Quintino Rodrigues Mano , Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Email manoqo@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Mano is a clinical neuropsychologist with research and clinical interests in learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia), cognition-emotion interactions, and childhood reasoning abilities. Ongoing projects involve (1) statistical learning and reading, (2) application of Cattell’s Investment Theory to reading development across the lifespan, and (3) effect of cognition-emotion interactions on functional outcomes. Research participants range from preschoolers to university students. He relies primarily on methodologies from clinical and experimental neuropsychology (e.g., standardized tests, computerized tasks). To learn more about his research activities, please visit the Laboratory for Cognitive & Affective Neuropsychology. Dr. Mano also conducts clinical research within the Dyslexia Assessment & Diagnostic Services, of which Dr. Mano is the Director. The ultimate purpose of his research program is to develop novel neuropsychological tests and treatments for learning disorders.
Lab website
Ph.D.: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2010 (Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology)
M.S.: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2005 (Clinical Psychology)
B.A.: San Jose State University 2003 (Psychology and Comparative Religious Studies (Double Major))
Research and Practice Interests
Current lab projects include:
- Statistical learning and reading development
- Application of Cattell’s Investment Theory to reading development across the lifespan
- Emotional contributions to reading across the lifespan
- Cognitive predictors of math
Positions and Work Experience
09-01-2014 - Director, Laboratory for Cognitive and Affective Neuropsychology,
Research Support
2012 -2013 VISN 22 Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center, PALA Grant Interaction between cognitive and social-emotional processing: Implications for psychosocial functioning Role:PI $10,000.00 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: ##T34 GM008253 Investigators:Herbert B. Silber, Ph.D. 2001 -2003 National Research Service Award Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Role:Trainee Completed Type:Fellowship
Grant: #URC Faculty Awards AY2014-15 Investigators:Mano, Quintino 05-01-2015 -04-30-2016 UC Neural mechanisms for orthographic processing in children: An fMRI study Role:PI $6,500.00 Active Type:Grant
04-2015 -07-2015 University Research Council, Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship ROLE OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS IN WORD READING AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS Role:Faculty Mentor $1,500.00 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Libby Hunter, Susan Watts-Taffe, Quintino Mano 11-2015 -05-2016 The Donald C. and Laura M. Harrison Family Foundation Grant WORDUP: WORD CONSCIOUSNESS PILOT Role:Collaborator $15,000.00 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Julia Guerin, M.S. 03-2018 -08-2018 University Research Council, University of Cincinnati Developing a new model for evaluating developmental dyslexia Role:Faculty Mentor $5,000.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Julia Guerin, Mark Fischer, Quintino Mano 11-2017 -05-2018 Frakes Research Grant Poverty-literacy associations and cognitive functioning: Implications for developmental dyslexia Role:Mentor $1,000.00 Active Type:Grant Level:Department
Grant: #DP2OD024280 Investigators:Quintino Mano 09-2017 -06-2022 National Institutes of Health, Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2) Statistical learning as a mechanism underlying developmental dyslexia Role:PI $1,500,000.00 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #R21HD096186 Investigators:Quintino Mano 05-2018 -04-2020 NICHD Exploratory-Development Research Grant (R21) Attentional-control and visual statistical learning in developmental dyslexia Role:PI $250,000.00 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Quintino Mano 04-2017 -05-2018 American Psychological Association, Society for Clinical Neuropsychology (Division 40), Early Career Pilot Project Neural mechanisms of statistical learning in dyslexia Role:PI $15,000.00 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Quintino R. Mano, Heidi Kloos, Anjali Dutt 05-2021 -04-2022 University of Cincinnati, Office of Research Understanding the mechanism through which poverty impacts literacy acquisition among racially/ethnically underrepresented students Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #R40764 Investigators:Mano, Quintino 04-01-2021 -04-30-2022 UC's AHSS Understanding the mechanism through which poverty impacts literacy among minority children Role:PI $6,775.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Mano, Q. R., Brown, G. G., Mirzakhanian, H., Bolden, K., Cadenhead, K. S., & Light, G. A. (2014). Not all distraction is bad: Working memory vulnerability to implicit socioemotional distraction correlates with negative symptoms and functional impairment in psychosis. Schizophrenia Research and Treatment, doi:10.1155/2014/320948.
