Caroline Morrison

Caroline Frances Morrison , PHD

Assoc Professor

University Hall


CON Nursing - 0038

Professional Summary

Dr. Morrison completed a 10-year tenure at Cincinnati Children’s, which included a postdoctoral fellowship in treatment adherence and self-management (T32 HD068223, NICHD). Her research foci are self-management and symptom management in stem cell transplant (SCT) and oncology. In September 2017, Dr. Morrison joined the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing as tenure-track faculty investigating factors that influence symptom development and persistence in SCT using a biobehavioral model, and how that in turn influences self-management, treatment outcomes, and quality of life. Dr. Morrison is co-PI on a project Symptomology of Survivors of Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant, a cross-sectional descriptive study to provide a baseline understanding of the prevalence and factors associated with ongoing symptomology in survivors of pediatric SCT. Data from this study are currently being published. Dr. Morrison was also awarded two grants from the Oncology Nursing Foundation and the University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute Surivvorship program to complete pilot research in self-management and symptoms of adult survivors of SCT. In working with adult oncology populations, health disparities in treatment-related outcomes such as symptoms and functional status have also become an interest and will be a focus of future work.


Bachelor of Science: Purdue University West Lafayette, IN, 2002 (Focus: General Health Science Minor: Psychology )

Master of Science in Nursing: Xavier University Cincinnati, OH, 2007 (Clinical Nurse Leader)

Doctorate of Philosophy: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2016 (Nursing Research)

Positions and Work Experience

09-2017 -08-2023 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2016 -2017 Postdoctoral Fellow (T32 HD068223, NICHD), Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

2011 -2016 Evidence-Based Practice Facilitator, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

2007 -2014 Registered Nurse, Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Immune Deficiency Unit, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

08-2023 -To Present Associate Professor, Associate Professor with Tenure, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, Ohio

Research Support

Grant: #JPB-2014-56-A Investigators:Caroline F. Morrison 02-02-2015 -02-02-2016 DAISY Foundation Research Grant Adolescent and Young Adult Management of Care Regimen Post Stem Cell Transplant Role:Principal Investigator (Dissertation) 5000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University

Grant: #No grant # (CCHMC) Investigators:Caroline F. Morrison 07-29-2011 -07-28-2013 Carolyn Stoll Research Fund Staff Registered Nurses on the Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit: Their Practice and Self-Care Needs Role:Principal Investigator 927 Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #ORF grant Investigators:Lambert, Joshua; Morrison, Caroline 01-15-2019 -01-15-2021 Oncology Nursing Society Foundation Self-Management Behaviors and Quality of Life in Adults Post Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Role:PI $24,985.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:Morrison, Caroline F.; Lambert, Joshua 03-2019 -02-2021 University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute Survivorship Program Factors Contributing to Symptoms of Survivors of Adult Blood and Marrow Transplant Role:PI $50,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University

Grant: #2UL1TR001425 Investigators:Morrison, Caroline; Wu, Danny; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Wells, Anjanette 04-24-2023 -03-31-2024 NCATS/NIH-CCTST Cancer Center Sociodemographic ReAdmission Disparities (CCS-RAD) Role:PI 1,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University

Investigators:Wu, Danny; Morrison, Caroline; Hsu, Wei-Wen; Wells, Anjanette 07-01-2023 -12-31-2024 College of Medicine Research Innovation Pilot Grant Impact of social determinants of health on unplanned 30-day readmissions for breast cancer patients Role:Co-Investigator 30,000 Active Type:Grant Level:College


Published Abstracts

Caroline F. Morrison (2016. ) Adolescent/young adult self-management framework: Preliminary results and practice implications .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 22 (3 ) ,S471-472

Morrison, C. & Morris, E. (2014. ) Practices and experiences of nurses working on a pediatric bone marrow transplant unit .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 20 (2 ) ,S101

Mott, B., Horgan, K., Flesch, L., Hayward, M., Demmel, K., Morrison, C. (2014. ) Moving a bone marrow transplant unit towards a high reliability unit .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 20 (2 ) ,S305

Morrison, C.F., Flesch, L., Pai, A.L., Longo, A., Duane, C., & Donnelly, M. (2013. ) Therapeutic relationship education on a pediatric bone marrow transplant and immunology unit .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 19 (2 ) ,S364-365

