LaTrice Montgomery , PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
Health UC - Georgetown
COM Psychiatry Addiction Research - 0559
Professional Summary
LaTrice Montgomery is an Assistant Professor and licensed Clinical Psychologist in the Addiction Sciences Division of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She received her B.A. degree in Psychology from Berea College and both her M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Cincinnati. She completed her National Institute on Drug Abuse sponsored clinical internship at the Yale University School of Medicine in the Division of Substance Abuse. Dr. Montgomery’s clinical and research interests have focused on improving prevention and treatment interventions for African American adolescent and adult substance users. Her work primarily focuses on the co-use of marijuana and tobacco, especially via blunts. LaTrice has presented her award-winning work at several regional and national conferences. In addition, LaTrice’s work has been published in top-tier journals, including Drug and Alcohol Dependence and the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. She recently received a career development award (K23) from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to develop and evaluate a Twitter-based intervention for young adult blunt smokers.
Bachelor's Degree: Berea College Kentucky, 2006 (Psychology)
Applied Structural Equation Modeling Workshop: University of Michigan 2009
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati Ohio, 2010 (Clinical Psychology)
Preparing Future Faculty Certificate : University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2011
Options in Psychotherapy Training: Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, Ct, 2012 (Scientifically Validated Behavioral Treatments (OPT4))
Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati Ohio, 2012 (Clinical Psychology)
Clinical Internship: Yale University School of Medicine Division of Substance Abuse 2012 (Clinical and Community Psychology)
Research and Practice Interests
Positions and Work Experience
2012 -2016 Assistant Professor, UC-College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Human Services, Counseling/Substance Abuse Counseling, Cincinnati, OH
2011 - Guest Lecturer (Preparing Future Faculty), UC-Blue Ash College, Behavioral Science Department, Cincinnati, OH
2009 - Instructor, UC, Department of Psychology, Cincinnati, OH
2011 -2012 Predoctoral Fellow (APA-Accredited), Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry (Psychology section) Division of Substance Abuse,
2010 -2011 Psychology Extern, Summit Behavioral Healthcare, Psychology Department,
2009 -2010 Psychology Assistant, The Crossroads Center, Psychology Department,
2008 -2010 Assessment Psychometrician, Hillcrest Training School, Psychology Department,
2008 -2009 Teaching Assistant, UC, Department of Psychology, Cincinnati, OH
2016 -BAD DATE Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Research Support
Investigators:LaTrice Montgomery 05-01-2013 -06-30-2013 UC University Research Council Cocaine and Psychosocial Outcomes Across Three Randomized Clinical Trials: Examining the Interaction Between Race/Ethnicity and Gender Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #8644\R25DA035163 Investigators:LaTrice Montgomery 02-01-2015 -04-30-2015 University of California, San Francisco Co-Occurring Marijuana Use Among African-American Young Adults Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:LaTrice Montgomery 03-01-2016 -06-01-2016 UC Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training Recruiting African American Marijuana Smokers on Twitter Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:LaTrice Montgomery 06-01-2010 -07-01-2010 American Psychological Association Ethnic Minority Enrichment in Research and Graduate Education (E.M.E.R.G.E.) Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:LaTrice Montgomery 06-01-2008 -09-01-2008 URC Summer Graduate Student Research Fellowship Grant Moderators of the Relation between Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Outcomes for African Americans: Substance Use and Retention Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #K23DA042130 Investigators:Montgomery, La'trice 08-15-2017 -07-31-2022 National Institute on Drug Abuse Twitter-Based Intervention for Young Adult African American Blunt Smokers Role:PI $146,790.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R25OD023763 Investigators:Hardcastle, Valerie; Jacquez, Farrah; Maglo, Koffi; Malat, Jennifer; Maynard, Kathie; Montgomery, La'trice 09-15-2017 -07-31-2022 Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health GROWING COMMUNITY CHANGE RESEARCHERS Role:Collaborator $255,443.