Elaine L Miller , RN, PhD, CRRN, FAHA, FAAN
Professor of Nursing and Editor of Pain Management Nursing
227 Procter Hall
3100 Vine Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0038
Phone 513-558-5298
Fax 513-558-2142
Email Elaine.Miller@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Elaine Miller is a Fellow in both the American Academy of Nursing and the American Heart Association. She is certified in rehabilitation nursing. At the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Dr. Miller is a professor and teaches primarily PhD and master students, has extensive experience teaching online courses, and creating effective simulated learning experiences. Dr. Miller was honored to receive the University of Cincinnati, Office of the Provost and The Office of Research the Faculty-to-Faculty Mentorship Award in April 2021. Moreover, in December 2020, Dr. Miller was a finalist for the Ohio Nurse of the Year in the Research category. Recognition of her research and teaching expertise by the University of Cincinnati further occurred when in April 2019, Dr. Miller received the Provost Faculty Career Award for lifetime achievement as well as inducted as a University of Cincinnati Graduate School Fellow.
Adding to these accomplishments, Dr. Miller has recently completed two funded research studies. She was Co-PI on the research study, “The Feasibility of Distance Education Clinical Simulation Training for Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Students” funded by Bayer Global and also served as principal investigator with Dr. Harris on a pilot study, “Factors Affecting Minorities Use of Telehealth During COVID-19” funded by the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing. Dr. Miller is currently a co-investigator on Dr. Bakas' NIH-NINR 5 years study (4/12/2022-9/30/2027), "Telehealth Assessment and Skill Buidling Intervention for Stroke Caregivers (TASK III). In addition, Dr. Miller served as a co-investigator on a recently completed NIH-NINR pilot study by Dr. Tami Bakas, the principal investigator, entitled Self-Management of Stroke Caregiver Needs through Skill Building”. In another recent study funded by the Ohio State University/Ohio Dept. of Medicaid, Dr. Miller served as a reviewer to critique virtual reality scenarios as part of a program to Educate Medicaid Providers regarding Health Disparities.
On October 1, 2017, Dr. Miller completed as co-investigator the AHRQ grant, The Effect of Virtual Reality Simulation on Worker Evacuation of Neonates. Dr. Miller also served as co-investigator was RWJ funded and addressed reducing facility acquired pressure ulcers that incorporated the use of technology to achieve positive patient outcomes. Other recently completed studies focused on respite needs of employed caregivers, delay in treatment seeking of African Americans when a stroke is suspected, and targeted modifiable stroke risk factors on primarily African Americans. On December 31, 2016, Dr. Miller ended her term as the editor for Rehabilitation Nursing, the official refereed journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses. Starting on October 1, 2016, she became the editor of Pain Management Nursing, the official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nursing. For Stroke, an American Heart Association journal, she is section co-editor for the State-of-the-Science Nursing Review series. In the April 2021 published paper in Stroke, Dr. Miller was a member of the Writing Group for the AHA paper “Care of the Acute Ischemic Stroke Patient (Post-ICU and Pre-Hospital Discharge. Along with these accomplishments, she has numerous scholarly publications and presentations at national and international meetings pertaining to stroke family caregiving, interventions to address modifiable stroke risk factors, use of telehealth to improve the quality of life of stroke family caregivers, and simulation as an educational strategy to improve performance of graduate students and other healthcare professionals.
PhD: Indiana University Indianapolis, IN, 1985 (Nursing Synthesis; Communication and Business)
MN: University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA, 1975 (Adult Health; Education)
BSN: West Virginia University Morgantown, WV, 1972 (Nursing)
Research and Practice Interests
Dr, Elaine Miller has 3 active research projects: the effect of virtual reality simulation on worker evacuation of neonates, multidisciplinary adapted cardiac rehabilitation after stroke; and targeting interventions to reduce modifiable stroke risk factors in primarily African Americans. In addition, she recently completed a RWJ study as a co-investigator to reduce facility acquired pressure ulcers. For almost 15 years, she also conducted multiple studies focusing on informal and formal caregiving relationships of severely physically impaired adults and their primary caregiver. As a result of this prior program of research, she documented salient factors such as quality of life, functional ability of patient and family caregiver, and resources usage affecting the success/failure of long-term caregiving relationships.
Positions and Work Experience
1997 -To Present Health Care Research Consultant, Cooper Research, Inc, Cincinnati, OH
1996 -1999 Health Care Research Consultant, Appalachian Regional Healthcare (Tristate System), Cincinnati, OH
1992 -1998 Health Care Research Consultant, Hill-Rom, Inc, Cincinnati, OH
1991 -1996 Health Care Research Consultant, MarketVision Research, Inc, Cincinnati, OH
1988 -To Present Health Care Research Consultant, VA Medical Center, Cincinnati
1984 -To Present Professor of Nursing, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1982 -1984 Instructor of Nursing, Indiana University,
Research Support
Grant: #R01NR020184 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Dunning, Kari; Harnett, Brett; Jones, Holly; Kreitzer, Natalie; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 04-12-2022 -09-30-2027 National Institute of Nursing Research Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Stroke Caregivers (TASK III) Role:Co-I 2,900,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #UC College of Nursing Investigators:Harris, A., Miller, E. 11-01-2020 -11-03-2022 UC College of Nursing Factors Affecting Minorities Use of Telehealth During COVID Role:Co-PI $4400 Level:University
Grant: #Bayer Study Number: IIR-US-00105 Investigators:Lisa Hachey and Elaine Miller 08-01-2020 -04-30-2022 Bayer US LLC Clinical Skills Simulator Development Program – Phase I -Pelvic simulator development for Augmented Reality (AR) Intrauterine Device (IUD) placement training for Nurse Practitioner graduate students Role:Co-PI 96,444.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #OSU60068340 Investigators:Suzanne Brammer 11-07-2019 -09-07-2019 OSU sub MEDTAPP/OSU/Dept of Medicaid Virtual Reality:Educating Medicaid Equity Simulation Project Role:Miller, E. - provide critique of the simulation design, measurement of outcomes, implementation procedures
