Sally Moomaw
Assoc Professor - Emeritus
Associate Professor
Edwards Center
CECH Emeritus/ Emerita - 0002
Professional Summary
Dr. Sally Moomaw is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education with a specialty in mathematics and science. She received her doctoral degree in Special Education from the University of Cincinnati in 2008 following a long career as a preschool teacher and as the Associate Director for Professional Development at the college’s Arlitt Center. Dr. Moomaw is the author or co-author of fourteen books on early childhood education, including Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Programs, which won the Gustavus Meyers Outstanding Book Award for the study of bigotry and human rights. She designed a Mathematics Tool Kit for the Ohio Department of Education to help teachers implement state content standards, and has presented numerous workshops for colleges, school districts, and conferences throughout the country. Her previous degrees include a Bachelor of Music Degree and a Master’s Degree in Child Development, both from the University of Cincinnati.
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Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Moomaw's research focus is the development of mathematics and science concepts in young children. Recent research has focused on the development of a curriculum-based measure to assess number sense in preschool children; children's understanding of numeric and non-numeric symbols in early addition; the difficulty levels of various types of math games in preschool; and the integration of STEM learning in inclusive preschool classrooms.
Research Support
Grant: #COF 08 03 09-2008 -04-2013 Ohio Department of Education Strengthening the STEM Pipeline through Student Preparation, Awareness, Teacher Education, and Building Partnerships with K-12 Role:Coordinator of Undergraduate COF Scholarship Program 822,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #NSF DRL-1114674 Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Brown, Rhonda; Carr, Victoria; Johnson, Carla; Kloos, Adelheid; Kuschner, David; Meyer, Helen; Moomaw, Sally Coup; Pan, Wei; Plevyak, Linda 10-01-2011 -09-30-2013 National Science Foundation Playscapes: Designed Nature Environments to Promote Informal Science Learning Role:Collaborator $330,124.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Moomaw, S.; Carr, V.; Barnett, D.; Boat, M. (2010. ) Measuring number sense in preschool children .Teaching Children Mathematics, , 16 (6 ) ,332-340
Boat, M.B.; Carr, V.; Barrnet, D.; Macmann, G.; Moomaw, S.; Pan, W.; Nichols, A. (2009. ) Instructional change in preschool classrooms: A study of empirically-based teacher support .National Head Start Dialog: A Research to Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, , 12 (4 ) ,303-326
Boat, M.B.; Carr, V.; Barrnet, D.; Macmann, G.; Moomaw, S.; Pan, W.; Nichols, A. (2009. ) Improving instruction in Head Start preschool classrooms through feedback and support to teachers .National Head Start Dialog: A Research to Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, , 12 (4 ) ,347-353.
Moomaw, S. (2006. ) Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms .Childhood Education, , 82 (2 ) ,89-94
Moomaw, S. (2005. ) Math and Science Go Outside .Dimensions in Early Childhood, , 33 (3 ) ,27-32
Elgas, P. M., Prendeville, J., Moomaw, S., & Krestchmer. R. R. (2002. ) Early Childhood Classroom Setup: A Powerful Tool for Facilitating English as a Second Language .Childcare Information Exchange, , 143 ,17-20
Moomaw, S., & Davis, J. (2010. ) STEM Comes to Preschool .Young Children, , 65 (5 ) ,12-18
Moomaw, S (2011. ) Review of the book Mathematics in focus, K-6: How to help students understand big ideas and make critical connections .Teaching Children Mathematics, , 17 (8 ) ,508-509
Moomaw, S. (2012. ) Guest Editorial .School Science and Mathematics, , 112 (2 ) ,57-58
Moomaw, S. (2012. ) Review of the book Strategies for teaching whole number computations: Using error analysis for intervention and assessment. Teaching Children Mathematics, , 11 (2 ) ,57
Moomaw, S., & Dorsey, A. (2013. ) Use of numeric and non-numeric symbols in early addition .Journal of Research in Childhood Education, , 27 (3 ) ,319
Moomaw, S. (2013. ) Early addition: It's in the cards! .Teaching Children Mathematics, ,
Moomaw, Sally (2012. ) Use of Numeric and Non-Numeric Symbols in Early Addition. .Journal for Research in Childhood Education., ,
Invited Publications
Moomaw, S. (2004. ) Math begins in preschool: Talking the language of math. Ohio Resource Center.,
Moomaw, S. (2012. ) Cardinality in the Early Learning and Development Standards' Cognition and General Knowledge Mathematics Domain. Ohio Resource Center.,
Published Books
