Sean Moore
Childrens Hospital Bldg R
COM Pediatrics Gastroenterology - 0054
Professional Summary
The long-term goal of our laboratory is to discover underlying mechanisms of child undernutrition and diarrhea in developing countries and improve therapies to break their vicious cycle. Current areas of emphasis include mechanisms of glutamine-based oral rehydration and nutrition therapy for tropical/environmental enteropathy in children (Fogarty International Center/NIH, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), generating wild type and transgenice mouse models of tropical/environmental enteropathy to understand the reduced efficacy of enteric vaccines in the developing world (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), and elucidating network dynamics of circadian rhythms, cell cycle, metabolism, and DNA damage response in intestinal epithelial cells (DARPA). I have longstanding involvement with epidemiologic studies of childhood diarrhea and undernutrition in Northeastern Brazil, a laboratory background in intestinal epithelial biology, and provide clinical care to children with digestive diseases at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
B.A: Asbury College Wilmore, KY, 1996 (Chemistry & Biology, magna cum laude )
M.S.: University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA, 1998 (Epidemiology )
M.D.: Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD, 2003
Residency in Pediatrics: Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville, TN, 2006 ( )
Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Nashville, TN, 2009 (Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition )
Positions and Work Experience
1998 -1999 Research Associate, University of Virginia, Division of Geographic Medicine
2007 -2009 Clinical Instructor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
2009 -To Present Assistant Professor, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition; Center for Global Child Health
Research Support
Grant: #1K02 TW008767 Investigators:Independent Scientist in Global Health Award 09-22-2011 -09-30-2016 NIH/Fogarty International Center Mechanisms of alanyl-glutamine for malnutrition enteropathy
Grant: # 2K12HD028827 Investigators:Child Health Research Development Award, CCHMC 07-01-2009 -06-30-2011 NIH/NICHD Alanyl-glutamine-mediated intestinal homeostasis
Grant: #5K12HD000850 Investigators:Pediatric Scientist Development Program, AMSPDC 07-01-2007 -06-30-2009 NIH/NICHD Mechanisms of alanyl-glutamine oral rehydration and nutrition therapy.
Grant: #CHDNF/NASPGHAN Foundation Investigators:Sean Moore, MD 11-15-2011 -11-14-2013 CHDNF/NASPGHAN Foundation Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Alanyl-Glutamine Oral Rehydration and Nutrition Therapy
Grant: #K02TW008767 Investigators:Sean Moore, MD 09-16-2011 -07-30-2016 Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Alanyl-Glutamin Oral Rehydration and Nutrition Therapy
Grant: #Bill Gates Foundation Investigators:Sean Moore, MD 11-01-2011 -04-30-2013 Bill Gates Foundation Generate a mouse model of environmental enteropathy.
Grant: #DARPA Investigators:Sean Moore, MD 01-01-2012 -12-31-2015 DARPA Uncovering general principles of network dynamic of circadian rhythms, cell cycle, DNA damage response and metabolism in interconnected modules.
Grant: #grant #OPP1092957 Investigators:Simon Hogan, Stacey Huppert, Sean Moore (PI) 09-01-2013 -08-31-2015 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global and liver-specific knockout of pigr to generate environmental enteropathy in mice Role:PI $165,000 Pending Type:Grant
Grant: #U19 AI116491 Investigators:Hong, Christian; Moore, Sean; Weiss, Alison; Wells, James; Zavros, Yana 03-01-2015 -02-29-2020 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Organoids as a Model System for Studying Gastrointestinal Disease Role:Collaborator $931,304.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Guerrant, Richard L; Kosek, Margaret; Moore, Sean; Lorntz, Breyette; Brantley, Richard; Lima, Aldo A M Magnitude and impact of diarrheal diseases. Archives of medical research, , 33 (4 ) ,351-5
