Drew McAvoy

Drew C McAvoy

Professor Educator


Doctor of Philosophy Environmental Engineering: University of Massachusetts 1987

Master of Science Civil and Environmental Engineering: The University of Iowa 1979

Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering: The University of Iowa 1978

Positions and Work Experience

09-2012 -To Present Adjunct and Research Professor, University of Cincinnati, Environmental Engineering Program, Cincinnati, OH

03-2010 -To Present Environmental Consultant, McAvoy Consulting, LLC, Cincinnati, OH

01-2006 -08-2012 Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Environmental Engineering Program, Cincinnati, OH

11-1999 -02-2010 Principal Research Scientist, Procter & Gamble Company, Environmental Science Department, Cincinnati, OH

11-1993 -11-1999 Senior Research Scientist, Procter & Gamble Company, Environmental Science Department, Cincinnati, OH

02-1989 -11-1993 Research Scientist, Procter & Gamble Company, Environmental Science Department, Cincinnati, OH

01-1988 -05-1988 Adjunct Professor, Syracuse University, Department of Civil Engineering, Syracuse, NY

11-1986 -01-1989 Research Associate, Syracuse University, Department of Civil Engineering, Syracuse, NY

09-1983 -12-1983 Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts, Department of Civil Engineering, Amherst, MA

09-1982 -10-1986 Research Assistant, University of Massachusetts, Department of Civil Engineering, Amherst, MA

01-1980 -06-1982 Environmental Engineer, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Quality Control Dept. , St. Paul, MN

06-1979 -12-1979 Research Assistant, The University of Iowa, Department of Civil Engineering, Iowa City, IA

01-1978 -09-1978 Treatment Plant Operator, The University of Iowa, Department of Water Treatment, Iowa City, IA

Research Support

Grant: #TOB12R15 Investigators:McAvoy D. 2016 -2018 Water Environment Research Foundation Developing Exposure and Toxicity Data for Priority Trace Organics in Biosolids Role:PI

Investigators:McAvoy D. 2015 -2016 University of Cincinnati Technology Commercialization Accelerator Project Synergistic Production of Both Biogas and Algae Role:co-PI

Grant: #AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Investigators:Campo-Moreno, Pablo; McAvoy, Drew 07-17-2014 -12-01-2016 Southern Nevada Water Authority Evaluating Fate Mechanisms for Contaminants of Concern in BNR Treatment Systems Role:PI $75,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:McAvoy D. 2014 -2016 University of Cincinnati Renewable Energy Research Initiative A Pilot Study to Produce Renewable Bioenergy from UC’s Food Waste Role:co-PI

Grant: #CEC6R12 Investigators:McAvoy D. 2013 -2016 Water Environment Research Foundation Application of Site Screening Tools to Evaluate Ecological Effects from Trace Organics in the Aquatic Environment Role:co-PI

Grant: #DE-EE-0009267 Investigators:Dong, Janet; McAvoy, Drew; Tu, Maobing 10-01-2020 -09-30-2023 Department of Energy High Precision Sorting, Fractionation, and Formulation of Municipal Solid Waste for Biochemical Conversion Role:Collaborator $1,289,767.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Investigators:McAvoy, Drew 06-01-2021 -05-31-2023 Hamilton Casework Services Evaluation of Maumee Scientific Composter Technology Role:PI 125095.00 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #WRC 2021 104 b Investigators:McAvoy, Drew; Soltanian Pereshkafti, Mohamad Reza; Wallace, Corey 09-01-2021 -08-31-2022 U.S. Geological Survey The influence of surface water-groundwater exchange on fate and transport of emerging contaminants (AWARD - full budget) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #WRF #5138 / EPA 84024501 Investigators:McAvoy, Drew 11-22-2021 -11-21-2024 Environmental Protection Agency Unregulated Organic Chemicals in Biosolids: Prioritization, Fate and Risk Evvaluation for Land Application Role:PI 0.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #Seeds of Change Investigators:McAvoy, Drew 09-01-2024 -12-31-2024 Bloomberg Philanthropies The Green Canopy Keystone Plant Blueprint project Role:PI 5000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit

Investigators:Chae, Soryong; McAvoy, Drew 02-01-2025 -07-31-2025 Procter & Gamble Company Review of quaternary wastewater treatment technologies to remove pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients Role:PI 46980.00 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #DE-EE0011849 Investigators:Dong, Junhang; McAvoy, Drew; Tu, Maobing; Wu, Jingjie 01-01-2025 -12-31-2027 Department of Energy Decarbonizing Chemical Recovery Process in Kraft Pulping through Novel Membrane Electrolysis Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

McAvoy, D.C., C.A. Pittinger, and A.M. Willis (2016. ) Biotransformation of Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in Anaerobic Digester Sludge, Soils, and Freshwater Sediments .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 131 ,143-150

Tu, Q., C. Zhu, and D.C. McAvoy (2015. ) Converting campus waste into renewable energy – A case study for the University of Cincinnati .Waste Management, , 39 ,258-265

Rosenzweig, S., G.A. Sorial, E. Sahle-Demessie, D.C. McAoy, and A.A. Hassan (2014. ) Effect of Chloride Ions and Water Chemistry on Cupper (II) Adsorption with Functionalized and Pristine Carbon Nanotubes Compared to Activated Carbon F-400 .Water, Air and Soil Pollution, , 225 ,1913

Cowan-Ellsberry, C., S. Belanger, P. Dorn, S. Dyer, D. McAvoy, H. Sanderson, D. Versteeg, D. Ferrer, and K. Stanton (2014. ) Environmental Safety of the Use of Major Surfactant Classes in North America .Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, , 44 (17 ) ,1893-1993

Rosenzweig, S., G.A. Sorial, E. Sahle-Demessie, and D.C. McAvoy (2014. ) Optimizing the physical-chemical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and grapheme nanoplatelets (GNP) on Cu(II) adsorption .Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 279 ,410-417

Karadagli, F., B.E. Rittman, D.C. McAvoy, and J.E. Richardson (2012. ) Effect of Turbulence on the Disintegration Rate of Flushable Consumer Products .Water Environment Research, , 84 (5 ) ,424-433

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2011. ) Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban (TCC) in Terrestrial Organisms .Chemosphere, , 82 ,460-467

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2010. ) Measured Physicochemical Characteristics and Biosolids-Borne Concentrations of the Antimicrobial Triclocarban (TCC) .Science of the Total Environemtnal, , 408 ,2667-2673

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2010. ) Fate of 14C-Triclocarban in Biosolids-Amended Soils .Science of the Total Environment, , 408 ,2726-2732

Karadagli, F., D.C. McAvoy, and B.E. Rittmann (2009. ) Development of a Mathematical Model for Physical Disintegration of Flushable Consumer Products in Wastewater Systems .Water Environment Research, , 81 ,459-465

Belanger, S.E., G. Boeije, T.W. Federle, D.C. McAvoy, S.W. Morrall, W.S. Eckhoff, J.C. Dunphy, N.R. Itrich, B.B. Price and E. Matthijs (2006. ) Special Issue on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Alcohol Ethoxylate Nonionic Surfactant .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 ,1-2

Van Compernolle, R., D.C. McAvoy, A. Sherren, T. Wind, M.L. Cano, S.E. Belanger, P.B. Dorn, and K.M. Kerr (2006. ) Predicting the Sorption of Fatty Alcohols and Alcohol Ethoxylates to Effluents and Receiving Waters Solids .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 ,61-74

Eadsforth, C.V., A. Sherren, M.A. Selby, R. Toy, W.S. Eckhoff, D.C. McAvoy, and E. Matthijs (2006. ) Monitoring of Environmental Fingerprints of Alcohol Ethoxylates in Europe and Canada .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 ,14-29