Grant: #1R21NR016992-01A1 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Brehm, Bonnie; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 07-20-2018 -06-30-2020 National Institute of Nursing Research Caregiver Self-Management Needs through Skill-Building Role:CO-I $455,388.00 Completed
Grant: #Provost Award - UC Investigators:Rota, M., Colella, C., Ballman, K., Miller, E., Wagner, R. 05-01-2016 -12-30-2017 University of Cincinnati Provost Award Developing an Interprofessional Virtual Healthcare World Framework Role:Co-I 100,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #1ULiR001425-01 Investigators:Bakas, T., Miller, E., McCarthy, M., Rota, M., Brehm, B 04-01-2016 -09-30-2016 NIH CSTA Program Self-Management of Stroke Caregivers' Needs thru Skill Building Role:Co-I $10,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:Regional
Investigators:Dunning, K. & Miller, E. (Co-PIs) 11-01-2015 -06-30-2016 University of Cincinnati - Comparative Effectiveness and Patient Centered Research Pilot Grants Multidisciplinary Adapted Cardiac Rehabilitation after Stroke Role:Co-PI $18,850.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #WSU / R15 HS023149 Investigators:Miller, Elaine 09-30-2014 -09-29-2017 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Effects of Virtual Reality Simulation on Worker Emergency Evacuation of Neonate Role:PI $51,726.00 Completed
Grant: #STTI-Miller-Farra Investigators:Farra, Sharon; Miller, Elaine 11-01-2011 -10-31-2012 Sigma Theta Tau International Effects of Disaster Training With and Without Virtual Simulation Role:Collaborator $6,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #66636 Investigators:Buncher, Charles; Kennerly, Susan; Kim, J.; Miller, Elaine; Yap, Tracey 09-01-2009 -08-31-2011 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Interdisciplinary Mobility Team Approach to Reduction of Facility-Acquired Pressure Ulcers Role:Collaborator $299,963.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Yap, T.L., Kennerly, S., Miller, E. L., Kim, J., Buncher, R. C. 09-01-2009 -08-31-2011 Robert Wood Johnson Interdisciplinary Mobility-Team Approach to Reduction of Facility Acquired Pressure Ulcers Role:Co-PI $299,963 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Miller, E; King, K; & Miller, R 2006 Cincinnati Health Department FAST Stroke Educational Prevention Program for Middle School Students $83,000
Investigators:Canada, N; Miller, E 2004 VISN 10 of the Veterans' Administration Evaluation of Respite Usage by Employed Caregivers Role:Co PI $10,000
Grant: #Aventis-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Miller, Elaine 01-01-2002 -06-01-2007 Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation Stroke Impact: Quality of LIfe & Resources Role:PI $9,805.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Miller, E; Pancioli, A; Broderick, J & Spilker, J 2001 Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation Stroke Impact: Quality of Life and Resources (Pilot Study) Role:PI $9,805
Investigators:Miller, E; Pancioli, A; Broderick, J & Spilker, J 2000 Dean's Award from the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing Stroke Impact: Quality of Life and Resources (Pilot Study) Role:PI $4,887
Grant: #NEMA-21-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Miller, Elaine 04-01-1998 -12-31-2001 National Emergency Medical Association Brief Educational Intervention for Stroke "At Risk" Adults Role:PI $8,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #NF-01-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Miller, Elaine 04-01-1998 -12-31-2001 Neuroscience Foundation Brief Educational Intervention for Stroke "At Risk" Adults Role:PI $2,500.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Published Abstracts
Gailard, T., Miller, E., Sampsel, D., & Bakas, T. (2017. ) Mild Cognitive Impairment, the New Risk Factor for Stroke? .[Abstract]Stroke , 48 ,A25
Bakas, T., McLennon, S., & Miller, E. (2017. ) Satisfaction with the Stroke Caregiver Telephone Assessment and Skill Building Kit (Task II) .[Abstract]Stroke , 48 ,A22
Miller, E., Dunning, K., Deinlein, A., Kissela, B., Boyne, P., Savicka, T. Gerson, M., Couch, S., Tesat, J., Ballman, K., McCormack, R., Cotton, S., Ittenbach, R., Faulkner, T. (2017. ) Identifying the "New Normal" in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Stroke .[Abstract]Stroke , 48 ,AWP170
Miller, E., & Harris, A. (2013. ) African American Women Delay in Stroke Treatment Seeking .[Abstract]Stroke , 44 ,A23
Miller, E., King, K., Miller, & Lee, R. (2012. ) FAST Stroke Education for Middle School Students .[Abstract]Stroke , 43 ,A3384
Miller, E., King, K., Miller, R., & Lee, R. (2012. ) Effectiveness of the FAST Program targeting African American school teachers .[Abstract]Stroke, 43 ,A3391
Miller, E; Pancioli, A; Broderick, J; Spilker, J; Shireman, T (2003. ) Stroke Impact: Quality of Life and Resources .[Abstract]Stroke, 34 ,247
Miller, E & Spilker, E (2002. ) Readiness to Change and Brief Educational Interventions: Successful Strategies to Reduce Modifiable Stroke Risk Factors .[Abstract]Stroke, 33 (1 ) ,395
Miller, E & Spilker, J (2001. ) Lessons Learned: Why Educational Interventions May Not Work .[Abstract]Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 10 (4 ) ,196
Miller, E (2000. ) Gender Considerations When Designing Educational Interventions to Reduce Stroke Factors .[Abstract]Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 9 (4 ) ,211
Miller, E & Spilker, J (1999. ) Brief Educational Interventions for Stroke "at risk" Adults .[Abstract]Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 8 (4 ) ,285
Bakas, T., McLennon, S., Miller, E.T. (2017). (2017. ) Satisfaction telephone assessment and skill-building kit (TASK II). .[Abstract]Stroke , 48 (1 ) ,A22 Co-Author
Miller, E., et al. (2017. ) Identifying the "New Norm" of cardiac rehabilitation after stroke. .[Abstract]Stroke , 48 ,AWP170Author
Gillard, T., Miller, E., & Bakas (2018. ) Assessment of traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors in older adults with and without metabolic syndrome .[Abstract]Stroke , 49 ,AWP373Co-Author
Gillard, T., Miller, E., & Bakas (2018. ) Assessment of traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors in older adults with and without metabolic syndrome .[Abstract]Stroke , 49 ,AWP373Co-Author
Miller, E., & Bruckenthal, P. (2020. ) Becoming published: Consult with experts .[Abstract]Pain Management Nursing , 21 (2 ) ,213Author
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hinkle, Janice L; Miller, Elaine T (2023. ) Nursing Science Advances in Poststroke Fatigue, Return to Work, Sleep Disorders, and Mindfulness Following Stroke.Stroke, , More Information
Miller, Elaine L (2023. ) Social Connectedness and Pain.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 24 (2 ) ,111-112 More Information
Abu-Alhaija, Dania; Bakas, Tamilyn; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Miller, Elaine (2023. ) The Factors That Influence Chemotherapy Exposure Among Nurses: An Integrative Review.Workplace health & safety, , 71 (5 ) ,212-227 More Information