Guerrant, D I; Moore, S R; Lima, A A; Patrick, P D; Schorling, J B; Guerrant, R L (1999. ) Association of early childhood diarrhea and cryptosporidiosis with impaired physical fitness and cognitive function four-seven years later in a poor urban community in northeast Brazil. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, , 61 (5 ) ,707-13
Newman, R D; Sears, C L; Moore, S R; Nataro, J P; Wuhib, T; Agnew, D A; Guerrant, R L; Lima, A A (1999. ) Longitudinal study of Cryptosporidium infection in children in northeastern Brazil.The Journal of infectious diseases, , 180 (1 ) ,167-75 More Information
Guerrant, R L; Lima, A A; Barboza, M; Young, S; Silva, T; Barrett, L; Bao, Y; Fox, J; Moore, S (1999. ) Mechanisms and impact of enteric infections. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, , 473 ,103-12
Lima, A A; Moore, S R; Barboza, M S; Soares, A M; Schleupner, M A; Newman, R D; Sears, C L; Nataro, J P; Fedorko, D P; Wuhib, T; Schorling, J B; Guerrant, R L (2000. ) Persistent diarrhea signals a critical period of increased diarrhea burdens and nutritional shortfalls: a prospective cohort study among children in northeastern Brazil.The Journal of infectious diseases, , 181 (5 ) ,1643-51 More Information
Moore, S R; Lima, A A; Schorling, J B; Barboza, M S; Soares, A M; Guerrant, R L (2000. ) Changes over time in the epidemiology of diarrhea and malnutrition among children in an urban Brazilian shantytown, 1989 to 1996. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, , 4 (4 ) ,179-86
Niehaus, Mark D; Moore, Sean R; Patrick, Peter D; Derr, Lori L; Lorntz, Breyette; Lima, Aldo A; Guerrant, Richard L (2002. ) Early childhood diarrhea is associated with diminished cognitive function 4 to 7 years later in children in a northeast Brazilian shantytown. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, , 66 (5 ) ,590-3
Lorntz, Breyette; Soares, Alberto M; Moore, Sean R; Pinkerton, Relana; Gansneder, Bruce; Bovbjerg, Victor E; Guyatt, Helen; Lima, Aldo M; Guerrant, Richard L (2006. ) Early childhood diarrhea predicts impaired school performance.The Pediatric infectious disease journal, , 25 (6 ) ,513-20 More Information
Moore, Sean R; Lorntz, Breyette; Lima, Aldo A M; Guerrant, Richard L (2007. ) Risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries.Lancet, , 369 (9564 ) ,824-5 More Information
Guerrant, Richard L; Oriá, Reinaldo B; Moore, Sean R; Oriá, Mônica O B; Lima, Aldo A M (2008. ) Malnutrition as an enteric infectious disease with long-term effects on child development.Nutrition reviews, , 66 (9 ) ,487-505 More Information
Checkley, William; Buckley, Gillian; Gilman, Robert H; Assis, Ana Mo; Guerrant, Richard L; Morris, Saul S; Mølbak, Kåre; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Lanata, Claudio F; Black, Robert E (2008. ) Multi-country analysis of the effects of diarrhoea on childhood stunting.International journal of epidemiology, , 37 (4 ) ,816-30 More Information
Crawford, Lane C; Crawford, Mark L; Moore, Sean R (2010. ) Hemolytic-uremic syndrome in a grandmother.Emerging infectious diseases, , 16 (11 ) ,1792-5 More Information
Moore, Sean R; Lima, Noélia L; Soares, Alberto M; Oriá, Reinaldo B; Pinkerton, Relana C; Barrett, Leah J; Guerrant, Richard L; Lima, Aldo A M (2010. ) Prolonged episodes of acute diarrhea reduce growth and increase risk of persistent diarrhea in children.Gastroenterology, , 139 (4 ) ,1156-64 More Information
Ueno, Priscilla M; Oriá, Reinaldo B; Maier, Elizabeth A; Guedes, Marjorie; de Azevedo, Orleancio G; Wu, David; Willson, Tara; Hogan, Simon P; Lima, Aldo A M; Guerrant, Richard L; Polk, D Brent; Denson, Lee A; Moore, Sean R (2011. ) Alanyl-glutamine promotes intestinal epithelial cell homeostasis in vitro and in a murine model of weanling undernutrition.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 301 (4 ) ,G612-22 More Information
Schlaudecker, Elizabeth P; Steinhoff, Mark C; Moore, Sean R (2011. ) Interactions of diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition in childhood: recent evidence from developing countries.Current opinion in infectious diseases, , 24 (5 ) ,496-502 More Information
