James McCarthy , MD
Professor of Clinical-Affiliate
Childrens Hospital Bldg R
COM Orthopaedic Surgery - 0212
Professional Summary
MD, Professor
Peer Reviewed Publications
Levin, Harvey; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Li, Xiaoqi; Hunter, Jill V; Narayana, Ponnada A; Hasan, Khadar M; Biekman, Brian; Swank, Paul R; Robertson, Claudia S; Miller, Emmy R; McCauley, Stephen R; Chu, Zili; Faber, Jessica; McCarthy, James J (2016. ) Loss of Consciousness is Related to White Matter Injury in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Journal of neurotrauma, , More Information
Okafor, Nnaemeka G; Doshi, Pratik B; Miller, Sara K; McCarthy, James J; Hoot, Nathan R; Darger, Bryan F; Benitez, Roberto C; Chathampally, Yashwant G (2015. ) Voluntary Medical Incident Reporting Tool to Improve Physician Reporting of Medical Errors in an Emergency Department.The western journal of emergency medicine, , 16 (7 ) ,1073-8 More Information
Fischer, Tara D; Red, Stuart D; Chuang, Alice Z; Jones, Elizabeth B; McCarthy, James J; Patel, Saumil S; Sereno, Anne B (2015. ) Detection of Subtle Cognitive Changes after mTBI Using a Novel Tablet-Based Task.Journal of neurotrauma, , More Information
Rabinowitz, Amanda R; Li, Xiaoqi; McCauley, Stephen R; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Barnes, Amanda; Hanten, Gerri; Mendez, Donna; McCarthy, James J; Levin, Harvey S (2015. ) Prevalence and Predictors of Poor Recovery from Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Journal of neurotrauma, , 32 (19 ) ,1488-96 More Information
Glotzbecker, Michael P; Wang, Kevin; Waters, Peter M; McCarthy, James; Flynn, John M; Vitale, Michael G (2015. ) Quality, Safety, and Value in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , More Information
McCarthy, James J; Alessandrini, Evaline A; Schoettker, Pamela J POSNA Quality, Safety, Value Initiative 3 Years Old and Growing Strong. POSNA Precourse 2014.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 35 (5 Suppl 1 ) ,S5-8 More Information
Smith, Brian G; Kanel, Jeffrey S; Halsey, Matthew F; Thometz, John G; Rosenfeld, Samuel R; Epps, Howard R; McCarthy, James (2015. ) Emergency department on-call status for pediatric orthopaedics: a survey of the POSNA membership.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 35 (2 ) ,199-202 More Information
Narayana, Ponnada A; Yu, Xintian; Hasan, Khader M; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Levin, Harvey S; Hunter, Jill V; Miller, Emmy R; Patel, Vipul Kumar S; Robertson, Claudia S; McCarthy, James J (2015. ) Multi-modal MRI of mild traumatic brain injury.NeuroImage. Clinical, , 7 ,87-97 More Information
Goerlich, Corbin E; Wade, Charles E; McCarthy, James J; Holcomb, John B; Moore, Laura J (2014. ) Validation of sepsis screening tool using StO2 in emergency department patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 190 (1 ) ,270-5 More Information
Hasan, Khader M; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Miller, Emmy R; Kumar Patel, Vipul; Staewen, Terrell D; Frisby, Melisa L; Garza, Hector M; McCarthy, James J; Hunter, Jill V; Levin, Harvey S; Robertson, Claudia S; Narayana, Ponnada A (2014. ) Serial atlas-based diffusion tensor imaging study of uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury in adults.Journal of neurotrauma, , 31 (5 ) ,466-75 More Information
Schaffzin, Joshua K; Prichard, Heather; Bisig, Jennifer; Gainor, Peggy; Wolfe, Krista; Solan, Lauren G; Webster, Laurie; McCarthy, James J (2013. ) A collaborative system to improve compartment syndrome recognition.Pediatrics, , 132 (6 ) ,e1672-9 More Information
Lykissas, Marios G; McCarthy, James J Should all unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis be treated open?.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 33 Suppl 1 ,S92-8 More Information
Lykissas, Marios G; Jain, Viral V; Manickam, Vairavan; Nathan, Senthil; Eismann, Emily A; McCarthy, James J (2013. ) Guided growth for the treatment of limb length discrepancy: a comparative study of the three most commonly used surgical techniques.Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, , 22 (4 ) ,311-7 More Information