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (2006. ) Get Ready for Math! .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (2006. ) Get Ready to Read! .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. (2002. ) Nobody Else Like Me: Activities to Celebrate Diversity .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Jones, G. W. & Moomaw, S. (2002. ) Lessons from Turtle Island: Native American Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (2001. ) More Than Letters: Literacy Activities for Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (1999. ) More Than Painting: Exploring the Wonders of Art in Preschool and Kindergarten .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (1999. ) Much More Than Counting: More Math Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. (1997. ) More Than Singing: Discovering Music in Preschool and Kindergarten .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (1997. ) More Than Magnets: Discovering the Wonders of Science in Preschool and Kindergarten .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. & Hieronymus, B. (1995. ) More Than Counting: Whole Math Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. (1984. ) Discovering Music in Early Childhood .Boston , Allyn and Bacon
Moomaw, S. (2011. ) Teaching mathematics in early childhood .Baltimore, MD , Brookes
Moomaw, S., & Hieronymus, B. (2011. ) More than counting: Standards edition .St. Paul, MN , Redleaf Press
Moomaw, S. (2013. ) Teaching STEM in the early years .St. Paul, MN , Readleaf Press
Moomaw, Sally (2012. ) STEM in the Early Years .Redleaf Press.
Book Chapter
Harte, H., Carr, V. W., & Moomaw, S. (2007 ) Creating a rich learning environment Ohio standards of practice for early childhood .Columbus, OH, Ohio Department of Education
Harte, H., Moomaw, S., & Corkwell, C. (2007 ) English and language art curriculum and assessments Ohio standards of practice for early childhood .Columbus, OH, Ohio Department of Education
Moomaw, S. (2007 ) Mathematics curriculum and assessment Ohio standards of practice for early childhood .Columbus, OH, Ohio Department of Education
Moomaw, S. (2007 ) Science curriculum and assessment Ohio standards of practice for early childhood .Columbus, OH, Ohio Department of Education
Moomaw, S., & Davis, Jaumall (2013 ) Stem comes to preschool Spotlight on young childrn: Exploring science .Washington, DC, National Association for the Education of Young Children
Moomaw, S., Carr, V., Barnett, D., & Boat, M. (2013 ) Measuring number sense in preschool children Teaching children mathematics: Preschool and kindergarten .Reston, VA, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Invited Presentations
Moomaw, S. (06-2006. ) Curriculum based measurement: Promoting progress for ALL children in preschool .NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, San Antonio, TX.
Moomaw, S. (06-2006. ) Literacy & mathematics content standards .Kentucky Early Childhood Summer Institute at Lexington Convention Center, Lexington, KY.
Moomaw, S. (02-2006. ) Mathematics training module .Action for Children - Video Conference at The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Columbus, OH.
Moomaw, S. (09-2005. ) Literacy & mathematics content standards .Early Childhood Teacher Academy at Morehead State University, Ashland, KY.
Moomaw, S. (05-2005. ) Ohio early learning math tool kit .Ohio Department of Education Early Childhood Conference at the Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH.
Moomaw, Sally (2005. ) Math & literacy content standards .University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Moomaw, S. (2005. ) Mathematics Standards .Ohio Department of Education conference,
Moomaw, S. (11-2008. ) Early learning outcomes in science .New Mexico Dept. of Education PreK Institute, Albuquerque, NM.
Moomaw, S. (03-2009. ) Measuring number sense in young children .Kentucky Center for Mathematics Numeracy Conference, Louisville, KY.
Moomaw, Sally (2003. ) Lessons from Turtle Island .National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Chicago, IL.
Moomaw, S. (02-2011. ) The development of addition in young children .Kentucky Center for Mathematics Numeracy Conference, Lexington, KY.
Carnahan, C., & Moomaw, S. (04-2012. ) Math instruction for students with autism spectrum disorder .Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Moomaw, S. (04-2011. ) Assessing the difficulty level of math board games for young children .American Education Research Association National Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Moomaw, S. (04-2011. ) STEM comes to preschool .Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Moomaw, S., & Davis, J. (11-2010. ) STEM comes to preschool .National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.
