Fengyang Ma
Assoc Professor - Educator
Teachers College
CECH Center for English as a Second Lang - 0022
Professional Summary
Dr. Fengyang Ma is currently an associate professor - Educator in the Center for English as a Second Language in the School of Education at University of Cincinnati. She was awarded her Ph.D. degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures from Tsinghua University. She then received her post-doctoral training at the Center for Langauge Science at Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests center on the Psycholinguistic investigation of bilingualism. She is interested in examining different aspects of bilingual lexical processing with both behavioral and Neuroscience techniques, including event-related potentials (ERPs) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
Doctor of Philosophy: Tsinghua University Beijing, China, 2013 (Psycholinguistics)
Master's Degree: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China, 2006 (Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)
Bachelor's Degree: Shandong University Shandong, China, 2003 (English Literature )
Positions and Work Experience
08-15-2015 -08-14-2017 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati,
01-01-2015 -08-14-2015 Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University,
07-15-2012 -12-31-2014 Post-doctoral Visiting Scholar, Pennsylvania State University,
08-15-2017 - Assistant Professor , (Adjunct Representative), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
Research Support
Grant: #T365Z210007 Investigators:Ma, Fengyang; Ottley, Jennifer; Pae, Hye; Shin, Dong-shin; Telfer, Deborah 09-01-2021 -08-31-2026 Department of Education Enhancing Evidence-Based Practices for English Learners (EBPs4ELs) Role:Collaborator 595874.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wu, J., Kang, Ch., Ma, F., & Guo, T. (2018. ) The influence of short-term language-switching training on the plasticity of the cognitive control mechanism in bilingual word production.Quarterly journal of experimental psychology, , 71 (10 ) ,2115 -2128More Information
Ma, F. & Ai, H. (2018. ) Chinese Learners of English See Chinese Words When Reading English Words.Journal of psycholinguistic research, , 47 (3 ) ,505 -521More Information
Fu, Y., Lu, D., Kang, Ch., Wu, J., Ma, F., Ding, G., & Guo, T. (2017. ) Neural correlates for naming disadvantage of the dominant language in bilingual word production.Brain and language, , 175 ,123 -129More Information
Kang, Ch., Fu, Y., Wu, J., Ma, F., Lu, Ch., & Guo, T. (2017. ) Short-term language switching training tunes the neural correlates of cognitive control in bilingual language production.Human brain mapping, , 38 (12 ) ,5859 -5870More Information
Ma, F., Chen, P., Guo, T., & Kroll, J. F. (2017. ) When late second language learners access the meaning of L2 words .Journal of Neurolinguistics, , 41 ,50 -69
Kang, Ch., Ma, F., & Guo, T. (2017. ) The plasticity of lexical selection mechanism in word production: Event-related potential evidence from short-term language switching training in unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals .Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, , 19 ,1 -18
Ma, F., Li, Sh., & Guo, T. (2016. ) Reactive and proactive control in bilingual word production: An investigation of influential factors .Journal of Memory and Language, , 86 ,35 -59
Zhang, H., Kang, Ch., Wu, Y., Ma, F., & Guo, T. (2015. ) Improving proactive control with training on language switching in bilinguals .NeuroReport, , 26 (6 ) ,354 -359
Guo, T., Ma, F., & Liu, F. (2013. ) An ERP study of inhibition of non-target languages in trilingual word production .Brain and Language, , 127 (1 ) ,12 -20
Cui, G., & Ma, F. (2012. ) A critical review about the tree pruning hypothesis of Agrammatism .Journal of Foreign Languages, , 35 (6 ) ,72 -80
Zhang, H., Ma, F., Chen, B., & Guo, T. (2012. ) Automatic activation of Chinese during English word reading in non-proficient Chinese-English bilinguals .Foreign Language Teaching and Research, , 44 (5 ) ,719 -727
Cui, G., & Ma, F. (2012. ) The status quo and principles of University English teaching .China University Teaching, , 2, ,33 -38
Cui, G., & Ma, F. (2012. ) A critical review of sonority related phonological theories in aphasics .Journal of Xi’an International Studies University, , 20 (1 ) ,34 -37
Chen, Mo; Ma, Fengyang; Zhang, Zhaoqi; Li, Shuhua; Zhang, Man; Yuan, Qiming; Wu, Junjie; Lu, Chunming; Guo, Taomei (2021. ) Language switching training modulates the neural network of non-linguistic cognitive control.PloS one, , 16 (4 ) ,e0247100 More Information
Yuan, Qiming; Ma, Fengyang; Zhang, Man; Chen, Mo; Zhang, Zhaoqi; Wu, Junjie; Lu, Chunming; Guo, Taomei (2021. ) Neural interaction between language control and cognitive control: Evidence from cross-task adaptation.Behavioural brain research, , 401 ,113086 More Information