Morrison, C.F. & Morris, E. (2013. ) Staff registered nurses on the blood and marrow transplant unit: Their practice and self-care needs .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 19 (2 ) ,S371

Caroline F. Morrison (2012. ) Retention and satisfaction on BMT: An evidence-based practice project .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18 (2 ) ,S385

Morrison, C.F., Collins, S., Kent, D., Wehage, S., Sandfoss, E., McElhinney, A., …Hayward, M. (2012. ) Blood sparing protocol for blood draws via a central access device .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18 (2 ) ,S386

Morrison, C.F., Kiniyalocts, S., Lewyckyj, M., McEnroe, A., Nixon, D., Thomas, N.,… Borich, A. (2012. ) Primary nursing model and bone marrow transplant .[Abstract]Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 18 (2 ) ,S386

Peer Reviewed Publications

Morrison, C.F., Pai, A.L.H., & Martsolf, D.M. (2018. ) Facilitators and Barriers to Self-Management for Adolescents and Young Adults Following a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant.Journal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses, , 35 (1 ) ,36-42 More Information

Pai, A.L.H., Rausch, J., Drake, S., Morrison, C.F., Lee, J.L., Nelson, A., Tackett, A., Berger, S., Szulczewski, L., & Davies, S. (2017. ) Poor Adherence Is Associated with More Infections after Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant.Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, , More Information

Marsolo, K., Shuman, B., Nix, J., Morrison, C.F., Mullins, L., & Pai, A. (2017. ) Reducing Parental Uncertainty Around Childhood Cancer: Implementation Decisions and Design Trade-Offs in Developing an Electronic Health Record-Linked Mobile App.JMIR research protocols, , 6 (6 ) ,1-9 More Information

Morrison, C.F. & Morris, E.J. (2017. ) The Practices and Meanings of Care for Nurses Working on a Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Unit.Journal of pediatric oncology nursing : official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses, , 34 (3 ) ,214-221 More Information

Morrison, C.F., Martsolf, D., Wehrkamp, N., Tehan, R., & Pai, A.L.H. (2017. ) Medication Adherence in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Review of the Literature.Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, , 23 (4 ) ,562-568 More Information

Morrison, C.F., Szulczewski, L., Strahlendorf, L.F., Lane, J.B., Mullins, L.L., & Pai, A.L. (2016. ) Designing Technology to Address Parent Uncertainty in Childhood Cancer.ANS. Advances in nursing science, , 39 (1 ) ,15-25 More Information

Tubbs-Cooley, Heather L; Martsolf, Donna S; Pickler, Rita H; Morrison, Caroline F; Wardlaw, Cassie E (2013. ) Development of a regional nursing research partnership for academic and practice collaborations.Nursing research and practice, , 2013 ,1-6 More Information

Morrison, C.F., Martsolf, D.M., Borich, A., Coleman, K., Ramirez, P., Wehrkamp, N., Woebkenberg, K., & Pai, A.L.H. (2017. ) Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Self-management by Adolescents and Young Adults After a Stem Cell Transplant.Cancer nursing, , More Information

McGrady, Meghan E; Holbein, Christina E; Smith, Aimee W; Morrison, Caroline F; Hommel, Kevin A; Modi, Avani C; Pai, Ahna L H; Ramsey, Rachelle R (2018. ) An Independent Evaluation of the Accuracy and Usability of Electronic Adherence Monitoring Devices.Annals of internal medicine, , More Information

Basile, Nathan L; Chardon, Marie L; Peugh, James; Edwards, Clayton S; Szulczewski, Lauren; Morrison, Caroline F; Nagarajan, Rajaram; El-Sheikh, Ayman; Chaney, John M; Pai, Ahna L H; Mullins, Larry L (2021. ) Relationship Between Caregiver Uncertainty, Problem-Solving, and Psychological Adjustment in Pediatric Cancer.Journal of pediatric psychology, , 46 (10 ) ,1258-1266 More Information

Marsolo K.; Shuman W.; Nix J.; Morrison C.F.; Mullins L.L.; Pai A.L.H. (06-01-2017. ) Reducing parental uncertainty around childhood cancer: Implementation decisions and design trade-off.JMIR Research Protocols, , 6 (6 ) , More Information

Szovati, Stephanie; Morrison, Caroline F; Couch, Sarah C (2023. ) Nutritional Status of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients and Post-transplant Outcomes.Nutrition and cancer, , 75 (4 ) ,1200-1210 More Information