Hanten, Gerri; Li, Xiaoqi; Ibarra, Alyssa; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Barnes, Amanda; McCauley, Stephen R; McCarthy, James; Hoxhaj, Shkelzen; Mendez, Donna; Hunter, Jill V; Levin, Harvey S; Smith, Douglas H (2013. ) Updating memory after mild traumatic brain injury and orthopedic injuries.Journal of neurotrauma, , 30 (8 ) ,618-24 More Information
McCauley, Stephen R; Wilde, Elisabeth A; Miller, Emmy R; Frisby, Melissa L; Garza, Hector M; Varghese, Reni; Levin, Harvey S; Robertson, Claudia S; McCarthy, James J (2013. ) Preinjury resilience and mood as predictors of early outcome following mild traumatic brain injury.Journal of neurotrauma, , 30 (8 ) ,642-52 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Iobst, Christopher A; Rozbruch, S Robert; Sabharwal, Sanjeev; Eismann, Emily A (2013. ) Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society AIM index reliably assesses lower limb deformity.Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , 471 (2 ) ,621-7 More Information
Radwan, Zayde A; Bai, Yu; Matijevic, Nena; del Junco, Deborah J; McCarthy, James J; Wade, Charles E; Holcomb, John B; Cotton, Bryan A (2013. ) An emergency department thawed plasma protocol for severely injured patients.JAMA surgery, , 148 (2 ) ,170-5 More Information
Parikh, Shital N; Jain, Viral V; Denning, Jaime; Tamai, Junichi; Mehlman, Charles T; McCarthy, James J; Wall, Eric J; Crawford, Alvin H (2012. ) Complications of elastic stable intramedullary nailing in pediatric fracture management: AAOS exhibit selection.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 94 (24 ) ,e184 More Information
Ravish, Matthew; Muldowney, Bridget; Becker, Aimee; Hetzel, Scott; McCarthy, James J; Nemeth, Blaise A; Noonan, Kenneth J (2012. ) Pain management in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion: combined intrathecal morphine and continuous epidural versus PCA.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 32 (8 ) ,799-804 More Information
Stitgen, Andrea; McCarthy, James J; Nemeth, Blaise A; Garrels, Kathryn; Noonan, Kenneth J (2012. ) Ulnar fracture with late radial head dislocation: delayed Monteggia fracture.Orthopedics, , 35 (3 ) ,e434-7 More Information
Stitgen, Andrea; Garrels, Kathryn; Kobayashi, Hiro; Vanderby, Ray; McCarthy, James J; Noonan, Kenneth J (2012. ) Biomechanical comparison between 2 guided-growth constructs.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 32 (2 ) ,206-9 More Information
Pugely, Andrew J; Nemeth, Blaise A; McCarthy, James J; Bennett, D Lee; Noonan, Kenneth J (2012. ) Osteonecrosis of the distal tibia metaphysis after a Salter-Harris I injury: a case report.Journal of orthopaedic trauma, , 26 (2 ) ,e11-5 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Davidson, Richard S; Ast, Michael P; Cavorsi, Gina M; Swick, Jeffrey (2011. ) Sagittal plane deformity during femoral lengthening.Orthopedics, , 34 (10 ) ,e602-4 More Information
Flannery, Walker; Balts, Joshua; McCarthy, James J; Swick, Jeffrey; Noonan, Kenneth J; Olson, Jeremy (2011. ) Are terminally threaded guide pins from cannulated screw systems dangerous?.Orthopedics, , 34 (8 ) ,e374-7 More Information
Chandran, Sheila; McCarthy, James; Noonan, Kenneth; Mann, David; Nemeth, Blaise; Guiliani, Teresa (2011. ) Early treatment of scoliosis with growing rods in children with severe spinal muscular atrophy: a preliminary report.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 31 (4 ) ,450-4 More Information
Koplin, Stephanie Ann; Su, Lillian; Salamat, Shahriar; Torrealba, Jose; McCarthy, James; Mitchell, Jean; Olabisi, Ronke; Noonan, Kenneth J (2011. ) Distraction osteogenesis-induced muscle fibrosis may not be associated with TGF-?1.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 31 (4 ) ,413-20 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Armstrong, Douglas G; Davey, Joseph P; Epps, Howard R; Gerardi, Joseph A; Kanel, Jeffrey S; Mehlman, Charles T; Roach, James W; Schwend, Richard M; Smith, Brian G; Ward, W Timothy The current medical practice of the pediatric orthopaedic surgeon in North America.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 31 (3 ) ,223-6 More Information