Morrall, S.W., J.C. Dunphy, M.L. Cano, A. Evans, D.C. McAvoy, B.P. Price, and W.S. Eckhoff (2006. ) Removal and Environmental Exposure of Alcohol Ethoxylates in U.S. Sewage Treatment .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 ,3-13

McAvoy, D.C., W.S. Eckhoff, W.M. Begley, and D.G. Pessler (2006. ) A Comparison of Alcohol Ethoxylate Environmental Monitoring Data Using Different Analytical Procedures .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 25 ,1268-1274

McAvoy, D.C., P. Masscheleyn, C. Peng, S.W. Morral, A.B. Castilla, J.M.U. Lim, and E.G. Gregorio (2003. ) Risk Assessment Approach for Untreated Wastewater Using the QUAL2E Water Quality Model .Chemosphere, , 52 ,55-66

Dyer, S.D., C. Peng, D.C. McAvoy, N.J. Fendinger, P. Masscheleyn, L.V. Castillo, and J.M.U. Lim (2003. ) The Influence of Untreated Wastewater to Aquatic Communities in the Balatuin Rive, The Philippines .Chemosphere, , 52 ,43-53

Rittmann, B.E., K.C. Lee, J. Shi, and D.C. McAvoy (2003. ) Modeling Non-Steady Conditions and Kinetics of Mass Transport for Hydrophobic Compounds in Activated-Sludge Treatment .Water Environment Research, , 75 (3 ) ,273-280

Morrall, D., D.C. McAvoy, B. Schatowitz, J. Inauen, M. Jacob, A. Hauk and W.S. Eckhoff (2003. ) A field Study of Triclosan Loss Rates in River Water (Cibolo Creek, TX) .Chemosphere, , 54 (5 ) ,653-666

Nielsen, A.M., A.J. Decarvlho, D.C. McAvoy, L. Kravetz, M.L. Cano, and D.L. Anderson (2003. ) Investigation of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System in Sandy Soil: Site Characterization and Fate of Anionic and Nonionic Surfactants .The CLER Review, , 8 (1 ) ,4-19

Doi, J., K.H. Marks, A.J. Decarvalho, D.C. McAvoy, A.M. Nielsen, L. Kravetz, and M.L. Cano (2003. ) Inverstigation of an Onsite Watewater Treatment System in Sandy Soil: Sorption and Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate .The CLER Review, , 8 (1 ) ,20-29

McAvoy, D.C., A.J. Decarvalho, A.M. Nielsen, and M.L. Cano (2003. ) Investigation of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System in Sandy Soil: Modeling the Fate of Surfactants .The CLER Review, , 8 (1 ) ,30-41

Belanger, S.E., J.W. Bowling, D.M. Lee, E.M. LeBlanc, K.M. Kerr, D.C. McAvoy, S.C. Christman, and D.H. Davidson (2003. ) Integration of Aquatic Fate and Ecological Responses to Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) in Model Stream Ecosystems .The CLER Review, , 8 (1 ) ,42-70

Traina, S.J., N.J. Fendinger, D.C. McAvoy, K.M. Kerr, and S. Gupta (2002. ) Fate of Polydimethylsilicones in Biosolids-Amended Field Plots .Journal of Environmental Quality, , 31 ,247-255

Belanger, S.E., J.W. Bowling, D.M. Lee, E.M. LeBlanc, K.M. Kerr, D.C. McAvoy, S.C. Christman, and D.H. Davidson (2002. ) Integration of Aquatic Fate and Ecological Responses to Linear Alkylbenzene Slufonate (LAS) in Model Stream Ecosystems .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 52 ,150-171

McAvoy, D.C., B. Schatowitz, M. Jacob, A. Hauk, and W.S. Eckhoff (2002. ) Measurement of Triclosan During Wastewater Treatment Systems .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (7 ) ,1323-1329

Nielsen, A.M., A.J. DeCarvalho, D.C. McAvoy, L. Kravetz, and M.L. Cano (2002. ) Investigation of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System in Sandy Soil: Site Characterization and Fate of Anionic and Nonionic Surfactants .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (12 ) ,2606-2616

Doi, J., K.H. Marks, A.J. DeCarvalho, D.C. McAvoy, A.M. Nielsen, L. Kravetz, and M.L. Cano (2002. ) Investigation of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System in Sandy Soil: Sorption and Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (12 ) ,2617-2622

McAvoy, D.C., A.J. DeCarvalho, A.M. Nielsen, and M.L. Cano (2002. ) Investigation of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System in Sandy Soil: Modeling the Fate of Surfactants .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (12 ) ,2623-2630

Rittmann, B.E., P. Turlarak, K.C. Lee, T.W. Federle, N.R. Itrich, S.K. Kaiser, J. Shi, and D.C. McAvoy (2001. ) How Adaptation and Mass Transfer Control the Biodegradation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate by Activated Sludge .Biodegradation, , 12 ,31-37

Kerr, K.M, R.J. Larson, and D.C. McAvoy (2000. ) Evaluation of an Inactivation Procedure for Determining the Sorption of Organic Compounds to Activated Sludge .Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 47 ,314-322

Logan, T.J., C.L. Henry, J.L. Schnoor, M.J. Overcash, and D.C. McAvoy (1999. ) An Assessment of Health and Environmental Risks of Trace Elements and Toxic Organics in Land-Applied Municipal Solid Waste Compost .Compost Science and Utilization, , 7 (3 ) ,38-53

Lee, S., D.C. McAvoy, J. Szydlik, and J.L Schnoor (1998. ) Modeling the Fate and Transport of Household Chemicals in Septic Systems .Ground Water, , 36 (1 ) ,123-132

McAvoy, D.C., C.P.L. Grady Jr., J. Blok, T.C.J. Feijtel, T.W. Federle, and R.J. Larson (1998. ) . A Simplified Modeling Approach Using Microbial Growth Kinetics for Predicting Exposure Concentrations of Organic Chemicals in Treated Wastewater Effluents .Chemosphere, , 36 (10 ) ,2291-2304

McAvoy, D.C., S.D. Dyer, N.J. Fendinger, W.S. Eckhoff, D.L. Lawrence, and W.M. Begley (1998. ) Removal of Alcohol Ethoxylates, Alkyl Ethoxylate Sulfates, and Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates in Wastewater Treatment .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 17 (9 ) ,1705-1711

McAvoy, D.C., J.A. Greff, D.R. Webb, and G.S. Allgood (1998. ) Effects of Olestra on Organic and Solids Removal in Septic Tanks .Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation, , 18 (4 ) ,131-138

Lee, K.C., B.E. Rittmann, J. Shi, and D.C. McAvoy (1998. ) Advanced Steady-State Model for the Fate and Transport of Hydrophobic and Volatile Compounds in Activated Sludge .Water Environment Research, , 70 (6 ) ,1118-1131

Allgood, G.S., D.C. McAvoy, and D.M. Woltering (1997. ) Environmental Assessment of a New Food Ingredient, the Fat Replacer Olestra .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 16 (3 ) ,586-600

McAvoy, D.C., W.S. Eckhoff, and R.A. Rapaport (1997. ) Fate of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in the Environment .The CLER Review, , 13 (1 ) ,4-17

Fendinger, N.J., D.C. McAvoy, W.S. Eckhoff, and B.B. Price (1997. ) Environmental Occurrence of Polydimethylsiloxane .Environmental Science and Technology, , 31 (5 ) ,1555-1563

Yamamoto, A., C.E. Cowan, D.C. McAvoy, and E. Namkung (1997. ) Aquatic fate Assessment for Consumer Product Ingredients in Japan .Environmental Science, , 10 (2 ) ,129-139

Logan, T.J., B.J. Harrison, D.C. McAvoy, and J.A. Greff (1996. ) Effects of Olestra in Sewage Sludge on Soil Physical Properties .Journal of Environmental Quality, , 25 ,153-161

