Ronald W Millard , PhD
Department of Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics
College of Medicine, 231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670575
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0575
Phone 513-558-2336
Fax 513-558-9969
Email ron.millard@uc.edu
Bachelor's Degree: Tufts University Medford, MA, 1963 (Chemistry & Biology)
Doctoral Degree: Boston University Boston, MA, 1969 (Biomedical Sciences-Physiology-Cardiovascular System)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: University of Washington Seattle, WA, 1970 (Cardiovascular System Biology Research, Physiology, Biomedical Engineering,)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: University of Washington Seattle, WA, 1971 (Cardiovascular Systems, Physiology, Biomedical Engineering,)
Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of California at San Diego La Jolla, CA, 1972 (Biomedical Engineering, Internal Medicine, Physiology, Pharmacology, FM Telemetry, Cardiovascular Systems, Large Animal Models of Human Disease)
Research and Practice Interests
My research interests include cardiovascular systems control from the cellular to the intact organism. Specific research expertise areas wihtin this topic include; (1) tissue, cellular, and molecular changes during heart failure and the effects of cell-based therapies and pharmacological interventions, (2) non-invasive imaging (ultrasound and nuclear) technologies, (3) heart and heart cell biomechanics, fluid dynamics and biomaterials, (4) biomedical engineering related to caardiovascular devices and drugs, (5) systems mechanisms of cardiovascular drugs, and (6) adaptations to environmental stress (including low oxygen, cold temperature and gavitational extremes).
STEM CELL BASED APPROACHES to HEART TISSUE REGENERATION after HEART ATTACK: Our most recent NIH-funded (through 2017) collaborative work is probing the capacity of engineered and programmed pluripotent stem cells to regenerate functional heart tissue following experimental myocardial ischemia (coronary artery occlusion) including heart muscle cells and new blood vessels that integrate with and connect to native muscle cells and blood vessels. With this research program we are probing the role of specific microRNAs in producing desired outcomes, and in the use of genetically engineered stem cells to differentiate into heart tissue lineages and to elaborate cell derived molecular signals which attract circulating peripheral stem cells to participate in tissue repair and regeneration.
NON-INVASIVE MOLECULAR & ULTRASOUND IMAGING: We are currently exploring adrenergic neuronal dynamics and programmed cell death (apoptosis) with radionuclide labeled reporter molecules. We are applying dynamic molecular imaging methods to assess early autonomic and cardiovascular biomarkers of certain neurodegenerative disorders. We use heart cells, isolated hearts, and intact cardiovascular systems (animal models)to study key receptor and transporter protein-based events that may be adaptive to heart disease or responsive to drug interventions. We have reported previously on myocardial mechanics and on pharmacokinetics and radionuclide imaging of tissue uptake and perfusion in normal, ischemic and hyperemic regions of the heart with novel technetium-99m labeled ligands. In earlier studies, we have reported on features of fluorcarbon-based artificial blood and on the potential for F-19 NMR technology to image in vivo oxygen concentration of certain compartments and tissues.
TISSUE BIOMECHANICS: For more than 3 decades, tissue mechanical studies of blood vessels and heart muscle combined with fluid dynamics studies have been integral to my studies of the cardiovascular system. Characterization of soft tissue (e.g., heart muscle) responses to acute and chronic loss of blood supply or to the action of cardiovascular drugs (e.g., cardiac inotropic agents, vasodilators, calcium channel blocking agents) has yielded important data of tissue responses to ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion (i.e., "heart attacks") and to the capacity of the heart to generate new blood vessel growth (angiogenesis).
MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO BIOMEDICINE: We are just completing in 2012 a decade-long NSF-funded IGERT training program for graduate students in pursuit of doctoral degrees with bio-applications of membrane science and technology. This program succeeded a Whitaker Foundation funded UC Center for Cardiovascular Biomaterials which I directed from 1993 - an interdisciplinary program promoting collaborative research within and between faculty and graduate students at the University of Cincinnati & Case Western Reserve University.
CARDIOVASCULAR MECHANISMS OF DRUG ACTION: For more a substantial part of my professional career I have focused on understanding the direct mechanisms of important cl
Positions and Work Experience
1972 -1973 Research Assistant Professor (Amanuensis):, Comparative Vertebrate Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Biology Research:, Zoophysiology Institute, Aarhus University,, Aarhus, Denmark
1973 -1974 Research Associate-American Heart Association Fellow (Individual):, Biomedical Research, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Large Animal Models of Human Disease, Electrocardiography Applied to Non-invasive Evaluation of Heart Blood Volume:, Maine Medical Center and University of Southern Maine,, Portland, Maine, USA
1974 -1975 Assistant Professor (Physiology & Medicine):, Cardiovascular Research and Teaching, Microsphere Method for Blood Flow Quantitation, FM Telemetry, Exercise Physiology, Coronary Pharmacology, Cardiac Mechanics, Stunned Myocardium, Myocardial Ischemia, Fetal Responses to Hypoxia, Large Animal Models of Human Disease:, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University,, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1975 -1978 Assistant Professor (Physiology-Biomedical Sciences):, Teaching at Medical, Graduate, and Undergraduate Levels; Research in Comparative Vertebrate Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology, Biomedical Enginering-Diabetes, Fetal Circulation, Coronary Pharmacology and Myocardial Ischemia, Animal Models of Human Disease; Clinical Research in Coronary Artery Surgery Outcomes:, Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital-Cardiology,, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
1978 -2013 Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Pharmacology):, Teaching - Pharmacology, Phsyiology, Biomedical Engineering, and Biomaterials at Medical, Graduate, and Undergraduate Levels; Director of Research Training in Pharmacology, Heart-Lung-Blood Biomedical Sciences, and Membrane Sciences; Biomedical Research Using Large Animal Models for Cardiovascular and Blood Physiology and Pharmacology; Blood Flow Imaging Technologies, PFC Artificial Blood, New Drug Development, Molecular Imaging, Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics, Biomedical Engineering, Angiogenesis, Myocardial Ischemia, Heart Failure, Hypoxemia, Autonomic Pharmacology, New Drug Discovery, etc.:, University of Cincinnati,, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Research Support
Grant: #1005224 Investigators:RWM 04-01-2007 -03-31-2010 National Science Foundation NSF REU EEC-0647677 $290,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1005440 Investigators:R.W. Millard, J.J. Schultz, et al. 01-01-2007 -12-31-2012 American Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences Role:PI 150,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:D. Butler, R. Millard, D. Dionysiou, S. Hoath 10-15-2003 -10-15-2012 National Science Foundation IGERT: Bio-Applications of Membrane Science and Technology Role:co-PI $3,357,796 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Y. Wang, R.W. Millard, et. al. 07-21-2008 -07-20-2013 National Institutes of Health-Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. A Novel Approach to Enhance Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration. Role:Co-I $1,950,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1R01HL110740-01 Investigators:Y. Wang, R.W. Millard, et al. 08-01-2011 -07-31-2016 NAtional institutes of Health-Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. iPS cells-derived progenitor cells for angiomyogenesis. Role:Co-I $3,005,208 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1 R01 HL114654-01 Investigators:M. Xu, R.W. Millard, et al. 07-12-2012 -06-30-2017 National Institutes of Health-Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. MicroRNA as mediators of angiogenesis & ischemic myocardial repair. Role:Co-I $2,659,019 Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Y. Wang, R.W. Millard, et al. 07-01-2011 -06-30-2016 National Institutes of Health – National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Regeneration of Functional Cardiac Tissue. Role:Co-I $1,891,135 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #SRS 00571 Investigators:Millard, Ronald 06-01-2007 -04-30-2010 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Training Program Role:PI $27,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #DGE 0333377 Investigators:Butler, David; Dionysiou, Dionysios; Hoath, Steven; Millard, Ronald 10-15-2003 -09-30-2012 National Science Foundation Bio-Applications of Membrane Science and Technology Role:Collaborator $3,644,410.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #0139438 Investigators:Millard, Ronald 03-18-2005 -03-31-2006 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Site Program in Membrane Applied Science and Technology Role:PI $95,738.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1-R43-HL-56497-01-A1-S0-E0 Investigators:Millard, Ronald 06-23-2000 -06-23-2002 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute SBIR Phase II: New Electrocautery Device Testing Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EEC-0647677 Investigators:Fried, Joel; Millard, Ronald; Thyberg, Nancy 04-01-2007 -03-31-2011 National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Site Program in Membrane Applied Science and Technology Role:PI $338,092.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL089824 Investigators:Ashraf, Muhammad; Millard, Ronald; Wang, Yi-Gang; Xu, Meifeng 08-01-2008 -07-31-2013 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute A Novel Approach to Enhance Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration Role:Collaborator $1,946,100.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OHC-09-042 Investigators:Millard, Ronald 05-01-2009 -12-31-2009 National Endowment for the Humanities Darwin and Evolution - Evidence and Impact on Society Role:PI $7,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CK# 25065 Investigators:Millard, Ronald 04-01-2010 -03-31-2013 American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics ASPFT Surf Program Role:PI $27,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R01 HL110740 Investigators:Ashraf, Muhammad; Millard, Ronald; Wang, Hongsheng; Wang, Yi-Gang; Xu, Meifeng 09-01-2011 -05-31-2016 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute iPS Cells-Derived Progenitor Cells for Angiomyogenesis Role:Collaborator $1,435,966.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01HL114654 Investigators:Ashraf, Muhammad; Kim, Ha Won; Millard, Ronald; Tang, Yaoliang; Wang, Yi-Gang; Xu, Meifeng 07-12-2012 -04-30-2017 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute MicroRNA as Mediators of Angiogenesis and Ischemic Myocardial Repair Role:Collaborator $1,017,697.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 HL140962 Investigators:Hao, Jiukuan; Hui, David; Liu, Min; Millard, Ronald; Wang, Yi-Gang; Xu, Meifeng 03-15-2018 -01-31-2022 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Smarter exosomes derived from engineered MSCs promote neo-vascularization Role:Collaborator $502,815.00 Active Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Angelakos, E.T., P.M. Glassman, R.W. Millard and M. King (1964. ) The sympathetic neurohumor in the frog heart .[Abstract]Pharmacologist, 6 ,97
Angelakos, E.T., M. King, P.M. Glassman and R.W. Millard (1965. ) Sympathetic neurohumors in the heart .[Abstract]23rd Int. Cong. of Physiol. Sci., Tokyo, Japan, 483
Millard, R.W. and E.T. Angelakos (1967. ) Positive chronotropic effects of dopamine .[Abstract]Physiologist, 10 ,251
Millard, R.W. and K. Johansen (1971. ) Active neurogenic vasodilation in ski .[Abstract]Physiologist, 14 ,195
Johansen, K., R.W. Millard and W.K. Milsom (1971. ) Control of web blood flow in the giant petrel, Macronectes giganteus .[Abstract]University of California, San Diego. Alpha Helix Research Program Report, 8
Millard, R.W., K. Johansen and W.K. Milsom (1971. ) Factors regulating blood flow in the penguin foot .[Abstract]University of California, San Diego. Alpha Helix Research Program Report, 11
Milsom, W.K., R.W. Millard and K. Johansen (1971. ) Postembryonic development of respiratory properties of blood in the penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae .[Abstract]University of California, San Diego. Alpha Helix Research Program Report, 13
Vatner, S.F., C.B. Higgins, R.W. Millard, D. Franklin and E. Braunwald (1972. ) Effect of circulatory derangements on the normal visceral response to severe exercise in untethered dogs .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 20 ,162
Higgins, C.B., S.F. Vatner, R.W. Millard, D. Franklin and E. Braunwald (1972. ) Effect of tachycardia on left ventricular contractility in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 20 ,206 and 378
Vatner, S.F., C.B. Higgins, R.W. Millard, D. Franklin and E. Braunwald (1972. ) Blood flow distribution in experimental congestive heart failure in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 20 ,175
Higgins, C.B., R.W. Millard, D. Franklin, E. Braunwald and S.F. Vatner (1972. ) Regional hemodynamic effects of dopamine (3 OH tyramine) in the conscious dog .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 31 ,542
Millard, R.W., C.B. Higgins, D. Franklin and S.F. Vatner (1972. ) Effects of dopamine (3 hydroxy tyramine): Coronary vasoconstriction and parasympatholytic augmentation of inotropic and pressor actions in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 20 ,410
Vatner, S.F., C.B. Higgins, R.W. Millard and D. Franklin (1972. ) Norepinephrine induced coronary vasoconstriction in the conscious dog .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 20 ,414
Higgins, C.B., S.F. Vatner, R.W. Millard, D. Franklin and E. Braunwald (1972. ) Alterations in regional hemodynamics in experimental heart failure in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 20 ,619
Millard, R.W., B.C. Hodgkin and C.V. Nelson (1974. ) Electrocardiographic changes at different cardiac volumes produced by tachycardia and acute hemorrhage .[Abstract]Physiologist, 17 ,289
Bonner, R.A., R.W. Millard and E.T. Angelakos (1974. ) Cardiorespiratory sequelae in a model of sudden infant death .[Abstract]Physiologist, 17 ,186
Hodgkin, D.B., R.W. Millard and C.V. Nelson (1974. ) Magnitude, direction, and location of the pig heart vector .[Abstract]Physiologist, 17 ,249
Millard, R.W., G.R. Heyndrickx, P.R. Maroko and S.F. Vatner (1975. ) Chronological adjustments of regional electrograms and contractility to transient myocardial ischemia and reperfusion in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Physiologist, 18 ,319
Millard, R.W., S.F. Vatner and G.A. Bergeron (1975. ) Dose and time dependent effects of nitroglycerin on blood flow distribution in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 23 ,568A
