Brian Rounds Metcalf
Assoc Professor - Educator
University of Cincinnati
Clifton Court Hall, Suite 3271
2800 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Phone 513-556-5590
Email Brian.Metcalf@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Brian Metcalf, PhD, is an Associate Professor-Educator in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cincinnati. Prior to August 2017, he was an Associate Professor of Psychology at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, HI (since 2000). Originally from Stevens Point, WI, he previously taught and conducted research at Morris Brown College, and before that, at the University of Georgia, where he earned his MS and PhD in biopsychology. He was invited in 2012 by renowned psychologist, Dr. Philip Zimbardo, to be a member of his "Z-Team", a name coined as the antithesis of "The A-Team," those tip of the spear, first-in special forces that enter dangerous situations which often creates PTSD. The mission of The Z-Team is to research, document, publish articles and books, and educate people about: the importance of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) as a psychological scale, Temporal Theory, and Time Perspective Therapy. Brian also collaborates with Phil on his Heroic Imagination Project, training his students the skills and awareness needed to create lasting positive change in their own lives and the lives of others around them. Since 2016, he is also a consultant for AETAS Mind Balancing Apps at timeperspectivetherapy.org.
With a background in psychology and neuroscience, Brian earned his PhD from the Univerisity of Georgia Department of Psychology in the Biopsychology (since renamed Behavioral and Brain Sciences) Program. His teaching experience and interests, however, are wide-ranging. Specializing in teaching courses in Introduction to Psychology, Psychobiology, Sensation & Perception, and Personality (most frequently-taught courses), he has also taught Introductory Statistics in Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, Advanced Statistics in Psychology, Social Psychology, and "capstone" courses including History & Systems of Psychology and Research Methods in Social Psychology. Since 2012, he has regularly taught online and hybrid course sections as well as the traditional course sections he has been teaching since 1993.
Brian has been awarded by his peers with three "Golden Apple Awards for Excellence" in Mentoring, Service to Students, and the Reflective Use of Technology in his online and traditional courses. A long-time faculty advisor to multiple-award-winning student organizations including the Psychology Club and Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, Brian has also earned "Advisor of the Year," "Western Regional Psi Chi Chapter Advisor" awards, and was nominated for Psi Chi's "Florence Denmark National Faculty Advisor Award." Psychology Club groups and officers he has mentored have earned University numerous "Club of the Year," "Most Distinguished Club," "Event of the Year," "Best Outreach," "Most Spirited," and "President of the Year" awards over the years. The Psi Chi chapter and student officers he advised received "Model Chapter" status (7 consecutive years), "Western Regional Chapter of the Year," "Research Conference Grants" (5 consecutive years), and student, Caitlin Macy, received the "Kay Wilson Leadership" (National President of the Year) award.
Ph.D.: University of Georgia Athens, GA, 1999 (Biopsychology (Neuroscience))
M.S.: University of Georgia Athens, GA, 1993 (Biopsychology (Neuroscience))
B.S.: University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Stevens Point, WI, 1987 (Psychology (Minors in Biology and Sociology))
Research and Practice Interests
While Dr. Metcalf's specialization is neuroscience and his research interests have included operant studies with rodents, drug-discrimination studies with so-called “club drugs,” and electrophysiological recording, his research experience is very diverse. He also has a keen interest in social and clinical topics in recent years due to a close association and working relationship he developed with world-renowned psychologist, Dr. Philip Zimbardo. Most famous for the 1971 “Stanford Prison Experiment” that highlighted the ease with which ordinary college students could cross the line between good and evil when caught up in the matrix of situational and systemic forces, he has published more than 50 books, among them, “The Lucifer Effect,” “The Time Paradox,” and “The Time Cure,” and has written more than 500 professional and popular articles and chapters, including now one with Dr. Metcalf!
Two areas of Zimbardo’s interest that Metcalf is working with him on are his community-based “Heroic Imagination Project” (HIP) and his Time Perspective Theory/Therapy (TPT). After years of focusing on those situational factors producing evil/inaction in otherwise ordinary people, he became interested in how those same situations sometimes produce the opposite, heroism and activism. Realizing that almost no attention has been paid by psychology to heroism, he founded the HIP which is dedicated both to researching these factors and training people, particularly young people, to be “heroes in waiting.” Metcalf was asked by Zimbardo to present how Metcalf is incorporating a theme of heroism in his courses and in April 2016 Metcalf joined him as part of an Invited Symposium at the Western Psychological Association convention in Long Beach.