Miller, Elaine; Hutzel-Dunham, Elizabeth (2022. ) Prioritizing Self-Care of Nurses.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 23 (6 ) ,689-690 More Information
Abu-Alhaija, Dania; Miller, Elaine; Bakas, Tamilyn; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth (2022. ) The Development and the Content Validation of the Oncology Nurses Health Behaviors Determinants Scale.Seminars in oncology nursing, , 38 (6 ) ,151317 More Information
Brammer, Susan; Miller, Elaine L (2022. ) Connecting Pain and Mental Illness.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 23 (5 ) ,566-567 More Information
Salam, Abdul; Shuaib, Ashfaq; Kamran, Saadat; Hassanin, Iman; Shahid, Nosheen; Al-Darwish, Mohammed S; Bibi, Rubina; Saqqur, Maher; Amir, Numan; Miller, Elaine T (2022. ) Effect of the Preparatory School FAST Stroke Educational Program.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 54 (5 ) ,202-207 More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Stacy, Kelly E; Bakas, Tamilyn (2022. ) Stroke Family Caregiver Life Changes From the COVID-19 Pandemic.The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 54 (4 ) ,159-164 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael J; Miller, Elaine L (2022. ) Systematic Review of the Evidence for Stroke Family Caregiver and Dyad Interventions.Stroke, , 53 (6 ) ,2093-2102 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Miller, Elaine L. (2022. ) Family Caregiving across the Lifespan and Conditions: Special Issue on Family Caregiving.Western journal of nursing research, , 44 (3 ) ,203-204 More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Hinkle, Janice L (2022. ) Nursing's Contributions to Stroke Care During COVID-19.Stroke, , 53 (4 ) ,1396-1398 More Information
Miller, Elaine (2022. ) Nursing Leadership in Innovation.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 23 (2 ) ,89-90 More Information
Ali, Abeer Alhaj; Miller, Elaine; Musallam, Eyad; Ballman, Kathleen (2021. ) Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Students' Perceptions of a Debriefing Experience After a Cardiac Emergency High-Fidelity Simulation: A Qualitative Study.AACN advanced critical care, , 32 (3 ) ,264-274 More Information
Green, Theresa L; McNair, Norma D; Hinkle, Janice L; Middleton, Sandy; Miller, Elaine T; Perrin, Stacy; Power, Martha; Southerland, Andrew M; Summers, Debbie V (2021. ) Care of the Patient With Acute Ischemic Stroke (Posthyperacute and Prehospital Discharge): Update to 2009 Comprehensive Nursing Care Scientific Statement: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.Stroke, , 52 (5 ) ,e179-e197 More Information
Miller, Elaine (2021. ) Leadership During Turbulent Times.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 22 (2 ) ,101-102 More Information
Hinkle, Janice L; Miller, Elaine T (2021. ) Nursing Scientific Statements Advancing Stroke Care.Stroke, , 52 (4 ) ,1483-1485 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael J; Israel, Jahmeel; Brehm, Bonnie J; Dunning, Kari; Rota, Matthew; Turner, Mickenna; Miller, Elaine L (2021. ) Adapting the telephone assessment and skill-building kit to the telehealth technology preferences of stroke family caregivers.Research in nursing & health, , 44 (1 ) ,81-91 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Jones, Holly; Israel, Jahmeel; Kum, Cleopatra; Miller, Elaine L (2021. ) Designing and Evaluating a Goal-Setting Tip Sheet for Stroke Family Caregiver Health.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , More Information
Kum, Cleopatra; Miller, Elaine L; Jones, Holly; Kean, Emily B; Kreitzer, Natalie; Bakas, Tamilyn (2021. ) Theoretically Based Factors Affecting Stroke Family Caregiver Health: An Integrative Review.Western journal of nursing research, , 1939459211050955 More Information
Miller, Elaine L (2021. ) Telehealth and Pain Management.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 22 (4 ) ,437-438 More Information
Miller, Elaine L (2020. ) Dealing with Uncertainty: Lessons Learned from COVID-19.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , More Information
Miller, Elaine L; Abu-Alhaija, Dania (2020. ) Partnering with Family Caregivers in Pain Management.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 21 (3 ) ,223-224 More Information
Ogboenyiya, Anisa A; Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Miller, Elaine; Johnson, Kimberly; Bakas, Tamilyn (2020. ) Missed Nursing Care in Pediatric and Neonatal Care Settings: An Integrative Review.MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing, , More Information
Miller, Elaine (2020. ) Celebrating Our Accomplishments and Embracing Our Future.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 21 (2 ) ,121-122 More Information
Alhaj Ali, Abeer; Miller, Elaine; Ballman, Kathleen; Bakas, Tamilyn; Geis, Gary; Ying, Jun (2020. ) The impact of debriefing modalities on nurse practitioner students' knowledge and leadership skills in managing fatal dysrhythmias: A pilot study.Nurse education in practice, , 42 ,102687 More Information
Miller, Elaine L (2019. ) Confusing Costs of Healthcare and Impact on Patients and Families.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 20 (4 ) ,303-304 More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Abu-Alhaija, Dania M (2019. ) Cultural Influences on Pain Perception and Management.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 20 (3 ) ,183-184 More Information
Arter, Sara; Miller, Elaine; Bakas, Tamilyn; Cooper, David S (2019. ) Psychometric testing of the developmental care scale for neonates with congenital heart disease.Cardiology in the young, , 1-7 More Information
Farra, Sharon L; Gneuhs, Matthew; Hodgson, Eric; Kawosa, Burhan; Miller, Elaine T; Simon, Ashley; Timm, Nathan; Hausfeld, Jackie (2019. ) Comparative Cost of Virtual Reality Training and Live Exercises for Training Hospital Workers for Evacuation.Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN, , More Information
Farra, Sharon; Hodgson, Eric; Miller, Elaine T; Timm, Nathan; Brady, Whittney; Gneuhs, Matt; Ying, Jun; Hausfeld, Jackie; Cosgrove, Emily; Simon, Ashley; Bottomley, Michael (2019. ) Effects of Virtual Reality Simulation on Worker Emergency Evacuation of Neonates.Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, , 13 (2 ) ,301-308 More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Abu-Alhaija, Dania M (2019. ) Importance of Interdisciplinary Pain Management.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 20 (2 ) ,91-92 More Information
Burke, Sara; Miller, Elaine; Bakas, Tamilyn; Cooper, David (2019. ) Content validity of the developmental care scale for neonates with CHD.Cardiology in the young, , 29 (1 ) ,48-53 More Information
Spurlock, Wanda R; Rose, Karen; Veenema, Tener Goodwin; Sinha, Samir K; Gray-Miceli, Deanna; Hitchman, Shionne; Foster, Nicoda; Slepski-Nash, Lynn; Miller, Elaine T (2019. ) American Academy of Nursing on Policy position statement: Disaster preparedness for older adults.Nursing outlook, , 67 (1 ) ,118-121 More Information
Miller, Elaine (2018. ) Expanding the Journal's Accessibility and Resources.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 19 (6 ) ,557 More Information