Marcu, David M; Balts, Joshua; McCarthy, James J; Kozin, Scott H; Noonan, Kenneth J (2011. ) Iatrogenic radial nerve injury with cannulated fixation of medial epicondyle fractures in the pediatric humerus: a report of 2 cases.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 31 (2 ) ,e13-6 More Information
Herman, Martin J; McCarthy, James; Willis, R Baxter; Pizzutillo, Peter D (2011. ) Top 10 pediatric orthopaedic surgical emergencies: a case-based approach for the surgeon on call. Instructional course lectures, , 60 ,373-95
McCarthy, James J; Noonan, Kenneth J; Nemke, Brett; Markel, Mark Guided growth of the proximal femur: a pilot study in the lamb model.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 30 (7 ) ,690-4 More Information
Holt, Deborah C; McCarthy, James S; Carapetis, Jonathan R (2010. ) Parasitic diseases of remote Indigenous communities in Australia.International journal for parasitology, , 40 (10 ) ,1119-26 More Information
Muchow, Ryan D; Flannery, Walker D; Miedaner, James A; Noonan, Kenneth J; McCarthy, James J (2010. ) Compartment syndrome after serial casting in spastic diplegic cerebral palsy: a case report.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 91 (4 ) ,653-5 More Information
MacDonald, Kevin M; Swanstrom, Morgan M; McCarthy, James J; Nemeth, Blaise A; Guliani, Teresa A; Noonan, Kenneth J (2010. ) Exaggerated inflammatory response after use of recombinant bone morphogenetic protein in recurrent unicameral bone cysts.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 30 (2 ) ,199-205 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Kozin, Scott H; Tuohy, Christopher; Cheung, Emilie; Davidson, Richard S; Noonan, Kenneth External fixation and centralization versus external fixation and ulnar osteotomy: the treatment of radial dysplasia using the resolved total angle of deformity.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 29 (7 ) ,797-803 More Information
Ranade, Ashish; McCarthy, James J; Davidson, Richard S Angular deformity in pediatric transtibial amputation stumps.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 29 (7 ) ,726-9 More Information
Pandya, Nirav K; Clarke, Sylvan E; McCarthy, James J; Horn, B David; Hosalkar, Harish S (2009. ) Correction of Blount's disease by a multi-axial external fixation system.Journal of children's orthopaedics, , 3 (4 ) ,291-9 More Information
Hamdy, Reggie C; Montpetit, Kathleen; Raney, Ellen M; Aiona, Michael D; Fillman, Ramona R; MacKenzie, William; McCarthy, James; Chafetz, Ross S; Thomas, Susan Sienko; Tamayo, Cynthia M; Littleton, Aaron G; Ruck-Gibis, Joanne; Takahashi, Susan N; Rinaldi, Mario; Finley, G Allen; Platt, Robert W; Dahan-Oliel, Noémi Botulinum toxin type A injection in alleviating postoperative pain and improving quality of life in lower extremity limb lengthening and deformity correction: a pilot study.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 29 (5 ) ,427-34 More Information
Zampini, Jay; McCarthy, James J (2009. ) Augmented blade plate fixation of a varus derotation osteotomy of the proximal femur using a tension band.Orthopedics, , 32 (6 ) ,414 More Information
Fife, Caroline E; Smith, Latisha A; Maus, Erik A; McCarthy, James J; Koehler, Michelle Z; Hawkins, Trina; Hampson, Neil B (2009. ) Dying to play video games: carbon monoxide poisoning from electrical generators used after hurricane Ike.Pediatrics, , 123 (6 ) ,e1035-8 More Information
Foroohar, Abtin; McCarthy, James J; Yucha, David; Clarke, Sylvan; Brey, Jennifer Head-shaft angle measurement in children with cerebral palsy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 29 (3 ) ,248-50 More Information
McCarthy, James J; MacIntyre, Neil R; Hooks, Brian; Davidson, Richard S (2009. ) Double osteotomy for the treatment of severe Blount disease.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 29 (2 ) ,115-9 More Information
