Ashley L Merianos
Health Promotion And Education
Teachers College
CECH Human Services - 0002
Professional Summary
Dr. Ashley L. Merianos is a Professor in the School of Human Services at the University of Cincinnati and a Research Affiliate Member of the Thirdhand Smoke Research Consortium. As a health services researcher, Dr. Merianos has extensive training and experience in the epidemiology and prevention of substance use with an emphasis on tobacco, quantitative statistical methods, and clinical and translational research in the pediatric healthcare setting. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist and Tobacco Treatment Specialist.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has successfully funded Dr. Merianos’ research as a Principal Investigator (K01DA044313 and R21ES032161). Her current K01 project measures the health and economic burden of child tobacco smoke exposure including secondhand and thirdhand smoke on the acute healthcare setting, and creates an implementation plan to reduce exposure in a future trial. Dr. Merianos' R21 project examined the prevalence, contributions, and health risks of exposure to tobacco smoke and electronic cigarette aerosol among children nationwide. She currently serves as a Co-Investigator on a NIH project (R01ES030743) that focuses on the assessment of complex tobacco smoke toxicant mixtures within microenvironments and evaluation of policies aimed at protecting children from related harmful effects.
Dr. Merianos has co-authored over 200 peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals and delivered over 200 professional presentations.
To learn more about past and present research conducted by the Thirdhand Smoke Research Consortium, visit the Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center website.
Research Support
Grant: #K01DA044313 National Institute on Drug Abuse Reducing Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Pediatric Patients in the Emergency Department Setting Role:PI
Grant: #R01ES030743 Investigators:Ashley L Merianos National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Thirdhand Smoke Exposure in a Pediatric Patient Population Role:Site PI
Grant: #R21ES032161 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Distinguishing Exposure to Secondhand and Thirdhand Tobacco Smoke and Electronic Cigarettes among U.S. Children based on Multiple Biomarker Profiles Role:PI
Grant: #139868 / R01ES027815 Investigators:Merianos, Ashley 01-01-2019 -12-31-2023 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Contribution of Thirdhand Smoke to Overall Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Pediatric Patients Role:PI 84362.90 Closed Level:Federal