Miller, Elaine (2018. ) Translating Evidence into Practice.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 19 (5 ) ,445-446 More Information
Miller, Elaine (2018. ) Thriving Through Change.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 19 (4 ) ,321 More Information
Miller, E., Farra, S. & Simon, A. (2018. ) Asychronous online debriefing with healthcare workers: Lessons learned .Clinical Simulation in Nursing , , 20 ,38-45 More Information
Ali, A., & Miller, E. (2018. ) Effectiveness of video-assisted debriefing in health education .Journal of Nursing Education , , 57 (1 ) ,14-20
Gillard, T., & Miller, E. (2018. ) Guidelines for stroke survivors with diabetes mellitus.Stroke , , More Information
Gaillard, Trudy; Miller, Elaine (2018. ) Guidelines for Stroke Survivors With Diabetes Mellitus.Stroke, , 49 (6 ) ,e215-e217 More Information
Ali, Abeer Alhaj; Miller, Elaine T (2018. ) Effectiveness of Video-Assisted Debriefing in Health Education: An Integrative Review.The Journal of nursing education, , 57 (1 ) ,14-20 More Information
Miller, Elaine; DeBerg, Jennifer (2017. ) The Perils of Predatory Publishing: Views and Advice from an Editor and a Health Sciences Librarian.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 18 (6 ) ,351-352 More Information
Miller, Elaine (2017. ) Better Serving Our Readers.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 18 (5 ) ,269 More Information
Farra, Sharon L; Miller, Elaine T; Gneuhs, Matthew; Brady, Whittney; Cosgrove, Emily; Simon, Ashley; Timm, Nathan; Hausfeld, Jackie (2017. ) Disaster management: Communication up, across, and down.Nursing management, , 48 (7 ) ,51-54 More Information
Miller, E. & Burke, S (2017. ) INANE editor best practice .Nurse Author and Editor, , 7 (1 ) ,1-6
Farra, Sharon; Miller, Elaine T; Gneuhs, Matthew; Timm, Nathan; Li, Gengxin; Simon, Ashley; Brady, Whittney (2017. ) Evacuation performance evaluation tool.American journal of disaster medicine, , 11 (2 ) ,131-136 More Information
Timm, N., Farra, S., Miller, E., Gneuhs, M., Brady, W., Mars., Simon, A. (2017. ) Effectiveness of positive pressure ventilation during newborn care unit evacuation .Journal of Neonatal Nursing , , 3 ,1 -4
Farra, S., Miller, E., Gneuhs, M., Timm, N., Simon, A., & Brady, W. (2017. ) Evacuation performance evacuation tool .American Journal of Disaster Medicine , , 11 (2 ) ,131 -136
Miller, Elaine (2017. ) Connecting the Quality of Evidence to Clinical Decision-Making.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 18 (3 ) ,121-122 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine T (2017. ) Update on the State of the Evidence for Stroke Family Caregiver and Dyad Interventions.Stroke, , 48 (5 ) ,e122-e125 More Information
Timm, Nathan; Farra, Sharon; Miller, Elaine T; Gneuhs, Matthew; Brady, Whittney; Marshall, Cheryl; Simon, Ashley (2017. ) Effectiveness of positive pressure ventilation during newborn care unit evacuation.Journal of neonatal nursing : JNN, , 23 (5 ) ,234-237 More Information
Konicki, Tara; Miller, Elaine (2016. ) Use of a simulation intervention to examine differences in nursing students' hand hygiene knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors.Nurse education today, , 45 ,96-101 More Information
Miller, Elaine T (2016. ) Simulation Is Transforming Education and Practice.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 41 (5 ) ,251-2 More Information
Konicki, T., & Miller, E. (2016. ) Use of simulation intervention to examine differences in nursing students' hand hygiene Knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors .Nursing Education Today, , 45 ,96-101
Farra, S., Miller, E., Hodgson, E., Cosgrove, E., Brady, W., Gneuhs, M., & Baute, R (2016. ) Storyboard development in virtual reality simulation .Clinical Simulation in Nursing , , 12 (9 ) ,doi:http://dx.org/10.1016/j.jen2015.07.012
Pierce, Linda L; Miller, Elaine T (2016. ) A Dozen Tips for Getting Published.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 41 (4 ) ,195-6 More Information
Hodge, Angela J; Miller, Elaine L; Dilts Skaggs, Mary Kate (2015. ) Nursing Self-perceptions of Emergency Preparedness at a Rural Hospital.Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association, , More Information
Miller, Elaine T (2015. ) Family caregivers - a precious resource.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 40 (3 ) ,131-2 More Information
Miller, Elaine T (2015. ) Nursing best practices to prevent stroke in women.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 46 (4 ) ,e75-7 More Information
Smith EE, Saver JL, Alexander DN, Furie KL, Hopkins LN, Katzan IL, Mackey JS, Miller EL, Schwamm LH, Williams LS; (2014. ) Clinical performance measures for adults hospitalized with acute ischemic stroke: performance measures for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association .Stroke , , doi: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000045.
Bakas T, Clark PC, Kelly-Hayes M, King RB, Lutz BJ, Miller EL; (2014. ) Evidence for stroke family caregiver and dyad interventions: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association. Stroke , , doi: 10.1161/STR.0000000000000033.
Smith, Eric E; Saver, Jeffrey L; Alexander, David N; Furie, Karen L; Hopkins, L Nelson; Katzan, Irene L; Mackey, Jason S; Miller, Elaine L; Schwamm, Lee H; Williams, Linda S (2014. ) Clinical performance measures for adults hospitalized with acute ischemic stroke: performance measures for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 45 (11 ) ,3472-98 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; Clark, Patricia C; Kelly-Hayes, Margaret; King, Rosemarie B; Lutz, Barbara J; Miller, Elaine L (2014. ) Evidence for stroke family caregiver and dyad interventions: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 45 (9 ) ,2836-52 More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Summers, Debbie (2014. ) Update on transient ischemic attack nursing care.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 45 (5 ) ,e71-3 More Information
Farra, Sharon L; Miller, Elaine T; Hodgson, Eric (2013. ) Virtual reality disaster training: Translation to practice.Nurse education in practice, , More Information
Miller, Elaine T; Wilson, Cornelia R (2013. ) Mental illness - hidden no more.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 38 (2 ) ,61-2 More Information
Farra, S., Miller, E., Timms, N. & Schafer, C. (2013. ) Improved training of disasters using 3-D virtual reality simulation .Western Journal of Nursing Research, , 3 ,DOI10:1177/0193945912471735.
Farra, S. & Miller, E. (2013. ) Integrative review: Virtual disaster training. Journal of Nursing Education , , 3 (3 ) ,93-101 DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v3n3p93.
Yap, T. L., Kennerly, S. M., Simmons, M., Bruncher, C. R., Miller, E., Kim, J., & Yap, W. (2013. ) Multidimensional team-based intervention using musical cues to reduce odds of facility-acquired pressure ulcers in long-term care: A paired randomized intervention study. .The American Geriatrics Society, , DOI:10.1111/jgs.12422.
