999 (Biomedical Engineering)
MS: Marquette University Milwaukee, WI, 2000 (Biomedical Engineering (Biomechanics))
PhD: Marquette University Milwaukee, WI, 2008 (Biomedical Engineering (Biomechanics))
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bailes, Amy F; Greve, Kelly; Long, Jason; Kurowski, Brad G; Vargus-Adams, Jilda; Aronow, Bruce; Mitelpunkt, Alexis (2021. ) Describing the Delivery of Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Intervention to Individuals With Cerebral Palsy.Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association, , 33 (2 ) ,65-72 More Information
Bazett-Jones, David M; Garcia, Micah C; Taylor-Haas, Jeffrey A; Long, Jason T; Rauh, Mitchell J; Paterno, Mark V; Ford, Kevin R (2020. ) Impact of COVID-19 Social Distancing Restrictions on Training Habits, Injury, and Care Seeking Behavior in Youth Long-Distance Runners.Frontiers in sports and active living, , 2 ,586141 More Information
Long, Jason T; Laron, Dominique; Garcia, Micah C; McCarthy, James J (2020. ) Screw Anterior Distal Femoral Hemiepiphysiodesis in Children With Cerebral Palsy and Knee Flexion Contractures: A Retrospective Case-control Study.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 40 (9 ) ,e873-e879 More Information
Long, Jason T; Cobb, Leah; Garcia, Micah C; McCarthy, James J (2020. ) Improved Clinical and Functional Outcomes in Crouch Gait Following Minimally Invasive Hamstring Lengthening and Serial Casting in Children With Cerebral Palsy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 40 (6 ) ,e510-e515 More Information
Garcia, Micah C; Taylor-Haas, Jeffery A; Ford, Kevin R; Long, Jason T (2020. ) Assessment of waveform similarity in youth long-distance runners.Gait & posture, , 77 ,105-111 More Information
Long, Jason T; Neogi, Smriti; Vidonish, William; Badylak, Julie; Reder, Rebecca D (2020. ) Therapy Workloads in Pediatric Health: Preliminary Findings and Relevance for Defining Practice.Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association, , 32 (1 ) ,52-59 More Information
McGuire, Michelle; Long, Jason; Esbensen, Anna J; Bailes, Amy F (2019. ) Adapted Dance Improves Motor Abilities and Participation in Children With Down Syndrome: A Pilot Study.Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association, , 31 (1 ) ,76-82 More Information
Long, Jason T; Neogi, Smriti; Caldwell, Cailee M; DeLange, Matthew P (2018. ) Variation inflation factor-based regression modeling of anthropometric measures and temporal-spatial performance: Modeling approach and implications for clinical utility.Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 51 ,51-57 More Information
Bailes, Amy F; Caldwell, Cailee; Clay, Mike; Tremper, Melissa; Dunning, Kari; Long, Jason (2017. ) An exploratory study of gait and functional outcomes after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.Disability and rehabilitation, , 39 (22 ) ,2277-2285 More Information
Bailes, Amy F; Caldwell, Cailee; Clay, Mike; Tremper, Melissa; Dunning, Kari; Long, Jason (2017. ) Participation and community-based walking activity after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A pilot study1.Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine, , 10 (2 ) ,71-79 More Information
McHenry, Benjamin D; Exten, Emily; Long, Jason T; Harris, Gerald F (2016. ) Sagittal Fluoroscopy for the Assessment of Hindfoot Kinematics.Journal of biomechanical engineering, , 138 (3 ) ,4032445 More Information
McHenry, Benjamin D; Exten, Emily L; Long, Jason; Law, Brian; Marks, Richard M; Harris, Gerald (2015. ) Sagittal subtalar and talocrural joint assessment with weight-bearing fluoroscopy during barefoot ambulation.Foot & ankle international, , 36 (4 ) ,430-5 More Information
Valles, Karla D Bustamante; Udoekwere, Ubong I; Long, Jason T; Schneider, Jennifer M; Riedel, Susan A; Harris, Gerald F (2014. ) A bidirectional model of postural sway using force plate data.Critical reviews in biomedical engineering, , 42 (6 ) ,451-66 More Information