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R25GM129234 Investigators:Jacquez, Farrah; Malat, Jennifer; Maynard, Kathie; Montgomery, La'trice 08-01-2018 -07-31-2022 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Growing Community Change Researchers in STEM Role:Collaborator $253,661.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R40219 Investigators:Montgomery, La'trice 07-01-2020 -12-31-2021 UC's Collaborative Research Advancement Grant Program - Track 1: Pilot Teams A Mixed Methods Approach to a Longitudinal Assessment of the Health and Social Effects of Medical Marijuana Role:PI $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #UG1DA013732 Investigators:Brown, Jennifer; Lyons, Michael; Montgomery, La'trice; Winhusen, T 06-01-2020 -02-25-2025 National Institute on Drug Abuse The Ohio Valley Node of the Clinical Trials Network Role:Collaborator 982781.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #5K23DA042130-01A1 08-15-2017 -07-31-2023 National Institute on Drug Abuse Twitter-Based Intervention for Young Adult African American Blunt Smokers Role:PI $726280.00 Active
Grant: #2UG1DA013732-26 Investigators:Burlew, Ann Kathleen Hoard; Montgomery, LaTrice; Winhusen, T. John -02-29-2032 National Institute on Drug Abuse The Ohio Valley Node of the Clinical Trials Network Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Haeny, Angela M, Montgomery, LaTrice, Burlew, A Kathleen, Campbell, Aimee N C, Scodes, Jennifer, Pavlicova, Martina, Rotrosen, John, & Nunes, Edward (2020). Extended-release naltrexone versus buprenorphine-naloxone to treat opioid use disorder among black adults. Addictive Behaviors, 110, 106514.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Plano Clark, Vicki L, Twitty, Dylanne, Budney, Alan J, Prochaska, Judith J, & Winhusen, Theresa (2020). Is it "loud" enough?: A qualitative investigation of blunt use among African American young adults. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse 1-15.
Friedmann, Peter D, Abraham, Amanda, Evans, Elizabeth, Glass, Joseph, Ilgen, Mark, & Montgomery, LaTrice (2020). Editorial: COVID-19 and its impact on SUD treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 108091.
Eghaneyan, Brittany H, Sanchez, Katherine, Haeny, Angela M, Montgomery, LaTrice, Lopez-Castro, Teresa, Burlew, A Kathleen, Rezaeizadeh, Afsaneh, & Killian, Michael O (2020). Hispanic participants in the National Institute on Drug Abuse's Clinical Trials Network: A scoping review of two decades of research. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 12, 100287.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Mantey, Dale S, Peters, Erica N, Herrmann, Evan S, & Winhusen, Theresa (2020). Blunt use and menthol cigarette smoking: An examination of adult marijuana users. Addictive Behaviors, 102, 106153.
Robinson, Cendrine D, Seaman, Elizabeth L, Grenen, Emily, Montgomery, LaTrice, Yockey, R Andrew, Coa, Kisha, Prutzman, Yvonne, & Augustson, Erik (2020). A content analysis of smartphone apps for adolescent smoking cessation. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), 302-309.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Burlew, Ann Kathleen, Haeny, Angela M, & Jones, Chizara A (2020). A systematic scoping review of research on Black participants in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 34(1), 117-127.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Webb Hooper, Monica (2020). Gender Differences in the Association between Marijuana and Menthol Cigarette Use among African American Adult Cigarette Smokers. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(8), 1335-1342.
Mantey, Dale S, Omega-Njemnobi, Onyinye, & Montgomery, LaTrice (2019). Flavored tobacco use is associated with dual and poly tobacco use among adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 93, 269-273.
Montgomery, LaTrice, McClure, Erin A, Tomko, Rachel L, Sonne, Susan C, Winhusen, Theresa, Terry, Garth E, Grossman, Jason T, & Gray, Kevin M (2019). Blunts versus joints: Cannabis use characteristics and consequences among treatment-seeking adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 198, 105-111.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Schiavon, Samantha, & Cropsey, Karen. Factors associated with marijuana use among treatment-seeking adult cigarette smokers in the criminal justice population. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 13(2), 147-152.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Bagot, Kara, Brown, Jennifer L, & Haeny, Angela M (2019). The association between marijuana use and HIV continuum of care outcomes: A systematic review. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 16(1), 17-28.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Zapolski, Tamika, Banks, Devin E, & Floyd, Alfonso (2019). Puff, puff, drink: The association between blunt and alcohol use among African American adolescents and young adults. The American Journal of Othopsychiatry, 89(5), 609-615.