Yap, Tracey L; Kennerly, Susan M; Simmons, Mark R; Buncher, Charles R; Miller, Elaine; Kim, Jay; Yap, Winston Y (2013. ) Multidimensional team-based intervention using musical cues to reduce odds of facility-acquired pressure ulcers in long-term care: a paired randomized intervention study.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, , 61 (9 ) ,1552-9 More Information
Farra, Sharon; Miller, Elaine; Timm, Nathan; Schafer, John (2013. ) Improved training for disasters using 3-D virtual reality simulation.Western journal of nursing research, , 35 (5 ) ,655-71 More Information
Kennerly, Susan M; Yap, Tracey; Miller, Elaine (2012. ) A nurse-led interdisciplinary leadership approach targeting pressure ulcer prevention in long-term care.The health care manager, , 31 (3 ) ,268-75 More Information
Miller, Elaine Tilka; Canada, Nettie (2012. ) Linking employed caregivers' perceptions of long-term community services with health care legislation.Family & community health, , 35 (4 ) ,345-57 More Information
Miller, Elaine Tilka; Farra, Sharon (2012. ) Disaster preparedness, a rehabilitation nursing priority.Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 37 (3 ) ,95-6 More Information
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2011. ) Medication safety: an essential nursing role. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 36 (4 ) ,134, 174
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2011. ) Elder abuse can happen to any older adult. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 36 (2 ) ,46, 72
Miller, Elaine L; Murray, Laura; Richards, Lorie; Zorowitz, Richard D; Bakas, Tamilyn; Clark, Patricia; Billinger, Sandra A (10-2010. ) Comprehensive Overview of Nursing and Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Care of the Stroke Patient. A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , More Information
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2009. ) Prospering in a weak economy. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 34 (1 ) ,2, 10
Summers, D., Leonard, A., Wentworth, D., Saver, J., Simpson, J., Spilker, J., Hock, N. Miller, E., Mitchell, P. (2009. ) Comprehensive overview of nursing and interdisciplinary care of the acute ischemic stroke patient .Stroke , , 40 (8 ) ,2911 -2944
Easton, J., Saver, J., Albers, G., Alberts, M., Chaturvedi, S., Feldmann, E., Hatsukami, T., Johnston, S., Kidwell, C., Lutsep, H., Miller, E., Sacco, R. (2009. ) Definition and evaluation of transient ischemic attack: A scientific statement of healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council; Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia: Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention: Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and the Interdisciplinary Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease .Stroke , , 40 (6 ) ,2276 -2293
Summers, Debbie; Leonard, Anne; Wentworth, Deidre; Saver, Jeffrey L; Simpson, Jo; Spilker, Judith A; Hock, Nanette; Miller, Elaine; Mitchell, Pamela H (2009. ) Comprehensive overview of nursing and interdisciplinary care of the acute ischemic stroke patient: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 40 (8 ) ,2911-44 More Information
Easton, J Donald; Saver, Jeffrey L; Albers, Gregory W; Alberts, Mark J; Chaturvedi, Seemant; Feldmann, Edward; Hatsukami, Thomas S; Higashida, Randall T; Johnston, S Claiborne; Kidwell, Chelsea S; Lutsep, Helmi L; Miller, Elaine; Sacco, Ralph L (2009. ) Definition and evaluation of transient ischemic attack: a scientific statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Stroke Council; Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia; Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing; and the Interdisciplinary Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease. The American Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this statement as an educational tool for neurologists.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 40 (6 ) ,2276-93 More Information
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2008. ) Prevention scorecard. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 33 (4 ) ,142
Miller, Elaine T; Lewis, Katrina D (2008. ) Bridging the gap between poster and manuscript. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 33 (2 ) ,52-4
Miller, Elaine Tilka; King, Keith A; Miller, Rosie; Kleindorfer, Dawn (2007. ) FAST Stroke Prevention Educational Program for Middle School Students: pilot study results. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 39 (4 ) ,236-42
Miller, Elaine T (2007. ) Prevention of transient ischemic attack and stroke in older adults: implementing evidence-based interventions. Journal of gerontological nursing, , 33 (7 ) ,26-37; quiz 38-9
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2007. ) Transcending dependence with technology. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 32 (4 ) ,134, 150
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2007. ) Seeing the unseen. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 32 (3 ) ,90
Miller, E; King, K; Miller, R; Kleindofer, D (2007. ) FAST Stroke Prevention Program in Middle Schools .Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, , 39 (4 ) ,236 -243
Miller, E (2007. ) Evidence-Based Interventions for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attacks .Journal of Gerontological Nursing, , 26 -36
Miller, E; King, K; Miller, R; Kleindorfer, D (2007. ) Testing the FAST Stroke Educational Prevention Program .Stroke, , 38 (2 ) ,534
Miller, Elaine (2005. ) Disaster preparedness: are you ready? .Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 30 (6 ) ,214
Miller, E & Spilker, J (2003. ) Readiness to Change and Brief Educational Interventions: Successful Strategies to Reduce Stroke Risk .Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, , 35 (4 ) ,215 -222
Miller, Elaine Tilka; Spilker, Judith (2003. ) Readiness to change and brief educational interventions: successful strategies to reduce stroke risk. The Journal of neuroscience nursing : journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, , 35 (4 ) ,215-22
Miller, E (2002. ) Targeting Interventions for Primary Informal Caregivers of Adults with Cognitive and Physical Losses .Rehabilitation Nursing, , 27 (2 ) ,46 -51
Miller, E; Deets, C; Miller, R (2001. ) Nurse Call and the Work Environment: Lessons Learned .Journal of Nursing Care Quality, , 15 (3 ) ,7 -15
Miller, E (2000. ) Partnering: A Remedy for the Emerging Caregiving Crisis? .Rehabilitation Nursing, , 25 (4 ) ,124 -125
Miller, E T; Easton, K L (2000. ) Perceived losses following stroke. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 25 (5 ) ,192-5
Miller, E & Easton, K (2000. ) Commentary on Mumma's 1986 Article "Perception of Loss After Stroke" .Rehabilitation Nursing, , 25 (5 ) ,195
Miller, E (1999. ) Clinical Implications: Response to Music Therapy as a Treatment Method for Improving Muscle Strength in Patients with Advanced Multiple Sclerosis .Rehabilitation Nursing, , 24 (2 ) ,79
Miller, E T; Deets, C; Miller, R V (1997. ) Nurse call systems: impact on nursing performance. Journal of nursing care quality, , 11 (3 ) ,36-43
Miller, E T; Edwards-Beckett, J; Mikolaj, E; Bower, D; Pontius, C (1994. ) Research-related learning needs of Ohio nurses. Journal of continuing education in nursing, , 25 (4 ) ,167-70
Opie, N D; Miller, E T (1989. ) Attribution for successful relationships between severely disabled adults and personal care attendants. Rehabilitation nursing : the official journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses, , 14 (4 ) ,196-9
Miller, Elaine L; Okour, Anas (2024. ) Pain Management Among the Cognitively Impaired.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 25 (2 ) ,101-103 More Information
Miller, Elaine L (2023. ) High Medication Costs to Treat Patients with Chronic Pain.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 24 (6 ) ,573-574 More Information