Ma, Fengyang; Ai, Haiyang; Xiao, Ting; Guo, Taomei; Pae, Hye K (2020. ) Speech perception in a second language: Hearing is believing-seeing is not.Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), , 73 (6 ) ,881-890 More Information
Wu, Junjie; Kang, Chunyan; Ma, Fengyang; Gao, Xiaoyi; Guo, Taomei (2018. ) The influence of short-term language-switching training on the plasticity of the cognitive control mechanism in bilingual word production.Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), , 71 (10 ) ,2115-2128 More Information
Ma, Fengyang; Ai, Haiyang (2018. ) Chinese Learners of English See Chinese Words When Reading English Words.Journal of psycholinguistic research, , 47 (3 ) ,505-521 More Information
Kang, C., Ma, F., Li, S., Guo, T., & Kroll, J. (2020. ) Domain-general inhibition ability predicts real-time inhibition on non-target language in bilingual word production: An ERP study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. , , 23 (5 ) ,1056-1069
Chen, M., Ma, F., Wu, J., Li, S., Zhang, Z., Fu, Y., ... & Guo, T. (2020. ) Individual differences in language proficiency shape the neural plasticity of language control in bilingual language production. Journal of Neurolinguistics, , 54 ,100887
Ma, F., Ai, H., Xiao, T., Guo, T., & Pae, H. (2020. ) Speech perception in a second language: Hearing is believing; not seeing. .Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, , 73 (6 ) ,881-890
Pae, H. K., Sun, J., Luo, X., Ai, H., Ma, F., Yang, N., & Xia, D. (2021. ) Linguocultural cognition manifested in spoken narratives in L2 English by native Chinese and Korean speakers. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, , 5 (3 ) ,345-365
Zhang, M., Li, S., Ma, F., Kang, C., & Guo, T. (2021. ) Mixed language training enhances proactive language control in bilingual language production. .Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, , 36 (2 ) ,152-166.
Chen, M., Ma, F., Zhang, Z., Li, S., Zhang, M., Wu, J., Lu, C., & Guo, T. (2021. ) Language switching training modulates the neural network of non-linguistic cognitive control. .Plos one, , 16 (4 ) , e0247100
Yuan, Q., Ma, F., Zhang, M., Chen, M., Zhang, Z., Wu, J., ... & Guo, T. (2021. ) Neural interaction between language control and cognitive control: Evidence from cross-task adaptation. .Behavioural Brain Research, , 401 ,113086.
Kang, C., Ma, F., Li, S, & Guo, T. (2023. ) The plasticity of language control in bilingual language production: More ERP evidence from language switching training. Journal of Neurolinguistics , , 67 ,101141
Dang, Q., Ma, F., Yuan, Q., Fu, Y., Chen, K., Zhang, Zh., Lu, Ch., & Guo, T. (2023. ) Cerebral Cortex. , , bhad121
Zhang, Z., Ma, F., & Guo, T. (2023. ) Proactive and reactive language control in bilingual language production revealed by decoding sustained potentials and EEG oscillations. .Journal of Neurolinguistics , , 67 ,101141
Book Chapter
Kroll, J. F., & Ma, F. (2017 ) The bilingual lexicon Handbook of Psycholinguistics. (pp. 294 -319).Wiley-Blackwell publications
Ma, F., Ai, H., & Guo, T. (2018 ) Semantic and lexical processing of words across two languages in Chinese-English bilinguals Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Languages .(pp. 163 -175).John Benjamins Publishing Company
Post Graduate Training and Education
07-15-2012-12-31-2014 Accessing meaning of L2 words in beginning and advanced learners: An electrophysiological and behavioral investigation., According to the Revised Hierarchical Model (Kroll & Stewart, 1994), second language (L2) learners initially access the meaning of L2 words via the L1 whereas advanced learners access meaning directly. We tested this hypothesis with English learners of Spanish in a translation recognition task, in which participants were asked to judge whether English words were the correct translations of Spanish words. We gathered data on behavior and on the earliest time course of processing using ERPs. The critical conditions compared the performance of learners to reject distractors that were related to the translation in form or meaning when a long (750 ms) or short (300 ms) SOA separated the two words. The behavioral data revealed semantic and translation interference at both SOAs. The ERP data showed that at the long SOA, a smaller N400 was elicited by semantic distractors and a larger LPC by form distractors. At the short SOA, only a smaller N400 for semantic distractors was revealed. These results are remarkably similar to the pattern reported by Guo, Misra, Tam, and Kroll (2012) for relatively proficient Chinese-English bilinguals. Regression analyses showed that L2 proficiency did not modulate these patterns, at least once learners acquired an initial level of L2 skill to be able to perform the translation recognition task. Overall, these data suggest that even less proficient learners are able to access the meaning of the L2 word in comprehension without L1 mediation., Pennsylvania State University, , State College, PA, USA
Other Information
Website: mafengyang.com,