Mano, Q. R., Humphries, C., Desai, R., Seidenberg, M., Osmon, D. C., Stengel, B., & Binder, J. R. (2013). The role of left posterior occipitotemporal cortex in reading: Reconciling stimulus, task, and lexicality effects. Cerebral Cortex, 23(4), 988-1001.
Brown, G. G., Turner, T., Mano, Q. R., & Bolden, K. (2013). Experimental manipulation of working memory model parameters: An exercise in construct validity. Psychological Assessment, 25(3), 844-858.
McKenna, B. S., Brown, G. G., Drummond, S. P. A., Turner, T., & Mano, Q. R. (2013). Linking mathematical modeling with human neuroimaging to segregate core verbal working memory functions from stimulus encoding. Neuropsychology, 27(2), 243-255.
Mano, Q. R., Brown, G. G., Bolden, K., Aupperle, R., Sullivan, S., Paulus, M. P., & Stein, M. B. (2013). Curvilinear relationship between phonological working memory load and social-emotional modulation. Cognition & Emotion, 27(2), 283-304.
Mano, Q. R., & Brown, G. G. (2013). Cognition-emotion interactions in schizophrenia: Emerging evidence on working memory load and implicit facial-affective processing. Cognition & Emotion, 27(5), 875-899.
Desai, R. H., Binder, J. R., Conant, L. L., Mano, Q. R., & Seidenberg, M. S. (2011). The neural career of sensorimotor metaphors. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(9), 2376-2386.
Mano, Q. R., Patrick, C. J., Andresen, E. A., Capizzi, K., Biagioli, R., & Osmon, D. C. (2010). Re-examining format distortion and orthographic neighborhood size effects in the left, central and right visual fields. Journal of Research in Reading, 33(4), 356-373.
Mano, Q. R. & Osmon, D. C. (2008). Visuoperceptual-orthographic reading abilities: A confirmatory factor analysis study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 30(4), 421-434.
Osmon, D. C., Plambeck, E. A., Klein, L., & Mano, Q. (2006). The Word Reading Test of effort in adult learning disability: A simulation study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 20(2), 315-324.
Mano, Q. R., Williamson, B., Pae, H. K., & Osmon, D. C. (2016). Stroop interference associated with efficient reading fluency and prelexical orthographic processing. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 38(3), 275-283.
Mano, Q. R. (2016). Developing sensitivity to subword combinatorial orthographic regularity (SCORe): A two-process framework. Scientific Studies of Reading, 20(3), 231-247.
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., & Mano, Q. R., Kwon, Y-J. (2016). Sublexical and lexical processing of English orthography among nonnative speakers of English. Reading & Writing, 30, 1-24.
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., & Mano, Q. R. (2018). Another look at the role of vowel letters in word reading in L2 English among native Korean readers. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 50, 82-93.
Mano, Q. R., & Kloos, H. (2018). Sensitivity to the regularity of letter patterns within print among preschoolers: Implications for emerging literacy. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 32(4), 379-391.
Mano, Q. R., Jastrowski Mano, K., Denton, C. A., Epstein, J. N., & Tamm, L. (2017). Gender moderates association between emotional-behavioral problems and text comprehension in children with both reading difficulties and ADHD. Psychology in the Schools, 54(5), 504-518.
Osmon, D. C., Santos, O., Kazakov, D., Kassel, M., Mano, Q. R., & Morth, A. (2018). Big Five personality relationships with general intelligence and specific Cattell-Horn-Carroll factors of intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 131, 51-56.
Mano, Q. R., & Guerin, J. M. (2018). Direct and indirect effects of print exposure on silent reading fluency. Reading and Writing, 31(2), 483-502.
Jastrowski Mano, K. E., Gibler, R., Mano, Q., & Beckman, E. (2018). Attentional bias toward school-related academic and social threat among test-anxious undergraduate students. Learning and Individual Differences, 64, 138-146.
Mano, Q. R., Jastrowski Mano, K. E., Guerin, J. M., Gibler, R., Becker, S. P., Denton, C. A., Epstein, J. N., & Tamm, L. (2018). Fluid reasoning and reading difficulties among children with ADHD. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 8(4), 307-318.
