Helen Meyer
Associate Professor
Teachers College
CECH Secondary Education - 0002
Professional Summary
Dr. Helen Meyer received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, MA from Columbia University in Secondary Science Education, and BS from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. In addition to her work in STEM education, Dr. Meyer is interested in teacher education and democratic development both locally and internnationally.
PhD: University of Wisconsin- Madison Madison WI, 2000 (Curriculum & Instruction)
MS - Education: Teachers College - Columbia University New York, NY, 1987 (Science Education)
BS : University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Eau Claire, WI, 1984 (Biology and Chemistry)
Research Support
Grant: #NSF Targeted MSP Investigators:Anant Kukreti, Eugene Rutz, Howard Jackson, Kathy Koenig 08-2011 -07-2016 National Science Foundation CEEMS- Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics and Science program Role:Co-PI researcher 9.2 million Active Type:Grant
Grant: #NSF DR-K12 Investigators:Kathie Maynard, Ted Fowler 08-2010 -07-2013 National Science Foundation An Investigation of Effective STEM Curricular Structures and Instructional Strategies Role:Co-PI 499, 000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #NSF Noyce Investigators:Kathy Koenig, Steve Pelikan 09-2010 -08-2015 National Science Foundation Phase II: Scholarships and Stipends Role:PI 750,000 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Ted Fowler, Jamie Basham, Kathie Maynard 05-2011 -12-2011 Ohio Board of Regents Southwest Ohio STEM Education Hub of OSLN Role:PI 987,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #WWOTF 05-2010 -05-2016 Ohio Board of Regents Woodrow Wilson Ohio Teaching Fellows Program Role:Director, PI 2.25 million Active Type:Grant
Grant: #DUE-0434086 Investigators:Endorf, Robert; Meyer, Helen 09-01-2004 -08-31-2010 National Science Foundation Cincinnati Robert Noyce Scholarship Partnership Role:PI $494,487.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #FY10 STEM Investigators:Basham, James; Fowler, Thaddeus; Meyer, Helen 05-14-2010 -11-30-2010 Ohio Board of Regents Southwest Ohio STEM Education Hub of OSLN Role:PI $978,468.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DUE-1035323 Investigators:Ault, Bruce; Hanson, Margaret; Koenig, Kathleen; Meyer, Helen; Pelikan, Stephan 09-01-2010 -08-31-2015 National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Track II Role:PI $750,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DRL-1019672 Investigators:Fowler, Thaddeus; Maynard, Kathie; Meyer, Helen 08-15-2010 -07-31-2014 National Science Foundation Discovery Research K-12 Role:Collaborator $449,999.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DUE-1102990 Investigators:Cameron, Guy; Fowler, Thaddeus; Huff, Warren; Jackson, Howard; Kukreti, Anant; Meyer, Helen; Rutz, Eugene 09-01-2011 -08-31-2016 National Science Foundation The Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics and Science (CEEMS) Program Role:Collaborator $5,324,587.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #25-0536-0045-004 / DUE-1758462 Investigators:Meyer, Helen 06-15-2018 -04-30-2021 National Science Foundation Teacher Leadership: Investigating the Persistence and Trajectories of Noyce Master Teaching Fellows Role:PI $84,962.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Battelle 334858 \ CON0010424 Investigators:Laine, Chester; Meyer, Helen 04-01-2012 -06-30-2013 Department of Education OSLN Race to the Top-Southwest Ohio HUB Role:PI $90,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DUE-2050443 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna; Koenig, Kathleen; Meyer, Helen; Murphy, Teri 10-01-2021 -09-30-2026 National Science Foundation Developing Strong and Diverse STEM Teachers Role:PI 920810.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #PhysTEC MOU Investigators:Koenig, Kathleen; Meyer, Helen; Plano Clark, Mark; Smith, Leigh 08-01-2013 -07-31-2016 National Science Foundation Comprehensive PhysTEC Site Role:Collaborator $99,920.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DRL-1433769 Investigators:Li, Chengcheng; Meyer, Helen; Said, Hazem 09-01-2014 -08-31-2017 National Science Foundation Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (iTEST) Role:Collaborator $1,200,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DUE-1557387 Investigators:Meyer, Helen; Pelikan, Stephan; Rutz, Eugene 03-01-2016 -02-28-2022 National Science Foundation Noyce Masters Teacher Fellowship (MTF) Program - Expert Clinically-Based Teacher Educators (ECBTE) Role:PI $1,732,528.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Basham, J.; Meyer, H.; Perry, E. (2010. ) The design and application of the digital backpack .Journal of Research on Technology in Education, ,
Stinson, K., Harkness, S., Meyer, H., & Stallworth, J. (2009. ) Mathematics and science integration: Models and characterizations .School Science and Mathematics, , 109 (3 ) ,153-161