McAvoy, D.C., R.J. Shimp, E. Namkung, and V.C. Hand (1996. ) Fate and Effects of Olestra, a Fat Substitute, During Conventional Wastewater Treatment .Water Environment Research, , 68 (2 ) ,169-177

Traina, S.J., D.C. McAvoy, and D.J. Versteeg (1996. ) Association of Linear Alkylbenzenesulfonates with Dissolved Humic Substances and Its Effect on Bioavailability .Environmental Science and Technology, , 30 (4 ) ,1300-1309

Knaebel, D.B., T.W. Federle, D.C. McAvoy, and J.R. Vestal (1996. ) Microbial Mineralization of Organic Compounds in an Acidic Agricultural Soil: Effects of Preadsorption to Various Soil Constituents .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 15 (11 ) ,1865-1875

Schowanek, D., D.C. McAvoy, D.J. Versteeg, and A. Hanstveit (1996. ) Effects of Nutrient Trace Metals Speciation on Algal Growth in the Presence of the Chelator [S,S]-EDDS .Aquatic Toxicology, , 36 ,253-275

Hayes, K.F., C.C. Chen, and D.C. McAvoy (1995. ) Quaternary Ammonium Surfactant Effects on the Sorption of Trace Metals to Quartz and Aluminosilicate .Soil Science Society of America Journal, , 59 (2 ) ,380-387

Fendinger, N.J., W.M. Begley, D.C. McAvoy, and W.S. Eckhoff (1995. ) Measurement of Alkyl Ethoxylate Surfactants in Natural Waters .Environmental Science and Technology, , 29 ,856-863

Rapaport, R.A., R.J. Larson, D.C. McAvoy, A.M. Nielsen, M. Trehy (1995. ) The Fate of Commercial LAS in The Environment .The CLER Review, , 1 (1 ) ,20-31

McAvoy, D.C., C.E. White, B.L. Moore, and R.A. Rapaport (1994. ) Chemical Fate and Transport in a Domestic Septic System: Sorption and Transport of Anionic and Cationic Surfactants .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 13 (2 ) ,213-221

Knaebel, D.B., T.F. Federle, D.C. McAvoy, and J.R. Vestal (1994. ) Effect of Mineral and Organic Soil Constituents on Microbial Mineralization of Organic Compounds in a Natural Soil .Applied and Environmental Microbiology, , 60 (12 ) ,4500-4508

McAvoy, D.C., W.S. Eckhoff, and R.A. Rapaport (1993. ) Fate of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in the Environment .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 12 ,977-987

McAvoy, D.C., R.C. Santore, J.D. Shosa, and C.T. Driscoll (1992. ) Comparison Between Pyrocatechol Violet and 8-Hydroxyquinoline Procedures for Determining Aluminum Fractions .Soil Science Society of America Journal, , 56 (2 ) ,449-455

Schecher, W.D. and D.C. McAvoy (1992. ) MINEQL+: A Software Environment for Chemical Equilibrium Modeling .Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, , 16 ,65-76

Fendinger, N.J., W.M. Begley, D.C. McAvoy and W.S. Eckhoff (1992. ) Determination of Alkyl Sulfate Surfactants in Natural Waters .Environmental Science and Technology, , 26 ,2493-249

R.A. Dahlgren, D.C. McAvoy, and C.T. Driscoll (1990. ) Acidification and Recovery of a Spodosol Bs Horizon from Acidic Deposition .Environmental Science and Technology, , 24 (4 ) ,531-537

McAvoy, D.C. and C.T. Driscoll (1989. ) A Chemical Response Following Base Application to Little Simon Pond, New York State .Journal Water Pollution Control, , 61 (9 ) ,1552-1563

R.A. Dahlgren, C.T. Driscoll, and D.C. McAvoy (1989. ) Aluminum Precipitation and Dissolution Rates in Spodosol Bs Horizons in the Northeastern USA .Soil Science Society of America Journal, , 53 (4 ) ,1045-1052

McAvoy, D.C. (1988. ) Seasonal Trends of Aluminum Chemistry in a Second-Order Massachusetts Stream .Journal of Environmental Quality, , 17 (4 ) ,528-534

McAvoy, D.C. (1988. ) Episodic Response of Aluminum Chemistry in an Acid Sensitive Massachusetts Catchment .Water Resources Research, , 25 (2 ) ,233-240

Schnoor, J.L. and D.C. McAvoy (1981. ) Pesticide Transport and Bioconcentration Model .Journal of Environmental Engineering, , 107 (EE6 ) ,1229-1238

McAvoy, D.C. and J.E. Richardson Assessing the Fate of Flushable Consumer Products in Septic Tanks Using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modeling .Water Environment Research, ,

McAvoy, D.C. and J.E. Richardson Development if a Laboratory Drainline System for Assessing the Clogging Potential of Flushable Consumer Products .Journal of Environmental Engineering, ,

Cowan-Ellsberry, C., S. Belanger, D. McAvoy, S. Dyer, P. Dorn, H. Sanderson, D. Versteeg, and K. Stanton Environmental Safety of Major Surfactant Classes in North America .Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, ,

McAvoy, D.C. and J.E. Richardson. Three dimensional Flow Modeling of Laboratory Vortex Test Systems .Non Wovens Journal, ,

Schwab, B.S. and D.C. McAvoy An In-house Toilet and Drainline Flushability Evaluation of Toilet Tissue, Wet Wipes,a nd Tampons .Plumbing System & Design, ,

McAvoy, D.C., J. Shen, M. Bonnell, and D. Gutzman Evaluation of Existing Models for Predicting the Fate of Chemicals in Wastewater Treatment .Environmental Science and Technology, ,

Trenholm R.A.; Vanderford B.J.; Lakshminarasimman N.; McAvoy D.C.; Dickenson E.R.V. (09-01-2020. ) Identification of Transformation Products for Benzotriazole, Triclosan, and Trimethoprim by Aerobic .Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), , 146 (9 ) , More Information

Dyer S.D.; McAvoy D.C.; Belanger S.E.; Heinze J.; Stackhouse R.; Sanderson H.; Versteeg D.J. (06-15-2020. ) Correcting deficiencies to risk assessment of surfactants by Freeling et al. (2019).Science of the Total Environment, , 721 , More Information

Pecquet A.; McAvoy D.; Pittinger C.; Stanton K. (07-01-2019. ) Polymers Used in US Household Cleaning Products: Assessment of Data Availability for Ecological Risk.Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, , 15 (4 ) ,621-632 More Information

Sidhu H.; O'Connor G.; McAvoy D. (02-15-2019. ) Risk assessment of biosolids-borne ciprofloxacin and azithromycin.Science of the Total Environment, , 651 ,3151-3160 More Information

Lakshminarasimman N.; Quiñones O.; Vanderford B.; Campo-Moreno P.; Dickenson E.; McAvoy D. (11-01-2018. ) Biotransformation and sorption of trace organic compounds in biological nutrient removal treatment s.Science of the Total Environment, , 640-641 ,62-72 More Information

Menzies J.Z.; McDonough K.; McAvoy D.; Federle T.W. (02-01-2017. ) Biodegradation of nonionic and anionic surfactants in domestic wastewater under simulated sewer cond.Biodegradation, , 28 (1 ) ,1-14 More Information

Inyang M.; Flowers R.; McAvoy D.; Dickenson E. (09-01-2016. ) Biotransformation of trace organic compounds by activated sludge from a biological nutrient removal .Bioresource Technology, , 216 ,778-784 More Information

McAvoy D.C.; Pittinger C.A.; Willis A.M. (09-01-2016. ) Biotransformation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in anaerobic digester sludge, soils, and freshwat.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 131 ,143-150 More Information

Wolfe J.; McAvoy D.; Burton G.A.; Turner C.; Daley J. (01-01-2016. ) Validation of a framework for evaluating the potential effects and risks of Trace Organic Compounds .WEFTEC 2016 - 89th Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, , 6 ,5576-5599 More Information