Millard, R.W., H. Baig, T. Patrick, M. Davis and S. Vatner (1975. ) Correlation of regional function and flow in ischemic myocardium of conscious dogs .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 51, 52 ,127
Manders, T., S. Vatner, R.W. Millard, G. Heyndrickx and P.R. Maroko (1975. ) Altered relationship between creatnine phosphokinase release and infarct size with reperfusion in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 51, 52 ,5
Heyndrickx, G., S. Vatner, R.W. Millard, T. Manders and P.R. Maroko (1975. ) Effects of coronary artery reperfusion on myocardial mechanical and electrophysiological function in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 51, 52 ,21
Boettcher, D., S. Vatner, G. Heyndrickx, R.W. Millard and E. Braunwald (1975. ) Role of Frank Starling mechanism in control of cardiac function in normal conscious dogs .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 51, 52 ,42
Vatner, S.F., M. Pagani, T. Manders and R.W. Millard (1976. ) Paradoxical depression of both vasoconstriction and of baroreceptor reflex sensitivity in conscious neonatal lambs .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 35 ,636
Vatner, S.F., R.J. McRitchie and R.W. Millard (1976. ) Reflex circulatory control in response to hemorrhage in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Physiologist, 19 ,400
Millard, R.W., H. Baig, M. Pagani and S.F. Vatner (1976. ) Delayed renal vasoconstriction during acute hypoxemia in fetal sheep in utero .[Abstract]Physiologist, 19 ,297
Millard, R.W., R.J. Capone and A.S. Most (1976. ) Degree of myocardial ischemia as a determinant of blood flow restoration .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 24 ,617A
Millard, R.W., R.J. Capone and A.S. Most (1977. ) Persistent paradoxical motion despite revascularization of ischemic myocardium .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 36 ,520
Millard, R.W., H. Baig and S.F. Vatner (1977. ) Renal vascular protection by prostaglandins during hypoxemia in unanesthetized fetal lamb .[Abstract]Ped. Res, 11 ,395
Millard, R.W. and A.S. Most (1977. ) A paradox between regional myocardial function and blood flow after coronary occlusion in conscious swine .[Abstract]27th Int. Cong. Physiol. Sci., Paris, France,
Williams, D.O., R.W. Millard and A.S. Most (1977. ) Differential effect of nitroglycerin on normal and low flow zones in the chronically ischemic heart .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 55, 56 ,110-111
Millard, R.W (1978. ) Absence of compensatory contractility augmentation of normal myocardium during onset of acute regional ischemia in conscious pigs .[Abstract]Physiologist, 21 ,80
Meyers, R.W., R. Moalli, D.C. Jackson and R.W. Millard (1978. ) Microsphere studies of central vascular shunts and regional skin flows in the bullfrog .[Abstract]Physiologist, 21 ,79
Moalli, R., R.S. Meyers, D.C. Jackson and R.W. Millard (1978. ) Functional mapping of arterial supplies to the skin of anuran amphibia .[Abstract]Physiologist, 21 ,81
Adolph, R.J., H. Nishiyama, D. Franklin, R.W. Millard and M. Gabel (1979. ) Correlative studies of effects of perfusion and ischemia on Thallium 201 uptake .[Abstract]Am. J. Cardiol, 43 ,357
Rouslin, W., J. MacGee, J.E. Pucke, T. Wang, K. Imai, A.O. Gende, R.W. Millard, T. Nagao and A. Schwartz (1979. ) Ischemia induced changes in canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane cholesterol and fatty acids .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 38 ,338
Boyle, R., B. Stonestreet, R. Millard and W. Oh (1979. ) Hemodynamic effects of indo-methacin in preterm lambs with respiratory distress and patent ductus arteriosus .[Abstract]Ped. Res, 13 ,341
Nagao, T., R.W. Millard, A. Schwartz and D. Franklin (1979. ) Augmented ischemic myo-cardial function by recruitment of collateral flow reserve with diltiazem, a calcium antagonis .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 59, 60 ,260
Rouslin, W., R.W. Millard and A. Schwartz (1979. ) Porcine myocardial ischemia. Defect in mitochondrial electron transfer complex I .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. II), 59, 60 ,116
Fuller, E.O., P.M. Galletti, D.O. Nutter and R.W. Millard (1979. ) Hemodynamics of the perfused pregnant sheep uterus .[Abstract]Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol,
Rouslin, W., J.E. Pucke, R.W. Millard, T. Nagao and A. Schwartz (1979. ) The effect of ischemia on canine cardiac mitochondrial ATPase and enzymes of electron transport .[Abstract]Proc. Int. Cong. Biochem,
Ashraf, M., G. Asano, R. Millard, M.A. Matlib, J. Greenfield and A. Schwartz (1980. ) Ultrastructural determinants of myocardial cell degeneration in hypertrophied dog myocardium .[Abstract]Lab. Invest, 42 ,99
Grupp, I., G. Grupp, N.O. Fowler, M. Gabel, A.A. Alousi and R.W. Millard (1980. ) Hemodynamic and inotropic responses of normal and depressed dog hearts to amrinone .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 39 ,976
Millard, R.W., J. Kjekshus, A.S. Blix, D. Franklin and R. Elsner (1980. ) Coronary vaso-constriction in diving seals: A natural model of vasospasm .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 39 ,398
Matlib, M., J. Rembert, R. Millard, M. Ashraf, T. Nagao, W. Rouslin, G. Asano, J. Greenfield and A. Schwartz (1980. ) Mitochondrial function in canine experimental cardiac hypertrophy .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 39 ,633
Kjekshus, J., R.W. Millard, A.S. Blix, D. Franklin and R. Elsner (1980. ) A natural model of coronary vasospasm: The diving seal .[Abstract]Eur. Cong. Cardiol,
Millard, R.W. and R. Smith (1980. ) Collaterals supply viable but hypofunctional myocardium in pig with chronic coronary stenosis .[Abstract]28th Int. Cong. Physiol. Sci,
Grupp, G., I.L. Grupp, R.W. Millard, N.O. Fowler and A. Schwartz (1980. ) Effects of the inotropic agent amrinone on hemodynamics of normal and depressed hearts .[Abstract]28th Int. Cong. Physiol. Sci,
Franklin, D., R.W. Millard and T. Nagao (1980. ) Effect of calcium antagonist on flow and function in collateral dependent myocardium in the conscious dog with simulated angina pectoris .[Abstract]28th Int. Cong. Physiol. Sci,
Elsner, R., R. Millard, J. Kjekshus, A. Blix, R. Hol, D. Franklin and L. Sordahl (1980. ) Cardiac adaptations in diving seals .[Abstract]28th Int. Cong. Physiol. Sci,
Ashraf, M. and R.W. Millard (1980. ) Correlative studies on the regional myocardial blood flow and subcellular changes in ischemic pig myocardium .[Abstract]J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 12 (Suppl. 1 ) ,10
Fowler, N.O., R.W. Millard, M. Gabel and R. Smith (1980. ) Cardiac tamponade: Relief by volume expansion, augmented inotropism and peripheral vasodilation .[Abstract]Circulation (Supp. III), 62 ,318
Millard, R.W (1981. ) Genesis of physiologically important coronary collaterals in the pig heart .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 40 ,446
Krusling, L., B.J. Rice and R.W. Millard (1981. ) Diltiazem, a calcium blocking agent, increases survival time after acute coronary ligation in domestic pigs .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 40 ,673
Gabel, M., R.W. Millard and N.O. Fowler (1981. ) Effects of vasodilators on organ blood flow and cardiac output during cardiac tamponade .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 40 ,526
Elsner, R., A.S. Blix, D. Franklin, J. Kjekshus, G. Mueller and R.W. Millard (1981. ) Coronary blood flow and in vitro vascular smooth muscle oscillations during diving and hypoxia in the seal .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 40 ,446
Millard, R.W., M.A. Matlib, J.C. Rembert, M. Ashraf, J.C. Greenfield and A.Schwartz (1981. ) Cardiovascular dynamics and mitochondrial function in chronic stable left ventricular hypertrophy in the dog .[Abstract]. Int. Soc. Heart Research, Burlington, Vermont,
Ngai, J.H., M.A. Matlib and R.W. Millard (1981. ) Coronary blood flow, regional mechanics and metabolism in newly collateralized porcine myocardium .[Abstract]Physiologist, 24 ,27
Inoue, K., R.W. Millard, N.O. Fowler and A. Schwartz (1981. ) Experience with urokinase in human acute myocardial infarction and experimental coronary thrombosis in dog .[Abstract]Circulation, 64 (Supp. IV ) ,191
Nakaya, H., A. Schwartz and R.W. Millard (1981. ) Cardiac effects of equihypotensive doses of calcium channel blocking agents in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Circulation, 64 (Supp. IV ) ,176
Nakaya, H., A. Schwartz and R.W. Millard (1982. ) Reflex chronotropic and inotropic effects of calcium channel blocking agents in conscious dogs: Diltiazem, verapamil and nifedipine compared .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,1688
Ngai, J., Y. Yabuuchi, A. Schwartz and R.W. Millard (1982. ) Diltiazem, a calcium channel blocking agent, delays myocardial function decay during ischemia in blood perfused canine papillary muscle .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,1014
Yabuuchi, Y., J. Ngai, A. Schwartz and R.W. Millard (1982. ) Modulation of adenosine responses and reactive hyperemia by the calcium channel blocking agent, diltiazem, in excised canine right atrium and papillary muscle preparations .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,1529
Millard, R.W., M. Gabel, N.O. Fowler and A. Schwartz (1982. ) Baroreceptor reflex sensitivity reduced by diltiazem and verapamil .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,1632
Fujiwara, H., M. Ashraf, S. Sato, Y. Yabuuchi, A. Schwartz and R.W. Millard (1982. ) Prevention of myocardial cellular damage during ischemia by diltiazem pretreatment .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,382
Hannon, D.W., D.A. Lathrop, P.D. Francis, W.E. Gaum, R.W. Millard, A. Schwartz and S. Kaplan (1982. ) Comparative electrophysiologic and hemodynamic effects of calcium channel blockers in autonomically blocked dogs .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,1241
Dube, G.P., M.A. Matlib, R.W. Millard and A. Schwartz (1982. ) Effect of isosorbide dinitrate on receptor activated and depolarization activated Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle and mitochondria from ischemic myocardium .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 41 ,1766
Nakaya, H., R.W. Millard, D.A. Lathrop, W.E. Gaum, S. Kaplan and A. Schwartz (1982. ) Flow independent improvement of ischemia induced conduction delay with diltiazem in porcine hearts .[Abstract]Circulation, 66 (Suppl. II ) ,156
Millard, R.W., Y. Yabuuchi, H. Nakaya, M. Gabel, N.O. Fowler and A. Schwartz (1983. ) Large and small coronary artery effects of nitrates and calcium channel blockers .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 42 ,1291
Clark, L.C., Jr., R.W. Millard, S.R. Thomas, J.L. Ackerman, R.A. Clark, D.G. Kinett, J.G. Kereiakes, and H.B. Ragle (1983. ) The physiological basis of diagnostic imaging and treatment of cardiac ischemia with fluorocarbon emulsions .[Abstract]AAAS Symposium Blood Substitutes in Biology and Medicine, 41
Sakai, K., K. Watanabe and R.W. Millard (1983. ) The extent of hypokinetic function surrounding focal transmural ischemia .[Abstract]Circulation, 68 ,III-194
Watanabe, K., K. Sakai, M. Gabel and R.W. Millard (1983. ) Selective actions of nitro-glycerin and calcium channel antagonists on large and small mesenteric arteries in conscious dogs .[Abstract]Circulation, 68 ,III-202
Sakai, K., K. Watanabe, R.W. Millard (1984. ) Effects of ventricular afterload on areas surrounding transmural ischemic myocardium .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 43 ,420
Clark, L.C., Jr., J.L. Ackerman, S.R. Thomas and R.W. Millard (1984. ) High-contrast tissue and blood oxygen imaging based on fluorocarbon 19 F NMR relaxation times. SMRM 2nd Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA), August 16-19, 1983. (Abstract: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1: 135 136 .[Abstract]
Millard, R.W., K. Sakai, K. Watanabe (1984. ) Cardiac inotropic role in vasodilator effects on systemic hemodynamics in conscious dog .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 43 ,356
Rahamathulla, P., K. Watanable, M. Ashraf and R.W. Millard (1984. ) Myocardial function and morphology in rat hearts perfused with Krebs Henseleit solution and perfluoro-carbon emulsion .[Abstract]Physiologist,
Millard, R.W. and K. Sakai (1985. ) Recruitment of hypokinetic border zone myocardium by isoproterenol in porcine hearts with focal tansmural ischemia .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 44 ,1018
Parks, D.A., R.W. Millard, M. Ashraf, R.H. Gallavan, Jr. and E.D. Jacobson (1985. ) Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) does not protect intestine during experimental mesenteric ischemia .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 44 ,445
Pettersson, K., A.R. Hargens, R.W. Millard, K. Johansen, D.H. Gershuni, R. Burroughs, D.G.A. Meltzer and W. van Hoven (1986. ) Dependent hypertension and arterial wall hypertrophy without interstitial edema in the giraffe .[Abstract]Proceedings Intl. Union of Physiol. Sci, 16 ,411
Millard, R.W (1986. ) The peri ischemic border zone: topography, response to pressure overload and contractility recuitment by inotropic intervention .[Abstract]Proceedings Intl. Union of Physiol. Sci, 16 ,596
Thomas, S.R., R.W. Millard, R.G. Pratt, L.J. Busse, R.C. Samaratunga (1986. ) Fluorodeoxyglucose as an 19F NMR reporter for glucose transport models across the intestinal wall. SMRM 5th Annual Meeting (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), August 18-22, 1986. (Abstract: Proc. Soc. Magn. Res. Med. 2: 329 330, 1986.) .[Abstract]
Nakajima, Y. and R.W. Millard (1986. ) Blood flow shunting and persistent lactate production follows reperfusion of ischemic canine intestine .[Abstract]Physiologist, 29 ,100
Hermoni, Y., M. Gabel, S.R. Thomas, L.J. Busse, R.G. Pratt, R.C. Samaratunga and R.W. Millard (1986. ) Detection of fluorocarbon penetration into ischemic porcine myocardium by 19F NMR. American Heart Association 59th Scientific Session (Dallas, TX), November 17-20, 1986. (Poster) (Abstract: Circulation. 74(Suppl II): II 353, 1986.) .[Abstract]
Millard, R.W., A.R. Hargens, K. Johansen, K. Pettersson, R. Burroughs, D.G.A. Meltzer, D.H. Gershuni, and W. Van Hoven (1986. ) Baroreflex modulates heart rate in the giraffe .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 45 ,758
Hargens, A.R., R.W. Millard, K. Johansen, D.H. Gershuni, K. Pettersson, R. Burroughs, D.G.A. Meltzer, and W. Van Hoven (1986. ) Blood and interstitital fluid pressures in feet and neck of the giraffe .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 45 ,758
Hermoni, Y., M. Gabel, D.C. Eppert, R.J. Toltzis, P.J. Engel, and R.W. Millard (1987. ) Rapid ultrasound enhancement of reperfused myocardium by fluorocarbon emulsion .[Abstract]J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, 9 ,126A
Hermoni, Y., R.W. Millard, and M. Gabel (1987. ) Fluorocarbon induced pulmonary vasoconstriction in pigs is blocked by indomethacin .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 46 ,519
Nakajima, Y., M. Ashraf, and R.W. Millard (1987. ) Reperfusion injury to epithelial cells in canine intestinal ischemia: an ultrastructural evaluation .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 46 ,1124
Millard, R.W., A.R. Hargens, K. Pettersson, and K. Johansen (1987. ) Blood pressure and intervalve distances in giraffe veins .[Abstract]Fed. Proc, 46 ,793
Millard, R.W., Y. Hermoni, M. Gabel, S.R. Thomas, L.J. Busse, R.G. Pratt, and R.C. Samaratunga (1987. ) Discrimination of normal, ischemic, and reperfused tissue by ultrasound and magnetic resonance aided by fluorocarbons. 3rd International Symposium on Blood Substitutes (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), May 26-28, 1987. (Abstract: Biomat., Art. Cells, and Art. Organs 15: 339-340, 1987.