Guerin, J. M., Sylvia, A. M., Yolton, K., & Mano, Q. R. (2020). The role of fluid reasoning in word recognition. Journal of Research in Reading, 43(1), 19-40.
Kloos, H., Sliemers, S., Cartwright, M., Mano, Q., Stage, S. (2019). MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach: Does it affect reading fluency in elementary school? Frontiers in Education, 4(67), 1-13.
Guerin, J. M., Wade, S., & Mano, Q. R. (In Press). Does reasoning training improve fluid reasoning and academic achievement for children and adolescents? A systematic review. Trends in Neuroscience and Education.
Book Chapter
Osmon, D. C., & Mano, Q. R. (2008). Malingered attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Effort, depression, and dependence in the pursuit of academic accommodations. In J. E. Morgan & J. J. Sweet (Eds.), Neuropsychology of Malingering Case Book. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., Mano, Q. R., & Wang, M. (In Press). Crosslinguistic influences of script format: L1-derived syllabification in reading L2 English among native Korean readers. In H. K. Pae (Ed.), Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Published Abstract
Mano, Q. R., Smerz, J., Osmon, D. C. Woods, D., Kilderman, J., & Sun, Y. (2005). Neuropsychological patterns in simple and complex Tourette’s syndrome. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 7, 833.
Mano, Q. R., Osmon, D. C., & Klein, L. (2005). Factor analysis of visuoperceptual-orthographic processing: Perceptual processing speed, early perception, late-post perception, and morphological awareness. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 7, 844.
Mano, Q. R., Osmon, D. C., & Klein, L. (2005). Phonological-core model vs. double-deficit hypothesis in visuoperceptual-orthographic reading processes. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 7, 455.
Under Review
Guerin, J. M., Wade, S., & Mano, Q. R. (Under Review). Does reasoning training improve fluid reasoning and academic achievement for children and adolescents? A systematic review.
Guerin, J., Droder, S. J., Turkelson, L., & Mano, Q. R. (Under Review). Direct and indirect effects of working memory on reading skills, and the intermediary role of phonemic awareness.
Guerin, J. M., Turkelson, L., Droder, S. J., Gable, A., Osmon, D. C., & Mano, Q. R. (Under Review). Does verbal long-term memory uniquely contribute to basic reading skills? Insights from adults referred for learning difficulties.
Invited Presentations
Quintino Mano (2015. ) Neuropsychology of Reading and Dyslexia .Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology (CAPP), Cincinnati, OH. Level:State
Mano (2016. ) Specific Learning Disabilities in the context of ADHD: Understanding their Co-occurrence .Center for ADHD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Level:Regional
Quintino Mano (2018. ) Developmental Dyslexia .Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Professional Meeting. . Level:Local
Poster Presentations
Mano, Q. R., *Jones, C., *Convey, A., *Arwood, Z., & Kloos, H. (2015. ) Developing sensitivity to the statistical regularities of subword orthography: Bigrams come first. .Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, OH. . Level:National
Guerin, J., & Mano, Q. R. (2017. ) Attentional control associated with sensitivity to the statistical regularity of subword orthography .International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA. . Level:National
Yockey, R., & Mano, Q. R. (2016. ) Pseudoword and word reading abilities in relationship to executive functioning in college students .American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. . Level:National
Bolden, K. A., Mano, Q. R., Thomas, M., Wirth, P., Cadenhead, K. S., Murphy, C., Twamley, E., Mueller, R-A., & Brown, G. G. (2017. ) Implicit socioemotional modulation of working memory brain activity in schizophrenia. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, CA.. . Level:International
Psi Chi Mentor Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014
Child Neuropsychology Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2014 -2014
NeuroImage Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2014 -2014
Reading & Literacy Discovery Center Board Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2015 -To Present
Neuropsychology Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2015 -To Present
Scientific Studies of Reading Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2015 -To Present
Post Graduate Training and Education
2010-2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Clinical Neuroscience, Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC), , University of California, San Diego and San Diego Department of Veterans Affairs
Reading, Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Learning Disorder, Neuropsychology, Emotion, Schizophrenia, ADHD
Courses Taught
-PSYC-5059 RES METH:NEUROPSYCH Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-1001 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-7031 BIOL BASES OF BEH Level:Graduate
-PSYC-2020 COGNITION & LRNING Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-3022 BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Academic - manoqo@ucmail.uc.edu