Narasimman L.M.; Vanderford B.; Campo P.; Dickenson E.; McAvoy D. (01-01-2016. ) Biotransformation of trace organic compounds in biological nutrient removal treatment systems .WEFTEC 2016 - 89th Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference, , 7 ,3199-3208

McAvoy D.C.; Kerr K.M. (11-02-2015. ) Association of alcohol ethoxylates with a dissolved humic substance.Humic Substances and Chemical Contaminants, , 177-186 More Information

Belanger S.; Dorn P.; Dyer S.; McAvoy D.; Sanderson H.; Versteeg D.; Ferrer D.; Stanton K. (10-18-2015. ) Erratum: Environmental Safety of the Use of Major Surfactant Classes in North America (Critical Revi.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, , 45 (20 ) ,2282 More Information

Tu Q.; Zhu C.; McAvoy D.C. (05-01-2015. ) Converting campus waste into renewable energy - A case study for the University of Cincinnati.Waste Management, , 39 ,258-265 More Information

Wolfe J.R.; Turner C.; McAvoy D.; Burton A.; Bradley D. (10-01-2014. ) Are trace organic compounds (TORCs) a risk to your aquatic life? A framework for evaluating the pote .87th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, WEFTEC 2014, , 10 ,2657-2681

Inyang M.; Flowers R.; Velarde M.; McAvoy D.; Dickenson E. (10-01-2014. ) Biotransformation of trace organic contaminants in biological nutrient removal treatment systems.87th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, WEFTEC 2014, , 3 ,5328-5334 More Information

Cowan-Ellsberry C.; Belanger S.; Dorn P.; Dyer S.; Mcavoy D.; Sanderson H.; Versteeg D.; Ferrer D.; Stanton K. (09-02-2014. ) Environmental safety of the use of major surfactant classes in North America.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, , 44 (17 ) ,1893-1993 More Information

Rosenzweig S.; Sorial G.; Sahle-Demessie E.; McAvoy D. (08-30-2014. ) Optimizing the physical-chemical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene nanoplatelets (GN.Journal of Hazardous Materials, , 279 ,410-417 More Information

Tu Q.; Zhu C.; McAvoy D.; Lu M. (01-01-2014. ) Converting wastes generated on campus into renewable energies- a case study for University of Cincin .Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Conference and Exhibition, AWMA, , 1 ,676-690

Rosenzweig S.; Sorial G.A.; Sahle-Demessie E.; McAvoy D.C.; Hassan A.A. (01-01-2014. ) Effect of chloride ions and water chemistry on copper(II) adsorption on functionalized and pristine .Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, , 225 (4 ) , More Information

Karadagli F.; Rittmann B.; McAvoy D.; Richardson J. (01-01-2012. ) Effect of turbulence on the disintegration rate of flushable consumer products.Water Environment Research, , 84 (5 ) ,424-433 More Information

Snyder E.H.; O'Connor G.A.; McAvoy D.C. (01-01-2011. ) Toxicity and bioaccumulation of biosolids-borne triclocarban (TCC) in terrestrial organisms.Chemosphere, , 82 (3 ) ,460-467 More Information

Snyder E.; O'Connor G.; McAvoy D. (06-01-2010. ) Fate of 14C-triclocarban in biosolids-amended soils.Science of the Total Environment, , 408 (13 ) ,2726-2732 More Information

Snyder E.; O'Connor G.; McAvoy D. (06-01-2010. ) Measured physicochemical characteristics and biosolids-borne concentrations of the antimicrobial Tri.Science of the Total Environment, , 408 (13 ) ,2667-2673 More Information

Karadagli F.; McAvoy D.; Rittmann B. (01-01-2009. ) Development of a mathematical model for physical disintegration of flushable consumer products in wa.Water Environment Research, , 81 (5 ) ,459-465 More Information

McAvoy D.; Eckhoff W.; Begley W.; Pessler D. (05-01-2006. ) A comparison of alcohol ethoxylate environmental monitoring data using different analytical procedur.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 25 (5 ) ,1268-1274 More Information

Belanger S.E.; Boeije G.; Federle T.W.; McAvoy D.C.; Morrall S.W.; Eckhoff W.S.; Dunphy J.C.; Itrich N.R.; Price B.B.; Matthijs E.; Wind T.; Toy R.; Cano M.L.; Eadsforth C.V.; Van Compernolle R.; Dorn P.B.; Stephenson R.J.; Sherren A.J.; Selby M.; Evans A.; Marshall S.J.; Gümbel H.; Zeller D. (05-01-2006. ) Special issue on the environmental risk assessment of alcohol ethoxylate nonionic surfactant.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 (1 ) ,1-2 More Information

Morrall S.W.; Dunphy J.C.; Cano M.L.; Evans A.; McAvoy D.C.; Price B.P.; Eckhoff W.S. (05-01-2006. ) Removal and environmental exposure of alcohol ethoxylates in US sewage treatment.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 (1 ) ,3-13 More Information

van Compernolle R.; McAvoy D.C.; Sherren A.; Wind T.; Cano M.L.; Belanger S.E.; Dorn P.B.; Kerr K.M. (05-01-2006. ) Predicting the sorption of fatty alcohols and alcohol ethoxylates to effluent and receiving water so.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 (1 ) ,61-74 More Information

Eadsforth C.V.; Sherren A.J.; Selby M.A.; Toy R.; Eckhoff W.S.; McAvoy D.C.; Matthijs E. (05-01-2006. ) Monitoring of environmental fingerprints of alcohol ethoxylates in Europe and Canada.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 64 (1 ) ,14-29 More Information

Morrall D.; McAvoy D.; Schatowitz B.; Inauen J.; Jacob M.; Hauk A.; Eckhoff W. (01-01-2004. ) A field study of triclosan loss rates in river water (Cibolo Creek, TX).Chemosphere, , 54 (5 ) ,653-660 More Information

Rittmann B.; Lee K.; Shi J.; McAvoy D. (01-01-2003. ) Modeling nonsteady-state conditions and kinetics of mass transport for hydrophobic compounds in acti.Water Environment Research, , 75 (3 ) ,273-280 More Information

McAvoy D.C.; Masscheleyn P.; Peng C.; Morrall S.W.; Casilla A.B.; Lim J.M.U.; Gregorio E.G. (01-01-2003. ) Risk assessment approach for untreated wastewater using the QUAL2E water quality model.Chemosphere, , 52 (1 ) ,55-66 More Information

Dyer S.D.; Peng C.; McAvoy D.C.; Fendinger N.J.; Masscheleyn P.; Castillo L.V.; Lim J.M.U. (01-01-2003. ) The influence of untreated wastewater to aquatic communities in the Balatuin River, The Philippines.Chemosphere, , 52 (1 ) ,43-53 More Information

McAvoy D.; Decarvalho A.; Nielsen A.; Cano M. (12-01-2002. ) Investigation of an onsite wastewater treatment system in sandy soil: Modeling the fate of surfactan.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (12 ) ,2623-2630 More Information

Doi J.; Marks K.H.; Decarvalho A.J.; McAvoy D.C.; Nielsen A.M.; Kravetz L.; Cano M.L. (12-01-2002. ) Investigation of an onsite wastewater treatment system in sandy soil: Sorption and biodegradation of.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (12 ) ,2617-2622 More Information

Nielsen A.M.; Decarvalho A.J.; McAvoy D.C.; Kravetz L.; Cano M.L.; Anderson D.L. (12-01-2002. ) Investigation of an onsite wastewater treatment system in sandy soil: Site characterization and fate.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (12 ) ,2606-2616 More Information

Belanger S.E.; Bowling J.W.; Lee D.M.; LeBlanc E.M.; Kerr K.M.; McAvoy D.C.; Christman S.C.; Davidson D.H. (01-01-2002. ) Integration of aquatic fate and ecological responses to linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) in mode.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 52 (2 ) ,150-171 More Information