Millard, R.W., S.R. Thomas, Y. Hermoni, R.G. Pratt, R.C. Samaratunga, and M. Gabel (1987. ) Fluorocarbon accumulation in reperfused myocardium is independent of leukocytes .[Abstract]American Heart Association 60th Scientific Session, November 16-19,
Nakajima, Y., M. Ashraf, and R.W. Millard (1987. ) Critical morphological changes in the ischemic intestine following restoration of blood flow. J. Scanning Election Microscopy. Presented at the International Scanning Electron Microscopy Meeting, Hamilton, Canada .[Abstract]
Okihama, Y., Y. Nakajima, and R.W. Millard (1987. ) Intestinal vasoditation by prostaglan- din E2 and papaverine favors muscle over mucosa .[Abstract]Physiologist, 30 ,153
Okihama, Y., Y. Nakajima, and R.W. Millard (1988. ) Hemodynamic and metabolic characteristics of three different jejunal segment preparations from the same animal .[Abstract]FASEB J, 2 ,A740
Hermoni, Y., M. Gabel, S.R. Thomas, and R.W. Millard (1988. ) Fluorocarbon accumulation and echo image enhancement of reperfused myocardium is independent of leuko-cytes .[Abstract]FASEB J, 2 ,A1685
Thomas, S.R., R.W. Millard, K. K. Tan, R.G. Pratt, L.J. Busse, and R.C. Samaratunga (1988. ) Techniques for the efficient utilization of perfluorocarbon compound F 19 NMR as a non invasive probe of pO2 in vivo. SMRM 7th Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA), August 20-26, 1988. (Abstract: Proc. Soc. Magn. Resonance in Med. 1: 598, 1988.) .[Abstract]
Ramo, M.P., J.S. Plowden, M. Gabel, R.W. Millard, and D.A. Lathrop (1989. ) Amlodipine prevents ischemia induced conduction delay in swine .[Abstract]Circulation, (Suppl. II ) ,149
Ramo, M.P., E.D. Dunlap, M. Gabel, R.L. Barker, R.S. Franco, and R.W. Millard (1989. ) Low oxygen affinity blood attenuates cardiac mechanical dysfunction during flow restricted oxygen delivery .[Abstract]Physiologist, 32 ,183
Millard, R.W., M.P. Ramo, E.D. Dunlap, R. Barker, and R. Franco (1989. ) Hemodynamic response to inositol hexaphosphate treated low affinity blood .[Abstract]FASEB J, 3 ,A838
Dunlap, E.D., M.P. Ramo, R.L. Barker, R.S. Franco, and R.W. Millard (1990. ) Hemodynamics and organ flow changes in conscious swine following acute shifts in blood oxygen affinity .[Abstract]FASEB J, 2 ,A1191
Thomas, S.R., R.W. Millard, R.G. Pratt, R.C. Samaratunga, and B.K. Stewart (1990. ) Partial pressure of oxygen (p02) imaging using F 19 NMR of perfluorocarbon blood substitute emulsions in the porcine model. SMRM 9th Annual Scientific Meeting (New York, NY), August 18-24, 1990. (Abstract: Proc. Soc. Mag. Resonance in Med., p. 573, 1990.
Weber, D.R., and R.W. Millard (1990. ) Clinical pharmacology laboratory exercises for second year medical students .[Abstract]FASEB J, A987
Cannon, L.A., M.B. Williams, M. Gabel, K. McMannis, R.W. Millard, and B.D. Hoit (1990. ) Echocardiographic differentiation of stunned from infarcted myocardium utilizing fluorocarbon emulsion .[Abstract]Circulation, 82 (Suppl. III ) ,762
Hermoni, Y., M. Gabel, D.C. Eppert, R.J. Toltzis, P.J. Engel, R.W. Milard Rapid ultrasound enhancement of reperfused myocardium by fluorocarbon emulsion .[Abstract]
Ramrakhyani, K. and R.W. Millard (1991. ) Interspecies hemodynamic and hematologic responses to Oxygent HT, a fluorochemical emulsion .[Abstract]Biomat., Art. Cells, and Immob. Biotechnology, 19 (2 ) ,471
Pratt, R.G., S.R. Thomas, R.W. Millard, R.C. Samaratunga, and M.H. Naseem (1991. ) Quantitation of perfluorocarbon blood substitutes in tissues using F 19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy. ISAO-ISBS (International Society of Blood Substitutes) Annual Meeting (Abstract: Biomat., Art. Cells, and Immob. Biotechnology 19(2): 466, 1991.
Thomas, S.R., R.G. Pratt, R.W. Millard, R.C. Samaratunga, Y. Shiferaw, L.C. Clark, Jr., and R.E. Hoffman (1991. ) Evaluation of the influence of the aqueous phase bioconstituent environment on the F-19 T1 of perfluorocarbon blood substitute emulsions. RSNA 77th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL), December 1-6, 1991. (Abstract: Radiology 181(P): 159, 1991.) .[Abstract]
Hoit, B.D., Y. Shao, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, L. Prater, R.A. Walsh (1991. ) Concordance of regional atrial microcirculatory flux and atrial microsphere blood flow .[Abstract]Clin. Res, 39 ,693A
Pratt, R.G., S.R. Thomas, R.W. Millard, R.C. Samaratunga, M.H. Naseem (1991. ) Quantitation of perfluorocarbon blood substitutes in tissues using F 19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy .[Abstract]Biomat., Art. Cells, Immobil. Biotechn, 19 ,466
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, N.S. Roszell, M. Gabel, D.C. Blankenship, W.H. Mallin, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, R.A. Walsh, and E.A. Deutsch (1992. ) Relationship of Technetium 99m Q12 activity to myocardial blood flow in the canine heart .[Abstract]J. Nucl. Med, 33 ,993
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, N.J. Roszell, A.J. McGoron, M. Gabel, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, D.C. Blankenship, W.H. Mallin, R.C. Elder, E.A. Deutsch, and R.A. Walsh (1992. ) Myocardial kinetics of Tc 99m Q12 in dogs .[Abstract]Circulation, 86 (Suppl. I ) ,I-708
Millard, R.W., A.J. McGoron, and I.L. Grupp (1992. ) Coronary and myocardial functional dependence on perfusate dissolved oxygen .[Abstract]Physiologist, 35 ,221
Bodi, I., A. McGoron, G. Takemura, A. Schwartz, and R.W. Millard (1992. ) Intracardiac electrophysiological effects of a new positive inotropic agent, OPC-8212, in anesthetized dogs .[Abstract]FASEB J, 6 ,A1309
McGoron, A.J., R.G. Pratt, J. Zhang, Y. Shiferaw, S.R. Thomas, and R.W. Millard (1993. ) Perfluorocarbon distribution to liver, lung, and spleen of emulsions of perfluoro-tributylamine (PFTA) in pigs and rats and perfluorooctylbromide (PFOB) in rats and dogs by 19F NMR spectroscopy. Vth International Symposium on Blood Substitutes (San Diego, CA), March 17-20, 1993. (Abstract: Program and Abstract Book, Fluorocarbon Poster: F39).
Thomas, S.R., R.W. Millard, R.G. Pratt, Y. Shiferaw, and R.C. Samaratunga (1993. ) Quantitative pO2 imaging in vivo with perfluorocarbon F-19 NMR: Tracking oxygen from the airway through the blood to organ tissues. 5th International Symposium on Blood Substitutes (San Diego, CA), March 17-20, 1993. (Abstract: Program and Abstract Book, Fluorocarbon Lecture: F11.) .[Abstract]
Shiferaw, Y., R.G. Pratt, S.R. Thomas, and R.W. Millard (1993. ) Comparison of an optimized T1 imaging sequence for in vivo pO2 imaging for perfluorocarbons FC-43 and PFOB. SMRI 11th Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA), March 27-31, 1993 .[Abstract]
Shiferaw, Y., R.G. Pratt, S.R. Thomas, and R.W. Millard (1993. ) Optimization of 3D F-19 pulse sequences for in vivo perfluorocarbon imaging. SMRI 11th Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA), March 27-31, 1993.
Thomas, S.R., R.W. Millard, R.G. Pratt, and R.C. Samaratunga (1993. ) Partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) imaging using F-19 NMR of perfluorocarbon blood substitute emulsions in the porcine model. University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and College of Medicine 1st Annual Biomedical Engineering Meeting (Cincinnati, OH), Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Engineering, November 1, 1993.
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, A. McGoron, M. Gabel, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, R.C. Elder, E. Deutsch, R.A. Walsh (1993. ) Myocardial uptake and kinetics of Tc-99m Q3 in dogs .[Abstract]Proceed. First Int’l. Congr. Nucl. Cardiol, 602
Millard, R.W., and A.J. McGoron (1993. ) Oxygen transfer from air to blood across lungs containing perfluoroOctylbromide (PFOB) or perfluorotributylamine (PFTA). Vth International Symp. Blood Substitutes, San Diego, CA .[Abstract]
Russell, P.A., A.J. McGoron, S. Abdallah, and R.W. Millard (1993. ) Prediction and validation of particle distribution in synthetic and natural blood admixtures in branched networks .[Abstract]Annals Biomed. Eng, 21 (Suppl. I ) ,49
Stern, S.A., S.C. Dronen, X. Wang, K. Chaffins, A.J. McGoron, and R.W. Millard (1993. ) The effect of supplemental perfluorochemical administration on hypotensive resuscitation of severe uncontrolled hemorrhage .[Abstract]Annals Emerg. Med, 22 ,930
McGoron, A.J., R.W. Millard, D.S. Biniakiewicz, L.C. Washburn, M.C. Gerson (1994. ) Ouabain-resistant myocardial 99mTc-Q12 extraction and sustained retention .[Abstract]Circulation, 90 ,I-368
Millard, R.W., A.J. McGoron, D.L. Armstrong, J.W. Hicks (1994. ) Biomechanics and biophysics of neck veins in Giraffe and Ostrich during postural maneuvers .[Abstract]Physiologist, 37 ,A-77
Roszell, N.J., A.J. McGoron, D.S. Biniakiewicz, M.C. Gerson, S. Ahmed, R.W. Millard (1995. ) Extraction and retention of 99mTc Q12, 99mTc sestamibi and 201TI imaging agents in isolated rat heart during acidemia .[Abstract]Circulation, 92 ,I-181
McGoron, A.J., D.S. Biniakiewicz, N.J. Roszell, M.C. Gerson, L.C. Washburn, R.W. Millard (1995. ) Extraction and retention of 99mTc Q12, 99mTc Sestamibi and 201Tl imaging agents in isolated rat heart during acidemia .[Abstract]Circulation, 92 ,I-180 – I-181
Zhan, Z., M. Gabel, R.W. Millard, R.A. Walsh, B.D. Hoit (1996. ) Altered abdominal aortic compliance and vasodilator responses in canine pacing-induced heart failure .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 ,I-139
Roszell, N.J., R.W. Millard, D. Biniakiewicz, A.J. McGoron (1996. ) Myocyte hypoxia: A putative mechanism of 99mTc-Q12 overextraction in the ischemic heart .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 ,I-723
Roszell, N.J., A.J. McGoron, D.S. Biniakiewicz, M.C. Gerson, R.W. Millard (1996. ) Cardiac myocyte uptake of novel 99mTc Q-compounds is enhanced by ligand ester groups .[Abstract]J. Nucl. Med, 37 ,188P
McGoron, A.J., D.S. Biniakiewicz, N.J. Roszell, M.C. Gerson, L.C. Washburn, R.W. Millard (1996. ) Kinetics of 99mTc Q12 by isolated rat hearts during hypoxia, acidosis and ischemia .[Abstract]J. Nucl. Med, 37 ,49P-50P
Meleca, M.J., A.J. McGoron, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, D. Biniakiewicz, R.A. Walsh, M.C. Gerson (1996. ) Unique flow vs uptake characteristics of Tc99m-Q3 among five technitium tracers in a canine model of myocardial ischemia .[Abstract]Circulation, 94 (Suppl. I ) ,I-301
Rosenbaum, A., A.J. McGoron, M.C. Gerson, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, D. Biniakiewicz, R.A. Walsh (1997. ) Myocardial blood flow vs tracer uptake characteristics of perfusion tracers during dobutamine stress .[Abstract]J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, 29 (2 ) ,442A
McGoron, A.J., M.J. Meleca, D.S. Biniakiewicz, M. Gabel, R.W. Millard, R.A. Walsh, M.C. Gerson (1997. ) Washout of Tc-99m Q12 from canine heart during reperfusion following ischemia .[Abstract]Soc. Nucl. Med, February ,
Thomas, S.R., R.G. Pratt, A.J. McGoron, R.C. Samaratunga, R.W. Millard (1998. ) Monitoring pO2 in bone marrow using perfluorocarbon F-19 NMR. International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, April 20-24, 1998, Sydney, Australia .[Abstract]
Kumar, A., A.J. McGoron, D.S. Biniakiewicz, S.C. Kennedy, R.W. Millard, R.A. Walsh, M.C. Gerson (1998. ) Uptake of novel 99mTc-Q compounds in laminin attached adult rat cardiac myocytes .[Abstract]J. Nucl. Med, 39 ,216P
McGoron, A.J., D.S. Biniakiewicz, S.C. Kennedy, R.W. Millard, M.C. Gerson (1998. ) Myocardial kinetics of 99mTc-Q64 in isolated perfused rat hearts .[Abstract]J. Nucl. Med, 39 ,219P
McGoron, A.J., D.S. Biniakiewicz, M. Gabel, C. Huth, R.W. Millard, R.A. Walsh, M.C. Gerson (1998. ) Kinetics of 99mTc-Q64 in a canine model of myocardial ischemia .[Abstract]J. Nucl. Med, 39 ,216P
Sinha Roy A., Back L.H., Millard R.W., Khoury S.F, Banerjee R.K (2004. ) In Vitro pressure–flow relationship in models of significant coronary artery stenosis. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington DC, IMECE-61657 .[Abstract]
B. K. Arunachalam, R. W. Millard, H. R. Rilo, R. K. Banerjee (2005. ) Effect of heat transfer on the efficacy of hypothermic cold storage methods. 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 22-26, Vail Cascade Resort & Spa, Vail, Colorado (Finalist, MS Student Poster Competition) .[Abstract]
Ashtekar K., A. Sinha Roy, R.K. Banerjee, L.H. Back, R.W. Millard, and S.F. Khoury (2005. ) . In vitro evaluation of guidewire flow obstruction in diagnosis of coronary lesion severity using pulsatile hemodynamics. Proceedings of ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Vail, CO, June 22-26, 2005.
