Collin Lucken

Collin Ford Lucken

Graduate Assistant

Professional Summary

My research investigates the notion that what we know is what we can make. Recently, I've been especially interested in what engineers building intelligent autonomous robots have taught philosophers and cognitive scientists about the mind. Building on this case study, my dissertation argues that what philosophers typically consider progress in science is more accurately understood as advacement in engineering. 



B.S.: New York University 2017 (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)

M.A.: Eastern Michigan University 2020 (Philosophy)

M. Eng. : University of Cincinnati 2024 (Robotics and Intelligent Autonomous Systems)

Positions and Work Experience

2023 -2024 Educational Fellow, ICICLE NSF AI Institute,

2023 -2024 Graduate Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer, Eastern APA,


Published Books

Melissa Jacquart, Amanda Corris, Andrew Evans, Tim Elmo Feiten, Collin Lucken, and Angela Potochnik (2023. ) A Guide for Academic Researchers Conducting Science Outreach .Cambridge University Press (Co-Author)


Poster Presentations

Collin Lucken, Elmo Feiten (2021. ) Roles for Philosophers of Science in Public Engagement with Science .PSA 2022,

Paper Presentations

Collin Lucken (2022. ) The Necessity of Explication in Whewell's Inductive Philosophy of Science .

Collin Lucken (2022. ) What Does It Mean to Think Like an Engineer? Reflections on Method in Research in Sensing .

Collin Lucken (2023. ) Putting Robotics Back on Its Feet .

Collin Lucken. (2024. ) Identity Ethics for Engineers .

Collin Lucken (2023. ) Revisting Tredgold's Definition of Engineering. .

Courses Taught