Meyer, H. (2007. ) Is it molecules? Again! A review of students' learning about particle theory .The Chemical Education Journal, , 9(2) ,
Siedel, K.;Meyer, H. (2006. ) Quality (and/or?) control: perils and promises of standards-based school reform in urban contexts .Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, , 2 ,61 -80
Meyer, H. (2006. ) Strategies for teaching controversial socioscientific issues .Science Education Review, , 5(3) ,106 -110
Meyer, H.;Kroeger, S. (2005. ) Photovoice as an educational action research tool .Qualitative Research Journal, , 5 ,185 -194
Meyer, H.; Maltbie, C.; Ludwig, K. (2005. ) Building school's capacity for assessment and evaluation: results of a statewide needs assessment .The Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, , 18 ,18 -28
Whitfield, D.; Meyer, H. (2005. ) Learning from our students: photovoice and classroom action research .Science Education Review, , 4 ,97 -105
Meyer, H.;Hamilton, B.;Kroeger, S.;Stewart, S.;Brydon-Miller, M. (2004. ) The unexpected journey: Renewing our commitment to students through educational action research .Educational Action Research, , 12 ,557 -574
Meyer, H. (2004. ) Novice and expert teachers' conceptions of learners' prior knowledge .Science Education, , 88 ,970 -983
Meyer, H. (2003. ) Democratic partnership development in namibia .Africa Today, , 5(1) ,
Meyer, H. Teaching strategies for dealing with controversial socioscientific issues .Science Education Review, ,
Basham, J., Meyer, H., & Perry, E (2011. ) It's in the bag: Digital backpacks for problem based learning .Learning and Leading with Technology, , Septermber/October ,24
Meyer, H (2018. ) Teachers’ thoughts on student decision making during engineering design lessons. .. Education Sciences: Special Edition Teaching and Learning in STEM Education, , & (88 ) , More Information
Thatcher, W. and Meyer, H. (2017. ) Identifying initial conceptions of engineering and teaching engineering. .Education Sciences: Special Edition Teaching and Learning in STEM Education,, , 8 (88 ) ,
Meyer, H (2017. ) Integrating Engineering into an Urban Science Classroom .Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching and Research, , 13 ,112
Book Chapter
Meyer, H., Hamilton, B., Kroeger, S., Stewart, S., & Brydon-Miller, M. (2008 ) The unexpected journey: Renewing our commitment to students through educational action research Practical Action Research: A Collection of Articles .(pp. 45 – 60).Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press/SAGE Publications
Meyer, H. (2002 ) Monographs on journal of research in teacher education A travelogue of change: Integrating action research into the BETD .Umea, Sweden, University Press
Laine, C.; Bauer, A.; Johnson, H.; Meyer, H.; Kroeger, S.; Troup, K. (2010 ) Moving from reaction to reflection Teaching as Moral Practice .(pp. 73-94).Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press
Electronic Journal
Basham, J., Meyer, H. & Perry, E. (2011. ) It's in the bag: Digital backpacks for problem based learning. Learning and Leading with Technology, p. 24-27 ,
Invited Presentations
Meyer, H. (2007. ) Staying critical in a time of education standard, is it possible? .International Conference of Teacher Researchers, Chicago, IL.
Harkness, S., Meyer, H., & Stinson, K. (2007. ) Mathematics and science content standards integration in the middle grades .Symposium on Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning, Columbus, OH.
Meyer, H., & Dani, D. (2006. ) Preservice teachers' use of theory as they conduct authentic inquiries .Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Meyer, H. (2005. ) Is it molecules again? .Invited speaker at the 11th Asian Chemical Congress, Seoul, South Korea.
Meyer, H. (2005. ) Ohio mathematics and science teachers' current assessment and evaluation practices .Paper presented at Symposium on Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning, Akron, OH.
Meyer, H., Clark, W., & Whitfield, D. (2005. ) Images of Science: preparing urban pre-service teachers to teach culturally relevant science .Paper presented at the national meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Whitfield, D., & Meyer, H. (2005. ) Using students' ideas of science to guide new teaching practices .Paper presented at the national meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Beck, C., & Meyer, H. (2005. ) Making chemistry connect to high school students' lives .Paper presented at the national meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Kroeger, S., & Meyer, H. (2005. ) Photovoice as an educational action research tool .Paper presented at the national meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Meyer, H. (09-2004. ) Workshop on using journey through data in pre-service math and science courses .Sponsored by the Ohio Board of Regents, Columbus, Ohio.