A. Sinha Roy, R.K. Banerjee, S.F. Khoury, V.V. Velury, E.W. Schneeberger, and R.W. Millard (2006. ) Lesion Flow Coefficient: a new index for assessment of coronary occlusions through combined measurements of blood flow, pressure drop and area blockage. Submitted, World Congress of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology, September 2-6, Spain, 2006 .[Abstract]
Sinha Roy, A., S.F. Khoury, V.V. Velury, E.W. Schneeberger, R.W. Millard, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) Lesion Flow Coefficient: A novel diagnostic index to assess coronary occlusions using combined I vivo measurments of blood flow, pressure gradient and area blockage. Accepted for poster presentation, Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, Chicago, IL, November 2006 .[Abstract]
Zhang, D,, M. Pourriahi, W. Huang, A. Ashraf, B. Wang, M. Xu, R.W. Millard, M. Ashraf, Y. Wang, (2009. ) Single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)-COOH mediate mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and cell protection against apoptosis, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando, FL, November, 2009 .[Abstract]Circulation, Co-Author
Fey B.K., M.R. Tabet, M.K. Norman, V.L. Tsibulsky, R.W. Millard, A.B. Norman, (2010. ) Affinity of dopamine receptor antagonists determines the time to maximum effect on cocaine self-administration. .[Abstract]FASEB J., Co-Author
146. Dai B., W. Huang, D. Zhang, K. LaSance, R.W. Millard, A. Ashraf, M. Xu, M. Ashraf, Y. Wang, (2010. ) Overexpression of adenylyl cyclase AC6 in hearts enhances the engraftment of progenitor cells In scar tissue after myocardial infarction (MI). Circulation, Co-Author
Dai B., W. Huang, D. Zhang, K. LaSance, R.W. Millard, A. Ashraf, M. Xu, M. Ashraf, Y. Wang, (2010. ) Overexpression of adenylyl cyclase AC6 in hearts enhances the engraftment of progenitor cells In scar tissue after myocardial infarction (MI). Circulation, Co-Author
Dai B., W. Huang, D. Zhang, M. Xu, R.W. Millard, M.H. Gao, H.K. Hammond, D.R. Menick, M. Ashraf, and Y. Wang. (2010. ) Density of collagen in the infarcted myocardium determines engraftment and angiomyogenesis by induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). Circulation, Co-Author
Millard R.W., T. Kirley , R. Kasturi, and H.-S. Wang, (2011. ) Quantitative ion channel, receptor dynamics, and systems biology simulations for pharmacology graduate education. FASEB J., Author
Huang, W., J. Liang, A. Ashraf, M. Xu, R.W. Millard, M. Ashraf, and Y. Wang. (2011. ) Regulation of miR132 in cardiac fibroblasts after ischemia enhances angiogenesis and reduction of apoptosis by targeting sonic hedgehog. Circulation, 124 ,A9990Co-Author
Liang J., W. Huang, T. Zhao, A. Ashraf, M. Xu, R.W. Millard, K.K. Wary, and Y. Wang. (2011. ) Mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing CXCR4 (MSCCR4) promote neovascularization as revealed by suicide gene approach. Circulation, 124 ,A9991Co-Author
Huang, W., R.W. Millard, et al. (2012. ) Isl-1 is regulated by miR-128 via Nkx-2.5/Gsh-2 competition during cardiac development. Circulation, Co-Author
Liang, J., W. Huang, Y. Wang, K. Kang, Z. Wen, A. Ashraf, R. W. Millard, M. Xu, M. Ashraf, and Y. Wang. (2012. ) CXCR4 Overexpressing mesenchymal stem cells (MSCCR4) enhance their differentiation into endothelial cells via STAT3 pathway. Circulation, Co-Author
Yu, B., Z. Pasha, Y. Wang, R.W. Millard, M. Ashraf, and M. Xu. (2012. ) Translocation of miRNA and bioactive molecules from mesenchymal stem cells protects cardiomyocytes against simulated ischemic injury in vitro. Circulation, Co-Author
Liang, J., W. Huang, Y. Wang, K. Kang, Z. Wen, R.W. Millard, M. Xu, M. Ashraf, X. Yu, and Y. Wang. (2012. ) Role of microRNA-1a (miR-1a) in the differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to endothelial cells. Circulation, Co-Author
Peer Reviewed Publications
Banerjee R.K., A. Sinha Roy, L.H. Back, M.R. Back, S.F. Khoury, and R.W. Millard (2007. ) Characterizing momentum change and viscous loss of a hemodynamic endpoint in assessment of coronary lesions .J Biomech, , 40 (3 ) ,652-62
Arunachalam, B.K., R.W. Millard, M. Kazmierczak, H.L.R. Rilo, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) Evaluation of thermal efficacy of hypothermic tissue preservation methods .Cell Preservation Technology , , 4 (2 ) ,
Kwon, O., M. Sartor, C.R. Tomlinson, R.W. Millard, M.E. Olah, J.M. Stankovic, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) Effect of simulated microgravity on oxidation-sensitive gene expression in PC12 cells .Advances in Space Research, , 38 (6 ) ,1168-1176
Sinha Roy, A., R.K. Banerjee, L.H. Back, M. Back , S. Khoury, and R.W. Millard (2005. ) Delineating the guidewire flow obstruction effect in assessment of fractional flow reserve and coronary flow reserve measurements .Am. J. Physiol.: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, , 289 ,H392-H397
Park, J., P.M. Bungay, R.J. Lutz, R, J.J. Augsburger, R.W. Millard, A.S. Roy, and R.K. Banerjee (2005. ) Evaluation of coupled convective and diffusive transport of drug for intravitreal injection and controlled release implant .J. of Controlled Release, , 105 ,279-295
Hamed, E, M.C. Gerson, R.W. Millard, A Sakr (2003. ) Effect of formulation on the in vivo response to loop diuretic bumetanide .Intl. J. Pharmaceutics, , 267 ,129-140
Rosenbaum, A.F., A.J. McGoron, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, D. Biniakiewicz, R.A. Walsh, M.C. Gerson (1999. ) Uptake of seven myocardial tracers during increased myocardial blood flow by dobutamine infusion .Investigative Radiology, , 34 ,91-98
McGoron, A.J., D. Biniakiewicz, R.W. Millard, A. Kumar, S.C. Kennedy, N.J. Roszell, M. Gabel, C. Huth, R.A. Walsh, M.C. Gerson (1999. ) Myocardial kinetics of 99mTechnetium-Q Agents: Studies in isolated cardiac myocyte, isolated perfused heart and canine regional myocardial ischemia models .Investigative Radiology, , 34 ,704-717
Meleca, M.J., McGoron, A.J., Gerson, M.C., Millard, R.W., Gabel, M., Biniakiewicz, D. Roszell, N.J. and Walsh, R.A. (1997. ) Flow versus uptake comparisons of thallium-201 with technetium-99m perfusion tracers in a canine model of myocardial ischemia .J. Nuclear Med, , 38 ,1847-1856
McGoron, A.J., M.C. Gerson, D.S. Biniakiewicz, N.J. Roszell, L.C. Washburn, and R.W. Millard (1997. ) Extraction and retention of technetium-99m Q12, technetium-99m sestamibi and thallium-201 in isolated rat heart during coronary acidemia .Eur. J. Nucl. Med, , 24 ,1479-1486
McGoron, A.J., M.C. Gerson, D.S. Biniakiewicz, L.C. Washburn, and R.W. Millard (1996. ) Effects of ouabain on 99mTc Q12 and 201TI uptake and retention by isolated rat hearts .J. Nucl. Med, , 37 ,752-756
Blaustein, A.S., K. Ramrakhyani, B.D. Hoit, R. Matoba, L.F. Wexler, M. Gabel, M. Ashraf, and R.W. Millard (1995. ) Characteristics of chronic left ventricular dysfunction induced by coronary embolization in a canine model .Am. J. Cardiovasc. Pathol, , 5 ,32-48
Ramo, P., R. Barker-Gear, M. Gabel, R.W. Millard, and R.S. Franco (1994. ) Performance of flow-regulated myocardium in pigs with normal, low, and high blood oxygen affinity .Adv. Biosci, , 92 ,37-45
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, A. McGoron, M. Gabel, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, R.C. Elder, E. Deutsch, and R.A. Walsh (1994. ) Myocardial uptake and kinetic properties of 99mTc Q3 in dogs .J. Nuclear Med, , 35 ,1698-1706
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, N.J. Roszell, A.J. McGoron, M. Gabel, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, D. Blankenship, W.H. Mallin, R.C. Elder, E. Deutsch, and R.A. Walsh (1994. ) Kinetic properties of 99mTc Q12 in canine myocardium .Circulation, , 89 ,1291-1300
Dunlap, E.D., M.A. Matlib, and R.W. Millard (1989. ) Protection of regional mechanics and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by amlodipine in transiently ischemic myocardium .Am. J. Cardiol, , 64 ,84I-93I
Dunlap, E.D., J.S. Plowden, D.A. Lathrop, and R.W. Millard (1989. ) Hemodynamic and electrophysiologic effects of amlodipine, a new calcium channel blocker .Am. J. Cardiol, , 64 ,71I-77I
Ramo, M.P., J.S. Plowden, M. Gabel, R.W. Millard, and D.A. Lathrop (1989. ) Amlodipine, a long acting calcium antagonist drug reduces ischemia induced ventricular conduction delay in pig hearts .Am. J. Cardiol, , 64 ,78I-83I
Schroder, T., R.W. Millard, Y. Nakajima, M. Gabel, and S.N. Joffe (1988. ) Microcirculatory effects of somatostatin in acute pancreatitis .European Surgical Research, , 20 ,82-88
Matlib, M.A., G.P. Dube, R.W. Millard, D.A. Lathrop, Y.H. Baik, K. Sakai, J. DiSalvo and A. Schwartz (1985. ) Studies on the mode of action of isosorbide dinitrate: a physiological and biochemical approach .Am. Heart. J, , 110 ,204-212
Fujiwara, H., M. Ashraf, R.W. Millard, S. Sato, and A. Schwartz (1984. ) Effects of diltiazem, a calcium channel inhibitor, in retarding cellular damage produced during early myocardial ischemia in pigs: a morphometric and ultrastructural analysis .J. Amer. Coll. Cardiol, , 3 ,1427-1437
Millard, R.W., G. Grupp, I.L. Grupp, J. DiSalvo, A. DePover, M.A. Matlib and A. Schwartz (1983. ) Chronotropic, inotropic and vasodilator actions of diltiazem, nifedipine and verapamil: A comparative study of physiological responses and receptor activity .Circulation Res, , 52 (Suppl. 1 ) ,29-39
Millard, R.W., N.O. Fowler and M. Gabel (1983. ) Hemodynamic and regional blood flow responses to dextran, hydralazine, isoproterenol and amrinone during experimental cardiac tamponade .J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, , 110 ,1461-1470
Nakaya, H., A. Schwartz and R.W. Millard (1983. ) Direct and reflex cardiac effects of calcium channel blocking agents in conscious dogs: Diltiazem, verapamil, and nifedipine compared .Circulation Res, , 52 ,302-311
Millard, R.W., D.A. Lathrop, G. Grupp, M. Ashraf, I.L. Grupp, and A. Schwartz (1982. ) Differential cardiovascular effects of calcium channel blocking agents: Potential mechanisms .Am. J. Cardiol, , 49 ,449-506
Millard, R.W., G. Dube, G. Grupp, I. Grupp, A.A. Alousi and A. Schwartz (1980. ) Direct vasodilator and positive inotropic actions of amrinone .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, , 12 ,647-652
Millard, R.W (1980. ) Changes in cardiac mechanics and coronary blood flow of regional ischemic porcine myocardium induced by diltiazem .Chest, , 78 ,193-199
Millard, Ronald W; Rosevear, Paul R (2012. ) Metabolomics: seeking a unique biomarker signature for coronary artery syndromes.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 59 (18 ) ,1642-4 More Information
Huang, Wei; Wang, Tao; Zhang, Dongsheng; Zhao, Tiemin; Dai, Bo; Ashraf, Atif; Wang, Xiaohong; Xu, Meifeng; Millard, Ronald W; Fan, Guo-Chang; Ashraf, Muhammad; Yu, Xi-Yong; Wang, Yigang (2012. ) Mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing CXCR4 attenuate remodeling of postmyocardial infarction by releasing matrix metalloproteinase-9.Stem cells and development, , 21 (5 ) ,778-89 More Information
Liang, Jialiang; Huang, Wei; Yu, Xiyong; Ashraf, Atif; Wary, Kishore K; Xu, Meifeng; Millard, Ronald W; Ashraf, Muhammad; Wang, Yigang (2012. ) Suicide Gene Reveals the Myocardial Neovascularization Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing CXCR4 (MSC(CXCR4)).PloS one, , 7 (9 ) ,e46158 More Information
Xu, Meifeng; Millard, Ronald W; Ashraf, Muhammad (2012. ) Role of GATA-4 in differentiation and survival of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.Progress in molecular biology and translational science, , 111 ,217-41 More Information
Dai, Bo; Huang, Wei; Xu, Meifeng; Millard, Ronald W; Gao, Mei Hua; Hammond, H Kirk; Menick, Donald R; Ashraf, Muhammad; Wang, Yigang (2011. ) Reduced collagen deposition in infarcted myocardium facilitates induced pluripotent stem cell engraftment and angiomyogenesis for improvement of left ventricular function.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 58 (20 ) ,2118-27 More Information
Norman, Andrew B; Tabet, Michael R; Norman, Mantana K; Fey, Brittney K; Tsibulsky, Vladimir L; Millard, Ronald W (2011. ) The affinity of D2-like dopamine receptor antagonists determines the time to maximal effect on cocaine self-administration.The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 338 (2 ) ,724-8 More Information
Zhang, Dongsheng; Huang, Wei; Dai, Bo; Zhao, Tiemin; Ashraf, Atif; Millard, Ronald W; Ashraf, Muhammad; Wang, Yigang (2010. ) Genetically manipulated progenitor cell sheet with diprotin A improves myocardial function and repair of infarcted hearts.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 299 (5 ) ,H1339-47 More Information
Huang, Wei; Zhang, Dongsheng; Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Tao; Zhao, Tiemin; Fan, Guo-Chang; Ashraf, Atif; Xu, Meifeng; Ashraf, Muhammad; Wang, Yigang (2010. ) Gene manipulated peritoneal cell patch repairs infarcted myocardium.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 48 (4 ) ,702-12 More Information
Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Yigang (2009. ) Milieu intérieur: the search for myocardial arteriogenic signals.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 53 (23 ) ,2148-9 More Information
Zhao, Tiemin; Zhang, Dongsheng; Millard, Ronald W; Ashraf, Muhammad; Wang, Yigang (2009. ) Stem cell homing and angiomyogenesis in transplanted hearts are enhanced by combined intramyocardial SDF-1alpha delivery and endogenous cytokine signaling.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 296 (4 ) ,H976-86 More Information
Gerson, Myron C; Abdul-Waheed, Mohammad; Millard, Ronald W Of fight and flight.Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, , 16 (2 ) ,176-9 More Information
Sinha Roy, Abhijit; Back, Martin R; Khoury, Saeb F; Schneeberger, Eric W; Back, Lloyd H; Velury, Vijaya V; Millard, Ronald W; Banerjee, Rupak K (2008. ) Functional and anatomical diagnosis of coronary artery stenoses.The Journal of surgical research, , 150 (1 ) ,24-33 More Information