Moore, Sean R; Lima, Aldo A M; Guerrant, Richard L (2011. ) Infection: Preventing 5 million child deaths from diarrhea in the next 5 years.Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology, , 8 (7 ) ,363-4 More Information
Moore, Sean R (2011. ) Update on prolonged and persistent diarrhea in children.Current opinion in gastroenterology, , 27 (1 ) ,19-23 More Information
Scott JR, Schurh S, Moore S, Wilkins CL (1997. ) Evaluation of MALDI-FTMS for analysis of peptide mixtrues generated by ladder sequencing. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, , 160: 291-301 ,
Quadro L, Gamble MV, Vogel S, Lima AA, Piantedosi R, Moore SR, Colantuoni V, Gottesman ME, Guerrant RL, Blaner WS (2000. ) Retinol and retinol-binding protein: gut integrity and circulating immunoglobulins. Journal of Infectious Diseases , , 182 Supplement 1: S97-S102 ,
Moore SR, Lima AA, Conaway MR, Schorling JB, Soares AM, Guerrant RL (2001. ) Early childhood diarrhea and helminthiases associate with long-term linear growth faltering. .International Journal of Epidemiology, , 30: 1457-64 ,
Newman RD, Moore SR, Lima AA, Nataro JP, Guerrant RL, Sears CL (2001. ) A longitudinal study of Giardia lamblia infection in northeast Brazilian children. .Tropical Medicine and International Health, , 6: 624-34 ,
Pinkerton RC, Oria RB, Oria MOB, Patrick PD, Wiseman BL, Lima AAM, Moore SR, Niehaus MD Guerrant RL Early childhood diarrhea predicts cognitive delays in later childhood independently of malnutrition (sumitted).
Richard SA, Black RE, Gilman RH, Guerrant RL, Kang G, Lanata CF, Molbak K, Rasmussen ZA, Sack RB, Valentiner-Branth P, Checkley W, Moore SR, Lima AAM, Pinkerton RC, Aaby P, Cabrera LZ, Bern CI, Sterling CR, Epstein LD, Moulton L, Perch M Fischer TK, Sommerfelt H, Steinsland H, Verastegui H Wasting is associated with stunting in early childhood. Journal of Nutrition, , (142 ) ,1291-96
Moore ST, Vallance J, Maier EA, Weage K, Henry J, Shroyer NF Glutamine and alanyl-glutamine promote Lgr5 stem cell activation and crypt proliferation in mouse intestinal organoids.
Guerrant, Richard L; DeBoer, Mark D; Moore, Sean R; Scharf, Rebecca J; Lima, Aldo A M (2013. ) The impoverished gut--a triple burden of diarrhoea, stunting and chronic disease.Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology, , 10 (4 ) ,220-9 More Information
Richard, Stephanie A; Black, Robert E; Gilman, Robert H; Guerrant, Richard L; Kang, Gagandeep; Lanata, Claudio F; Mølbak, Kåre; Rasmussen, Zeba A; Sack, R Bradley; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Checkley, William (2012. ) Wasting is associated with stunting in early childhood.The Journal of nutrition, , 142 (7 ) ,1291-6 More Information
Dykes, Dana M H; Moore, Sean R; Polk, D Brent; Rosen, Michael J; Wills, Marcia L; Morris, Brian; Maclin, Jeanine S; Nogueira, Janaina; Katz, Avi; Hunley, Tracey E; Pugh, Judith; Saeed, Shehzad (2012. ) Mycophenolate mofetil-related enterocolitis and weight loss: a pediatric case series.Case reports in pediatrics, , 2012 ,624168 More Information
Honors and Awards
1993 -1996 Presidential Scholar, Asbury College
1995 National Science Foundation REU, University of California-Riverside
1996 Kenyon Science Award (top departmental honors), Asbury College
1999 Best Poster, University of Virginia Department of Medicine Research Day
2000 Marcia Anderson Memorial Scholarship, Johns Hopkins University
2002 Henry M. Seidel, M.D. Scholarship, Johns Hopkins University
2002 B.H. Kean Traveling Fellowship in Tropical Medicine, ASTMH
2004 Teaching & Tomorrow Travel Award, NASPGHAN
2006 Vanderbilt Center for the Americas Graduate Scholar Award
2007 -2009 Pediatric Scientist Development Program Award, NIH/NICHD
2007 -2011 NIH Pediatric Research Loan Repayment Program, NIDDK
2008 Young Investigator Travel Award, NASPGHAN
2009 -2011 Cincinnati Children’s Child Health Research Career Development Award, NIH/NICHD
2011 -2016 Independent Scientist in Global Health Award, NIH/Fogarty International Center