Clarke, Sylvan E; McCarthy, James J; Davidson, Richard S (2009. ) Treatment of Blount disease: a comparison between the multiaxial correction system and other external fixators.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 29 (2 ) ,103-9 More Information
Samdani, Amer F; Fayssoux, Reginald S; Asghar, Jahangir; McCarthy, James J; Betz, Randal R; Gaughan, John; Mulcahey, Mary Jane (2009. ) Chronic spinal cord injury in the pediatric population: does magnetic resonance imaging correlate with the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury examination?.Spine, , 34 (1 ) ,74-81 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Ranade, Ashish; Davidson, Richard S (2008. ) Pediatric deformity correction using a multiaxial correction fixator.Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , 466 (12 ) ,3011-7 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Noonan, Kenneth J (2008. ) Toxic synovitis.Skeletal radiology, , 37 (11 ) ,963-5 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Weiner, Dennis S (2008. ) Greater trochanteric epiphysiodesis.International orthopaedics, , 32 (4 ) ,531-4 More Information
Frances, Stephen P; Baade, Lisa M; Kubofcik, Joseph; Nutman, Thomas B; Melrose, Wayne D; McCarthy, James S; Nissen, Michael D (2008. ) Seroconversion to filarial antigens in Australian defence force personnel in Timor-Leste. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, , 78 (4 ) ,560-3
Song, Frederick S; McCarthy, James J; MacEwen, G Dean; Fuchs, Katherine E; Dulka, Susan E (2008. ) The incidence of occult dysplasia of the contralateral hip in children with unilateral hip dysplasia.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 28 (2 ) ,173-6 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Pizzutillo, P; Ranade, A; MacEwen, G D (2008. ) Mentoring healers. Orthopedics, , 31 (2 ) ,116
McCarthy, James J; Palma, Douglas A; Betz, Randal R (2008. ) Comparison of autograft and allograft fixation in Pemberton osteotomy. Orthopedics, , 31 (2 ) ,126
McCarthy, James J (2008. ) The bull's eye view in slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Orthopedics, , 31 (2 ) ,137-9
McCarthy, James J; Pizzutillo, P; Ranade, A; MacEwen, G D (2008. ) Mentoring healers. Orthopedics, , 31 (2 ) ,116, 118
Stackhouse, Scott K; Binder-Macleod, Stuart A; Stackhouse, Carrie A; McCarthy, James J; Prosser, Laura A; Lee, Samuel C K Neuromuscular electrical stimulation versus volitional isometric strength training in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy: a preliminary study.Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, , 21 (6 ) ,475-85 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Mark, Arthur K; Davidson, Richard S (2007. ) Treatment of angular deformities of the tibia in children: acute versus gradual correction. Journal of surgical orthopaedic advances, , 16 (3 ) ,118-22
Hamdy, Reggie C; Montpetit, Kathleen; Ruck-Gibis, Joanne; Thorstad, Kelly; Raney, Ellen; Aiona, Michael; Platt, Robert; Finley, Allen; Mackenzie, William; McCarthy, James; Narayanan, Unni (2007. ) Safety and efficacy of botox injection in alleviating post-operative pain and improving quality of life in lower extremity limb lengthening and deformity correction.Trials, , 8 ,27 More Information
Lauer, Richard T; Stackhouse, Carrie A; Shewokis, Patricia A; Smith, Brian T; Tucker, Carole A; McCarthy, James (2007. ) A time-frequency based electromyographic analysis technique for use in cerebral palsy.Gait & posture, , 26 (3 ) ,420-7 More Information
Schaefer, Megan K; McCarthy, James J; Josephic, Kyle (2007. ) Effects of early weight bearing on the functional recovery of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy after bilateral proximal femoral osteotomy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 27 (6 ) ,668-70 More Information
Stackhouse, Carrie; Shewokis, Patricia A; Pierce, Samuel R; Smith, Brian; McCarthy, James; Tucker, Carole (2007. ) Gait initiation in children with cerebral palsy.Gait & posture, , 26 (2 ) ,301-8 More Information
McCarthy, James J; MacEwen, G Dean (2007. ) Hip arthroscopy for the treatment of children with hip dysplasia: a preliminary report. Orthopedics, , 30 (4 ) ,262-4