Dani, D., Meyer, H., & Kinne, D.S. (04-2004. ) Online discussions: Do they promote explicit reflection on the the notion of science? .Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Meyer, H. (04-2004. ) What urban students know about science that pre-service teachers don't know they know .Paper presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Meyer, H., Maltbie, C., Ludwig, K., & Thompson, P. (2004. ) Building Schools' Capacity for Assessment and Evaluation: Results of a Statewide Needs Assessment .Paper presented at Ohio Council of Teacher Educators Association, Columbus, OH.
Meyer, H., Kinne, D., & Dani, D. (07-2003. ) Best practices and innovative strategies in college reading programs .American Educational Research Association,
Meyer, H. (03-2003. ) Researching a captured audience -ethics in teacher research .North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, OH.
Meyer, H. (03-2003. ) Researching a captured audience -ethics in teacher research .Paper presented at the North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, OH..
Meyer, H (04-2002. ) Novice and expert teachers conceptions of learners prior knowledge .American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Meyer, H (04-2002. ) Potential for creating best practice in teacher education .American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Stallworth, J., Meyer, H., Harkness, S., & Stinson, K. (04-2009. ) Middle grade teachers' characterizations of integrated mathematics and science instruction .To be presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Anaheim, CA.
Harkness, S., Stinson, K., Meyer, H., & Stallworth, J. (11-2008. ) Informing mathemactics and science intergration professional development: Teachers' models, definitions, and constraints .Presented at Annual meeting of School Science and Mathematics, Raleigh, NC.
Meyer, H. Maynard, K., & Harkness, S. (2010. ) Re-claiming the STEM curriculum for humanity .Paper presented at the XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Istanbul Turkey. Level:International
Meyer, H., Woods, K., Dani, D., Jameson, A., Andreadis, M., Urbaitis, M., Burrows, A., Hutchinson, A., Maynard, M., & Marlow, M. (2010. ) Collaborative study: Improved pedagogy .Annual meeting of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA.
Johnson, H., Kohan, M., Kroeger, S., Meyer, H., & Laine, C. (2012. ) Realizing Imagined Partnerships: Working towards a Common Goal, .AACTE, Chicago, IL.
Paper Presentations
Basham, J.; Meyer, H.; Perry, E.; Johnson-Towels, L. (01-13-2010. ) Digital backpacks, problem based learning, and 21st century skills .Columbus, OH. Conference. Level:State
Meyer, H. (03-2010. ) Collaborative study - Improved pedagogy .Philadelphia, PA. Conference.
Maynard, K.; Meyer, H.; Harkness, S. (06-2010. ) Reclaiming the STEM curriculum for humanity .Istanbul, Turkey. Conference. Level:International
Meyer, H. & Hutchinson, A. (03-2012. ) Pre-service Teachers Perceptions of Rural and Urban Students and Schools .Indianapolis, IN.
Stroud, M., Meyer, H. & Israel, M. (03-2012. ) Exploring STEM Proposals: Policy Implications .Indianapolis, IN.
Meyer, H. (06-2012. ) From Boutique to Institutional: Leveraging Grant Programs to Bring about Institutional Change .Arlington, VA.
Johnson, H.,Kohan, M., Kroeger, S., Meyer, H., & Laine, C. (02-2012. ) Realizing Imagined Partnerships: Working towards a Common Goal .Chicago, Illinois.
Honors and Awards
2011 -2017 CEEMS- The Cincinnati Engineering Education Mathematics and Science Program NSF - MSP Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2010 -2014 An Investigation of Effective STEM Curricular Structures and Instructional Strategies NSF - DR-K12 Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2010 -2011 NOYCE Phase III: Master Teacher Planning Grant Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2010 -2015 PI NOYCE Phase II: Scholarships and Stipends NSF Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2010 -2011 Southwest Ohio STEM Education Hub of OSLN Ohio Broad of Regents Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2010 -2017 Woodrow Wilson Ohio Teaching Fellows Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2006 -2008 Mathematics and Science Instructional Integration- Developing Teachers’ Knowledge and Practices. Ohio Southwest Center for Mathematics and Science Status:Recipient Type:Grant
science education, international education reform, learning in science
Professional Affiliation
2009 -2010: National Association for Research in Science Teaching Program Committee Strand Coordinator - Science Teaching Middle and High School (Grades 5-12)
11-2011 -12-2011: Science Standardization and collaboration team Teacher Performance Assistant Consortium,
06-2011 -06-2011: Proposal Reviewer for Noyce Grants National Science Foundation,