Canseco, Karl; Long, Jason; Smedberg, Thomas; Tarima, Sergey; Marks, Richard M; Harris, Gerald F (2012. ) Multisegmental foot and ankle motion analysis after hallux valgus surgery.Foot & ankle international, , 33 (2 ) ,141-7 More Information
Marks, Richard M; Long, Jason T; Exten, Emily L (2010. ) Gait abnormality following amputation in diabetic patients.Foot and ankle clinics, , 15 (3 ) ,501-7 More Information
Graf, Adam; Hassani, Sahar; Krzak, Joseph; Long, Jason; Caudill, Angela; Flanagan, Ann; Eastwood, Daniel; Kuo, Ken N; Harris, Gerald; Smith, Peter (2010. ) Long-term outcome evaluation in young adults following clubfoot surgical release.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 30 (4 ) ,379-85 More Information
Canseco, Karl; Rankine, Leah; Long, Jason; Smedberg, Thomas; Marks, Richard M; Harris, Gerald F (2010. ) Motion of the multisegmental foot in hallux valgus.Foot & ankle international, , 31 (2 ) ,146-52 More Information
Long, Jason T; Eastwood, Daniel C; Graf, Adam R; Smith, Peter A; Harris, Gerald F (2010. ) Repeatability and sources of variability in multi-center assessment of segmental foot kinematics in normal adults.Gait & posture, , 31 (1 ) ,32-6 More Information
Marks, Richard M; Long, Jason T; Ness, Mary Ellen; Khazzam, Michael; Harris, Gerald F (2009. ) Surgical reconstruction of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: prospective comparison of flexor digitorum longus substitution combined with lateral column lengthening or medial displacement calcaneal osteotomy.Gait & posture, , 29 (1 ) ,17-22 More Information
Canseco, Karl; Long, Jason; Marks, Richard; Khazzam, Michael; Harris, Gerald (2009. ) Quantitative motion analysis in patients with hallux rigidus before and after cheilectomy.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 27 (1 ) ,128-34 More Information
Canseco, Karl; Long, Jason; Marks, Richard; Khazzam, Michael; Harris, Gerald (2008. ) Quantitative characterization of gait kinematics in patients with hallux rigidus using the Milwaukee foot model.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 26 (4 ) ,419-27 More Information
Ness, Mary Ellen; Long, Jason; Marks, Richard; Harris, Gerald (2008. ) Foot and ankle kinematics in patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.Gait & posture, , 27 (2 ) ,331-9 More Information
Long, Jason T; Wang, Mei; Winters, Jack M; Harris, Gerald F (2008. ) A multisegmental foot model with bone-based referencing: sensitivity to radiographic input parameters.Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, , 2008 ,879-82 More Information
Rankine, Leah; Long, Jason; Canseco, Karl; Harris, Gerald F (2008. ) Multisegmental foot modeling: a review.Critical reviews in biomedical engineering, , 36 (2-3 ) ,127-81 More Information
Khazzam, Michael; Long, Jason T; Marks, Richard M; Harris, Gerald F (2007. ) Kinematic changes of the foot and ankle in patients with systemic rheumatoid arthritis and forefoot deformity.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 25 (3 ) ,319-29 More Information
Long, Jason T; Klein, John P; Sirota, Nicole M; Wertsch, Jacqueline J; Janisse, Dennis; Harris, Gerald F (2007. ) Biomechanics of the double rocker sole shoe: gait kinematics and kinetics.Journal of biomechanics, , 40 (13 ) ,2882-90 More Information
Khazzam, Michael; Long, Jason T; Marks, Richard M; Harris, Gerald F (2006. ) Preoperative gait characterization of patients with ankle arthrosis.Gait & posture, , 24 (1 ) ,85-93 More Information
Van Bogart, James J; Long, Jason T; Klein, John P; Wertsch, Jacqueline J; Janisse, Dennis J; Harris, Gerald F (2005. ) Effects of the toe-only rocker on gait kinematics and kinetics in able-bodied persons.IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, , 13 (4 ) ,542-50 More Information
Liu, Wen; Kim, Seok Hun; Long, Jason T; Pohl, Patricia S; Duncan, Pamela W (2003. ) Anticipatory postural adjustments and the latency of compensatory stepping reactions in humans.Neuroscience letters, , 336 (1 ) ,1-4 More Information
Pohl, Patricia S; Duncan, Pamela; Perera, Subashan; Long, Jason; Liu, Wen; Zhou, Jinshi; Kautz, Steven A Rate of isometric knee extension strength development and walking speed after stroke. Journal of rehabilitation research and development, , 39 (6 ) ,651-7