Miller, Elaine L (2023. ) Trust Still Matters.Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, , 24 (5 ) ,477-478 More Information
Abu-Alhaija, Dania; Miller, Elaine; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth; Bakas, Tamilyn (2023. ) Psychometric Testing of the Oncology Nurses Health Behaviors Determinants Scale: A Cross-Sectional Study.Seminars in oncology nursing, , 39 (6 ) ,151515 More Information
Alexander, Gregory L; Madsen, Richard W; Miller, Erin L; Schaumberg, Melissa K; Holm, Allison E; Alexander, Rachel L; Wise, Keely K; Dougherty, Michelle L; Gugerty, Brian (2017. ) A national report of nursing home information technology: year 1 results.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, , 24 (1 ) ,67-73 More Information
Other Publications
Miller, E & Bach, C (2007. ) Research and Evidence Based Practice .The Specialty Practice of Rehabilitation Nursing: A Core Curriculum, American Association of Rehabilitation Nurses
Book Chapter
Miller, E. (2019 ) Client and family teaching Chronic Illness: Impace and interventions (10th edition) .Jones and Barlett Publishers (Author)
Miller, E. T., & Farra, S. (2018 ) Disaster Preparation, Response, and Recovery (Chap. 26) Gerontological Nursing: Competencies for Care .Burlington, MA, Jones and Bartlett Publisher (Author)
Burkett, S., & Miller, E.T. (2015 ) Patient Education across the Lifespan The Specialty of Rehabilitation Practice: A Core Curriculum .Illinois , Association of Rehabilitation Nursing
Miller, E. T. (2014 ) Client and family teaching Chronic Illness: Impact and Innterventions .Boston , Jones and Bartlett Publishers (Author)
Miller, E. (2009 ) Client and family teaching Chronic Illness: Impact and Interventions (7th edition) .(pp. 319 -343).Boston, MA, Jones and Bartlett Publishers (Author)
Miller, E., & Bach, C. (2007 ) Research and evidence-based practice The Speciality of Rehabilitation Practice: A Core Curriculum .(pp. Chapter 22 ).Glenview, Illinois, Association of Rehabilitation Nursing (Author)
Miller, E., Farra, S., & Washam, M. (2019 ) Disaster and mass casualty preparedness, response and recovery. The specialty practice of rehablitation: A core curriculum .(pp. Chapter 13).Chicago, IL, Association of Rehabilitation Nursing (Author)
Miller, E. (2023 ) Client and family teaching Chronic Illness: Impact and Interventions (11 edition) .Boston , Jones and Bartlett
Electronic Journal
Miller, E. & Burke, S. (2017. ) INANE editor best practice .Nurse Author and Editor, 7 (1 ) ,
Additional Publications
Miller, E., & Abu-Alhaija, D. (2019. ) (pp. 183 -184).Pain Management Nursing , Elsevier (Author)
Miller, E., & Abu-Alhaija, D. (2019. ) Importance of interdisciplinary pain management .(pp. 91 -92).Pain Management Nursing, Elsevier (Author)
Miller, E. (2018. ) (pp. 321).Pain Management Nursing, Elsevier
Miller, E. (2018. ) (pp. 445 -446).Pain Management Nursing, Elsevier
Miller, E. (2017. ) (pp. 121 -122).Pain Management Nursing,
Miller, Elaine T (2017. ) Highlighting Abstracts from the 2016 American Society of Pain Management Nursing Conference: Taking the Next Steps .(pp. 61-62).Pain Management Nursing , Elsevier
Miller, E., & DeBerg, J. (2017. ) The perils of predatory publishing: Views and advice from an editor and a health science librarian .(pp. 351-355).Pain Management Nursing , Elsevier (Author)
Miller, E. (2017. ) Connecting the quality of evidence to clinical decision making .Pain Management Nursing , Elsevier (Author)
Miller, Elaine T (2016. ) Transcending Our Boundaries. (pp. 351).
Miller, Elaine T (2016. ) Embracing Change. (pp. 301-302).
Miller, Elaine T (2016. ) Translating Evidence into Practice. (pp. 133-4).
Miller, Elaine T (2016. ) Preventing Burnout. (pp. 65-6).
Miller, Elaine T (2015. ) Transformative power of technology. (pp. 67-8).
Miller, Elaine T (2014. ) Being sensitive to the signs and symptoms of depression. (pp. 269-70).
Miller, Elaine T (2014. ) Ripple effect. (pp. 167-8).
Miller, Elaine T (2014. ) Stroke awareness: take preventive action. (pp. 111-2).
Miller, Elaine T (2014. ) Why passion counts! .(pp. 61).
Miller, Elaine T (2014. ) Embracing the future and learning from the past. (pp. 1-2).
Miller, Elaine T (2013. ) Discharge planning - a priority in the care delivery process. (pp. 215-6).
Miller, Elaine T (2013. ) Spirituality - not losing sight of its importance. (pp. 165-6).
Miller, Elaine T (2013. ) Translating evidence into practice: next steps. (pp. 113-4).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2013. ) The power to conquer adversity. (pp. 1).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2012. ) Unpredictability of a disability. (pp. 269).
Miller, Elaine T (2012. ) Care vs cure? .(pp. 161-2).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2012. ) Transforming nursing's future. (pp. 51-2).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2012. ) Why nursing is vital to the patient-centered medical home. (pp. 1-2).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2011. ) Debt crisis: opportunity for nursing action. (pp. 224, 232).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2011. ) Benefits of volunteering. (pp. 90, 128).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2011. ) Safe after 60. (pp. 2, 42).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2010. ) The importance of engagement. (pp. 224).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2010. ) I'm a nurse, but call me doctor! .(pp. 134, 151). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2010. ) Act now to stop strokes. (pp. 90, 129).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2010. ) Self-advocacy: an essential skill. (pp. 46, 79).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2010. ) Value of discipline in our chaotic healthcare environment. (pp. 2).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2009. ) Where is Rehabilitation Nursing in the healthcare reform debate? .(pp. 222, 229).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2009. ) Reversing patient inactivity and isolation. (pp. 178, 208). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2009. ) Setting our course. (pp. 90).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2009. ) Battling a powerful foe. (pp. 46, 83). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2008. ) Rehabilitation nursing's responsibility in shaping the future U.S. health system. (pp. 230, 267). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2008. ) So where is the evidence? .(pp. 90). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2008. ) Cultivating creativity. (pp. 46, 51). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2007. ) Being proactive in shaping the future of rehabilitation nursing. (pp. 224). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2007. ) Developing a global perspective. (pp. 178, 202). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2007. ) Advancing evidence-based practice. (pp. 47, 76).
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2007. ) Bridging the generation gap. (pp. 2-3, 43). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2006. ) Is your healthcare environment therapeutic? .(pp. 226-7). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2006. ) Caring versus curing. (pp. 182-3). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2006. ) Embracing the problem of obesity. (pp. 134-5). (Author)
Miller, Elaine Tilka (2006. ) Putting aging into perspective for our profession. (pp. 90, 129).
Miller, Elaine (2005. ) Six steps to innovation. (pp. 2, 30).
Miller, Elaine (2004. ) Making connections in a high-tech world. (pp. 142, 153).
Miller, Elaine (2004. ) Why rehabilitation nursing makes a difference. (pp. 110).
Miller, Elaine (2004. ) Through the patient's eyes. (pp. 74).
Miller, Elaine (2004. ) Practice and politics: shaping public policy. (pp. 38).
Miller, Elaine (2004. ) Moving ahead in rehabilitation nursing. (pp. 2).
Miller, Elaine (2003. ) Rehabilitation nursing in a consumer-driven world. (pp. 139, 163).
Miller, Elaine Merging rehabilitation nursing with complementary and alternative therapies. (pp. 170, 172).