Lauer, Richard T; Smith, Brian T; Shewokis, Patricia A; McCarthy, James J; Tucker, Carole A (2007. ) Time-frequency changes in electromyographic signals after hamstring lengthening surgery in children with cerebral palsy.Journal of biomechanics, , 40 (12 ) ,2738-43 More Information
Griffith, Susan I; McCarthy, James J; Davidson, Richard S Comparison of the complication rates between first and second (repeated) lengthening in the same limb segment.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 26 (4 ) ,534-6 More Information
McCarthy, James J; D'Andrea, Linda P; Betz, Randal R; Clements, David H (2006. ) Scoliosis in the child with cerebral palsy. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, , 14 (6 ) ,367-75
McCarthy, James J; Betz, Randal R (2006. ) Hip disorders in children who have spinal cord injury.The Orthopedic clinics of North America, , 37 (2 ) ,197-202, vi-vii More Information
Pirpiris, Marinis; Gates, Philip E; McCarthy, James J; D'Astous, Jacques; Tylkowksi, Chester; Sanders, James O; Dorey, Fred J; Ostendorff, Sheryl; Robles, Gilda; Caron, Christine; Otsuka, Norman Y Function and well-being in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 26 (1 ) ,119-24 More Information
Orlin, Margo N; Pierce, Samuel R; Stackhouse, Carrie Laughton; Smith, Brian T; Johnston, Therese; Shewokis, Patricia A; McCarthy, James J (2005. ) Immediate effect of percutaneous intramuscular stimulation during gait in children with cerebral palsy: a feasibility study.Developmental medicine and child neurology, , 47 (10 ) ,684-90 More Information
Lauer, Richard T; Stackhouse, Carrie; Shewokis, Patricia A; Smith, Brian T; Orlin, Margo; McCarthy, James J (2005. ) Assessment of wavelet analysis of gait in children with typical development and cerebral palsy.Journal of biomechanics, , 38 (6 ) ,1351-7 More Information
MacEwen, G Dean; McCarthy, James J (2005. ) Practice management. Orthopedics, , 28 (4 ) ,358, 360
Myers, Thomas G; Fishman, Michael K; McCarthy, James J; Davidson, Richard S; Gaughan, John Incidence of distal femoral and distal tibial deformities in infantile and adolescent blount disease. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 25 (2 ) ,215-8
McCarthy, James J; Dormans, John P; Kozin, Scott H; Pizzutillo, Peter D (2005. ) Musculoskeletal infections in children: basic treatment principles and recent advancements. Instructional course lectures, , 54 ,515-28
Pierce, Samuel R; Orlin, Margo N; Lauer, Richard T; Johnston, Therese E; Smith, Brian T; McCarthy, James J (2004. ) Comparison of percutaneous and surface functional electrical stimulation during gait in a child with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists, , 83 (10 ) ,798-805
Klug, Raphael; McCarthy, James J; Eilert, Robert E (2004. ) The use of a two C-arm technique in the treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Orthopedics, , 27 (10 ) ,1041-2
Lauer, Richard T; Smith, Brian T; Coiro, Dan; Betz, Randal R; McCarthy, James (2004. ) Feasibility of gait event detection using intramuscular electromyography in the child with cerebral palsy.Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society, , 7 (3 ) ,205-13 More Information
Johnston, Therese E; Finson, Richard L; McCarthy, James J; Smith, Brian T; Betz, Randal R; Mulcahey, M J Use of functional electrical stimulation to augment traditional orthopaedic surgery in children with cerebral palsy. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 24 (3 ) ,283-91
Fuller, David A; McCarthy, James J; Keenan, Mary Ann (2004. ) The use of the absorbable interference screw for a split anterior tibial tendon (SPLATT) transfer procedure. Orthopedics, , 27 (4 ) ,372-4
Pierce, Samuel R; Laughton, Carrie A; Smith, Brian T; Orlin, Margo N; Johnston, Therese E; McCarthy, James J (2004. ) Direct effect of percutaneous electric stimulation during gait in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a report of 2 cases. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 85 (2 ) ,339-43