Traina S.J.; Fendinger N.J.; McAvoy D.C.; Kerr K.M.; Gupta S. (01-01-2002. ) Fate of polydimethylsilicone in biosolids-amended field plots.Journal of Environmental Quality, , 31 (1 ) ,247-255 More Information

McAvoy D.; Schatowitz B.; Jacob M.; Hauk A.; Eckhoff W. (01-01-2002. ) Measurement of triclosan in wastewater treatment systems.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 21 (7 ) ,1323-1329 More Information

Rittmann B.; Tularak P.; Lee K.; Federle T.; Itrich N.; Kaiser S.; Shi J.; McAvoy D. (12-01-2001. ) Erratum: How adaptation and mass transfer control the biodegradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonat.Biodegradation, , 12 (5 ) ,377 More Information

Rittmann B.; Tularak P.; Lee K.; Federle T.; Itrich N.; Kaiser S.; Shi J.; McAvoy D. (01-01-2001. ) How adaptation and mass transfer control the biodegradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate by acti.Biodegradation, , 12 (1 ) ,31-37 More Information

Kerr K.; Larson R.; McAvoy D. (01-01-2000. ) Evaluation of an inactivation procedure for determining the sorption of organic compounds to activat.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, , 47 (3 ) ,314-322 More Information

Logan T.J.; Henry C.L.; Schnoor J.L.; Overcash M.; McAvoy D.C. (01-01-1999. ) An assessment of health and environmental risks of trace elements and toxic organics in land-applied.Compost Science and Utilization, , 7 (3 ) ,38-53 More Information

McAvoy D.C.; Grady C.P.L.; Blok J.; Feijtel T.C.J.; Federle T.W.; Larson R.J. (04-01-1998. ) A simplified modeling approach using microbial growth kinetics for predicting exposure concentration.Chemosphere, , 36 (10 ) ,2291-2304 More Information

Mcavoy D.; Dyer S.; Fendinger N.; Eckhoff W.; Lawrence D.; Begley W. (01-01-1998. ) Removal of alcohol ethoxylates, alkyl ethoxylate sulfates, and linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in was.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 17 (9 ) ,1705-1711 More Information

McAvoy D.; Greff J.; Webb D.; Allgood G. (01-01-1998. ) Effects of olestra on organic and solids removal in septic tanks.Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, , 18 (4 ) ,131-138 More Information

Lee K.C.; Rittmann B.E.; Shi J.; McAvoy D. (01-01-1998. ) Advanced steady-state model for the fate of hydrophobic and volatile compounds in activated sludge.Water Environment Research, , 70 (6 ) ,1118-1131 More Information

Lee S.; McAvoy D.C.; Szydlik J.; Schnoor J.L. (01-01-1998. ) Modeling the fate and transport of household chemicals in septic systems.Ground Water, , 36 (1 ) ,123-132 More Information

Fendinger N.; Mcavoy D.; Eckhoff W.; Price B. (05-01-1997. ) Environmental occurrence of polydimethylsiloxane.Environmental Science and Technology, , 31 (5 ) ,1555-1563 More Information

Allgood G.S.; Mcavoy D.C.; Woltering D.M. (03-01-1997. ) Environmental assessment of a new food ingredient, the fat replacer olestra.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 16 (3 ) ,586-600 More Information

Schowanek D.; McAvoy D.; Versteeg D.; Hanstveit A. (12-01-1996. ) Effects of nutrient trace metal speciation on algal growth in the presence of the chelator [S,S]-EDD.Aquatic Toxicology, , 36 (3-4 ) ,253-275 More Information

Knaebel D.; Federle T.; Mcavoy D.; Vestal J. (11-01-1996. ) Microbial mineralization of organic compounds in an acidic agricultural soil: Effects of preadsorpti.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 15 (11 ) ,1865-1875 More Information

Traina S.J.; Mcavoy D.C.; Versteeg D.J. (04-15-1996. ) Association of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates with dissolved humic substances and its effect on bioav.Environmental Science and Technology, , 30 (4 ) ,1300-1309 More Information

Logan T.J.; Harrison B.J.; McAvoy D.C.; Greff J.A. (01-01-1996. ) Effects of olestra in sewage sludge on soil physical properties.Journal of Environmental Quality, , 25 (1 ) ,153-161 More Information

McAvoy D.C.; Shimp R.J.; Namkung E.; Hand V.C. (01-01-1996. ) Fate and effects of olestra, a fat substitute, during conventional wastewater treatment.Water Environment Research, , 68 (2 ) ,169-177 More Information

Hayes K.F.; Chen Chia-chen; McAvoy D.C. (01-01-1995. ) Quaternary ammonium surfactant effects on sorption of trace metals onto quartz and aluminosilicates.Soil Science Society of America Journal, , 59 (2 ) ,380-387 More Information

Fendinger N.; Begley W.; Mcavoy D.; Eckhoff W. (01-01-1995. ) Measurement of Alkyl Ethoxylate Surfactants in Natural Waters.Environmental Science and Technology, , 29 (4 ) ,856-863 More Information

Knaebel D.B.; Federle T.W.; McAvoy D.C.; Vestal J.R. (01-01-1994. ) Effect of mineral and organic soil constituents on microbial mineralization of organic compounds in .Applied and Environmental Microbiology, , 60 (12 ) ,4500-4508 More Information

McAvoy D.C.; White C.E.; Moore B.L.; Rapaport R.A. (01-01-1994. ) Chemical fate and transport in a domestic septic system: Sorption and transport of anionic and catio.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 13 (2 ) ,213-221 More Information

McAvoy D.; Eckhoff W.; Rapaport R. (01-01-1993. ) Fate of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate in the environment.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , 12 (6 ) ,977-987 More Information

Fendlnger N.; Begley W.; McAvoy D.; Eckhoff W. (12-01-1992. ) Determination of Alkyl Sulfate Surfactants in Natural Waters.Environmental Science and Technology, , 26 (12 ) ,2493-2498 More Information

McAvoy D.C.; Santore R.C.; Shosa J.D.; Driscoll C.T. (01-01-1992. ) Comparison between pyrocatechol violet and 8-hydroxyquinoline procedures for determining aluminum fr.Soil Science Society of America Journal, , 56 (2 ) ,449-455 More Information

Schecher W.; McAvoy D. (01-01-1992. ) MINEQL+: A software environment for chemical equilibrium modeling.Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, , 16 (1 ) ,65-76 More Information

Dahlgren R.A.; McAvoy D.C.; Driscoll C.T. (04-01-1990. ) Acidification and Recovery of a Spodosol Bs Horizon from Acidic Deposition.Environmental Science and Technology, , 24 (4 ) ,531-537 More Information

McAvoy D.; Driscoll C. (12-01-1989. ) The chemical response following base application to Little Simon Pond, New York State .Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, , 61 (9-10 ) ,1552-1563

Dahlgren R.; Driscoll C.; McAvoy D. (01-01-1989. ) Aluminum precipitation and dissolution rates in Spodosol Bs horizons in the northeastern USA.Soil Science Society of America Journal, , 53 (4 ) ,1045-1052 More Information

McAvoy D. (01-01-1989. ) Episodic response of aluminum chemistry in an acid?sensitive Massachusetts catchment.Water Resources Research, , 25 (2 ) ,233-240 More Information

McAvoy D. (01-01-1988. ) Seasonal trends of aluminum chemistry in a second-order Massachusetts stream.Journal of Environmental Quality, , 17 (4 ) ,528-534 More Information

Technical Reports

Schnoor, J.L., D.C. McAvoy, C.E. Ruiz-Calzada and M.R. Wiesner (1979. ) Bioaccumulation Model, Interim Report .

McAvoy, D.C. (1979. ) A Pesticide Model For Coralville Reservoir .The University of Iowa,

McAvoy, D.C. (1981. ) Vermilion River Dye Study .

