Professional Summary
Personal homepage
Condensed matter experiment: quantum devices with oxide superconductors, nanofabrication, cryogenic experiments.
Ph.D: University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016 (Materials)
MSc and BSc: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2011 (Materials Science and Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
I am interested in building nanoscale devices from superconducting oxides for cryogenic experiments. My group will aim to combine superconductivity with gate voltage tunability, geometries with reduced dimensionality (quantum constrictions, wires, dots, rings), and microwave resonator structures. Two long-term goals are the stabilization and detection of topological superconductivity in an oxide wire, and integration of oxide superconductor materials into superconducting qubits. I am particularly interested in oxide perovskites SrTiO3 and KTaO3, both as unique technological enablers and for their fascinating material physics.
Positions and Work Experience
2016 -2022 Nano- and Quantum Science and Engineering Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University,
Research Support
Grant: #DMR-2328826 Investigators:Jacquart, Melissa; Mikheev, Evgeny; Walla, Sarah 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: FuSe: Spin Gapless Semiconductors and Effective Spin Injection Design for Spin-Orbit Logic Role:Collaborator 269769.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #403933 / OMA-2328747 Investigators:Justice, Paul; Mikheev, Evgeny 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 National Science Foundation ExpandQISE: Track 1: A Deep-Dive into the Materials Science of Alpha-Ta Growth on Oxides for Superconducting Resonator Development Role:PI 76931.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #N00014-24-1-2079 Investigators:Mikheev, Evgeny 01-01-2024 -12-31-2026 Office of Naval Research Oxide perovskites as a monolithic gate-tunable topological superconductor platform Role:PI 20000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ECCS-2408083 Investigators:Cahay, Marc; Jha, Rashmi; Kim, Yeongin; Mikheev, Evgeny 09-01-2024 -08-31-2027 National Science Foundation MRI (Track 1): Acquisition of Direct Write Laser Lithography to Advance Research on Next Generation of Semiconductors and Devices Role:Collaborator 393500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA9550-24-1-0155 Investigators:Mikheev, Evgeny 09-15-2024 -09-14-2027 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Monolithic superconducting resonators in KTaO3 Role:PI 200000.00 Hold Level:Federal