C. Catherine Losada
Professor of Music Theory
Emery Hall
CCM Music Theory - 0003
Professional Summary
Professor Catherine Losada, PhD., is a music theorist whose research interests include post-tonal music, the music of Pierre Boulez, advanced serial techniques, transformational theory, the musical collage, and music written after 1950. At CCM, Losada regularly teaches tonal theory, twentieth-century theory and analysis, set theory, a seminar on transformational theory, and other seminars involving recent developments in the application of mathematical approaches to music theory and analysis. She has been published in Music Theory Spectrum (2009 and 2014), Journal of Music Theory, Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung (2018), Music Analysis, Music Theory Online (2007 and 2019), Music Theory and Analysis, Journal of Mathematics and Music, Quaderni di Matematica and Twentieth-Century Music and Mathematics. She has served on the Executive Board of the Society for Music Theory and as president of Music Theory Midwest. She is currently working on a monograph on serial techniques in the music of Pierre Boulez.
Losada is the recipient of a Fulbright Specialist Grant, the Outstanding Publication Award from the Society for Music Theory, a Third Century Faculty Research Grant, a Publications Subventions Grant from the Society for Music Theory, a Paul Sacher Foundation Grant, a University Research Council Grant, and a University Research Council Faculty Summer Fellowship for research conducted at the Sacher Foundation in Basel, Switzerland. She delivered a keynote address at the 9th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (Queretaro, Mexico, 2019), as well as papers at international events including a special symposium, "Concepts of Harmony in Musical Composition 1945-1975" (Venice, 2019), "An International Symposium and Workshop Series in Music Theory at the China University" (Beijing, 2018), EuroMAC (Strasbourg, France, 2017), IMS (the conference of the International Musicological Society, Stavanger, Norway, 2016), KeeleMac (the conference of the Society for Music Analysis, Keele, UK, 2015), the McGill Workshop on Italian Serialism of the 1950s (Montreal, 2010), the First International Conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (Berlin, 2007), and the Fourth Biennial International Conference on Twentieth-Century Music (University of Sussex, 2005). She has also presented her research at the annual meetings of the Society for Music Theory (Seattle, 2004; Cambridge, 2005; Los Angeles, 2006; Minneapolis, 2011; New Orleans, 2012; Charlotte, 2013; Milwaukee, 2014; Vancouver 2016), the American Musicological Society (2019), as well as many regional conferences.
BM: Rutgers University
Ph.D.: City University of New York
MM: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, (Music Theory)
MM: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, (Music Performance)
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Losada will present a keynote address at the International Conference for Arts and Humanities (Queretaro, Mexico, 2019) as well as the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society (Boston, 2019). During the summer of 2020, she will doing research on the music of Colombia, thanks to a Fulbright Specialist Grant, as well as research on the music of Pierre Boulez at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel, Switzerland.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Catherine Losada (2014. ) Complex Multiplication, Structure and Process: Harmony and Form in Boulez's Structures II .Music Theory Spectrum, , 36 (1 ) ,
Catherine Losada (2009. ) Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Strands of Continuity in Collage Compositions by Rochberg, Berio and Zimmermann .Music Theory Spectrum, , 31 (1 ) ,57
Catherine Losada, Guerino Mazzola, Florian Thalmann and Schuyler Tsuda (2009. ) Topos Theory for a Creative Analysis of Boulez's Structures .Quaderni di Matematica, , (23 ) ,234
Catherine Losada (2008. ) The Process of Modulation in the Musical Collage .Music Analysis, , 27 (5 ) ,97
Catherine Losada (2008. ) Isography and Structure in the Music of Pierre Boulez .Journal of Mathematics and Music, , 2 (3 ) ,135
Catherine Losada (2007. ) K-nets and Hierarchical Structural Recursion: Further Considerations .Music Theory Online, , 13 (3 ) ,
Catherine Losada (2017. ) Between Freedom and Control: Composing Out, Compositional Process and Structure in the Music of Boulez .Journal of Music Theory, , 61 (2 ) ,
Catherine Losada (2018. ) The “Prismes” of Figures Doubles Prismes .Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung, , 31 ,
Catherine Losada (2019. ) Boulez and Mathematics .Twentieth-Century Music and Mathematics, ,
Catherine Losada (2019. ) Middleground Structure in the Cadenza to Boulez's Eclat .Music Theory Online, , 25 (1 ) ,
Catherine Losada (2019. ) The Need for an Aesthetic Orientation: Developmental Techniques in the Music of Boulez .Music Theory and Analysis, ,
Catherine Losada Stravinsky and Boulez: Compositional Process, Form and Development .Proceedings of the 9th European Music Analysis Conference (EuroMAC), ,
Invited Presentations
Catherine Losada (2013. ) Between Freedom and Control: Composing-Out, Common Subsets and Structure in an Open Work by Boulez .Annual meeting of the Society for Music Theory, Charlotte, NC. Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada (2012. ) Complex Multiplication, Structure and Process: Harmony and Form in Boulez's Structures II .Annual meeting of the Society for Music Theory, New Orleans, LA. Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada (2011. ) Transformational Networks as Representations of Systematic Intervallic Interactions in Berio's Sinfonia .Annual meeting of the Society for Music Theory, Minneapolis, MN. Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada (2011. ) Transformational Networks as Representations of Systematic Intervallic Interactions in Berio's Sinfonia .Annual meeting of the Music Theory Society of New York State, Buffalo, NY. Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada Simplifying Complex Multiplication . Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada Between Modernism and Postmodernism: A Strand of Continuity . Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada The Process of Modulation in the Musical Collage . Level:Prof. Org.