D.C. McAvoy (1982. ) Data Report of the Water Quality Survey Conducted During the Winter of 1982 .

Boyer, H.A. and D.C. McAvoy (1982. ) Utilization of an Auto-Monitoring Information Network, American Society of Civil Engineering Conference Proceedings .

Male, J.W. and D.C. McAvoy (1985. ) Engineering Report on the Hydrologic Characteristics of the Proposed Salem Place Development .

McAvoy, D.C. (1987. ) Modeling the Fate of Aluminum in a Watershed System Under Acidified Conditions .

McAvoy, D.C. and J.W. Male (1987. ) The Fate and Toxicological Effect of Aluminum in an Acidified Massachusetts Watershed System .

Binkley, D., C.T. Driscoll, H.L. Allen, P. Schoeneberger and D.C. McAvoy (1987. ) Impacts of Acid Deposition: Context and Case Studies of Forest Soils in the Southeastern U.S.

Binkley, D., C.T. Driscoll, H.L. Allen, P. Schoeneberger and D.C. McAvoy (1988. ) Impacts of Acidic Deposition: Context and Case Studies of Forest Soils in the Southeastern U.S. Ecological Studies Series, 72,152p

Rapaport, R.A., R.J. Larson, D.C. McAvoy, A.M. Nielsen and M. Trehy (1992. ) The Fate of Commercial LAS in the Environment. Proceedings from 3rd CESIO Meeting .

C.P.L. Grady, D.C. McAvoy, T.C.J. Feijtel, R.J. Larson, T.W. Federle and J. Blok (1997. ) Use of Monod Kinetics for Predicting Exposure Concentrations of Organic Compounds in Treated Wastewater Effluents, Biodegradation Kinetics: Generation and Use of Data for Regulatory Decision Making .

Kaiser, S.K., G.S. Allgood, D.C. McAvoy, D.H. Tallmadge, W.E. Eckhoff, K.M. Kerr, and D.K. Ewald (1999. ) Environmental Activated Sludge Field Monitoring of a New Food Ingredient .

Jaworska, J.S., P. Masscheleyn, and D.C. McAvoy (2001. ) 163-172

McAvoy, D.C. and K.M. Kerr (2001. )

McAvoy, D.C., G.A. Rece, E.L. Schwab, B.A. Nuck, N.R. Itrich, and R.C. Stark (2003. ) Protocols to Assess the Breakdown of Flushable Consumer Products, Water Environment Research Foundation/ Treatment Processes and Systems .

McAvoy, D.C. (2008. )

Higgins, C.P., J.O. Sharp, J.G. Sepulvado, B.Littrell, G. O'Connor, E. Snyder, and D.C. McAvoy (2010. ) State-of-the-Science Review of Occurrence and Physical, Chemical, and Biological Processes Affecting Biosolids-Borne Trace Organic Chemicals in Soil, Water Environment Research Foundation .

Rauch-Williams, T., A. Salveson, E. Dickenson, J. Drewers, D. Drury, D. Gerrity, C. Higgins, D. McAvoy, S. Snyder, and B. Vanderford (2011. ) Trace Organic Compound Removal in Biological Wastewater Treatment, Conference Proceedings to the 26th Annual WaterReuse Symposium .

Pittinger, C., A. Maier, B. Gadagbui, A. Parker, and D. McAvoy (2012. ) Gathering Unpublished Data for Chemical Detection in Biosolids, Water Environment Research Foundation .

Salveson, A., T. Rauch-Williams, E. Dickerson, J. Drewes, D. Drury, D. McAvoy, and S. Snyder (2012. ) Trace Organic Compound Removal During Wastewater Treatment – Categorizing Wastewater Treatment Processes by Their Efficacy in Reduction of a Suite of Indicator TOrCs, Water Environment Research Foundation .

Schnoor, J.L. and D.C. McAvoy Environmental Modeling: Fate and Transport of Pollutants in Water, Air and Soil, Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts and Monographs .


Invited Presentations

McAvoy, D., C. Pittinger, and E. Dickeson (2012. ) Trace Organics in Biosolids – Is there Cause for Concern? .WERF Webinar Series, Alexandria, VA.

Raunch-Williams, T., A. Salveson, E. Dickenson, D. McAvoy, J. Drewes, and D. Drury (2012. ) Integrating Nutrient and Trace Organic Removal in Wastewater Treatment .9th Annual IWA Leading-Edge Conference, Bisbane, Australia.

McAvoy, D.C., R. Mooney-Bullock, B. George, N. Ellwood, and D. Gamstetter (2011. ) Ecological Engineering to Preserve Sustainable Urban Ecosystem Services .Second International Congress on Sustainable Science and Engineering, Tucson, AZ.

Stanton, K., C. Cowan-Ellsberry, S. Belanger, D. McAvoy, P. Dorn, S. Dyer, H. Sanderson, R. van Compernolle, D. Versteeg, and R. Sedlak (2011. ) Environmental Safety of Major Surfactant Classes in North America .CESIO 8th World Surfactant Congress & Business Convention, Vienna, Austria.

Rauch-Williams, T., A. Salveson, E. Dickenson, J. Drewers, D. Drury, D. Gerrity, C. Higgins, D. McAvoy, S. Snyder, and B. Vanderford (2011. ) Trace Organic Compound Removal in Biological Wastewater Treatment .26th Annual WaterReuse Symposium, Pheonix, AZ.

Higgins, C., D. McAvoy, and G. O’Connor (2011. ) Prioritization of Biosolids-borne Trace Organic Chemicals .SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Dickenson, E., J. Drewes, K. Hyland, C. Higgins, A. Salveson, T. Rauch-Williams, B. Narayanan, S. Snyder, B. Vanderford, D. Gerrity, D. McAvoy, and D. Drury (2010. ) Effect of Wastewater Treatment Operational Conditions on the Fate of Emerging Trace Organic Compounds .WEFTEC 83rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

McAvoy, D.C. (2010. ) Life Cycle Assessment: A Quantitative Tool for Assessing Sustainability .Sustainable Urban Environment Seminar Series, Cincinnati, OH.

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O'Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2009. ) Risk Assessment of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban .Procter & Gamble E-CoP Technical Seminar, Cincinnati, OH.

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2008. ) Envrironmental Transport of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban .University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, Gainsville, FL.

D.C. McAvoy and K. Possell (2008. ) INDA/EDANA Flushability Guidelines .World of Wipes Conference, Chicago, IL .

D.C. McAvoy, K. Possell, and R. Holmes (2008. ) INDA/EDANA Flushability Guidelines .INDA Webinar, Cary, NC.

McAvoy, D.C. (2008. ) The EDANA/INDA Flushability Guidance Document .EUREAU Industry and Trade Meeting, Luxembuorg City, Luxembourg.

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2008. ) Risk Assessment of Triclocarban in Land-Applied Biosolids .ASA-CSSA-SSSA , Huston, TX.

McAvoy, D.C., D.J. Versteeg, R.D. Vashon, S.E. Belanger, T.W. Federle, and S.D. Dyer (2008. ) Ecological Risk Assessment of Personal Care Product Ingredients .WEFTEC Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

McAvoy, D.C., G.A. Rece and P. Lorscher (2008. ) Training Workshop on INDA/EDANA Flushability Guidelines .NSF International, Ann Arbor, MI.

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2008. ) Fate and Transport of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban .SETAC North America Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Dyer, S., D. McAvoy, D. Lester, S. Bay, P. DeLeo, J. Pletl, L. Olabode, and D. Woltering (2008. ) WERF’s Plan for Determining the Relationship Between Exposure of Trace Organics and Adverse Impacts to Aquatic Populations and Communities .SETAC North America 29th Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Versteeg, D.J., D.C. McAvoy, R.D. Vashon, S.E. Belanger, T.W. Federle, S.D. Dyer, and B.B. Price (2007. ) Aquatic Risk Assessment of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Product Ingredients .SETAC North America , Milwaukee, WI.

