Amy Mayfield
Professor - Field Service
Field Service Professor
Edwards Center
CECH Elementary Education - 0002
Professional Summary
Amy Mayfield, M. Ed., Field Service Professor of Early Childhood, has served as a faculty member of the University of Cincinnati since September 2002. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Foreign Affairs from the University of Cincinnati in 1987. After working in the business world for several years Ms. Mayfield received her Master of Education from Xavier University in 1992. She also holds a 1-8 permanent teaching certificate for the state of Ohio. She then went on to teach a variety of grade levels in the Cincinnati Public Schools. While teaching third grade Ms. Mayfield became involved in the Excellence in Science Program for CPS and went on to be a teacher trainer for the program. Her interests include science methodology and inquiry with elementary students and working with pre-service teachers in the field.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Plevyak,L.H.; Mayfield,A. (2006. ) Water in their world .Clearing: Teaching resources for ecology, sustainability, and community, , 119(1) ,22 -25
Mayfield,A. Water within their world .Science Activities, ,
Plevyak,L.; Mayfield,A. Water within their world (reprint # 3) .Community Works Journal, ,
Book Chapter
Plevyak, L.; Mayfield, A. (2010 ) Environmental education within early childhood Association of Science Teacher Education Monograph: The inclusion of Environmental Education in Science Teacher .New York, NY, Springer Publishing
Invited Presentations
Mayfield, A. E. (04-2005. ) How a field trip to the zoo changed preservice teachersÆ ideas on the inquiry process .Paper presented at NARST, Dallas, TX.
Mayfield, A. (2005. ) ôPreservice Teachers Learning in an Inquiry-Based Early Childhood Education Science Methods Course.ö .Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Plevyak, L. H., & Mayfield, A. (04-2004. ) Pre-service teachers' learning in an inquiry-based Early Childhood Education science course .Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC.
Plevyak, L. H., & Mayfield, A. (04-2004. ) Pre-service teachers' learning in an inquiry-based Early Childhood Education science methods course .Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Plevyak, L.; Mayfield, A. (04-2008. ) Inquiry Learning and the Outdoors:What Nature Can Teach Us .EECO Conference, Perrysburg, Ohio. Conference. . Level:State
Poster Presentations
Carr, V. W., Boat, M. B., Henderson, D., & Mayfield, A. (12-2005. ) Stories of teaching .Poster-presentation for NAECTE at NAEYC, Washington DC. .