Banerjee, Rupak K; Sinha Roy, Abhijit; Back, Lloyd H; Back, Martin R; Khoury, Saeb F; Millard, Ronald W (2007. ) Characterizing momentum change and viscous loss of a hemodynamic endpoint in assessment of coronary lesions.Journal of biomechanics, , 40 (3 ) ,652-62 More Information
Kwon, Ohwon; Sartor, Maureen; Tomlinson, Craig R; Millard, Ronald W; Olah, Mark E; Sankovic, John M; Banerjee, Rupak K (2006. ) Effect of simulated microgravity on oxidation-sensitive gene expression in PC12 cells.Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), , 38 (6 ) ,1168-1176 More Information
Park, Juyoung; Bungay, Peter M; Lutz, Robert J; Augsburger, James J; Millard, Ronald W; Sinha Roy, Abhijit; Banerjee, Rupak K (2005. ) Evaluation of coupled convective-diffusive transport of drugs administered by intravitreal injection and controlled release implant.Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, , 105 (3 ) ,279-95 More Information
Roy, Abhijit Sinha; Banerjee, Rupak K; Back, Lloyd H; Back, Martin R; Khoury, Saeb; Millard, Ronald W (2005. ) Delineating the guide-wire flow obstruction effect in assessment of fractional flow reserve and coronary flow reserve measurements.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 289 (1 ) ,H392-7 More Information
Hamed, Ehab; Gerson, Myron C; Millard, Ronald W; Sakr, Adel (2003. ) A study of the pharmacodynamic differences between immediate and extended release bumetanide formulations. International journal of pharmaceutics, , 267 (1-2 ) ,129-40
McGoron, A J; Biniakiewicz, D; Millard, R W; Kumar, A; Kennedy, S C; Roszell, N J; Gabel, M; Huth, C; Walsh, R A; Gerson, M C (1999. ) Myocardial kinetics of 99m technetium-Q agents: studies in isolated cardiac myocyte, isolated perfused rat heart, and canine regional myocardial ischemia models. Investigative radiology, , 34 (11 ) ,704-17
Rosenbaum, A F; McGoron, A J; Millard, R W; Gabel, M; Biniakiewicz, D; Walsh, R A; Gerson, M C (1999. ) Uptake of seven myocardial tracers during increased myocardial blood flow by dobutamine infusion. Investigative radiology, , 34 (2 ) ,91-8
Khan, Z; Millard, R W; Gabel, M; Walsh, R A; Hoit, B D (1999. ) Effect of congestive heart failure on in vivo canine aortic elastic properties. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 33 (1 ) ,267-72
McGoron, A J; Gerson, M C; Biniakiewicz, D S; Roszell, N J; Washburn, L C; Millard, R W (1997. ) Extraction and retention of technetium-99m Q12, technetium-99m sestamibi, and thallium-201 in isolated rat heart during coronary acidemia. European journal of nuclear medicine, , 24 (12 ) ,1479-86
Meleca, M J; McGoron, A J; Gerson, M C; Millard, R W; Gabel, M; Biniakiewicz, D; Roszell, N J; Walsh, R A (1997. ) Flow versus uptake comparisons of thallium-201 with technetium-99m perfusion tracers in a canine model of myocardial ischemia. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, , 38 (12 ) ,1847-56
Thomas, S R; Gradon, L; Pratsinis, S E; Pratt, R G; Fotou, G P; McGoron, A J; Podgorski, A L; Millard, R W (1997. ) Perfluorocarbon compound aerosols for delivery to the lung as potential 19F magnetic resonance reporters of regional pulmonary pO2. Investigative radiology, , 32 (1 ) ,29-38
McGoron, A J; Gerson, M C; Biniakiewicz, D S; Washburn, L C; Millard, R W (1996. ) Effects of ouabain on technetium-99m-Q12 and thallium-201 extraction and retention by isolated rat heart. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, , 37 (5 ) ,752-6
Thomas, S R; Pratt, R G; Millard, R W; Samaratunga, R C; Shiferaw, Y; McGoron, A J; Tan, K K (1996. ) In vivo PO2 imaging in the porcine model with perfluorocarbon F-19 NMR at low field. Magnetic resonance imaging, , 14 (1 ) ,103-14
Blaustein, A S; Hoit, B D; Wexler, L F; Ashraf, M; Ramrakhyani, K; Matoba, R; Gabel, M; Millard, R W (1995. ) Characteristics of chronic left ventricular dysfunction induced by coronary embolization in a canine model. The American journal of cardiovascular pathology, , 5 (1 ) ,32-48
Gerson, M C; Millard, R W; McGoron, A J; Gabel, M; Washburn, L C; Biniakiewicz, D; Elder, R C; Deutsch, E; Walsh, R A (1994. ) Myocardial uptake and kinetic properties of technetium-99m-Q3 in dogs. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine, , 35 (10 ) ,1698-706
Thomas, S R; Pratt, R G; Millard, R W; Samaratunga, R C; Shiferaw, Y; Clark, L C; Hoffmann, R E Evaluation of the influence of the aqueous phase bioconstituent environment on the F-19 T1 of perfluorocarbon blood substitute emulsions. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI, , 4 (4 ) ,631-5
Gerson, M C; Millard, R W; Roszell, N J; McGoron, A J; Gabel, M; Washburn, L C; Biniakiewicz, D; Blankenship, D; Mallin, W H; Elder, R C (1994. ) Kinetic properties of 99mTc-Q12 in canine myocardium. Circulation, , 89 (3 ) ,1291-300
Millard, R W (1994. ) Oxygen solubility, rheology and hemodynamics of perfluorocarbon emulsion blood substitutes. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology, , 22 (2 ) ,235-44
Millard, R W; McGoron, A J (1994. ) Lung functions after intravenous or intraperitoneal administration of perfluorooctyl bromide (PFOB) or perfluorotributylamine (FTBA) emulsions. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology, , 22 (4 ) ,1251-8
Thomas, S R; Millard, R W; Pratt, R G; Shiferaw, Y; Samaratunga, R C (1994. ) Quantitative pO2 imaging in vivo with perfluorocarbon F-19 NMR: tracking oxygen from the airway through the blood to organ tissues. Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology, , 22 (4 ) ,1029-42
Takemura, G; Onodera, T; Millard, R W; Ashraf, M (1993. ) Demonstration of hydroxyl radical and its role in hydrogen peroxide-induced myocardial injury: hydroxyl radical dependent and independent mechanisms. Free radical biology & medicine, , 15 (1 ) ,13-25
Millard, R W (1993. ) 1992 ISHR American Section Scientific sessions highlights [cardiac myocytes: coronary circulation: myocardial ischemic injury and protection: heart failure].Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 25 (5 ) ,615-33 More Information
Millard, R W; Lillywhite, H B; Hargens, A R (1992. ) Cardiovascular system design and barosaurus. Lancet, , 340 (8824 ) ,914
Millard, R W; Kinsler, B L (1992. ) Evaluation of constricted affect in chronic pain: an attempt using the Toronto Alexythymia Scale. Pain, , 50 (3 ) ,287-92
Millard, R W Highlights from the 1991 scientific session of the International Society for Heart Research Meeting.Trends in cardiovascular medicine, , 2 (2 ) ,41-3 More Information
Pratt, R G; Thomas, S R; Millard, R W; Samaratunga, R C; Naseem, M H (1992. ) Quantitation of perfluorocarbon blood substitutes in tissues using F-19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Biomaterials, artificial cells, and immobilization biotechnology : official journal of the International Society for Artificial Cells and Immobilization Biotechnology, , 20 (2-4 ) ,921-4
Hardy, R I; James, F W; Millard, R W; Kaplan, S Regional myocardial blood flow and cardiac mechanics in dog hearts with CO2 laser-induced intramyocardial revascularization. Basic research in cardiology, , 85 (2 ) ,179-97
Dunlap, E D; Matlib, M A; Millard, R W (1989. ) Protection of regional mechanics and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by amlodipine in transiently ischemic myocardium. The American journal of cardiology, , 64 (17 ) ,84I-91I; discussion
Rämö, M P; Plowden, J S; Gabel, M; Millard, R W; Lathrop, D A (1989. ) Amlodipine, a long-acting calcium antagonist drug reduces ischemia-induced ventricular conduction delay in pig hearts. The American journal of cardiology, , 64 (17 ) ,78I-83I
Dunlap, E D; Plowden, J S; Lathrop, D A; Millard, R W (1989. ) Hemodynamic and electrophysiologic effects of amlodipine, a new calcium channel blocker. The American journal of cardiology, , 64 (17 ) ,71I-77I
Rigel, D F; Millard, R W (1989. ) Effects of calcium channel antagonists on carotid sinus baroreflex control of arterial pressure and heart rate in anesthetized dogs. Circulation research, , 64 (2 ) ,276-86
Nilsson, O; Bööj, S; Dahlström, A; Hargens, A R; Millard, R W; Pettersson, K S (1988. ) Sympathetic innervation of the cardiovascular system in the giraffe. Blood vessels, , 25 (6 ) ,299-307
Schröder, T; Millard, R W; Nakajima, Y; Gabel, M; Joffe, S N (1988. ) Microcirculatory effects of somatostatin in acute pancreatitis. European surgical research. Europäische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales européennes, , 20 (1 ) ,82-8
Hargens, A R; Millard, R W; Pettersson, K; Johansen, K Gravitational haemodynamics and oedema prevention in the giraffe.Nature, , 329 (6134 ) ,59-60 More Information
Elsner, R; Millard, R W; Kjekshus, J K; White, F; Blix, A S; Kemper, W S (1985. ) Coronary blood flow and myocardial segment dimensions during simulated dives in seals. The American journal of physiology, , 249 (6 Pt 2 ) ,H1119-26
Matlib, M A; Dubé, G P; Millard, R W; Lathrop, D A; Baik, Y H; Sakai, K; DiSalvo, J; Schwartz, A (1985. ) Studies on the mode of action of isosorbide dinitrate: a physiologic and biochemical approach. American heart journal, , 110 (1 Pt 2 ) ,204-12
Sakai, K; Watanabe, K; Millard, R W (1985. ) Defining the mechanical border zone: a study in the pig heart. The American journal of physiology, , 249 (1 Pt 2 ) ,H88-94
Park, W H; Ashraf, M; Millard, R W; Erickson, J (1985. ) Morphological changes in the coronary circulation following experimental myocardial ischemia in swine. Artery, , 12 (5 ) ,286-300
Rahamathulla, P M; Watanabe, K; Ashraf, M; Millard, R W (1985. ) Prevention of lactate production and myocyte injury in isolated rat hearts perfused with perfluorochemical emulsion. Experimental pathology, , 28 (3 ) ,157-65
Fujiwara, H; Ashraf, M; Millard, R W; Sato, S; Schwartz, A (1984. ) Effects of diltiazem, a calcium channel inhibitor, in retarding cellular damage produced during early myocardial ischemia in pigs: a morphometric and ultrastructural analysis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 3 (6 ) ,1427-37
Tamiya, K; Sugawara, M; Millard, R W (1984. ) A mechanical model of mitral insufficiency using canine papillary muscle preparation. Japanese circulation journal, , 48 (3 ) ,233-46
Clark, L C; Ackerman, J L; Thomas, S R; Millard, R W; Hoffman, R E; Pratt, R G; Ragle-Cole, H; Kinsey, R A; Janakiraman, R (1984. ) Perfluorinated organic liquids and emulsions as biocompatible NMR imaging agents for 19F and dissolved oxygen. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, , 180 ,835-45
Millard, R W; Evans, I M (1983. ) Clinical decision processes and criteria for social validity. Psychological reports, , 53 (3 Pt 1 ) ,775-8
Imai, K; Wang, T; Millard, R W; Ashraf, M; Kranias, E G; Asano, G; Grassi de Gende, A O; Nagao, T; Solaro, R J; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Ischaemia-induced changes in canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Cardiovascular research, , 17 (11 ) ,696-709
Nakaya, H; Millard, R W; Lathrop, D A; Gaum, W E; Kaplan, S; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Flow-independent improvement by diltiazem of ischemia-induced conduction delay in porcine hearts. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 2 (3 ) ,474-80
Millard, R W; Fowler, N O; Gabel, M (1983. ) Hemodynamic and regional blood flow distribution responses to dextran, hydralazine, isoproterenol and amrinone during experimental cardiac tamponade. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 1 (6 ) ,1461-70
Ngai, J H; Yabuuchi, Y; Schwartz, A; Millard, R W (1983. ) Studies on mechanisms of diltiazem-induced protection of the ischemic myocardium: selective myocardial depressant action of diltiazem on an ischemic isolated blood-perfused canine papillary muscle preparation. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 225 (2 ) ,462-9
Sato, S; Ashraf, M; Millard, R W; Fujiwara, H; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Connective tissue changes in early ischemia of porcine myocardium: an ultrastructural study. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 15 (4 ) ,261-75
Matlib, M A; Rembert, J C; Millard, R W; Ashraf, M; Rouslin, W; Asano, G; Greenfield, J C; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Mitochondrial function in canine experimental cardiac hypertrophy. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 15 (4 ) ,221-32
Nakaya, H; Schwartz, A; Millard, R W (1983. ) Reflex chronotropic and inotropic effects of calcium channel-blocking agents in conscious dogs. Diltiazem, verapamil, and nifedipine compared. Circulation research, , 52 (3 ) ,302-11
Millard, R W; Grupp, G; Grupp, I L; DiSalvo, J; DePover, A; Schwartz, A (1983. ) Chronotropic, inotropic, and vasodilator actions of diltiazem, nifedipine, and verapamil. A comparative study of physiological responses and membrane receptor activity. Circulation research, , 52 (2 Pt 2 ) ,I29-39
Ngai, J H; Matlib, M A; Millard, R W Contractile performance, mitochondrial function and blood flow distribution in porcine heart with induced coronary collateral circulation. Basic research in cardiology, , 78 (1 ) ,62-76
Fujiwara, H; Ashraf, M; Sato, S; Millard, R W (1982. ) Transmural cellular damage and blood flow distribution in early ischemia in pig hearts. Circulation research, , 51 (6 ) ,683-93
Millard, R W; Schwartz, A (1982. ) CV response to calcium-entry blocking drugs. Circulation, , 66 (4 ) ,902
Ashraf, M; Onda, M; Benedict, J B; Millard, R W (1982. ) Prevention of calcium paradox-related myocardial cell injury with diltiazem, a calcium channel blocking agent. The American journal of cardiology, , 49 (7 ) ,1675-81
Lathrop, D A; Valle-Aguilera, J R; Millard, R W; Gaum, W E; Hannon, D W; Francis, P D; Nakaya, H; Schwartz, A (1982. ) Comparative electrophysiologic and coronary hemodynamic effects of diltiazem, nisoldipine and verapamil on myocardial tissue. The American journal of cardiology, , 49 (3 ) ,613-20
Millard, R W; Lathrop, D A; Grupp, G; Ashraf, M; Grupp, I L; Schwartz, A (1982. ) Differential cardiovascular effects of calcium channel blocking agents: potential mechanisms. The American journal of cardiology, , 49 (3 ) ,499-506