Miller, Elaine Embracing diversity to overcome health disparities. (pp. 122, 139).
Miller, Elaine Why is quality care still elusive? .(pp. 38).
Miller, Elaine T Power of the Name. (pp. 339-40).
Miller, Elaine T The Grieving Process: A Necessary Step Toward Healing. (pp. 207-8).
Invited Presentations
Miller, E. (03-05-2019. ) Writing for Publication in English .International Data Driven Research and Innovation Conference, University of Chiba, Japan.
Miller, E., & Abu-Alhaija, D (03-04-2019. ) Chronic Pain Management .International Data Driven Research and Innovation Conference, University of Chiba, Japan. Level:International
Miller, E. , & Bakas, T. (02-12-2019. ) NIH/NIR Caregiver self-management needs through skill building .International Stroke Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Miller, E. (02-11-2019. ) Transforming a presentation into a publication .International Stroke Conference , Honolulu, Hawaii.
Bakas, T., McLennon, S., & Miller, E. (02-22-2017. ) Satisfaction with the caregiver telephone assessment and skill-building kit (TASK-II) .Houston, Texas . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Gillard, T., Miller, E., Sampsel, D., & Bakas, T. (02-22-2017. ) Mild cognitive impairment the new risk factor for stroke .Houston, Texas . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Farra, S., & Miller (01-27-2017. ) Effects of virtual reality simulation on worker emergency evacuation of neonates .Orlando, Florida. Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Miller, E. (04-22-2016. ) Brain attack: Transitions from acute care to home or rehabilitation .Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association , Orlando, Florida . Professional Meeting. .
Miller, E (10-20-2015. ) Models to promote best practice in interprofessional care of stroke survivors and their caregivers .American Congress of Rehabilitation , Dallas, Texas .
Miller, E. (10-20-2014. ) Translating evidence into practice: Nurses at the forefront. State of the Art Stroke Nursing Symposium - International Stroke Conference , San Diego, California . Level:International
Miller, E. (2013. ) Stroke Rehabilitation Practice Guidelines: Translating Knowledge into Practice .Michigan Association of Rehabilitation Nurses , Detroit, Michigan. Level:Regional
Miller, E. (2013. ) Keynote: Translating evidence into practice: Embracing the challenge .University of Toledo Research Day , Toledo, Ohio . Level:University
Miller, E. (2013. ) Keynote: American Stroke Association Stroke Guidelines: Roadmap to Quality .Rehabilitation Institute, Chicago, Illinois . Level:Regional
Miller, E. & Zorowitz, R (2012. ) Comprehensive overview of nursing and interdisciplinary sroke care .American Association of Neuoscience Nurses , Seattle,, Washington . Level:National
Miller, E. (07-09-2009. ) Writing for publication: Keys to success .Webcast online , Association of Rehabilitation Nursing . Level:National
Miller, E. (07-01-2009. ) Incorporating the patient and care partners in goal setting: Rehabilitation care and recovery .Webcast online , National Stroke Association . Workshop. . Level:International
Miller, E (02-03-2005. ) Innovative Strategies to Increase Stroke Awareness .International Stroke Meeting,
Miller, E (2005. ) Brief Educational Interventions to Reduce Stroke Risk .International Stroke Conference, State of the Art Stroke Nursing Symposium, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, E (2003. ) Patient and Family Education .28th International Stroke Conference, State of the Art Stroke Nursing Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.
Miller, E & Spilker, E (01-30-2001. ) Life After Stroke: Support for Those Supporting a Stroke Victim .One Hour Yahoo Chat Event, Healthology, Stroke-TIA.org.
Miller, E (2000. ) Shaping Pain Managament: Collaboration Through Evidence Based Practice .CE Event given for the Tristate VA Medical Center and TriHealth, Cincinnati, OH.
Poster Presentations
Miller, K; King, K; Miller, E; & Lee, R (02-07-2007. ) Testing the FAST Stroke Educational Prevention Program .International Stroke Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
Miller, E; King, K; Miller, R (2005. ) Refining the FAST Program .International Stroke Conference, Stroke Educational Intervention for Middle School Students, New Orleans, LA. .
Miller, E; King, K; Miller, R (2004. ) FAST Stroke Educational Program for Middle School Students: Results of a Pilot Study .2nd National CDC Prevention Conference on Heart Disease and Stroke,
Miller, E; King, K; Miller, R; & Kleindorfer, D (2004. ) FAST Stroke Educational Program for Middle School Children: A Pilot Study .29th International Stroke Conference, San Antonio, TX. .
Shireman, T; Pancioli, A; Miller, E; Spilker, J & Kissela, B (2001. ) How Are TIAs Managed in a Managed Care Setting? Resource Use and Costs .26th International Stroke Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL. .
Shireman, T; Pancioli, A; Miller, E; Spilker, J & Kissela, B (2001. ) Resource Use and Costs of Ischemic Stroke in a Managed Care Setting .26th International Stroke Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL. .
Miller, E & Spilker, J (2001. ) Lessons Learned: Why Educational Interventions May Not Work .North American Stroke Meeting,
Miller, E & Spilker, J (08-30-2000. ) Gender Differences in Designing Educational Programs to Reduce Stroke Risk Factors .National Stroke Association International Meeting, Toronto, Canada. .
Miller, E & Spilker, J (1999. ) Challenges of Stroke Educational Interventions .National Stroke Association International Convention, Aspen, CO. .
Miller, E. (10-20-2014. ) Stroke Impact on Patients and Families .Michigan Association of Rehabilitation Nurses , Los Angeles, CA. . Level:National
Miller, E. King, K., Miller, R., & Lee, R (02-20-2012. ) Effectiveness of the FAST Program Targeting African American School Teachers .International Stroke Meeting , New Orleans. . Level:International
Miller, E. King, K., Miller, R., & Lee, R (02-20-2012. ) Student Education for Middle School Students to Manage Modifiable Stroke Risk Factors .International Stroke Meeting, New Orleans. . Level:International
Miller, E., Dunning, K., et al. (10-20-2017. ) Identifying the "New Norm" of Cardiac Rehabilitation after Stroke .International Stroke Conference , Houston, Texas . .
Gaillard, T., Miller, E., Sampsel, D., & Bakas, T. (10-20-2017. ) Mild Cognitive Impairment the New Risk Factor for Stroke? .International Stroke Conference , Houston, Texas . .
Paper Presentations
Bakas, T., & Miller, E. (2021. ) Adapting the telephone assessment and skill building kit to telehealth technology preferences of stroke family caregivers .Denver, Colorado .
Miller, E., & Abu-Alhaija, D. (2019. ) Chronic pain management of older adults .Chiba, Japan . Professional Meeting. Level:International
Miller, E. (2019. ) Steps to becoming published in English .Chiba, Japan .
Miller, E. & Bakas, T. (2019. ) NIH/NIR caregiver self-management needs through skill building .Honolulu, Hawaii.