Pohl, Patricia S; Duncan, Pamela W; Perera, Subashan; Liu, Wen; Lai, Sue Min; Studenski, Stephanie; Long, Jason Influence of stroke-related impairments on performance in 6-minute walk test. Journal of rehabilitation research and development, , 39 (4 ) ,439-44
Greve, Kelly R; Bailes, Amy F; Zhang, Nanhua; Long, Jason; Aronow, Bruce; Mitelpunkt, Alexis (2023. ) Outpatient hospital utilization after single event multi-level surgery in children with cerebral palsy.Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine, , More Information
Taylor-Haas, Jeffery A; Garcia, Micah C; Rauh, Mitchell J; Peel, Shelby; Paterno, Mark V; Bazett-Jones, David M; Ford, Kevin R; Long, Jason T (2022. ) Cadence in youth long-distance runners is predicted by leg length and running speed.Gait & posture, , 98 ,266-270 More Information
Nikolaou, Sia; Garcia, Micah C; Long, Jason T; Allgier, Allison J; Goh, Qingnian; Cornwall, Roger (2022. ) Brachial plexus birth injury and cerebral palsy lead to a common contracture phenotype characterized by reduced functional muscle length and strength.Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences, , 3 ,983159 More Information
Garcia, Micah C; Lennon, Anne; Bazett-Jones, David M; Ford, Kevin R; Long, Jason T; Taylor-Haas, Jeffery A (2022. ) Influence of hamstring flexibility on running kinematics in adolescent long-distance runners.Gait & posture, , 93 ,107-112 More Information
Taylor-Haas, Jeffery A; Long, Jason T; Garcia, Micah C; Rauh, Mitchell J; Paterno, Mark V; Brindle, Richard A; Bazett-Jones, David M; Ford, Kevin R (2022. ) The influence of maturation and sex on pelvis and hip kinematics in youth distance runners.Journal of science and medicine in sport, , 25 (3 ) ,272-278 More Information
Fritz, Jessica M; Canseco, Karl; Konop, Katherine A; Kruger, Karen M; Tarima, Sergey; Long, Jason T; Law, Brian C; Kraus, Jonathan C; King, David M; Harris, Gerald F (2022. ) Multi-segment foot kinematics during gait following ankle arthroplasty.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 40 (3 ) ,685-694 More Information
Bazett-Jones, David M; Garcia, Micah C; Taylor-Haas, Jeffery A; Long, Jason T; Rauh, Mitchell J; Paterno, Mark V; Ford, Kevin R (2021. ) Changes in Motivation, Socialization, Wellness and Mental Health in Youth Long-Distance Runners During COVID-19 Social Distancing Restrictions.Frontiers in sports and active living, , 3 ,696264 More Information
Bazett-Jones D.M.; Garcia M.C.; Taylor-Haas J.A.; Long J.T.; Rauh M.J.; Paterno M.V.; Ford K.R. (09-06-2021. ) Changes in Motivation, Socialization, Wellness and Mental Health in Youth Long-Distance Runners Duri.Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, , 3 , More Information
Marks R.; Beran B.; Long J.; Canseco K.; Grice S.; Szabo A.; Wang Y.; Harris G. (01-01-2014. ) Plantar pressure analysis during rehabilitative exercise.Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, , 26 (3-4 ) ,193-201 More Information
Canseco K.; Albert C.; Long J.; Khazzam M.; Marks R.; Harris G. (10-01-2011. ) Postoperative Foot and Ankle Kinematics in Rheumatoid Arthritis.Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, , 3 (5 ) ,233-238 More Information
Long J.; Groner J.; Eastwood D.; Dillingham T.; Grover P.; Harris G. (10-01-2011. ) Implications of Arm Restraint on Lower Extremity Kinetics During Gait.Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, , 3 (5 ) ,200-206 More Information
Long J.; Wang M.; Harris G. (10-01-2011. ) A Model for the Evaluation of Lower Extremity Kinematics with Integrated Multisegmental Foot Motion.Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, , 3 (5 ) ,239-244 More Information
Bustamante Valles K.D.; Long J.T.; Graf A.; Krzak J.; Hassani S.; Riedel S.A.; Harris G.F. (01-01-2011. ) Postural sway in children with diplegic and hemiplegic cerebral palsy.Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, , 23 (1-4 ) ,95-107 More Information