Millard, R W Induction of functional coronary collaterals in the swine heart. Basic research in cardiology, , 76 (5 ) ,468-73
Rouslin, W; Millard, R W (1981. ) Mitochondrial inner membrane enzyme defects in porcine myocardial ischemia. The American journal of physiology, , 240 (2 ) ,H308-13
Millard, R W; Moalli, R (1980. ) Baroreflex sensitivity in an amphibian, rana catesbeiana, and a reptilian, Pseudemys scripta elegans.The Journal of experimental zoology, , 213 (2 ) ,283-8 More Information
Franklin, D; Millard, R W; Nagao, T (1980. ) Responses of coronary collateral flow and dependent myocardial mechanical function to the calcium antagonist, diltiazem. Chest, , 78 (1 Suppl ) ,200-4
Millard, R W (1980. ) Changes in cardiac mechanics and coronary blood flow of regionally ischemic porcine myocardium induced by diltiazem. Chest, , 78 (1 Suppl ) ,193-9
Millard, R W; Dubé, G; Grupp, G; Grupp, I; Alousi, A; Schwartz, A (1980. ) Direct vasodilator and positive inotropic actions of amrinone. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 12 (6 ) ,647-52
Rouslin, W; Millard, R W (1980. ) Canine myocardial ischemia: defect in mitochondrial electron transfer complex I. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 12 (6 ) ,639-45
Schwartz, A; Adams, R J; Grupp, I; Grupp, G; Holroyde, M J; Millard, R W; Solaro, R J; Wallick, E T Effects of vanadate on myocardial function. Basic research in cardiology, , 75 (3 ) ,444-51
Moalli, R; Meyers, R S; Jackson, D C; Millard, R W (1980. ) Skin circulation of the frog, Rana catesbeiana: distribution and dynamics. Respiration physiology, , 40 (2 ) ,137-48
Nagao, T; Matlib, M A; Franklin, D; Millard, R W; Schwartz, A (1980. ) Effects of diltiazem, a calcium antagonist, on regional myocardial function and mitochondria after brief coronary occlusion. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 12 (1 ) ,29-43
Hilton, C J; Teubl, W; Acker, M; Levinson, H J; Millard, R W; Riddle, R; McEnany, M T (1979. ) Inadequate cardioplegic protection with obstructed coronary arteries. The Annals of thoracic surgery, , 28 (4 ) ,323-34
Millard, R W; Baig, H; Vatner, S F (1979. ) Prostaglandin control of the renal circulation in response to hypoxemia in the fetal lamb in utero. Circulation research, , 45 (2 ) ,172-9
Meyers, R S; Moalli, R; Jackson, D C; Millard, R W (1979. ) Microsphere studies of bullfrog central vascular shunts during diving and breathing in air.The Journal of experimental zoology, , 208 (3 ) ,423-30 More Information
Most, A S; Williams, D O; Millard, R W (1978. ) Acute coronary occlusion in the pig: effect of nitroglycerin on regional myocardial blood flow. The American journal of cardiology, , 42 (6 ) ,947-53
Millard, R W; Hodgkin, B C; Nelson, C V (1978. ) Effect of ventricular end-diastolic volume on vectorcardiographic potentials of the pig. The American journal of physiology, , 235 (2 ) ,H182-7
Vatner, S F; Pagani, M; Rutherford, J D; Millard, R W; Manders, W T (1978. ) Effects of nitroglycerin on cardiac function and regional blood flow distribution in conscious dogs. The American journal of physiology, , 234 (3 ) ,H244-52
Reite, O B; Millard, R W; Johansen, K (1977. ) Effects of low tissue temperature on peripheral vascular control mechanisms. Acta physiologica Scandinavica, , 101 (2 ) ,247-53
Hodgkin, B C; Millard, R W; Nelson, C V (1977. ) Effect of hematocrit on electrocardiographic potentials and dipole moment of the pig. The American journal of physiology, , 232 (4 ) ,H406-10
Millard, R W; Baig, H; Vatner, S F (1977. ) Cardiovascular effects of radioactive microsphere suspensions and Tween 80 solutions. The American journal of physiology, , 232 (3 ) ,H331-4
Tulenko, T N; Millard, R W (1977. ) Evidence for a physiological role for fetal angiotensin in the regulation of the umbilico-placental vasculature. Annales de recherches vétérinaires. Annals of veterinary research, , 8 (4 ) ,484-5
Vatner, S F; Millard, R W; Patrick, T A; Heyndrickx, G R (1976. ) Effects of isoproterenol on regional myocardial function, electrogram, and blood flow in conscious dogs with myocardial ischemia.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 57 (5 ) ,1261-71 More Information
Bonner, R A; Millard, R W; Angelakos, E T (1976. ) Cardiorespiratory sequelae in a model of sudden infant death. The Journal of the Maine Medical Association, , 67 (4 ) ,94-6
Heyndrickx, G R; Millard, R W; McRitchie, R J; Maroko, P R; Vatner, S F (1975. ) Regional myocardial functional and electrophysiological alterations after brief coronary artery occlusion in conscious dogs.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 56 (4 ) ,978-85 More Information
Millard, R W; Reite, O B (1975. ) Peripheral vascular response to norepinephrine at temperatures from 2 to 40 degrees C. Journal of applied physiology, , 38 (1 ) ,26-30
Johansen, K; Millard, R W (1974. ) Cold-induced neurogenic vasodilatation in skin of the giant fulmar Macronectes giganteus. The American journal of physiology, , 227 (6 ) ,1232-5
Hargens, A R; Millard, R W; Johansen, K (1974. ) High capillary permeability in fishes. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology, , 48 (4 ) ,675-80
Millard, R W; Johansen, K (1974. ) Ventricular outflow dynamics in the lizard, Varanus niloticus: responses to hypoxia, hypercarbia and diving. The Journal of experimental biology, , 60 (3 ) ,871-80
Vatner, S F; Higgins, C B; Millard, R W; Franklin, D (1974. ) Role of the spleen in the peripheral vascular response to severe exercise in untethered dogs. Cardiovascular research, , 8 (2 ) ,276-82
Vatner, S F; Millard, R W; Higgins, C B (1973. ) Coronary and myocardial effects of dopamine in the conscious dog: parasympatholytic augmentation of pressor and inotropic actions. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, , 187 (2 ) ,280-95
Millard, R W; Johansen, K; Milsom, W K (1973. ) Radiotelemetry of cardiovascular responses to exercise and diving in penguins. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology, , 46 (2 ) ,227-40
Higgins, C B; Millard, R W; Braunwald, E; Vatner, S F (1973. ) Effects and mechanisms of action of dopamine on regional hemodynamics in the conscious dog. The American journal of physiology, , 225 (2 ) ,432-7
Millard, R W; Higgins, C B; Franklin, D; Vatner, S F (1972. ) Regulation of the renal circulation during severe exercise in normal dogs and dogs with experimental heart failure. Circulation research, , 31 (6 ) ,881-8
Hemmingsen, E A; Douglas, E L; Johansen, K; Millard, R W (1972. ) Aortic blood flow and cardiac output in the hemoglobin-free fish Chaenocephalus aceratus. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology, , 43 (4 ) ,1045-51
Higgins, C B; Vatner, S F; Millard, R W; Franklin, D; Braunwald, E (1972. ) Alterations in regional hemodynamics in experimental heart failure in conscious dogs. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians, , 85 ,267-78
Angelakos, E T; King, M P; Millard, R W (1969. ) Regional distribution of catecholamines in the hearts of various species. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , 156 (1 ) ,219-40
Angelakos, E T; Glassman, P M; Millard, R W; King, M (1965. ) Regional distribution and subcellular localization of catecholamines in the frog heart. Comparative biochemistry and physiology, , 15 (3 ) ,313-24
Yu, Bin; Gong, Min; Wang, Yigang; Millard, Ronald W; Pasha, Zeeshan; Yang, Yueting; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Meifeng (2013. ) Cardiomyocyte Protection by GATA-4 Gene Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells Is Partially Mediated by Translocation of miR-221 in Microvesicles.PloS one, , 8 (8 ) ,e73304 More Information
Huang, Wei; Dai, Bo; Wen, Zhili; Millard, Ronald W; Yu, Xi-Yong; Luther, Kristin; Xu, Meifeng; Zhao, Ting C; Yang, Huang-Tian; Qi, Zhihua; Lasance, Kathleen; Ashraf, Muhammad; Wang, Yigang (2013. ) Molecular Strategy to Reduce In Vivo Collagen Barrier Promotes Entry of NCX1 Positive Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC(NCX1+)) into Ischemic (or Injured) Myocardium.PloS one, , 8 (8 ) ,e70023 More Information
Fleming, Sheila M; Jordan, Maria C; Mulligan, Caitlin K; Masliah, Eliezer; Holden, John G; Millard, Ronald W; Chesselet, Marie-Françoise; Roos, Kenneth P (2013. ) Impaired baroreflex function in mice overexpressing alpha-synuclein.Frontiers in neurology, , 4 ,103 More Information
Wang, Linlin; Pasha, Zeeshan; Wang, Shuyun; Li, Ning; Feng, Yuliang; Lu, Gang; Millard, Ronald W; Ashraf, Muhammad (2013. ) Protein kinase G1 ? overexpression increases stem cell survival and cardiac function after myocardial infarction.PloS one, , 8 (3 ) ,e60087 More Information
Yu, Bin; Gong, Min; He, Zhisong; Wang, Yi-Gang; Millard, Ronald W; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Meifeng (2013. ) Enhanced mesenchymal stem cell survival induced by GATA-4 overexpression is partially mediated by regulation of the miR-15 family.The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, , 45 (12 ) ,2724-35 More Information
Cai, Wen-Feng; Kang, Kai; Huang, Wei; Liang, Jia-Liang; Feng, Yu-Liang; Liu, Guan-Sheng; Chang, De-Hua; Wen, Zhi-Li; Paul, Christian; Xu, Meifeng; Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Yigang (2015. ) CXCR4 attenuates cardiomyocytes mitochondrial dysfunction to resist ischaemia-reperfusion injury.Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, , More Information
Yu, Bin; Kim, Ha Won; Gong, Min; Wang, Jingcai; Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Yigang; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Meifeng (2015. ) Exosomes secreted from GATA-4 overexpressing mesenchymal stem cells serve as a reservoir of anti-apoptotic microRNAs for cardioprotection.International journal of cardiology, , 182 ,349-60 More Information
Wang, Yuhua; Huang, Wei; Liang, Jialiang; Wen, Zhili; Chang, Dehua; Kang, Kai; Wang, Jiapeng; Xu, Meifeng; Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Yigang (2014. ) Suicide gene-mediated sequencing ablation revealed the potential therapeutic mechanism of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiovascular cell patch post-myocardial infarction.Antioxidants & redox signaling, , 21 (16 ) ,2177-91 More Information
Wang, Xiaohong; Huang, Wei; Liu, Guansheng; Cai, Wenfeng; Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Yigang; Chang, Jiang; Peng, Tianqing; Fan, Guo-Chang (2014. ) Cardiomyocytes mediate anti-angiogenesis in type 2 diabetic rats through the exosomal transfer of miR-320 into endothelial cells.Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, , 74 ,139-50 More Information
Millard, Ronald W; Tranter, Michael (2014. ) Complementary, alternative, and putative nontroponin biomarkers of acute coronary syndrome: new resources for future risk assessment calculators.Revista española de cardiología (English ed.), , 67 (4 ) ,312-20 More Information
Chang, Dehua; Wen, Zhili; Wang, Yuhua; Cai, Wenfeng; Wani, Mashhood; Paul, Christian; Okano, Teruo; Millard, Ronald W; Wang, Yigang (2014. ) Ultrastructural features of ischemic tissue following application of a bio-membrane based progenitor cardiomyocyte patch for myocardial infarction repair.PloS one, , 9 (10 ) ,e107296 More Information
Wen, Zhili; Huang, Wei; Feng, Yuliang; Cai, Wenfeng; Wang, Yuhua; Wang, Xiaohong; Liang, Jialiang; Wani, Mashhood; Chen, Jing; Zhu, Pin; Chen, Ji-Mei; Millard, Ronald W; Fan, Guo-Chang; Wang, Yigang (2014. ) MicroRNA-377 regulates mesenchymal stem cell-induced angiogenesis in ischemic hearts by targeting VEGF.PloS one, , 9 (9 ) ,e104666 More Information
Ribeiro, Mara Fernandes; Zhu, Hongyan; Millard, Ronald W; Fan, Guo-Chang (2013. ) Exosomes Function in Pro- and Anti-Angiogenesis.Current angiogenesis, , 2 (1 ) ,54-59 More Information
Other Publications
Angelakos, E.T., P.M. Glassman, R.W. Millard, and M. King. (1965. ) Regional distribution and subcellular localization of catecholamines in the frog heart .Compar. Biochem. Physiol., 15 ,313-324
Millard, R.W. (1969. ) Adrenergic control of the canine sinus node .Ph.D. Dissertation,
Angelakos, E.T., M.P. King, and R.W. Millard (1969. ) Regional distribution of catechol-amines in the heart of various species .Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 156 ,219-240
Hemmingsen, E.A., E.L. Douglas, K. Johansen, and R.W. Millard (1972. ) Aortic blood flow and cardiac output in the hemoglobin free ice fish, Chaenocephalus aceratus .Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 43A ,1045-1051
Millard, R.W., C.B. Higgins, D. Franklin, and S.F. Vatner (1972. ) Regulation of the renal circulation during severe exercise in normal dogs and dogs with experimental heart failure .Circ. Res. , 31 ,881-888
Millard, R.W., K. Johansen, and W.K. Milsom (1973. ) Radiotelemetry of cardiovascular responses to exercise and diving in penguins .Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 46A ,227-240
Higgins, C.B., R.W. Millard, E. Braunwald, and S.F. Vatner (1973. ) Effects and mechanisms of action of dopamine on regional hemodynamics in the conscious dog. Am. J. Physiol., 225 ,432-437
Milsom, W.K., K. Johansen, and R.W. Millard (1973. ) Blood respiratory properties in some antarctic birds .Condor, 75 ,472-474
Vatner, S.F., R.W. Millard, and C.B. Higgins (1973. ) Coronary and myocardial effects of dopamine in the conscious dog: Parasympatholytic augmentation of pressor and inotropic actions .J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. , 187 ,280-295
Johansen, K., and R.W. Millard (1974. ) Vascular responses to temperature in the foot of the giant fulmar, Macronectes giganteus .J. Compar. Physiol, 85 ,47-64
Millard, R.W., and K. Johansen (1974. ) Ventricular outflow dynamics in the lizard, Varanus niloticus: Responses to hypoxia, hypercarbia and diving .J. Exp. Biol, 60 ,871-880
Hargens, A.R., R.W. Millard, and K. Johansen (1974. ) High capillary permeability in fishes .Compar. Biochem. Physiol, 48A ,675-680