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2007. ) Fate and Transport of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban .ASA-CSSA-SSSA , New Orleans, LA.

McAvoy, D.C. and M. Nellor (2007. ) Trace Organics Challenge: Understanding and Comunicating Potential Exposure and Effects .WERF Program Area Meeting, Berkeley, CA .

McAvoy, D.C. (2006. ) INDA/EDANA Flushability Guidelines .EDANA Workshop on Flushable Products, Brussels, Belgium.

Snyder, E.H., G.A. O’Connor, and D.C. McAvoy (2006. ) Fate and Transport of Biosolids-Borne Triclocarban .World Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA.

Eadsforth, C.V., A.J. Sherren, M.A. Selby, R. Toy, W.S. Eckhoff, D.C. McAvoy, and E. Matthijs (2005. ) SETAC Europe ,

McAvoy, D.C. (2004. ) Fate, Bioavailability, and Bioconcentration of Orgnaic Compounds in Biosolids-Amended Soil .Sustainable Land Application Conference, Florida, USA .

McAvoy, D.C. and N.J. Fendinger (2004. ) Long Term Fate of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in Biosolids-Amended Soil .Sustainable Land Application Conference, Florida, USA .

McAvoy, D.C. and J. Haynes (2004. ) Assessing Down the Drain Disposal of Flushable Products .IDEA 04 Conference, Florida, USA .

Richardson, J. and D.C. McAvoy (2002. ) CFD Modeling of a Septic Tank to Assess the Fate of Flushable Consumer Products .Water Environment Federation Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinios.

Zhu, C., N.J. Fendinger, D.J. Foltz, S. Ma, S.F. Webb, W.S. Eckhoff, K.M. Kerr, D.C., and McAvoy (1999. ) Trace Triclocarban (TCC) Analysis in Wastewater and Treated Wastewater .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA.

Eckhoff, W.S., G.S. Allgood, S.K. Kaiser, D.C. McAvoy, and D.H. Tallmadge (1999. ) Environmental Activated Sludge Field Monitoring of a New Food Ingredient, the Fat Replacer Olestra .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA.

Lee, D.M., D.W. Gledhill, K.M. Kerr, S.K. Kaiser, D.C. McAvoy, S.E. Belanger, and S.W. Morrall (1999. ) Understanding the Environmental Fate of Alkyl Sulfate: Part I - River Water, Pool Sediment, and Riffle Periphyton Biodegradation and Sorption Studies .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA.

McAvoy, D.C. (1998. ) Industrial Applications of Environmental Chemistry .American Chemical Society, Boston, MA.

McAvoy, D.C. (1998. ) Industrial Applications of Environmental Chemistry .21st Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Doi, J., K. Marks, A. DeCarvalho, D.C. McAvoy, A. Nielsen, and L. Kravetz (1998. ) Investigation of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System in a Sandy Soil: Adsorption and Biodegradation of LAS .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, NC.

Federle, T.W., S.K. Kaiser, D.C. McAvoy, N.R. Itrich, D.W. Gledhill, and K.M. Kerr (1998. ) Comparison of Measured Removal of LAS in Laboratory Activated Sludge Systems with Modeled Removal based on Batch Biodegradation Rates and Sorption Coefficients .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, NC.

Kerr, K.M. and D.C. McAvoy (1998. ) Association of Alcohol Ethoxylate (AE) Surfactants with Dissolved Humic Substances .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, NC.

Itrich, N.R., K.M. Kerr, D.C. McAvoy, and T.W. Federle (1998. ) Effect of Ethoxylate Number and Chain Length on the Biodegradation Kinetics and Sorption of Linear Alkyl Ethoxylates in Activated Sludge .Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Charlotte, NC.

McAvoy, D.C., J. Shi, W.D. Schecher, and B.E. Rittmann (1997. ) Steady State Model for Predicting Emissions of Organic Compounds From Activated Sludge Treatment Systems .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

McAvoy, D.C., C. Peng, B.A. Nuck, and T.W. Federle (1997. ) Approach for Predicting Exposure Concentrations of Consumer Product Ingredients in Rivers Receiving Untreated Wastewater .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Kaiser, S.K., D.W. Gledhill, B.A. Nuck, D.C. McAvoy, R.J. Larson, and T.W. Federle (1997. ) Varying Influent Concentration Study for Linear Alkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS) Using a Laboratory Continuous-Flow Activated Sludge System .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, SanFrancisco, CA.

McAvoy, D.C., K.M. Kerr, and N.J. Fendinger (1996. ) Long-Term Fate of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in Sludge Amended Soils .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C..

N.J. Fendinger, D.C. McAvoy, W.S. Eckhoff, and B.B. Price (1996. ) Environmental Occurrence of Polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Washington, DC.

Kerr, K.M. and D.C. McAvoy (1995. ) Determination of Sorption Coefficients (Kds) For Activated Sludge Solids Using a No-Specific Analytical Technique .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Second SETAC World Congress (16th Annual Meeting), Abstract Book pp. 224.

Cowan, C.E., A. Yamamoto, D.C. McAvoy, and E. Namkung (1995. ) Method for Consumer Product Ingredients in Japan .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Second SETAC World Congress (16th Annual Meeting), Abstract Book pp. 280.

Greff, J.A., D.C. McAvoy, D.R. Webb, and G.S. Allgood (1995. ) Fate and Effects of Olestra in Septic Tanks .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Second SETAC World Congress (16th Annual Meeting).

McAvoy, D.C., R.J. Shimp, E., Namkung, and V.C. Hand (1994. ) Treatability of Olestra, a Fat Substitute, During Conventional Wastewater Treatment .Water Environment Federation Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

McAvoy, D.C., K.M., Kerr, and G.W. Hyatt (1994. ) Bioavailability and Transport of Trace Metals Following the Amendment of an MSW/Biosolids Co-Compost to Agricultural Soils .Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington.

McAvoy, D.C., D.J. Versteeg, and S.J. Traina (1993. ) Interactions of LAS with Dissolved Humic Substances and Its Effect on Fish .Workshop on Environmental Fate and Effects of Surfactants, Veldhoven, The Netherlands.

Kerr, K.M. D.C. McAvoy (1993. ) Determination of Sorption Coefficients (Kd's) for Activated Sludge Solids .Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop, University of Notre Dame.

McAvoy, D.C., W.M. Begley, D.L. Lawrence, and W.S. Eckhoff (1993. ) Alkyl Ethoxylate Alcohol and Alkyl Ethoxylate Sulfate Removal During Wastewater Treatment .Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop, University of Notre Dame.

Kerr, K.M., D.C. McAvoy, and G.W. Hyatt (1993. ) Fate and Availability of Trace Metals Following Land Application of a Co-Compost .Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.

McAvoy, D.C., N.J. Fendinger, K.T. Norwood, and S.D. Dyer (1993. ) Removal of Alkyl Ethoxylates and Alkyl Ethoxylate Sulfates During Wastewater Treatment .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Houston, Texas.

McAvoy, D.C. and K.M. Kerr (1993. ) Determination of Sorption Coefficients (Kd's) for Activated Sludge Solids Using a Non-Specific Analytical Technique .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Houston, Texas.

Fendinger, N.J., W.M. Begley, D.C. McAvoy and W.S. Eckhoff (1992. ) Monitoring of Alkyl Sulfate Surfactants in Wastewater Treatment Systems and Surface Waters .American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA.

Begley, W.M., N.J. Fendinger, D.C. McAvoy and W.S. Eckhoff (1992. ) Behavior of Alkyl Sulfate (AS) Surfactants During Trickling Filter and Activated Sludge Treatment .American Chemical Society, Cincinnati, OH.