Moomaw, S. (05-2010. ) Use of numeric and non-numeric symbols by preschool children in early addition .American Education Research Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
Moomaw, S. (04-2010. ) Measuring number sense in preschool children through a curriculum-based measure .National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Moomaw, S. (04-2009. ) Measuring number sense in preschool children .American Education Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Moomaw, S., & Carr, VW (04-2009. ) Measuring number sense in children with and without disabilities .Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Moomaw, S. (11-2011. ) Addition in kindergarten: How various symbol systems help or hinder young mathematicians .National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Moomaw, S. (04-2013. ) STEM comes to preschool .National Science Teachers Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Moomaw, S. (04-2013. ) Mathematics curriculum-based assessment and instruction in low income preschools .American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Moomaw, S. (11-2012. ) Use of numeric and non-numeric symbols in early addition .National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Chicago, IL.
Moomaw, S. (06-2008. ) Connecting math and literacy to content standards .Presented at the Kentucky Early Childhood Summer Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Moomaw, S. & Jones, G. W. (11-2006. ) Lessons from Turtle Island .Presented at the NAEYC National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Moomaw, S. & Carr, V. W (06-2006. ) Curriculum-based measurement: Promoting progress for all children in preschool .Presented at the NAEYC 15th National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, San Antonio, TX.
Carr, V. W., Boat, M. B., Barnett, D., Moomaw, S., Nichols, A., & Pan, W. (06-2006. ) Child assessment and outcomes: Head Start Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORS) .Presented at the National Head Start Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Moomaw, S. (04-2006. ) The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) Math Tool Kit .Presented as a Pre-Conference, for credit seminar at the Ohio Associaiton for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
Carr, V. W., Boat, M. B., Barnett, D., Moomaw, S., Nichols, A., & Pan, W. (11-2004. ) Act 2: Teacher development in Head Start .Presented at the Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Teacher Education National Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Jones, G. W. & Moomaw, S. (10-2003. ) Native American curriculum: Understanding our similarities and papreciating our differences .Presented at the Utah State Department of Education Regional Teacher Conference, Mohab, UT.
Paper Presentations
Moomaw, S. (11-2008. ) Early learning outcomes in science .Albuquerque, MN.
Moomaw, S. (11-2008. ) Finally! Developmentally and individually appropriate assessment .Dallax, TX.
Moomaw, S. (04-2009. ) Measuring number sense in children with and without disabilities .Seattle, WA.
Moomaw, S. (04-2009. ) Measuring number sense in young children .San Diego, CA.
Moomaw, S. (10-03-2009. ) Keynote Address: My Lessons from Turtle Island .Fairbanks, AK. Conference. Level:National
Moomaw, S. (05-03-2010. ) Use of numeric and non-numeric symbols by preschool children in early addition .Denver, CO. Conference. Level:National
Moomaw, S. (04-22-2010. ) Measuring number sense in preschool children through a curriculum-based measure .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National
Moomaw, Sally (04-14-2012. ) Math Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders .Denver, CO. Conference.
Moomaw, Sally (04-19-2012. ) Meeting Mathematics Standards is More Than Counting .Columbus, OH.
Moomaw, Sally (04-19-2012. ) Literacy is More than Letters .Columbus, OH.
Honors and Awards
2012 CECH Golden Apple Award for Superior Instruction, as determined by student vote
2011 CECH Golden Apple Award for Superior Instruction, as determined by student vote
2010 CECH Golden Apple Award for Superior Instruction, as determined by student vote
2009 CECH Golden Apple Award for Superior Instruction, as determined by student vote
2011 Senior Class Officers Commencement Award, for helping students reach their educational goals at UC
2007 Ohioana Library Association Author Award, for the book Get Ready for Math!
2003 Myers Outstanding Book Award, presented by the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights in North America, for co-authoring Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
2003 Outstanding Book Honor, from Skipping Stones International Multicultural Magazine for Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
2012 Learning Magazine Teacher's Choice Award, for the book More Than Counting, Standards Edition
Professional Affiliation
05-2011 -To Present: Associate Editor Journal-School Science and Mathematics. This is a refereed research journal for the School Science and Mathematics Association.
2012: Professional Award Teachers' Choice Award for 2011, for the book More Than Counting, Standards Edition. Learning Magazine.