McClure, Erin A, Baker, Nathaniel L, Sonne, Susan C, Ghitza, Udi E, Tomko, Rachel L, Montgomery, LaTrice, Babalonis, Shanna, Terry, Garth E, & Gray, Kevin M (2018). Tobacco use during cannabis cessation: Use patterns and impact on abstinence in a National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 192, 59-66.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Mantey, Dale. Racial/ethnic differences in prevalence and correlates of blunt smoking among adolescents. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 50(3), 195-205.
Robinson, Cendrine, Seaman, Elizabeth L, Montgomery, LaTrice, & Winfrey, Adia (2018). A review of hip hop-based interventions for health literacy, health behaviors, and mental health. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 5(3), 468-484.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Heidelburg, Kamonta, & Robinson, Cendrine (2018). Characterizing blunt use among Twitter users: Racial/ethnic differences in use patterns and characteristics. Substance Use & Misuse, 53(3), 501-507.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Yockey, Andrew (2018). Rolling and scrolling: The portrayal of marijuana cigars (blunts) on YouTube. Journal of Substance Use, 23(4), 436-440.
Merianos, Ashley L, Rosen, Brittany L, Montgomery, LaTrice, Barry, Adam E, & Smith, Matthew Lee (2017). Impact of perceived risk and friend influence on alcohol and marijuana use among students. The Journal of School Nursing : the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses, 33(6), 446-455.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Robinson, Cendrine, Seaman, Elizabeth L, & Haeny, Angela M (2017). A scoping review and meta-analysis of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments for cannabis and tobacco use among African Americans. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(8), 922-943.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Carroll, Kathleen M. Comparable efficacy of behavioral and pharmacological treatments among African American and White cocaine users. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16(4), 445-459.
Campbell, Aimee N C, Montgomery, L, Sanchez, Katherine, Pavlicova, M, Hu, M, Newville, H, Weaver, L, & Nunes, E V. Racial/ethnic subgroup differences in outcomes and acceptability of an Internet-delivered intervention for substance use disorders. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16(4), 460-478.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Burlew, A Kathleen, & Korte, Jeffrey E. Does change in readiness influence retention among African American women and men in substance abuse treatment?. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16(4), 420-431.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Mantey, Dale S (2017). Correlates of blunt smoking among African American, Hispanic/Latino, and White adults: Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Substance Use & Misuse, 52(11), 1449-1459.
Vidourek, Rebecca A, King, Keith A, & Montgomery, LaTrice. Psychosocial determinants of marijuana use among African American youth. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 16(1), 43-65.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Ramo, Danielle (2017). What did you expect?: The interaction between cigarette and blunt vs. non-blunt marijuana use among African American young adults. Journal of Substance Use, 22(6), 612-616.
Richardson, George B, Montgomery, LaTrice, & Brubaker, Michael D (2016). Interpersonal contact and attitudes toward adolescents who abuse substances. Journal of Drug Education, 46(3-4), 113-130.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Bagot, Kara (2016). Let's be blunt: Consumption methods matter among Black marijuana smokers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(3), 451-6.
Montgomery, LaTrice, & Marinos, Dy'an (2016). The influence of potentially traumatic household characteristics on blunt use among Black youth. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 44(2), 101-11.
Montgomery, LaTrice (2015). Marijuana and tobacco use and co-use among African Americans: results from the 2013, National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Addictive Behaviors, 51, 18-23.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Carroll, Kathleen M, & Petry, Nancy M (2015). Initial abstinence status and contingency management treatment outcomes: does race matter?. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(3), 473-81.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Sanning, Blair, Litvak, Nicole, & Peters, Erica N (2014). Preliminary findings on the association between clients' perceived helpfulness of substance abuse treatment and outcomes: Does race matter?. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 139, 152-8.
Burlew, Ann Kathleen, Montgomery, LaTrice, Kosinski, Andrzej S, & Forcehimes, Alyssa A (2013). Does treatment readiness enhance the response of African American substance users to Motivational Enhancement Therapy?. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(3), 744-53.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Petry, Nancy M, & Carroll, Kathleen M (2012). Moderating effects of race in clinical trial participation and outcomes among marijuana-dependent young adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 126(3), 333-9.
