Joshua H Miller
Assoc Professor
Geology-Physics Building
A&S Geology - 0013
Professional Summary
I study the ecological information contained in natural accumulations of bones (death assemblages). Through a multidisciplinary approach that brings together ecology, wildlife management, conservation biology, paleobiology, and GIS, my research explores the ecological data contained in bone accumulations from the modern, sub-fossil, and fossil realms. Using fieldwork, quantitative analyses, and statistical modeling, I am refining our understanding of the biological data that is contained in bone accumulations and providing new tools for recovering those data from recent, historical, and fossil accumulations.
Research Support
Grant: #Grant #9133-12 Investigators:Miller, Joshua 05-01-2012 -12-12-2014 National Geographic Society Antlers of the Artic Refuge: Revealing Historical Caribou Calving Grounds From the Bones on the Tundra Role:PI $25,012.00 Completed
Grant: #AWI 2012 Investigators:Miller, Joshua 09-07-2012 -12-31-2014 Animal Welfare Institute Christine Stevens Wildlife Award Role:PI $10,000.00 Completed
Grant: #URC Faculty Research Grants for 2013-2014 Investigators:Miller, Joshua 01-23-2014 -01-22-2015 UC URC Faculty Research Grants for 2013-2014 Role:PI $6,500.00 Completed
Investigators:Miller, J.H. 2018 -2020 US Fish and Wildlife Service Fieldwork Support Proposal: Antler Surveys of Katakturuk, Jago, and Kongagkut Rivers Role:PI $30,000 Active Type:Contract
Grant: #US Fish & Wildlife 140F0718P0077 Investigators:Miller, Joshua 08-01-2018 -02-28-2020 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Josh Miller Aging and isotope analysis Role:PI $15,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DEB-2135479 Investigators:Miller, Joshua 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 National Science Foundation EAGER proposal: Climatic influences on migratory fidelity Role:PI 200000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OCE-1802153 Investigators:Miller, Joshua; Yanes, Yurena 09-15-2018 -08-31-2022 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Seasonal climate change over the last two millennia from archaeological sources in the subtropical eastern North Atlantic region Role:PI 199999.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lyons, S.K., J.H. Miller, K.L. Amatangelo, A.K. Behrensmeyer, A. Bercovici, J.L. Blois, M. Davis, W.A. DiMichele, A. Du, J.Y. Eronen, J.T. Faith, G.R. Graves, N. Judd, C. Labandeira, C.V. Looy, B. McGill, D. Patterson, S. Pineda-Munoz, R. Potts, B. Riddle, R.C. Terry, A. Toth, W. Ulrich, A. Villasenor, S. Wing, H. Anderson, J. Anderson, and N.J. Gotelli (2016. ) Reply to How foreign is the past?.Nature, , 538 , More Information
Lyons, S.K., J.H. Miller, K.L. Amatangelo, A.K. Behrensmeyer, A. Bercovici, J.L. Blois, M. Davis, W.A. DiMichele, A. Du, J.Y. Eronen, J.T. Faith, G.R. Graves, N. Judd, C. Labandeira, C.V. Looy, B. McGill, D. Patterson, S. Pineda-Munoz, R. Potts, B. Riddle, R.C. Terry, A. Toth, W. Ulrich, A. Villasenor, S. Wing, H. Anderson, J. Anderson, and N.J. Gotelli (2016. ) Reply to Questioning Holocene community shifts .Nature, , 537 ,doi:10.1038/nature19111
Lyons, S.K., K.L. Amatangelo, A.K. Behrensmeyer, A. Bercovici, J.L. Blois, M. Davis, W.A. DiMichele, A. Du, J.Y. Eronen, J.T. Faith, G.R. Graves, N. Judd, C. Labandeira, C.V. Looy, B. McGill, J.H. Miller, D. Patterson, S. Pineda-Munoz, R. Potts, B. Riddle, R.C. Terry, A. Toth, W. Ulrich, A. Villasenor, S. Wing, H. Anderson, J. Anderson, D. Waller, and N.J. Gotelli (2016. ) Holocene shifts in the assembly of plant and animal communities implicate human impacts.Nature, , 529 ,80-83 More Information
Lyons, S.K., J.H. Miller, F. Smith, A. Boyer, E. Lindsey, and A. Mychajliw (2016. ) The changing role of mammal life histories in late Quaternary extinction vulnerability on continents and islands .Biology Letters, , 12 (6 ) ,20160342
Crowley, B.E., J.H. Miller, and C. Bataille (2017. ) Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) in terrestrial ecological and paleoecological research: empirical efforts and recent advances in continental-scale models.Biological Reviews, , 92 ,43-59 More Information
Miller, J.H., A.K. Behrensmeyer, A. Du, S.K. Lyons, D. Patterson, A. Toth, A. Villasenor, E. Kanga, D. Reed (2014. ) Ecological fidelity of functional traits based on species presence-absence in a modern mammalian bone assemblage .Paleobiology, , 40 (4 ) ,560-583
Miller, J.A., J.H. Miller, D. Pham, and K. Beentjes (2014. ) Cyberdiversity: Improving the informatic value and rapid assessment of diverse tropical arthropod communitie.PLoS One, , 9 (12 ) ,e115750 More Information
Lavretsky, P., J.H. Miller, V. Bahn, and J.L. Peters (2014. ) Exploring fall migratory patterns of American black ducks using 80 years of band-recovery dat .Journal of Wildlife Management, , 78 (6 ) ,991-1004
Seddon, A.W.R. et al. (including J.H. Miller) (2014. ) Looking forward through the past: Identification of fifty priority research questions in palaeoecology .Journal of Ecology, , 102 ,256-267 More Information
Miller, J.H., P. Druckenmiller, and V. Bahn (2013. ) Antlers of the Arctic Refuge: Capturing multi-generational patterns of calving ground use from bones on the landscape.Proceedings of the Royal Society B, , 280 ,20130275 More Information
Mller, J.H. (2012. ) The spatial fidelity of skeletal remains: Elk wintering and calving grounds revealed by bones on the Yellowstone landscapeEco .Ecology, , 93 (11 ) ,2474-2482
Miller, J.H. (2011. ) Ghosts of Yellowstone: Multi-decadal histories of wildlife populations captured by bones on a modern landscape.PLoS One, , 6 (3 ) ,e18057 More Information
Botner, E.C., A. Townsend-Small, D.B. Nash, X. Xu, A. Schimmelmann, and J.H. Miller (2018. ) Monitoring concentration and isotopic composition of methane in groundwater in the Utica Shale hydraulic fracturing region of Ohio.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, , 190 ,322 More Information
Harnik, P.G., H. Maherali, J.H. Miller, and P.S. Manos (2018. ) Geographic range velocity and its association with phylogeny and life history traits in North American woody plants.Ecology and Evolution, , 8 (5 ) , More Information
Wall, A.F., Y. Yanes, J.H. Miller, and A. Miller (2018. ) Bellwether of the Canaries: Anthropogenic effects on the land snail faunas of the Canary Islands.Biodiversity and Conservation, , 27 (2 ) , More Information
Book Chapter
Behrensmeyer, A.K. and J.H. Miller (2012 ) Building links between ecology and paleontology using taphonomic studies of recent vertebrate communities Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation .(pp. 69-91).Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25038-5_5