Vatner, S.F., C.B. Higgins, R.W. Millard, and D. Franklin (1974. ) Role of the spleen in the peripheral vascular response to severe exercise in untethered dogs .Cardiovasc. Res., 8 ,276-282
Millard, R.W., and O.B. Reite (1975. ) Peripheral vascular response to norepinephrine at temperatures from 2* to 40*C .J. Appl. Physiol., 30 ,26-30
Heyndrickx, G.R., R.W. Millard, R.J. McRitchie, P.R. Maroko, and S.F. Vatner (1975. ) Regional myocardial function and electrophysiological alterations after brief coronary artery occlusion in conscious dogs .J. Clin. Invest., 56 ,978-985
Vatner, S.F., R.W. Millard, T.A. Patrick, and G.R. Heyndrickx (1976. ) Effects of isoproterenol and regional myocardial function, electrogram and blood flow in conscious dogs with myocardial ischemia .J. Clin. Invest, 57 ,1261-1271
Bonner, R.A., R.W. Millard, and E.T. Angelakos (1976. ) Cardiorespiratory sequelae in a model of sudden infant death .J. Maine Med. Assoc., 67 ,94-96
Hodgkin, B.C., R.W. Millard, and C.V. Nelson (1977. ) Effect of hematocrit on electrocardiographic potentials and dipole movement in the pig .Am. J. Physiol., 32 ,H406-H410
Millard, R.W., H. Baig and S.F. Vatner (1977. ) Cardiovascular effects of radio¬active microsphere suspensions and Tween 80 solutions .Am. J. Physiol, 232 ,H331-H334
Tulenko, T.N., and R.W. Millard (1977. ) Evidence for a physiologic role for fetal angiotension in the regulation of the umbilical placental vasculature .Ann. Rech. Vet, 8 ,484-485
Reite, O.B., R.W. Millard, and K. Johansen (1977. ) Effects of low tissue temperature on peripheral vascular control mechanisms .Acta Physiol. Scand, 101 ,247-253
Vatner, S.F., M. Pagani, J.D. Rutherford, R.W. Millard, and W.T. Manders (1978. ) Effects of nitroglycerin on cardiac function and regional blood flow distribution in conscious dogs .Am. J. Physiol, 234 ,H244-H252
Millard, R.W., B.C. Hodgkin, and C.V. Nelson (1978. ) Effect of ventricular end diastolic volume on vectorcardiographic potentials of the pig .Am. J. Physiol, 235 ,H182 H187
Most, A.S., D.O. Williams, and R.W. Millard (1978. ) Effect of nitroglycerin on myocardial blood flow following acute coronary occlusion in the pig .Am. J. Cardiol., 42 ,947-953
Millard, R.W., H. Baig, and S.F. Vatner (1979. ) Prostaglandin control of the renal circulation in response to hypoxemia in the fetal lamb in utero .Circ. Res., 45 ,172-179
Hilton, C.J., W. Teubl, M. Acker, H.J. Levinson, R.W. Millard, R. Riddle, and M.T. McEnany (1979. ) Inadequate cardioplegic protection with obstructed coronary arteries. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 28 ,323-334
Meyers, R.S., R. Moalli, D.C. Jackson, and R.W. Millard (1979. ) Microsphere studies of bullfrog central vascular shunts during diving and breathing in air .J. Exp. Zool, 208 ,423-430
Nagao, T., M.A. Matlib, D. Franklin, R.W. Millard, and A. Schwartz (1980. ) Effects of diltiazem, a calcium antagonist, on regional myocardial function and mitochondria after brief coronary occlusion .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 12 ,29-43
Millard, R.W. (1980. ) Depressed baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity during simulated diving in ducks .Comp. Physiol. Biochem, 65A ,247-249
Millard, R.W. (1980. ) Changes in cardiac mechanics and coronary blood flow of regional ischemic porcine myocardium induced by diltiazem .Chest, 78 ,193-199
Franklin, D., R.W. Millard, and T. Nagao (1980. ) Responses of coronary collateral flow and dependent myocardial mechanical function to the calcium antagonist, diltiazem .Chest, 78 ,200-204
Millard, R.W., G. Dube, G. Grupp, I. Grupp, A.A. Alousi, and A. Schwartz (1980. ) Direct vasodilator and positive inotropic actions of amrinone .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., (12 ) ,647-652
Moalli, R., R.S. Meyers, D.C. Jackson, and R.W. Millard (1980. ) Skin circulation of the frog, Rana catesbeiana: Distribution and dynamics .Respiration Physiol, 40 ,137-148
Millard, R.W., and R. Moalli (1980. ) Baroreflex sensitivity in an amphibian, Rana catesbeiana, and a reptilian, Pseudemys scripta elegans .J. Exp. Zool, 213 ,283-288
Rouslin, W., and R.W. Millard (1980. ) Canine myocardial ischemia: Defect in mitochondrial electron transfer complex 1 .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 12 ,639-645
Schwartz, A., R.J. Adams, I. Grupp, G. Grupp, M.J. Holroyde, R.W. Millard, R.J. Solaro, and E.T. Wallick (1980. ) Effects of vanadate on myocardial function .Basic Res. Cardiol, 75 ,444-451
Rouslin, W., and R.W. Millard (1981. ) Mitochondrial inner membrane defects in porcine myocardial ischemia .Am. J. Physiol, 240 ,H308-H313
Millard, R.W. (1981. ) Induction of functional coronary collaterals in the swine heart .Basic Res. Cardiol., 76 ,468-473
Hargens, A.R., and R.W. Millard (1981. ) Starling pressures and fluid homeostasis in the Green sea turtle. Biblthca. anat, (No. 20 ) ,309-311
Kjekshus, J.K., A.S. Blix, R. Elsner, R. W. Millard, and R. Hol (1981. ) The multifactorial approach to myocardial salvage: The experience from diving seals .Acta Med. Scand, 210 (Suppl. 651) ,49-57
Ashraf, M., M. Onda, J. Benedict, and R.W. Millard (1982. ) Prevention of calcium paradox related myocardial cell injury with diltiazem, a calcium channel blocking agent .Am. J. Cardiol, 49 ,1675-1681
Lathrop, D.A., J.R. Valle Aguilera, R.W. Millard, W.E. Gaum, D.W. Hannon, P.D. Francis, H. Nakaya, and A. Schwartz (1982. ) Electrophysiological and coronary hemodynamic effects of diltiazem, nisoldipine and verapamil on myocardial tissue: A comparison .Am. J. Cardiol, 49 ,613-620
Fujiwara, H., M. Ashraf, S. Sato, and R.W. Millard (1982. ) Transmural cellular damage and blood flow distribution in early ischemia in pig hearts .Circulation Res, 51 ,683-693
Nakaya, H., A. Schwartz, and R.W. Millard (1983. ) Direct and reflex cardiac effects of calcium channel blocking agents in conscious dogs: Diltiazem, verapamil, and nifedipine compared. Circulation Res, 52 ,302-311
Ngai, J.H., M.A. Matlib, and R.W. Millard (1983. ) Contractile performance, mitochondrial function and blood flow distribution in porcine heart with induced coronary collateral circulation .Basic Res. Cardiol, 78 ,62-76
Millard, R.W., N.O. Fowler, and M. Gabel (1983. ) Hemodynamic and regional blood flow responses to dextran, hydralazine, isoproterenol and amrinone during experimental cardiac tamponade. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, 1 ,1461-1470
Millard, R.W., G. Grupp, I.L. Grupp, J. DiSalvo, A. DePover, M.A. Matlib, and A. Schwartz. (1983. ) Chronotropic, inotropic and vasodilator actions of diltiazem, nifedipine and verapamil: A comparative study of physiological responses and receptor activity .Circulation Res, 52 (Suppl. 1) ,29-39
Ngai, J.H., Y. Yabuuchi, R.W. Millard, and A. Schwartz (1983. ) Studies on mechanisms of diltiazem induced protection of the ischemic myocardium: Selective myocardial depressant action of diltiazem on an ischemic isolated blood perfused canine papillary muscle preparation. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 225 ,462-469
Grupp, I.L., I.S. Jamall, R.W. Millard, and G. Grupp (1983. ) Effects of dietary selenium deficiency and selenium and cadmium supplementation on myocardial contractile force and ouabain sensitivity of the rat heart. IRCS Med. Sci, 11 ,22-23
Matlib, M.A., J.C. Rembert, R.W. Millard, M. Ashraf, W. Rouslin, G. Asano, J.C. Greenfield, Jr. and A. Schwartz (1983. ) Mitochondrial function in canine experimental cardiac hypertrophy. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 15 ,221-232
Nakaya, H., R.W. Millard, D.A. Lathrop, W.E. Gaum, S. Kaplan, and A. Schwartz. (1983. ) Flow independent improvement by diltiazem of ischemia induced conduction delay in porcine hearts .J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, 2(3) ,474-480
Sato, S., M. Ashraf, R.W. Millard, H. Fujiwara, and A. Schwartz (1983. ) Connective tissue changes in early ischemia of porcine myocardium: An ultrastructural study .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 15 ,261-275
Imai, K., T. Wang, R.W. Millard, M. Ashraf, E.G. Kranias, G. Asano, A.O. Grassi de Gende, T. Nagao, R.J. Solaro, and A. Schwartz (1983. ) Ischaemia induced changes in canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Cardiovascular Res, 17 ,696-709
Tamiya, K., M. Sugawara, and R.W. Millard (1984. ) A mechanical model of mitral insufficiency using canine papillary muscle preparation .Jap. Circ. J, 48 ,233-246
Fujiwara, H., M. Ashraf, R.W. Millard, S. Sato, and A. Schwartz (1984. ) Effects of diltiazem, a calcium channel inhibitor, in retarding cellular damage produced during early myocardial ischemia in pigs: a morphometric and ultrastructural analysis. J. Amer. Coll. Cardiol, 3 ,1427-1437
Clark, L.C., Jr., J.L. Ackerman, S.R. Thomas, R.W. Millard, R.E. Hoffman, R.G. Pratt, H. Ragle Cole, R.A. Kinsey and R. Janakiraman (1984. ) Perfluor¬inated organic liquids and emulsions as biocompatible NMR imaging agents for 19F and dissolved oxygen .Advances in Exp. Med. and Biol, 180 ,835-846
Park, W.H., M. Ashraf, R.W. Millard, and J. Erickson (1985. ) Morphological changes in the coronary circulation following experimental myocardial ischemia in swine .Artery, 12 ,286-300
Rahamathulla, P.M., K. Watanabe, M. Ashraf and R.W. Millard (1985. ) Prevention of lactate production and myocyte injury in isolated rat hearts perfused with perfluorochemical emulsion. Exp. Path, 28 ,157-165
Matlib, M.A., G.P. Dube, R.W. Millard, D.A. Lathrop, Y.H. Baik, K. Sakai, J. DiSalvo and A. Schwartz (1985. ) Studies on the mode of action of isosorbide dinitrate: a physiological and biochemical approach .Am. Heart. J., 110 ,204-212
Sakai, K., K. Watanabe, and R.W. Millard (1985. ) Defining the mechanical border zone: a study in the pig heart. Am. J. Physiol, 249 ,H88-H94
Elsner, R., R.W. Millard, J.K. Kjekshus, F. White, A.S. Blix and W.S. Kemper. (1985. ) Coronary blood flow and myocardial segment dimensions during simulated dives in seals .Am. J. Physiol, 249 ,H1119-H1126
Meltzer, D.G.A., R. Burroughs, F.J. Stegmann, A.R. Hargens, R.W. Millard, K. Johansen, D.H. Gershuni, K. Pettersson, and W. vanHoven (1985. ) The capture and restraint of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) for blood and interstitial fluid pressure studies .J.S. African Assoc. for Lab. Animal Sci, 42-46
Wright, C.B., D.B. Melvin, J.B. Flege, Jr., H. Long, R. W. Millard, and M. Marcus (1987. ) Coronary bypass without angiography: an unusual circumstance .J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 93 ,936-939
Hargens, A.R., R.W. Millard, K. Petterson and K. Johansen (1987. ) Gravitational hemodynamics and oedema prevention in the giraffe .Nature, 329 ,59-60
Hargens, A.R., D.H. Gershuni, L.A. Danzig, R.W. Millard, K. Pettersson (1988. ) Tissue adaptation to gravitational stress: Newborn versus adult giraffe .The Physiologist , 31 ,S110-S112
Nilsson, O., S. Bööj, A. Dahlström, A.R. Hargens, R.W. Millard, and Pettersson, K.S. (1988. ) Sympathetic innervation of the cardiovascular system in the giraffe .Blood Vessels, 25 ,299-307
Schroder, T., O.J. Ramo, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, and S.N. Joffe (1989. ) Somatostatin selectively reduces esophageal and gastric blood flow in hypovolemic dogs .Surg. Res. Comm., 4 ,275-283
Rigel, D.F., R.W. Millard (1989. ) Effects of calcium channel antagonists on carotid sinus baroreflex control of arterial pressure and heart rate in anesthetized dogs .Circ. Res., 64 ,276-286
Hardy, R.I., F.W. James, R.W. Millard, and S. Kaplan (1990. ) Regional myocardial blood flow and cardiac mechanics in dog hearts with CO2 laser induced intramyocardial revascularization .Basic Res. Cardiol, 85 ,179-197
Pratt, R.G., S.R. Thomas, R.W. Millard, R.C. Samaratunga, and M.H. Naseem (1992. ) Quantitation of perfluorocarbon blood substitutes in tissues using F-19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy .Biomat., Art. Cells & Immob, Biotech, 20 (2-4 ) ,921-924
Hoit, B.D., R.A. Walsh, Y. Shao, M. Gabel, and R.W. Millard (1993. ) Comparative assessment of regional left atrial perfusion by LASER Doppler and radionuclide microsphere techniques .Cardiovascular Res, 27 ,508-514
Millard, R.W. (1993. ) 1992 ISHR American Section Scientific Sessions Highlights [Cardiac Myocytes: Coronary Circulation: Myocardial Ischemic Injury and Protection: Heart Failure] .J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol, 25 ,615-633
Takemura, G., T. Onodera, R.W. Millard, and M. Ashraf (1993. ) Demonstration of hydroxyl radical and its role in hydrogen peroxide induced myocardial injury: Hydroxyl radical dependent and independent mechanisms .Free Rad. Biol. Med, 15 ,13-25
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, N.J. Roszell, A.J. McGoron, M. Gabel, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, D. Blankenship, W.H. Mallin, R.C. Elder, E. Deutsch, and R.A. Walsh (1994. ) Kinetic properties of 99mTc Q12 in canine myocardium .Circulation , 89 ,1291-1300
Thomas, S.R., R.G. Pratt, R.W. Millard, R.C. Samaratunga, Y. Shiferaw, L.C. Clark, Jr., and R.E. Hoffmann (1994. ) Evaluation of the influence of the aqueous phase bioconstituent environment on the F 19 T1 of perfluoro¬carbon blood substitute emulsions .J. Magn. Reson. Imaging , 4 ,631-635
Gerson, M.C., R.W. Millard, A. McGoron, M. Gabel, L.C. Washburn, D. Biniakiewicz, R.C. Elder, E. Deutsch, and R.A. Walsh (1994. ) Myocardial uptake and kinetic properties of 99mTc Q3 in dogs .J. Nuclear Med, 35 ,1698-1706
Millard, R.W. (1994. ) Oxygen solubility, rheology and hemodynamics of perfluoro¬carbon emulsion blood substitutes .Art. Cells, Blood Substitutes & Immobil. Biotech, 22 (2 ) ,235-244
Thomas, S.R., R.W. Millard, R.G. Pratt, Y. Shiferaw, and R.C. Samaratunga (1994. ) Quantitative pO2 imaging in vivo with perfluorocarbon F 19 NMR: Tracking oxygen from the airway through the blood to organ tissues .Art. Cells, Blood Substitutes & Immobil. Biotech, 22 (4 ) ,1029-1042