Dyer, S.D., J.B. Barnum and D.C. McAvoy (1992. ) Aquatic Safety Assessment for Boron. Proceedings .International Symposium on the Health of Boron and its Compounds, Riverside, CA.

N.R. Itrich, C.E. White, D.C. McAvoy, and T.W. Federle (1992. ) Biodegradation of Oxydisuccinate (ODS) in Subsurface Soils from a Septic Tank Tile Field System .American Society of Microbiology, New Orleans.

Rapaport, R.A., R.J. Larson, D.C. McAvoy, A.M. Nielsen, and M. Trehy (1992. ) The fate of Commercial LAS in the Environment .CESIO Annual Meeting, London, England.

McAvoy, D.C., D.J. Versteeg, and S.J. Traina (1992. ) Fate and Effects of LAS Bound to Dissolved Humic Substances in Aquatic Systems .IHSSS 6th International Meeting, Monopoli, Italy.

McAvoy, D.C. and C.E. White (1992. ) Fate of a Detergent Builder Following Discharge from a Septic Tank System .Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Cincinnati, OH.

Low, B.A., J.A. Greff and D.C. McAvoy (1992. ) Fate and Effect of Compounds in Septic Systems .Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Cincinnati, OH.

Bookland, E.A., D.C. McAvoy, D.L. Wilke, R.T. Williams and E.C. Schaeffer (1992. ) Screening Level Tests for Determining Effects on Septic Tank Functions .Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Cincinnati, OH.

Dyer, S.D., D.C. McAvoy, J.B. Barnum, J.A. Black and W.J. Birge (1992. ) Aquatic Safety Assessment for Boron .Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Cincinnati, OH.

McAvoy, D.C. and W.D. Schecher (1991. ) MINEQL+: An Interactive Management System for the Chemical Equilibrium Program MINEQL .Soil Science Society of America, Denver, CO.

McAvoy, D.C. and C.E. White (1991. ) Fate of TMS/TDS Beneath a Septic Tank Tile Field .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Seattle, WA.

McAvoy, D.C., C.E. White, N. Itrich, and T.W. Federle (1991. ) Sorption and Biodegradation of an Anthropogenic Chelator in a Soil Environment .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Seattle, WA.

McAvoy, D.C., W.S. Eckhoff, and R.A. Rapaport (1990. ) LAS Concentrations at U.S. Treatment Plants and Receiving Waters .Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

White, C.E. and D.C. McAvoy (1990. ) An Analytical Method for the Determination of Trace Metal Speciation in Natural Waters .Analytical Chemistry Symposium, Kings Island, OH.

Eckhoff, W.S., R.A. Rapaport, and D.C. McAvoy (1990. ) LAS Concentrations at U.S. Treatment Plants and Receiving Waters .Analytical Chemistry Symposium, Kings Island, OH.

McAvoy, D.C. and S.J. Traina (1990. ) Determination of a Conditional Association Constant for LAS with Natural Humic Substances .Gordon Conference on Environmental Science: Water, New Hampton, NH.

White, C.E. and D.C. McAvoy (1990. ) Determining Trace Metal Speciation in Natural Waters and Wastewaters .Mid-West Environmental Chemistry Workshop, Urbana, IL.

McAvoy, D.C., D.J. Versteeg, and S.J. Traina (1990. ) The Binding of LAS to Dissolved Humic Substances and its Effects on Fish .Mid-West Environmental Chemistry Workshop, Urbana, IL.

McAvoy, D.C., S.J. Traina, and D.J. Versteeg (1990. ) Fate and Effects of LAS Bound to Dissolved Humic Substances .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Arlington, VA.

R.A. Rapaport, T.W. Federle, D.C. McAvoy, and B.L. Moore (1990. ) Consumer Product Chemical Behavior in the subsurface After Domestic Effluent Discharge .Septic Systems and Groundwater Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Rapaport, R.A., W.S. Eckhoff, D.C. McAvoy, R.J. Caprara, and W.S. Lung (1990. ) A U.S. Surface Water Exposure Assessment for LAS .Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Arlington, VA.

White, C.E., D.C. McAvoy, and R.A. Rapaport (1989. ) The role of Sorption in the Fate of Succinate Tartrates in a Variety of Environmental Compartments .Mid-West Environmental Chemistry Workshop, Bloomington, IN.

McAvoy, D.C. (1988. ) Chemical Response of Calcium Carbonate Addition to Cranberry Pond, New York .Shield Lakes Acidification Network Telegraph Spring Workshop,

Nodvin, S.C., J.S. Kahl, D.C. McAvoy, S.A. Norton and C.T. Driscoll (1988. ) Episodic Stream Acidification and Aluminum Mobilization at the Watershed Manipulation Site in Maine .Ecological Society of America, Sacramento, CA.

McAvoy, D.C., C.T. Driscoll, W.A. Ayling and L.M. Oliver (1988. ) Effects of Base Treatment on the Water Chemistry of Little Simon Pond, New York .Water Pollution Control Federation, Dallas, TX.

Dahlgren, R.A., D.C. McAvoy and C.T. Driscoll (1988. ) Aluminum Precipitation/ Dissolution Rates in the Bs Horizons of Spodosols .Soil Science Society of America, Anaheim, CA.

Driscoll, C.T., R.A. Dahlgren and D.C. McAvoy (1988. ) Acidification and Recovery of Spodosol Bs Horizons from Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern U.S. Soil Science Society of America, Anaheim, CA.

McAvoy, D.C., R.A. Dahlgren and C.T. Driscoll (1988. ) Modeling the Chemical Response of a Spodosol Bs Horizon Leached with Acidic Solutions .Soil Science Society of America, Anaheim, CA.

McAvoy, D.C. (1987. ) Seasonal Variations of Streamwater Chemistry in an Acid-Sensitive Massachusetts Catchment .Shield Lakes Acidification Telegraph Spring Workshop,

McAvoy, D.C. (1987. ) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Aluminum in an Acidified Watershed System, Symposium on Acid Rain .American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, MD.

McAvoy, D.C. (1986. ) A Simulation Model Used to Assess Short-Term Mobility of Aluminum in a Watershed System, Modeling the Aquatic Effects of Acid Precipitation .American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

Boyer, H.A. and D.C. McAvoy (1982. ) Utilization of an Auto-Monitoring Information Network .American Society of Civil Engineering, Minneapolis, MN.

McAvoy, D.C. and S.J. Traina Binding of LAS to Dissolved Humic Substances .Analytical Chemistry Symposium, Kings Island, OH.

Honors and Awards

2012 Outstanding Adjunct Award University of Cincinnati

2008 -2010 Editorial Board Environmental Toxicology and Chemicstry

2007 Professional Accomplishment Award for an Engineer in Industry Engineers and Scientists in Cincinnati

2004 Excellence in Review Award Environmental Science & Technology

2003 -2008 Research Council Water Environment Research Foundation

2000 -2003 Editorial Board Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

1997 Willem Rudolfs Medal Water Environment Federation

1977 Tau Beta Pi National Honorary Engineering Fraternity

1977 Student Chapter President, Chi Epsilon National Honorary Civil Engineering Fraternity.

Post Graduate Training and Education

05-2010Mass Spectrometry Basics, Short Course, ACS, Online Training, ,

04-2010Practical Applications of Mass Spectrometry for Small Molecules, Short Course, ACS, , St. Louis, Missouri

08-1989Metals Equilibrium Speciation Model MINTEQA2, Short Course, U.S. EPA, , Athens, Georgia

05-1983Modeling of Toxic Substances in Natural Water Systems, Short Course, Manhattan College, , Bronx, New York

03-1981USEPA QUAL-II Water Quality Model, Short Course, Seattle, Washington

Professional Affiliation

American Chemical Society

International Water Association

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Soil Science Society of America

Water Environment Federation

Contact Information

4855 LeBlond Ave.
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45208
Phone: 513.382.0987