Meanwhile, Zimbardo’s Time Perspective Theory was first laid out in an article in 1999 with John Boyd (“Putting Time in Perspective: A Valid, Reliable Individual-Difference Metric”) which introduced the now widely used Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI). Subsequent books, “The Time Paradox” and “The Time Cure” elaborated on how one’s time perspective influences virtually everything we do (despite being largely outside of our awareness) and how this theory has been transformed into one of the most promising therapies known for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other anxieties and depression. In March, 2016, an entry Metcalf co-authored with Zimbardo called “Time Perspective Theory” was published in SAGE’s “Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology.” Work continues on both of these topics, including how they may be interrelated.
Positions and Work Experience
2017 -2023 Assistant Professor - Educator in Psychology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2000 -2017 Associate Professor of Psychology, Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, HI
1996 -2000 Adjunct Assistant Professor/Research Associate, Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA
2023 -To Present Associate Professor - Educator in Psychology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Published Abstracts
Metcalf, B.R., Linnes, C., Agrusa, J.F., & Lema, J. (2015. ) Do you want to build a snowman in Norway? The impact of Disney's Frozen movie on Norwegian tourism .[Abstract]Abstract Proceedings of the 21stAsia Pacific Tourism Association Conference, 199-203
Metcalf, B.R., Stahl, J.M., Allen, J.D., Woolfolk, D.R., & Soto, P.L. (2002. ) Discrimination of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ethanol administered separately and as a mixture in rats .[Abstract]Alcohol Research, 7 (1 ) ,29-30
Metcalf, B.R., Stahl J.M., Soto P.L., Sanchez M., Jones L.L. (2000. ) Symmetrical tests of generalization to the discriminative stimulus properties of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and gamma-butyrolactone in rats .[Abstract]Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 60 ,147
Peer Reviewed Publications
Metcalf, B.R., Stahl, J.M., Allen, J.D., Woolfolk, D.R., & Soto, P.L. (2001. ) Discrimination of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ethanol administered separately and as a mixture in rats .Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, , 70 (1 ) ,31-41
Metcalf, B.R., Linnes, C., Agrusa, J.F., & Lema, J. (2015. ) Do you want to build a snowman in Norway? The impact of Disney's Frozen movie on Norwegian tourism .Developments of the new tourism paradigm in the Asia Pacific region: Proceedings of the 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference, , 395-404
Linnes, C. & Metcalf, B.R. (2017. ) iGeneration and their acceptance of technology .International Journal of Management & Information Systems, , 21 (2 ) ,11-25
Abayomi, A.K.*, Metcalf, B.R., Brakke, K.E., & Stahl, J.M. (1999. ) The effect of differing fixed ratio schedule parameters for acquisition of drug discrimination using gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol in rats .Proceedings of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, , 4 ,995-997
Agrusa, J.F., Linnes, C., Lema, J. & Metcalf, B.R. (2018. ) Data mining in film tourism. International Journal of Economics and Business, , 6 ((2) ) ,51-69
Book Chapter
Metcalf, B.R., & Allen, J.D. (1995 ) In search of chaos in schedule-induced polydipsia Chaos theory in psychology. .Westport, CT, Greenwood Publishing Group
Linnes, C., Metcalf, B.R.., Shahijan, M.K. (2017 ) The future of Apps: A smart investment for business Apps Management and E-commerce Transactions in Real-Time .Hershey, PA, IGI Global
Encyclopedia Article
Metcalf, B.R. & Zimbardo, P.G. (2016. ) Encyclopedia of theory in psychology. .Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications
Metcalf, B.R. & Zimbardo, P.G. (2016. ) Encyclopedia of theory in psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications
Invited Presentations
Metcalf, B.R., & Zimbardo, P.G. (2016. ) My heroic imagination in Intro Psych. Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Long Beach, CA.. Conference. . Level:Regional
Metcalf, B.R. (2017. ) We Can Be Heroes: The Heroic Imagination in the face of Conformity, Obedience, and in the Worst of Situations .Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2017. ) What We’ve Learned About Learning: Classical and Operant Conditioning .Northwest Michigan College, Traverse City, MI. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2017. ) We Can Be Heroes: The Heroic Imagination in the face of Conformity, Obedience, and in the Worst of Situations .Concordia University of Chicago, Oak Park, IL. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2017. ) PTSD and The Time Cure .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. UC. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2015. ) The Pohakea Heroic Imagination Project .Hawaii Pacific University Psychology Symposium Series, Honolulu, HI. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R., & Morgan, D. (2008. ) A 30-year mystery: Remembering & understanding Jonestown .Hawaii Pacific University Symposium Series, Honolulu, HI. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2000. ) Tests for symmetrical generalization between the stimulus effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ethanol administered separately and as mixtures in rats .Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2000. ) Why you probably believe weird things .California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2000. ) What’s the scoop on Scoop?: Stimulus properties of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol .California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (2000. ) The stimulus effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol .Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. & Davis, M. (01-05-2019. ) Fostering the heroic imagination in psychology classes .41st Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL. Conference. . Level:National
Metcalf, B.R. (02-21-2020. ) Favorite teaching hacks to make our jobs easier (Interactive Panel Discussant) .Southeastern Teaching of Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. Conference. . Level:Regional
Metcalf, B.R. (01-19-2022. ) Be present: Bringing yourself and your Time Perspectives into the now with your students .Learning and Teaching at UC Conference (LT@UC). , Cincinnati, OH. Conference. . Level:University
Metcalf, B.R. (02-18-2022. ) Being present with your students: Mindfully bringing yourself and your Time Perspective into the now .Southeastern Teaching of Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. Conference. . Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Metcalf, B.R., Stahl, J.M., Woolfolk, D.R., & Soto, P.L. (2001. ) Discrimination of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ethanol administered separately and as a mixture in rats .Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Metcalf, B.R., Stahl, J.M., Soto, P.L., Sanchez, M.L.*, & Jones, L.L. (2000. ) Tests of generalization to the discriminative stimulus properties of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in rats .62nd annual meeting of The College on Problems of Drug Dependence, San Juan, Puerto Rico. . Conference. . Level:International
Soto, P., McDowell, J., Metcalf, B., & Stahl, J. (2000. ) The effect of an alternative reinforcement source on Herrnstein’s single-alternative equation .26th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior Analysis, Washington, DC. . Conference. . Level:National
Bunnell, B.N., Hebert, M.A., Metcalf, B.R., Mougey, E.H., & Meyerhoff, J.L. (1992. ) Septal lesions increase submissive behavior and HPA activity in hamsters .Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA. . Conference. . Level:International
Jones, L.L.*, Sanchez, M.*, Metcalf, B.R., & Stahl, J.M. (2000. ) Discrimination training of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone stimuli in rats .Annual Atlanta University Center Research Day Symposium, Atlanta, GA. . Conference. . Level:Local
Sanchez, M.*, Jones, L.L.*, Dowling, T.*, Metcalf, B.R., & Stahl, J.M. (2000. ) Symmetrical tests of generalization to the discriminative stimulus properties of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in rats. .Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Abayomi, A.K.*, Metcalf, B.R., Brakke, K.E., & Stahl, J.M. (1999. ) Comparison of differing fixed ratio schedule parameters for acquisition of drug discrimination using gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol in rats .National Institute of Mental Health Career Opportunities in Research Education & Training (NIHM-COR) Colloquium, Albuquerque, NM. . Conference. . Level:National
Abayomi, A.K.*, Metcalf, B.R., Brakke, K.E., & Stahl, J.M. (1999. ) Fixed ratio schedule parameters of drug discrimination acquisition for gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol in rats .Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Savannah, GA. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Metcalf, B.R. (02-21-2020. ) Use of a Video Presentation Assignment in Psychology Courses .Southeastern Teaching of Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Metcalf, B. R. (02-07-2022. ) Becoming Dr. B: My pathway to where I am and bunch of advice! .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University
Metcalf, B.R. (02-05-2019. ) Remembering Henry: The story of Patient H.M. and his brain .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University