Montgomery, LaTrice, Burlew, Ann Kathleen, Kosinski, Andrzej S, & Forcehimes, Alyssa A (2011). Motivational enhancement therapy for African American substance users: a randomized clinical trial. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(4), 357-365.
Burlew, A Kathleen, Weekes, Jerren C, Montgomery, La'Trice, Feaster, Daniel J, Robbins, Michael S, Rosa, Carmen L, Ruglass, Lesia M, Venner, Kamilla L, & Wu, Li-Tzy (2011). Conducting research with racial/ethnic minorities: methodological lessons from the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 37(5), 324-32.
Invited Presentations
Carroll, K.M., Montgomery, L., Horigan, V., & Haynes, L (2012. ) Symposium: Secondary Analysis of Motivational Enhancement Therapy/Motivational Interviewing Studies .2012 National Institute of Drug Abuse Steering Committee Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., Kosinski, A.S., & Forcehimes, A. (2011. ) The Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapy with African American Substance Users. American Psychological Association Convention (Division 12 Social Hour, Winner of the APA Dalmas A. Taylor Award for Outstanding Research), Washington, District of Columbia.
Burlew, A.K., Peteet, B., Wilson, J., Smith, S., Montgomery, L., & Weekes, J. (2011. ) Umoja Nia: Graduate School 101 .19th Annual Imhotep Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, Florida..
Montgomery, L. (2011. ) Upward Bound University of Cincinnati Black History Program .Keynote Speaker at University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio..
Montgomery, L. (2011. ) Graduate/Professional School Chat. Panel Member at University of Cincinnati Mcnair Scholars Event, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Montgomery, L. (2010. ) Berea and Beyond for Psychology Majors .Keynote Speaker at Berea College Psi Chi Induction Ceremony, Berea, Kentucky.
Peteet, B., Montgomery, L., & Weekes, J. (2010. ) Diversity Recruitment and Retention: Looking In and Reaching Out. University of Cincinnati Diversity Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio..
Montgomery, L. (2010. ) The University of Cincinnati Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle .Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Montgomery, L., & Smith, S. (2009. ) PTSD and Trauma in Delinquent Youth .Hillcrest Training School, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Crosby, L., Nichols, A., & Montgomery, L (2007. ) Effective Parenting: Summary of Supporting Literature and Theoretical Models .Board of Beech Acres Parenting Center: Strengthening Families for Children, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Poster Presentations
Montgomery, L., Petry, N.M., & Carroll, K. (2012. ) Moderating effects of race in clinical trial participation and outcomes among marijuana-dependent young adults .American Psychological Association Convention, NIDA/NIAAA Poster Session, Orlando, FL. . Level:National
Peteet, B., Montgomery, L., & Weekes, J. (2011. ) Predictors of Imposter Phenomenon among high achieving ethnic minority undergraduate students. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.. . Level:National
Forcehimes, A., Masato, N., Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., Kosinski, A.S., & Kothari, P. (2011. ) The relationship between therapist and gender/race matching and substance use outcomes across two Motivational Enhancement Therapy trials. .American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC. . Level:National
Forcehimes, A., Masato, N., Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., Kosinski, A.S., & Kothari, P. (2011. ) The relationship between therapist and gender/race matching and substance use outcomes across two Motivational Enhancement Therapy trials. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Hollywood, Florida.. . Level:National
Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., Kosinski, A.S., & Forcehimes, A. (2010. ) The Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapy with African American Substance Users. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona. .
Forcehimes, A.A., Kosinski, A.A., Silva, O., Burlew, A.K., & Montgomery, L. (2010. ) Is the Association of Therapeutic Alliance with Days of Use Always Negative? .College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, Arizona. .
Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., Kosinski, A.S., & Forcehimes, A.A. (2010. ) The Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapy with African American Substance Users. National Institute of Drug Abuse Blending Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. .
Forcehimes, A.A., Kosinski, A.S., Silva, O., Burlew, A.K., & Montgomery, L. (2010. ) Is the Association of Therapeutic Alliance with Days of Use Always Negative? .National Institute of Drug Abuse Blending Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. .
Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., & Kosinski, A. (2008. ) The Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapy for African American Substance Users: Preliminary Findings. .National Institute of Health Summit: Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, Maryland. .