Catherine Losada (2016. ) Middleground Structure in the Cadenza to Boulez's Éclat .Joint Meeting of the Society for Music Theory and the American Musicological Society; Music Theory Midwest,
Catherine Losada (2015. ) Pierre Boulez and the Aesthetics of Proliferation .KeeleMac, Keele, England.
Catherine Losada (2014. ) Pierre Boulez and the Aesthetics of Proliferation .Annual meeting of the Society for Music Theory, Milwaukee, WI.
Catherine Losada (2017. ) Stravinsky and Boulez: Compositional Process, Form and Development .9th European Music Analysis Conference (EuroMAC), Strasbourg, France. Level:International
Catherine Losada (2016. ) The Musical Sketch as Artifact .Conference of the International Musicological Society (IMS), Stavanger, Norway. Level:International
Catherine Losada (2019. ) Keynote Address: América Latina y la Vanguardia Europea Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial .International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Queretaro, Mexico. Level:International
Catherine Losada (2019. ) The Diagonal Dimension: Concepts of Harmony in the Music of Boulez .Concepts of Harmony in Musical composition 1945-1975, Venice. Level:International
Catherine Losada (2019. ) The Diagonal Dimension: Concepts of Harmony in the Music of Boulez .American Musicological Society, Boston, MA. Level:National
Catherine Losada (2018. ) Developmental Techniques in the Music of Boulez .An International Symposium and Workshop Series in Music Theory at the China Conservatory, Beijing, China.
Catherine Losada (2017. ) Sketches, Compositional Process and Form .Autographs and Archival Documents Interest Group meeting at the annual meeting of the Society for Music Theory, Arlington, VA.
Catherine Losada (2017. ) The Concept of Development in the Music of Pierre Boulez .Carrigan Lecture Series at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Level:University
Catherine Losada (04-13-2010. ) Transformational Networks as Representations of Systematic Intervallic Interactions in Berio¹s Sinfonia .Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Other Institution. Level:University
Catherine Losada (01-30-2008. ) Isography and Structure in the Music of Pierre Boulez .Philadelphia, PA. Other Institution. Level:University
Catherine Losada (03-09-2007. ) Musical Structure and its Relationship to Compositional Process in the late 20th Century .Rutgers University. Other Institution. Level:University
Catherine Losada (01-30-2007. ) Simplifying Complex Multiplication .London, Ontario, Canada. Other Institution. Level:University
Catherine Losada Chromatic Saturation and the Significant Gap as Unifying Devices in the Musical Collage .Other Institution. Level:University
Honors and Awards
2010 -2012 Research Grant Paul Sacher Foundation Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Grant
2008 URC Faculty Summer Research Fellowship University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship
2005 -2007 Faculty Development Awards University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Non-Monetary
2005 URC Research Grant For research conducted at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel, Switzerland University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
2004 SMT Minority Travel Grant For paper presentation at the SMT conference Society for Music Theory Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Grant
2003 Herbert Colvin Award for outstanding student paper Texas Society for Music Theory Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
05-2017 Third Century Faculty Research Grant Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2014 Publication Subvention Grant from the Society for Music Theory Status:Recipient
2016 Outstanding Publication Award Society for Music Theory
Professional Affiliation
2013 -2015: President Music Theory Midwest,
2013: Co-founder SMT Post-1945 music analysis special interest group,
2013: Member of the Program Committee Conference of Music Theory Midwest,
2013: Session chair Music Theory Midwest conference,
2013: Session chair Conference of the Music Theory Society of New York State,
2013: Member of the Scientific Board Conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2012: Member of the Program Committee Conference of the Music Theory Society of New York State,
2011 -2013: Member of the Publications Subvention Grant Society for Music Theory (SMT),
2011: Member of the Executive Board Music Theory Society of New York State,
2011: Member of the Scientific Committee Conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music,
2011: Session chair Conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, Paris, France
2010: Editorial Board Member Music Theory Online,
2010: Session chair Conference of Music Theory Midwest,
2016: Session chair Music Theory Midwest conference,
2008: Editorial Board Member Journal of Music Theory,
2015 -2017: Member of the Executive Board Society for Music Theory (SMT),
2008: Member of the Program Committee Conference of the Society for Music Theory,
2015: Session chair Annual Meeting of the Society for Music Theory,
2008: Session chair Conference of Music Theory Midwest,
2015: Member of the Scientific Board for the 2015 conference Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, Paris, France
2007: Member of the Executive Board Music Theory Midwest,
2015: Session chair KeeleMAC,
2004: Member of the Program Committee Conference of the Music Theory Society of New York State,
2004: Member of the Program Committee Conference of the Texas Socity for Music Theory,