McGoron, A.J., R.G. Pratt, J. Zhang, Y. Shiferaw, S.R. Thomas, and R.W. Millard (1994. ) Perfluorocarbon distribution to liver, lung and spleen of emulsions of perfluorotributylamine (FTBA) in pigs and rats and perfluoro octylbromide (PFOB) in rats and dogs by 19F NMR spectroscopy .Art. Cells, Blood Substitutes & Immobil. Biotech, 22 (4 ) ,1243-1250
Millard, R.W., and A.J. McGoron (1994. ) Lung functions after intravenous or intra-peritoneal administration of perfluorooctylbromide (PFOB) or perfluoro-tributylamine (FTBA) .Art. Cells, Blood Substitutes & Immobil. Biotech, 22 (4 ) ,1251-1258
Stern, S.A., S.C. Dronen, A.J. McGoron, X. Wang, K. Chaffins, R.W. Millard, P.E. Keipert, and N.S. Faithfull (1995. ) The effect of supplemental perfluorocarbon administration on hypotensive resuscitation of severe uncontrolled hemorrhage .Am. J. Emerg. Med, 13 ,269-275
Thomas, S.R., R.G. Pratt, R.W. Millard, R.C. Samaratunga, Y. Shiferaw, A.J. McGoron, and K.K. Tan (1996. ) In Vivo pO2 imaging in the porcine model with perfluorocarbon F-19 NMR at low field .Mag. Reson. Imag., 14 (1 ) ,103-114
Thomas, S.R., L. Gradon, S.E. Pratsinis, R.G. Pratt, G.P. Fotou, A.J. McGoron, A.L. Podgorski, and R.W. Millard (1997. ) Perfluorocarbon compound aerosols for delivery to the lung as potential 19F magnetic resonance reporters of regional pulmonary pO2 .Investigat. Radiol, 32 ,29-38
Meleca, M.J., A.J. McGoron, M.C. Gerson, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, D. Biniakiewicz, N.J. Roszell, and R.A. Walsh (1997. ) Flow versus uptake comparisons of Thallium-201 with Technetium-99m perfusion tracers in a canine model of myocardial ischemia .J. Nuclear Med, 38 ,1847-1856
Rosenbaum, A.F., A.J. McGoron, R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, D. Biniakiewicz, R.A. Walsh, and M.C. Gerson (1999. ) Uptake of seven myocardial tracers during increased myocardial blood flow by dobutamine infusion .Investigative Radiology, 34 ,91-98
Khan, Z., R.W. Millard, M. Gabel, R.A. Walsh, and B.D. Hoit (1999. ) Effect of congestive heart failure on in vivo canine aortic elastic properties .J. Am. Coll. Cardiol, 33 ,267-272
McGoron, A.J., D. Biniakiewicz, R.W. Millard, A. Kumar, S.C. Kennedy, N.J. Roszell, M. Gabel, C. Huth, R.A. Walsh, and M.C. Gerson (1999. ) Myocardial kinetics of 99mTechnetium-Q Agents: Studies in isolated cardiac myocyte, isolated perfused heart and canine regional myocardial ischemia models .Investigative Radiology, 34 ,704-717
Roszell, N.J., M.C. Gerson, D. Biniakiewicz, A.J. McGoron, and R.W. Millard Sestamibi, Q12, Q3, and NOEt exhibit different cellular and subcellular compartmentalization in rat cardiac myocytes .J. Nucl. Cardiol, (MS #98-494, under revision) ,
Hamed, E., M.C. Gerson, R.W. Millard, and A. Sakr (2003. ) Effect of formulation on the in vivo response to loop diuretic bumetanide. Intl. J. Pharmaceutics, 267 ,129-140
Park, J., M. Melhem, D. Pankaj, R.W. Millard, and R.K. Banerjee (2003. ) Controlled drug releasing intravitreal implant using biodegradable PLGA .Proceedings 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, IMECEE-43136 ,
Park, J., P.M. Bungay, R.J. Lutz, J.J. Augsburger, R.W. Millard, A.Sinha Roy, and R.K. Banerjee (2004. ) Comparison of convective transport of drug between intravitreal injection and controlled release implant. Proceedings of ASME Int. Mech. Engrg. Cong. & Expo., IMECE2004-59300 ,
Sinha Roy, A., L.H. Back, R.W. Millard, S. Khoury, and R.K. Banerjee (2004. ) In-Vitro pressure-flow relationship in model of significant coronary artery stenosis .Proceedings of ASME Int. Mech. Engrg. Cong. & Expo, IMECE-61657 ,
Park, J., P.M. Bungay, R.J. Lutz, R, J.J. Augsburger, R.W. Millard, A.Sinha Roy, and R.K. Banerjee (2005. ) Evaluation of coupled convective and diffusive transport of drug for intravitreal injection and controlled release implant .J. of Controlled Release, 105 ,279-295
Sinha Roy, A., Banerjee, R.K., Back, L.H., Back, M.R., Khoury, S.F., and R.W. Millard (2005. ) Delineating the guidewire flow obstruction effect in assessment of fractional flow reserve and coronary flow reserve measurements .Am. J. Physiol.: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 289 ,H392-H397
Kwon, O., M. Sartor, C.R. Tomlinson, R.W. Millard, M.E. Olah, J.M. Stankovic, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) Effect of simulated microgravity on oxidation-sensitive gene expression in PC12 cells .Advances in Space Research (Space Life Sciences: eds., L.L. Bruce and C. Dournon) , 38 (6 ) ,1168-1176
Arunachalam, B.K., R.W. Millard, M. Kazmierczak, [H.L.Rodriguez-Rilo, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) Evaluation of thermal efficacy of hypothermic tissue preservation methods .Cell Preservation Technology, 4 (2 ) ,97-116
Banerjee R.K., A. Sinha Roy, L.H. Back, M.R. Back, S.F. Khoury, and R.W. Millard (2007. ) Characterizing momentum change and viscous loss of a hemodynamic endpoint in assessment of coronary lesions .J Biomech., 40 (3 ) ,652-662
Sinha Roy, A., S.F. Khoury, V.V. Velury, E.W. Schneeberger, R.W. Millard, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) Lesion flow coefficient: A novel index for simultaneous assessment of pressure gradient, blood flow, and percentage area stenosis in coronary arteries .Circulation , (submitted July 7, 2006 ) ,
Sinha Roy, A., S.F. Khoury, E.W. Schneeberger, L.Back, V. Velury, R.W. Millard, R.K. Banerjee (2006. ) An integrated index for evaluations of pressure gradient, velocity, and percentage area stenosis in coronary arteries. AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, H-01015-2006 ,
Sinha Roy, A., S. Khoury, E. Schneeberger, L. Back, V. Velury, R. Millard, R. Banerjee (2007. ) Functional and anatomical diagnosis of coronary artery stenoses .Journal of Surgical Research,
Kasturi, R. G. Heimburger, E. Nelson, J. Phero, R. W. Millard (2007. ) Effect of Simulator-Aided Learning on Retention of Principles of Autonomic Pharmacology by Year II Medical Students .JIAMSE, Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators,
Millard, R.W. and A. Schwartz (1982. ) Beta blockade and calcium channel blockers .Circulation, 66 ,902
Hermoni, Y., R.W. Millard and M. Gabel (1986. ) Fluosol DA as a red cell substitute in acute anemia .N. Engl. J. Med., 315 ,1677-1678
Millard, R.W., H.B. Lillywhite, and A.R. Hargens (1992. ) Cardiovascular system design and barosaurus .The Lancet, 340 ,914
Published Books
S.C. Wood, A.R. Hargens, R.W. Millard, R.W. Weber (1992. ) Physiological Adaptations in Vertebrates: Respiration Circulation and Metabolism, Chapter 20, pp. 363-375 .New York , Marcel Dekker, Inc (Editor)
Book Chapter
Schwartz, A., G. Grupp, R.W. Millard, I. Grupp, D.A. Lathrop, M.A. Matlib, P.L. Vaghy and J.R. Valle (1981 ) Calcium Antagonists Calcium channel blocking agents: Possible mechanisms of protective effects on the ischemic myocardium .(pp. 191-210).
Millard, R.W. and D. Franklin (1982 ) Cardiovascular System Dynamics: Models and Measurements Relationships between collateral blood flow and myocardial mechanics in dogs and pigs .(pp. 263-268).New York, Plenum Press
Millard, R.W. (1984 ) Methods in Pharmacology Cardiac and vascular measurements in conscious and anesthetized animals .(pp. 167-174).New York, Plenum Publishing Co
Clark, Jr., L.C., J.L. Ackerman, S.R. Thomas, R.W. Millard, R.E. Hoffman, R.G. Pratt, H. Ragle-Cole, R.A. Kinsey, and R. Janakiraman (1985 ) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Perfluorinated Organic Liquids and Emulsions as Biocompatible NMR Imaging Agents for 19F and Dissolved Oxygen .(pp. 835-845).New York, Plenum Publishing Corporation
Hargens, A.R., R.W. Millard, K. Pettersson, W. vanHoven, D. Gershuni, and K. Johansen (1987 ) Advances in Microcirculation Vol. 13 (N. Staub, ed.) Transcapillary fluid balance in giraffe .(pp. 195-202).
Rigel, D.F., and R.W. Millard (1992 ) Physiological Adaptations in Vertebrates: Respiration Circulation and Metabolism A conundrum with reciprocal cardiorespiratory variables: Illustration by differential baroreflex control of heart period and heart rate in selected vertebrates .(pp. 201-212).New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc
Elsner, R., M.B. Daly, A. Maseri, R.W. Millard, and F.C. White (1992 ) Physiological Adaptations in Vertebrates: Respiration Circulation and Metabolism Coronary circulation in seals .(pp. 363-375).New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc
Gerson, M.C., A. McGoron, N. Roszell, D. Biniakiewicz, and R.W. Millard (1997 ) Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Radio-pharmaceuticals and tracer kinetics .(pp. 3-28).McGraw-Hill
Banerjee, R. K., A. Sinha Roy, L.H. Back, S. Khoury, and R.W. Millard (2005 ) Wiley Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation Coronary angioplasty and guidewire diagnostics .
Hargens, A.R., K. Petterson, and R.W. Millard (2007 ) Endothelial Biomedicine Giraffe Cardiovascular Adaptations to Gravity .(pp. 99-106).Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Xu, M., R.W. Millard, and M Ashraf (2012 ) Role of GATA-4 in Differentiation and Survival of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Genetics of Stem Cells: in Vol 111 Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science .(pp. 217).Elsevier (Co-Author)
Honors and Awards
1964 -1969 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (Biomedical Sciences): Tuition and Scholarship Support as Full-time Graduate Student in Cardiovascular Biomedical Sciences at Boston University - Leading to Award of Doctor of Philosopy (PhD) Degree in 1969 under mentorship of Prof. Evangelos Angelakos: NIH-HLBI Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
1969 -1970 Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Individual Award for Post-doctoral Research Training in Physiology and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine under mentorship of Dr. Robert L. Van Citters - Using FM Telemetry Systems to Study Cardiovascular Biology in Health and Disease; Antactic Biology Expedition to Study Cardiovascular Systems of Icefish, Giant Fulmars, and Penguins in collabroation with Prof. Kjell Johansen under the sponsorship of the National Sciences Foundation: NIH-HLBI Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
1970 -1971 Post-Doctoral Fellow: Individaual Award to Support Cardiovascular Research at the University of Washington School of Medicine under the Sponsorship of Dr. Robert L. Van Citters - Using FM Telemetry in Study of Circulation During Hibernation; Mentored HS Teacher During Summer; Designed and Directed Continuing Education Course in Environmental Education for 100 K-12 teachers: American Heart Association (Northwest Affiliate) Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Fellowship
1971 -1972 Post-Doctoral Fellow: Individual Fellowship for Study under the sponsorship of Prof. Dean Franklin at the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation and the Unverisity of California at San Diego - to Acquire Expertise in FM Telemetry Systems, Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology, and Large Animal Models for Study of Heart and Circulation Responses to Exercise, Autonomic Nervous System, and Coronary Artery Disease: NIH-HLBI Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
1972 -1973 Fulbright Senior Fellow: CIES award to Study at the University of Aarhus, Denmark under the sponsorship of Prof. Kjell Johansen - Conduct Research in Comparative Vertebrate Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems: Council for the International Exchange of Scholars-Fulbright Association-US Department of State: Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Grant
1973 -1974 Senior Research Fellow: Individual Heart Research Fellowship to Conduct Cardiovascular and Electrophysiological Cardiac Research at the Maine Medical Center mentored by Dr. Clifford Nelson: American Heart Association (National): Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
1982 -1983 ACE Fellow: Individual American Council on Education Fellowship supporting Internship in University Admininstration mentored by President Henry Winkler and Provost Joseph Steger at the University of Cincinnati; Organized "Best Practices in College and Department Leadership at UC" Conference: American Council on Education, Washington, DC, USA: Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
Cardiovascular Heart Failure Molecular Imaging (Nuclear) Pharmacology Physiology Biomedical Engineering Applied Cardiovascular Research Proteomics Biomechanics Autonomic Nervous System Medical and Biomedical Education & Curriculum Development
Other Information
Photo Credits 1) Kleene, S. “The diving seal.” Sea Frontiers, Nov. Dec. 1989, 370 374, photo p. 371, Weddell seal by R.W. Millard. 2) Kleene, S. “Off the deep end.” Discovery, Fall, 1990, the University of Cincinnati Medical Center Press, 19 23, photo p. 21, Weddell seal with Adelie penguins by R.W. Millard ,
Videotapes/Television Programs/Releases 1) “Environmental Education for Primary and Secondary School Educators”, a 3 credit course, Summer, 1970. University of Washington, Seattle, Continuing Education Division, 100 enrolees; course organizer and coordinator, R.W. Millard. University of Washington Public Educational Television; 30 minute program; highlights of the course with selected participants, 1970. 2) “Non-invasive measurement of heart blood volume and other current heart research topics” for Heart Research in Maine; on Maine Public Television, Portland Maine; R.W. Millard, guest, 30 min program, 1974. 3) "Just around the corner: A 21st century physician." Education Television Services, University of Cincinnati Medical Center. R.W. Millard cast in lead role as physician of 21st century, 1987. 4) “Cardiovascular studies and hypertension: What can the giraffe tell us?”; a health news segment released to 100 U.S. television markets in North America by Ivanhoe Productions, Orlanda, FL. R.W. Millard taped interview at Cincinnati Zoo, 1993. ,
Contact Information
Academic - Department of Pharmacology & Cell Biophysics
College of Medicine, 231 Albert Sabin Way
Ohio, 45267-0575
Phone: 513-558-2336
Fax: 513-558-9969