Long J.; Harris G. (12-29-2010. ) Pediatric gait and motion analysis: Current limitations and emerging opportunities for quantitative .Technology and Disability, , 22 (4 ) ,199-205 More Information
Marks R.M.; Long J.T.; Exten E.L. (09-01-2010. ) Gait abnormality following amputation in diabetic patients.Foot and Ankle Clinics, , 15 (3 ) ,501-507 More Information
Kertis J.D.; Fritz J.M.; Long J.T.; Harris G.F. (01-01-2010. ) Static and dynamic calibration of an eight-camera optical system for human motion analysis.Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, , 22 (1-4 ) ,49-60 More Information
Bustamante Valles K.D.; Long J.T.; Riedel S.A.; Graf A.; Krzak J.; Hassani S.; Riordan M.; Zaharski K.; Sturm P.F.; Harris G.F. (01-01-2010. ) Analysis of postural stability following posterior spinal fusion in adolescents with idiopathic scol.Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, , 158 ,127-131 More Information
Bustamante Valles K.; Long J.; Riedel S.; Graf A.; Krzak J.; Hassani S.; Sturm P.; Harris G. (12-01-2009. ) Using a bi-planar postural stability model to assess children with scoliosis.Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009, , 7010-7013 More Information
Valles K.D.B.; Long J.T.; Riedel S.A.; Graf A.; Krzak J.; Hassani S.; Smith P.A.; Harris G.F. (12-01-2008. ) Application of a bi-planar postural stability model in children with cerebral palsy .Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology", , 4535-4538
Bustamante Valles K.; Schneider J.; Long J.; Riedel S.; Johnson M.; Harris G. (12-01-2006. ) Combined sagittal and coronal plane postural stability model.Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 4576-4579 More Information
Myers K.; Long J.; Klein J.; Wertsch J.; Janisse D.; Harris G. (11-01-2006. ) Biomechanical implications of the negative heel rocker sole shoe: Gait kinematics and kinetics.Gait and Posture, , 24 (3 ) ,323-330 More Information
Valles K.D.B.; Schneider J.M.; Long J.T.; Riedel S.A.; Johnson M.J.; Harris G.F. (01-01-2006. ) Combined sagittal and coronal plane postural stability model.Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, , 4576-4579 More Information
Long J.; Sirota N.; Klein J.; Wertsch J.; Janisse D.; Harris G. (12-01-2004. ) Biomechanics of the double rocker sole shoe: Gait kinematics and kinetics .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 26 VII ,5107-5110
Long J.; Jannetto N.; Bakker S.; Smith S.; Hams G. (12-01-2004. ) Biomechanics of cranial dynamics during daily living activities .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 26 IV ,2417-2419
Long J.T.; Maskala K.L.; Marks R.M.; Harris G.F. (12-01-2003. ) Biomechanical Evaluation of Foot/Ankle Kinematics in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Effects .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 2 ,1784-1787
Lipsey J.H.; Smith P.A.; Hassani S.; Reiners K.; Johnson C.; Olson W.; Long J.T.; Ferdjallah M.; Harris G.F. (12-01-2003. ) Design and Validation of Upper Extremity Support System for Dynamic Postural Stability Assessment .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 2 ,1777-1779
Myers K.A.; McGuire J.R.; Long J.T.; Harris G.F. (12-01-2003. ) Biomechanical Study and Objective Evaluation of Muscle Co-Contraction Following Chemodenervation .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 2 ,1815-1818
Baker K.M.; Wang M.; Cao K.; Lipsey J.; Long J.T.; Reiners K.; Johnson C.; Olson W.; Hassani S.; Ackman J.D.; Schwab J.P.; Harris G.F. (12-01-2003. ) Biomechanical System for the Evaluation of Walker-Assisted Gait in Children: Design and Preliminary .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 2 ,1851-1854
Long J.; Harris G.; Marks R. (12-01-2002. ) An investigation of hindfoot kinetics during gait .Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, , 3 ,2569-2570
Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 06-01-2017 -06-01-2019
Commission on Motion Lab Accreditation Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 12-01-2019
Contact Information
Practice - CCHMC Motion Analysis Lab
3430 Burnet Ave
Ohio, 45229
Phone: (513) 803-3595