Metcalf, B.R. (05-2017. ) We Can Be Heroes: The Heroic Imagination in the face of Conformity, Obedience, and in the Worst of Situations .Kennesaw, GA.. Other Institution. Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (04-2017. ) What We’ve Learned About Learning: Classical and Operant Conditioning .Traverse City, MI. Other Institution. Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (04-2017. ) We Can Be Heroes: The Heroic Imagination in the face of Conformity, Obedience, and in the Worst of Situations .Oak Park, IL. Other Institution. Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (03-2017. ) PTSD and "The Time Cure" .Cincinnati, OH. UC. Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R. (09-2015. ) The Pohakea Heroic Imagination Project .Honolulu, HI. Other Institution. Level:Department
Metcalf, B.R., & Morgan, D. (11-18-2008. ) A 30-year mystery: Remembering & understanding Jonestown .Honolulu, HI. Other Institution. Level:Department
Paper Presentations
Metcalf, B.R., Linnes, C., Agrusa, J.F., & Lema, J. (2015. ) Do you want to build a snowman in Norway? The impact of Disney’s Frozen movie on Norwegian tourism. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conference. Level:International
Metcalf, B. R. (2001. ) The scoop on “scoop:” The discriminative stimulus properties of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) .Kaneohe, HI. Other Institution. Level:University
Parsons, T.E. & Metcalf, B.R. (2000. ) Presence of false positive recalls in crime scenarios .Canton, OH. Conference. Level:National
Metcalf, B.R., & Stahl, J.M., & Allen, J.D. (1999. ) Tests for symmetrical generalization between the stimulus effects of gamma-hydroxybutyrate and ethanol administered separately and as mixtures in rats .Acapulco, Mexico. Conference. Level:International
Metcalf, B.R., & Allen, J.D. (1993. ) Searching for chaos in schedule-induced polydipsia .Orillia, Ontario, Canada. Conference. Level:International
Metcalf, B.R. (1993. ) What is chaos theory that psychologists should be mindful of it? .Athens, GA. Conference. Level:University
Sanchez, M.*, Metcalf, B.R., & Stahl, J.M. (1999. ) Discrimination between the stimulus effects of Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol in rats .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:Local
Abayomi, A.K. *, Metcalf, B.R., Brakke, K.E., & Stahl, J.M. (1999. ) The effect of differing fixed ratio schedule parameters for acquisition of drug discrimination using gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and ethanol in rats .University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Conference. Level:National
UC Psychology Club Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2017 -08-2019
(Faculty Senate (At-Large) ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2017 -To Present
(Faculty Senate Human Relations Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-01-2018 -08-01-2022
(Faculty Senate Cabinet ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-01-2019 -08-01-2022
(of Arts & Sciences Faculty Senate (At-Large) ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-01-2018 -To Present
UC Women's Volleyball Club Faculty Sponsor Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-01-2018 -To Present
UC Love Your Melon Club Faculty Sponsor Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-01-2018 -2020
of Psychology (Teaching Technology ) Coordinator Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-01-2018 -2020
(Arts & Sciences Faculty Senate Cabinet Member ) Type:University/College Service Level:College 2019 -To Present
(Arts & Science Faculty Senate Faculty Affairs Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2019 -To Present
of Psychology (Canvas Ambassador ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2020 -To Present
(, Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee for Part-Time Faculty Issues ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -2021
Faculty Senate (College of Arts & Sciences Representative ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 08-01-2022 -To Present
of Psychology (Undergraduate Recognition Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 05-01-2023 -To Present
Courses Taught
-PSYC-1001 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2002C RES METH & STATS II Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2053 PERSONALITY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2053 PERSONALITY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2070 PSYCHOBIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2001C RES METH & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-5056 RES METH SOCIAL PSY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-5056 RES METH SOCIAL PSY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2030 SENSATION & PERCEPT Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-1001 INTRO TO PSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2001C RES METH & STATS I Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2002C RES METH & STATS II Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2053 PERSONALITY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2070 PSYCHOBIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-2096 TEACHING PRACTICUM Level:Undergraduate
-PSYC-5056 RES METH SOCIAL PSY Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati
Clifton Court Hall, Suite 3271
Ohio, 45220
Phone: 513-556-5590