Vautour, Line M; Melton, L Joseph; Clarke, Bart L; Achenbach, Sara J; Oberg, Ann L; McCarthy, James T (2004. ) Long-term fracture risk following renal transplantation: a population-based study.Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA, , 15 (2 ) ,160-7 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Chafetz, Ross S; Betz, Randal R; Gaughan, John (2004. ) Incidence and degree of hip subluxation/dislocation in children with spinal cord injury. The journal of spinal cord medicine, , 27 Suppl 1 ,S80-3
McCarthy, James J; Kim, Harry; Saluan, Paul; Karsky, Dawnne; Davidson, Richard S (2003. ) The effects of limb lengthening on growth.Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, , 12 (5 ) ,328-31 More Information
Yoo, Seung-Schik; Freeman, Daniel K; McCarthy, James J; Jolesz, Ferenc A (2003. ) Neural substrates of tactile imagery: a functional MRI study.Neuroreport, , 14 (4 ) ,581-5 More Information
McCarthy, James J; MacEwen, G Dean (2003. ) Development of hip dysplasia in a child with perinatal contralateral high above-knee amputation.Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, , 12 (2 ) ,103-5 More Information
McCarthy, James J; Burke, Thomas; McCarthy, M Christine Need for concomitant proximal fibular epiphysiodesis when performing a proximal tibial epiphysiodesis. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 23 (1 ) ,52-4
McCarthy, James; Otsuka, Norman Y "Intramuscular psoas lengthening improves dynamic hip function in children with cerebral palsy" by Novacheck et al. Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 22 (6 ) ,827; author reply 82
Kaufmann, Robert A; Davidson, Richard; McCarthy, James (2002. ) Bilateral congenital subtalar dislocation: a case report. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , (397 ) ,381-4
McCarthy, James J; Finson, Rick; Smith, Brian T; Liggins, Adrian B; Mulcahey, M J; Betz, Randal R (2002. ) Cerebral palsy: results of surgical releases augmented with electrical stimulation: a case study.Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society, , 5 (2 ) ,113-9 More Information
Smith, Brian T; Coiro, Daniel J; Finson, Richard; Betz, Randal R; McCarthy, James (2002. ) Evaluation of force-sensing resistors for gait event detection to trigger electrical stimulation to improve walking in the child with cerebral palsy.IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, , 10 (1 ) ,22-9 More Information
Betz, Randal R; Johnston, Therese E; Smith, Brian T; Mulcahey, M J; McCarthy, James J (2002. ) Three-year follow-up of an implanted functional electrical stimulation system for upright mobility in a child with a thoracic level spinal cord injury. The journal of spinal cord medicine, , 25 (4 ) ,345-50
McCarthy J.;Kim D.;Eilert R. (10-05-1998. ) Posttraumatic genu valgum: Operative versus nonoperative treatment.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 18 (4 ) ,518-521 More Information
McCarthy J.;McCarthy M.;Eilert R. (03-29-1999. ) Children's and parents' visual perception of physicians .Clinical Pediatrics, , 38 (3 ) ,145-152
McCarthy J.;Glancy G.;Chang F.;Eilert R. (12-27-2000. ) Fibular hemimelia: Comparison of outcome measurements after amputation and lengthening .Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, , 82 (12 ) ,1732-1735
McCarthy J.;Betz R. (01-15-2000. ) The relationship between tight hamstrings and lumbar hypolordosis in children with cerebral palsy.Spine, , 25 (2 ) ,211-213 More Information
McCarthy J.;Betz R.;Kim A.;Davids J.;Davidson R. (07-16-2001. ) Early radiographic differentiation of infantile tibia vara from physiologic bowing using the femoral.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 21 (4 ) ,545-548 More Information
Betz R.;Mulcahey M.;Smith B.;Triolo R.;McCarthy J. (04-02-2001. ) Implications of hip subluxation for FES-assisted mobility in patients with spinal cord injury .Orthopedics, , 24 (2 ) ,181-184
McCarthy J.;MacEwen G. (01-01-2001. ) Management of leg length inequality. Journal of the Southern Orthopaedic Association, , 10 (2 ) ,73-85; discussion 85