Gillard, T., Miller, E., & Bakas, T. (01-23-2018. ) Assessment of traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors in older adults with and without metabolic syndrome .Los Angeles. Conference. Level:International
Gillard, T., Miller, E., & Bakas (2018. ) Assessment of traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors in adults with and without metabolic syndrome .Los Angeles, CA.
Miller, E., Dunning, K., et al. (02-22-2017. ) Identifying the "New Norm" of cardiac rehabiitation after stroke .Houston, Texas . Professional Meeting. Level:International
Miller, E., et al (2017. ) Identifying the "New Normal" of cardiac rehabilitation after stroke .Houston, Texas .
Miller, E; Pancioli, A; Broderish, J; Spilker, J; Shireman, T (2003. ) Stroke Impact: Quality of Life and Resources .Phoenix, AZ.
Miller, E & Spilker, J (2002. ) Readiness to Change and Brief Educational Interventions: Successful Strategies to Reduce Modifiable Stroke Risk Factors .San Antonio, TX.
Miller, E & Spilker, J (2000. ) Educational Interventions for Adults "At Risk" for Stroke .Detroit, MI.
Miller, E & Spilker, J (1999. ) Brief Educational Interventions for Stroke "At Risk" Adults .Aspen, CO.
Miller, E., & Hachey, L. (2023) (01-23-2023. ) Expect the Unexpected: An Interdisciplinary Technology Development Team's Lessons Learned .Orlando, Florida. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Miller, E., Stacy, K., & Bakas, T (08-21-2022. ) Stroke Family Caregiver Life Changes During COVID .Virtual . Professional Meeting. Level:International
Miller, E. (09-17-2022. ) Writing for Publication: Ready, Set, Go. .Palm Springs, CA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Rupaar, T. Miller, E., Enriquez, M., & Hickman, R. (04-01-2023. ) MNRS Editors' Special Session .DesMoines Iowa. Professional Meeting. Level:Regional
Miller, E. (09-26-2023. ) Avoiding Predatory Journals .King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University of Health Sciences. Other Institution.
Miller, E., & Wilson, M. (07-31-2023. ) Building a Pool of New Reviewers with Intentional Mentorship .Dublin, Ireland . Conference.
Miller, E., Stacy, K., & Bakas, T (01-18-2024. ) Stroke family caregiver life changes during COVID. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Professional Meeting.
• Kean, E. B., Miller, E., Smith, C., & Lim, Y. S. (03-02-2024. ) Development and Testing of the Reliability and Validity of the IRMAT: Integrative Review Methodology Appraisal Tool. Paper. Minneapolis, MN, . Conference. Level:National
• Meyer, H., Miller, E., Kazmierczuk, F., Morrison, C., & Ware, J. (04-05-2024. ) Breastfeeding beyond six months: Investigating sustained breast feeding. .Cincinnati Ohio . Conference. Level:Regional
Miller, E (09-13-2007. ) Rehabilitation Nursing: Past Present and Future .Drake Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Honors and Awards
04-25-2019 University of Cincinnati Provost Faculty Career Award For sustained and outstanding contributions to the university
04-25-2019 Fellow of the University of Cincinnati Graduate School
04-24-2017 Faculty Excellence Award given by the University of Cincinnati Provost and Office of Research
BAD DATE Appointed as Editor of Pain Management Nursing, official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nursing
02-12-2015 Health Hero recognized by the Cincinnati Business Courier
02-10-2014 Appointed as Section Editor of State of the Science Nursing Review Series for Stroke Journal
10-03-2013 Received the Association of Rehabilitation Nursing President's Award for outstanding contributions to rehabilitation nursing and improving the quality of life for individuals with chronic illness
BAD DATE Received the Competence in Aging Award from the Cardiovascular Nursing Council of the American Heart Association
11-15-2011 Received the American Heart Association Cardiovascular Nursing Council National Article of the Year Award
11-17-2007 Edna Stillman Award Journal of Gerontological Nursing and Slack Incorporated
10-20-2006 Received Distinguished Service Award from Association of Rehabilitation Nursing
10-05-2006 Distinguished Service Award Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN)
10-20-2005 Inducted as Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
10-20-2003 Elected as Stroke Fellow of the American Heart Association
08-01-2003 Appointed as Editor of Rehabilitation Nursing Term ended 12/31/2016
2000 Dean's Award for Research University of Cincinnat College of Nursing
1999 Special Award for Service Excellence related to Nursing Research and Education Cincinnati VA Medical Center
1999 Research Excellence Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
05-1991 Teaching Excellence Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
1984 -To Present Who's Who in American Nursing Society of Nursing Professionals
1973 -1975 Scholastic Scholarship University of Pittsburgh
1972 Balfour Award WVU
12-02-2020 Ohio Nurse of Year in Research March of Dimes Level:State Type:Recognition
04-24-2021 Faculty to Faculty Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati Office of the Provost and Office of Research Level:University Type:Recognition
07-01-2021 Reappointed as Section Editor of State of the Science Nursing Review Series for Stroke Journal for a 5 year term
Nursing, evidence-based practice, writing for publication, simulation, virtual reality simulation, gaming, disaster preparation/response/ recovery, translation of research into practice, research methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods), caregiving relationships, quality of life for those with stroke and other health care issues, caregiving dyads, educational interventions to reduce modifiable stroke risk factors
Other Information
Honors and Awards
- Received University of Cincinnati Provost Faculty Career Award on April 25, 2019
- Inducted as a Fellow to the University of Cincinnati Graduate School on April 25, 2018
- Received Faculty Excellence Award given by the University of Cincinnati Provost and the Office of Research, April 24, 2017
- Appointed as editor-in-chief of Pain Management Nursing, October 1, 2016, the official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nursing
- Nominated as a Health Hero (2015) by the Cincinnati Business Courier.
- ARN President’s Award, October 3, 2013 for outstanding contributions to rehabilitation nursing
- Competence in Aging Award from the CVN Council of the American Heart Association, November 6, 2012.
- American Heart Association National Cardiovascular Nursing Council, Article of the Year Award for the article: Miller, E., Murray, L., Richards, L., Zorowitz, R., Bakas, T., Clark, P., Billinger, S. (2010). A comprehensive overview of nursing and interdisciplinary rehabilitation care of the stroke patient. AHA Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association on behalf of the American Heart Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and the Stroke Council. Stroke, 41:2402-2448. DOI:10.1161/STR.obO13e3181e7512b, November 15, 2011.
- 1st Place Award Brief Oral & Poster. Kennerly, S., Yap, T., Miller, E., Hemmings, A., & Beckett, G. Best Practices for Creating and Managing a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Environment. Presentation at the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Conference, Birmingham, England, 2010.
- Edna Stillman Award, Excellence in Writing by the Journal of Geronotological Nursing, 11/17/2007.
- ARN Distinguished Service Award, 10/05/2006.
- University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Dean's Award for Research, 2000.
April 24, 2021 Received the University of Cincinnati Office of the Provost and Office of Research, the Faculty-to-Faculty Mentoring Award.,
Contact Information
Academic - 227 Procter Hall
3100 Vine Street
Ohio, 45221-0038
Phone: 513-558-5298
Fax: 513-558-2142