Dacia M Mccoy
Assoc Professor - Educator
Associate Professor-Educator
Behavior Analysis
Teachers College
CECH Human Services - 0002
Professional Summary
Dacia M. McCoy, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor- Educator in the Behavior Analysis Program at the University of Cincinnati. She has a background in education and school psychology and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the doctoral level (BCBA-D). She has peer-reviewed publications and presented at international, national, and regional conferences on evidenced-based interventions to support students, educators, and caregivers. She is also active in professional organizations including the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Ohio Association for Behavior Analysis. Additionally, Dr. McCoy is dedicated to implementing and disseminating best-practices in high-quality course delivery with a focus on online learning environments.
Peer Reviewed Publications
McCoy, D., Morrison, J., Barnett, D., Kalra, H., & Donovan, L. (2017. ) Using iPad tablets for self-modeling with preschoolers: Videos versus photos.Psychology in the Schools, , 54 (8 ) ,821 More Information
Hawkins, R., Haydon, T., McCoy, D., & Howard, A. (2017. ) Effects of an interdependent group contingency on the transition behavior of middle school students with emotional and behavioral disorders.School Psychology Quarterly, , 32 (2 ) ,282 More Information
Haydon, T., Musti-Rao, S., McCune, A., Clouse, D., McCoy, D., Kalra, H., & Hawkins, R. (2016. ) Using video modeling and mobile technology to teach social skills.Intervention in School and Clinic, , 52 (3 ) ,1 More Information
Denune, H., Hawkins, R., Donovan, L., McCoy, D., Hall, L., & Moeder, A. (2015. ) Combining self-monitoring and an interdependent group contingency to improve the behavior of sixth graders with ED.Psychology in the Schools, , 52 (6 ) ,562 More Information
Donovan, L., McCoy, D., Denune, H., Barnett, D., Graden, J., & Carr, V. (2015. ) Preparing doctoral-level consultants for system change: Implementing and supervising multi-tiered practices in early childhood education.Journal of Behavioral Education, , 25 ,37 More Information
Barnett, D., Hawkins, R., McCoy, D., Wahl, E., Shier, A., Denune, H., & Kimener, L. (2014. ) Methods used to document procedural fidelity in school-based intervention research.Journal of Behavioral Education, , 23 ,89 More Information
Haydon, T., Hawkins, R., Denune, H., Kimener, L., McCoy, D., & Basham, J. (2012. ) A comparison of iPads and worksheets on math fluency of 9th grade students with emotional disturbance .Behavioral Disorders, , 37 (4 ) ,232
Book Chapter
McCoy, D., Ritter, C. & Murphy, J. (2021 ) Peer-mediated pivotal response training Peers as change agents: A guide to implementing peer-mediated interventions .Oxford, Oxford University Press (Co-Author)
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