Lillian Longawa

Lillian Longawa

Medical Resident/Fellow

Professional Summary

Personal Statement
Internal Medicine allowed me to feel like I am part of a team and that my opinion and recommended plans during discussions were just as important as everyone else's. I’ve also always been interested in the little details whether it’s cross stitching, cake pops, or studying. I can relate it back to my hobbies, especially crocheting stuffed animals. While it’s fun to crochet each separate part, like an arm or an ear, it’s only really satisfying once you put all parts together making it look like the end product. Likewise, a patient isn’t just a broken leg or a single lab value, they are a complete person that requires a full evaluation. For all of those reasons, I know that internal medicine is the best suited route for me to pursue for residency.
Why I Chose Cincinnati
I was drawn to Cincinnati mostly because of the people. I could feel the sense of comradery amongst every single person, and the whole time I was thinking to myself “I absolutely want to work with these people”