Montgomery, L. (2008. ) Proposal: Moderators of the Relation Between Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Outcomes for African Americans: Substance Use and Retention .14th Annual Black Graduate Conference in Psychology, Ann Arbor, Michigan. .
Montgomery, L., Mitchell, M.J., Foster, S., DePaola, M., Crosby, L., & Ross, M. (2007. ) Relationships Between School and Residential Transitions and Mental Health Functioning for Youth with Severe Emotional Disturbances. 20th Annual Research Conference-A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base, Tampa, Florida. .
Paper Presentations
Peteet, B., Montgomery, L., & Weekes, J. (2011. ) Predictors of Imposter Phenomenon among high achieving ethnic minority undergraduate students .Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:National
Montgomery, L., & Huddleston, D. (2009. ) Colorism in the African American Community: Literature from the Present and Implications for the Future. Atlanta, Georgia. Level:International
Montgomery, L., Burlew, A.K., & Kosinski, A. (2009. ) The Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapy for African Americans. New Orleans, Louisiana. Level:Regional
Montgomery, L. (2008. ) The Effects of Locus of Control and Stereotype Threat on Performance. .Oakland, California.. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2012 Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award, Nominee Status:Nomination
2012 American Psychological Association NIDA/NIAAA Early Career Investigators Award
2011 American Psychological Association Dalmas A. Taylor Award for Outstanding Research
2011 UC Graduate Student Governance Association Graduate Student of the Year
2011 UC Isabel and Mary Neff Scholarship, Psychology Department Nominee
2010 UC Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Masters Thesis, Nominee
2007 UC Albert C. Yates Scholar
2006 Mortar Board Senior Honor Society, Berea College
06-2010 -07-2010 Principal Investigator, UC American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (APAGS-CEMA) Grant Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Grant
06-2008 -09-2008 Principal Investigator, UC University Research Council Summer Graduate Student Research Fellowship Grant Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Grant
2004 Fleur de Lis Freshmen Honor Society, Berea College
2004 National Deans List
2004 Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology
2003 -2006 Berea College Deans List
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation (Ad Hoc Reviewer ) Type:Editorial Service
The American Journal of Addictions (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
Nicotine and Tobacco Research (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
Journal of Personality Disorders (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
Behaviour Research and Therapy (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
Journal of Health Communication (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
OMICS Publishing Group (Ad Hoc Reviewer )
American Psychological Association Program Committee, Divisions 12 and 45 Type:Editorial Service 2011
(UC Counseling Program Website Redesign Committee ) Type:Departmental Service 2012 -To Present
(Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) Cincinnati Student Circle (Founder and President) ) Type:Departmental Service 2010 -2011
(Ethnic Minority Enrichment in Research and Graduate Education (EMERGE) ) Type:Departmental Service 2009 -2010
Colloquium Committee (UC Psychology Department) Type:Departmental Service 2009
Diversity Committee (UC Psychology Department) Type:Departmental Service 2008 -2011
Psi Chi (UC Chapter) 2007
Psi Chi (Berea College Chapter) Type:Departmental Service 2004 -2006
UC College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Mentoring Scholars of Color Committee, 2012 Type:University/College Service
UC Institutional Review Board Advisory Committee (IRBAC) Type:University/College Service 2010
Southern Mutual Help Association Volunteer Type:Community Service 2006
Sickle Cell Disease Research and Education Day Type:Community Service 2004 -2010
Hunger Hurts Food Drive-Berea College Type:Community Service 2004 -2005
cannabis, marijuana, tobacco, blunts, health disparities, addiction, psychology
Professional Affiliation
2010 -To Present: National Institute of Drug Abuse Minority Interest Group,
2007 -To Present: American Psychological Association (Divisions 1, 12, 38, 45, 50),
2007 -To Present: American Psychological Association of Graduate Students,
2007 -To Present: Sisters of the Academy (SOTA),
2007 -To Present: Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi),
Courses Taught
Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal Human Behavior
Advanced Cultural Competence in Substance Abuse Counseling
Motivational Interviewing
Ecologically Based Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment for Couples, Families and Communities
Contact Information
Research - 3131 Harvey Avenue
Suite 204
Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-585-8286