Smith B.;Coiro D.;Finson R.;Betz R.;McCarthy J. (08-10-2002. ) Evaluation of force-sensing resistors for gait event detection to trigger electrical stimulation to .IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, , 10 (1 ) ,22-29 More Information
Liggins A.;Coiro D.;Lange G.;Johnston T.;Smith B.;McCarthy J. (01-01-2002. ) The case for using instrumented crutches during gait analysis .Bioengineering, Proceedings of the Northeast Conference, , 15-16
Johnston T.;Smith B.;Betz R.;Mulcahey M.;McCarthy J. (01-01-2002. ) Implanted functional electrical stimulation for upright mobility in paediatric spinal cord injury: A .Bioengineering, Proceedings of the Northeast Conference, , 13-14
Pierce S.;Johnston T.;Smith B.;Orlin M.;McCarthy J. (01-01-2002. ) Effect of percutaneous electrical stimulation on ankle kinematics in children with cerebral palsy .Bioengineering, Proceedings of the Northeast Conference, , 81-82
McCarthy J.;Finson R.;Smith B.;Liggins A.;Mulcahey M.;Betz R. (05-27-2002. ) Cerebral palsy: Results of surgical releases augmented with electrical stimulation: A case study.Neuromodulation, , 5 (2 ) ,113-119 More Information
McCarthy J.;Dormans J.;Kozin S.;Pizzutillo P. (04-01-2004. ) Musculoskeletal Infections in Children: Basic Treatment Principles and Recent Advancements .Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, , 86 (4 ) ,850-863
McCarthy J.J.;Scoles P.V.;MacEwen G.D. (06-01-2005. ) Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).Current Orthopaedics, , 19 (3 ) ,223-230 More Information
Lauer R.;Smith B.;Coiro D.;Betz R.;McCarthy J. (07-01-2004. ) Feasibility of gait event detection using intramuscular electromyography in the child with cerebral .Neuromodulation, , 7 (3 ) ,205-213 More Information
Lauer R.;Shewokis P.;Stackhouse C.;Pierce S.;Smith B.;McCarthy J. (12-01-2005. ) The effects of electrical stimulation gait training in the child with cerebral palsy.2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, , 2005 ,538-539 More Information
Pandya N.K.;Clarke S.E.;McCarthy J.J.;Horn B.D.;Hosalkar H.S. (04-16-2009. ) Correction of Blount's disease by a multi-axial external fixation system.Journal of Children's Orthopaedics, , 3 (4 ) ,291-299 More Information
Liggins A.;Coiro D.;Lange G.;Johnston T.;Smith B.;McCarthy J. (01-01-2002. ) The case for using instrumented crutches during gait analysis.Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC, , 2002-January ,15-16 More Information
Noonan K.;McCarthy J. (03-01-2010. ) Compartment syndromes in the pediatric patient.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 30 (SUPPL. 2 ) ,S96-S101 More Information
Sabharwal S.;Green S.;McCarthy J.;Hamdy R.C. (01-19-2011. ) What's new in limb lengthening and deformity correction.Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, , 93 (2 ) ,213-221 More Information
Pierce S.;Johnston T.;Smith B.;Orlin M.;McCarthy J. (01-01-2002. ) Effect of percutaneous electrical stimulation on ankle kinematics in children with cerebral palsy.Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC, , 2002-January ,81-82 More Information
Lykissas M.;McCarthy J. (05-01-2013. ) Lower extremity management in cerebral palsy.Current Orthopaedic Practice, , 24 (3 ) ,334-339 More Information
Johnston T.;Smith B.;Betz R.;Mulcahey M.;McCarthy J. (01-01-2002. ) Implanted functional electrical stimulation for upright mobility in pediatric spinal cord injury: A .Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC, , 2002-January ,13-14 More Information
McCarthy J. (01-01-2012. ) Foreword.Pediatric Orthopedic Surgical Emergencies, , vii-viii More Information
McCarthy J.;Noonan K.;Gandhi S. (01-01-2012. ) Pediatric hip fractures and dislocations.Pediatric Orthopedic Surgical Emergencies, , 127-140 More Information
Garg, Sumeet; McCarthy, James J; Goodwin, Ryan; Kolmodin, Joel; Sankar, Wudbhav N; Franklin, Corinna; Armstrong, Douglas; Fryzel, David; Hassenbein, Susan; Meder, Cara (2016. ) Complication Rates After Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Use in Orthopaedic Surgery in Children: A Concise Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , More Information
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