Kara Moranski

Kara Nicole Moranski

Asst Professor

Old Chemistry Building


A&S Romance & Arabic Languages & Literat - 0377

Professional Summary

Dr. Kara Moranski teaches Spanish and foreign language education courses in the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures. She uses her training in both applied linguistics and educational statistics to conduct curricular research, investigating what is working in contemporary language classes in K-12 and postsecondary settings. Her recent work has focused on flipped learning models and metacognitive instruction to promote peer interaction. Her research has appeared in Foreign Language Annals, The Modern Language Journal, and Applied Linguistics. 


Ph.D.: Temple University (Hispanic Linguistics)

M.S.: University of Pennsylvania (Statistics, Measurement, & Research)

M.A.: Temple University (Spanish, concentration Second Language Acquisition)

B.A.: University of Pittsburgh (Hispanic Languages and Literatures)

Research and Practice Interests

Metacognition and language learning
Quantitative methods for classroom research
Peer interaction and social determinants of language learning
Active/flipped learning models
Language learning in domestic immersion (DI) contexts 

Research Support

Grant: #P229A220021 Investigators:Moranski, Kara; Godoy-Peñas, Juan; Lingwall Odio, Anne 08-15-2022 -08-14-2026 Department of Education Curricular Enhancement, Development, Access, and Research Language Resource Center Role:PI $178,986 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #P017A230042 Investigators:Moranski, Kara 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 Department of Education Making Sense in Virtual Environments: Sensory Research in Virtual Reality for Language Learners Role:PI $96,314.00

Investigators:Moranski, K. & Vojtko-Rubí, J. 2020 University of Cincinnati College of Arts & Sciences Innovation Grant $15,000 Active

Grant: #2019 Res. Priorities Initiative Investigators:Moranski, Kara 09-01-2019 -08-31-2020 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction for Interactional Feedback During Text Chat Role:PI $2,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #2018 ECR Grant Investigators:Gutierrez, Carlos; Moranski, Kara 07-01-2018 -06-30-2019 Language Learning The Impact of Meta-Cognitive Instruction on Learner-Learner Interaction Role:PI $8,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:Moranski, K., Vojtko-Rubí, J., Migraine-George, T. 2018 -2019 Office of the Provost Group/Interdisciplinary Award for "Expanding the impact of foreign language education in the Greater Cincinnati Area" $11,600 Completed


Peer Reviewed Publications

Moranski, K., Godoy-Peñas, J., Issa, B., Faretta-Stutenberg, M., & Bowden, H. W. (2023. ) Spanish L2 Development in a Short-Term Domestic Immersion Program.Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, , 35 (1 ) ,345 -391More Information

Moranski, K., & Zalbidea, J. (2022. ) Context and generalizability in multisite L2 classroom research: The impact of deductive versus guided inductive instruction.Language Learning, , 72 (S1 ) ,41 -82More Information

Moranski, K., & Ziegler, N. (2021. ) A case for multisite second language acquisition research: Challenges, risks, and rewards.Language Learning, , 71 (1 ) ,204 -242More Information

Ziegler, N., Moranski, K., Smith, G., & Phung, H. (2020. ) Metacognitive instruction and interactional feedback in a computer-mediated environment.TESL Canada, , 37 (2 ) ,210-233 More Information

Toth, P., & Moranski, K. (2018. ) Why haven’t we solved instructed SLA? A sociocognitive account .Foreign Language Annals, , 51 (1 ) ,73 -89

Moranski, K. & Henery, A. (2017. ) Helping learners orient to the inverted or flipped language classroom: Mediation via informational video .Foreign Language Annals, , 50 (2 ) ,285 -305

Moranski, K. & Kim, F. (2016. ) "Flipping" lessons in a multi-section Spanish course: Implications for assigning explicit grammar instruction outside of the classroom .The Modern Language Journal, , 100 (4 ) ,830 -852

Toth, P.D., Wagner, E.M., & Moranski, K. (2013. ) “Co-constructing” explicit L2 knowledge with high school Spanish learners through guided induction .Applied Linguistics, , 34 (3 ) ,279-303

Book Chapter

García, P. N., & Moranski, K. (2023 ) Enseñanza-Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Sociocultural. Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2 .(pp. 63 -82).Routledge

Moranski, K. & Toth, P. (2016 ) Small-group meta-analytic talk and Spanish L2 development Peer interaction and second language learning: Pedagogical potential and research agenda .(pp. 291 -316).Philadelphia & Amsterdam, John Benjamins

Toth, P.D., Moranski, K., Shaffer, A., Mattson-Prieto, R. (2020 ) Languaging and grammatical terminology: Expressing linguistic concepts while co-constructing understandings Languaging in language learning and teaching: A collection of empirical studies .(pp. 67 -90).Amsterdam, John Benjamins


Paper Presentations

Ziegler, N. & Moranski, K. (03-27-2018. ) A cross-linguistic approach for metacognitive instruction on interactional feedback in the L2 classroom: Findings from a mixed methods design .Chicago, Illinois.

Toth, P. & Moranski, K. (03-25-2018. ) Why haven’t we solved instructed SLA?: A sociocognitive account .Chicago, Illinois.

Henery, A. & Moranski, K. (10-20-2017. ) Helping learners orient to the inverted language classroom: Mediation via informational video .Portland, Oregon.

Moranski, K., & Ziegler, N. (10-13-2017. ) The effects of metacognitive instruction on interactional feedback: Insights from a mixed methods approach. The Ohio State University.

Toth, P., Moranski, K., & Gil-Berrio, Y. (03-21-2017. ) The impact of pragmatics-related episodes on language-related episodes in L2 Spanish peer interaction .Portland, Oregon.

Toth, P., Moranski, K., & Gil-Berrio, Y. (09-22-2016. ) Social and instructional determinants of peer interaction among adolescent L2 Spanish learners. Columbia University, New York.

Moranski, K. (04-09-2016. ) A multilevel regression model for an application of inverted (‘flipped’) classroom pedagogy and variables of learner affect .Orlando, Florida.

Moranski, K (03-25-2015. ) A large-scale randomized study of the impact of ‘inverting’ or ‘flipping’ the Spanish foreign-language classroom .Toronto, Canada.

Toth, P., Moranski, K., & Gil-Berrio, Y. (03-24-2015. ) The individual and social impact of meta-analytic talk on L2 Spanish accuracy and use .Toronto, Canada.

Honors and Awards

2022 Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring Award from University of Cincinnati Office of Research and Office of the Provost Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition

2022 RALL Graduate Professor of the Year, Spanish Section awarded by graduate students Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition

2022 Taft Research Center Fellowship Charles Phelps Taft Research Center, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Fellowship

Professional Affiliation

Member, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL),

Member, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP),

Contact Information