Klages, Kimberly L; Chardon, Marie L; Drake, Sarah N; Myers, Kasiani C; Morrison, Caroline F; Pai, Ahna L H (2022. ) Pain, depressive symptoms, and health-related quality of life among survivors of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant.Pediatric blood & cancer, , 69 (10 ) ,e29846 More Information

Morrison, Caroline F; Drake, Sarah; Basile, Nathan L; Horn, Mary Jane; Lambert, Joshua; Myers, Kasiani C; Pai, Ahna L H (2022. ) Symptoms of Survivors of Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant by Age, Sex, and Transplant Type.Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology nursing, , 39 (5 ) ,277-289 More Information


Invited Presentations

Morrison, C. (10-2022. ) Challenging conversations with patients. American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Clinical Education Conference, Miami, FL. Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Morrison, C.F. & Bader, K.W. (07-2022. ) Qualitative findings on symptom profiles of adult survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplant .33rd Sigma International Nursing Research Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland. Conference. . Level:International

Poster Presentations

Caroline F. Morrison (03-19-2016. ) A self-management framework for adolescents/ young adults following a stem cell transplant .Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI. . Level:National

Caroline F. Morrison (02-21-2016. ) Adolescent and young adult self-management framework: Preliminary results and practice implications .American Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation Tandem Conference, Honolulu, HI. . Level:National

Caroline F. Morrison (03-29-2014. ) Practices and experiences of nurses working on a pediatric bone marrow transplant unit .Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. . Level:National

Caroline F. Morrison,Collins, S., Sandfoss, E., McElhinney, A., Sparks, A., Hayward, M., … & Eschelman-Kent, D (02-04-2012. ) Blood sparing protocol for blood draws via a central access device .American Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation Tandem Conference, San Diego, CA. . Level:National

Caroline F. Morrison, Kiniyalocts, S., Borich, A., Lewyckyj, M., McEnroe, A., Best, D., … & Shelton, C. (02-04-2012. ) Primary nursing model and bone marrow transplant .American Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation Tandem Conference, San Diego, CA. . Level:National

Caroline F. Morrison (02-04-2012. ) Save the nurses: Retention and satisfaction on BMT. An evidence-based practice project .American Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation Tandem Conference, San Diego, CA. . Level:National

Rachel Fisher, B.S., B.A., Ahna L. Pai, Ph.D. Katherine A. Traino, B.S., Caroline F. Morrison, Ph.D., RN, Lauren L. Szulczewski, PsyD, Taylor M. Dattilo, B.A., Aaron Cecil-Xavier, Sunnye Mayes, Ph.D., ABPP, Rene McNall, M.D., John M. Chaney, Ph.D., Larry L. Mullins, Ph.D. (05-2021. ) Sociodemographic Factors and Distress in Lone Parents of Children with Cancer: A Replication and Extension .Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, virtual. . Conference. . Level:International

Alqahtani, J., Miller, E., Morrison, C., Kreitzer, N., & Bakas, T. (04-2022. ) Needs and concerns of family caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors: An integrative review. Midwest Nursing Research Society 46th Annual Research Conference, Schaumberg, IL. . Conference. . Level:Regional

Klages, K., Chardon, M.L., Drake, S.N., Myers, K.C., Morrison, C.F., & Pai, A.L.H. (05-2022. ) Pain, depressive symptoms, and global health among survivors of pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant. 2022 US Association for the Study of Pain Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. . Conference. . Level:National

Couch, S., Morrison, C.F., & Szovati, S. (10-2022. ) Nutritional status of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients and post-transplant outcomes .2022 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, Orlando, FL. . Level:National

Couch, S., Morrison, C.F., & Szovati, S, (10-09-2022. ) Nutritional status of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients and post-transplant outcomes .2022 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, Orlando, FL. . Conference. . Level:National

Almallah, W.R., Bakas, T., Shaughnessy, E., & Morrison, C.F. (03-31-2023. ) The Factors and beliefs affecting women diagnosed with breast cancer to initiate cancer treatment: A systematic review. .Midwest Nursing Research Society 47th Annual Research Conference, Des Moines, IA. . Conference. . Level:Regional

Alqahtani, J., Morrison, C., Kreitzer, N., Miller, E., & Bakas, T. (10-2023. ) Family caregiver experiences with neurobehavioral changes in TBI survivors: A qualitative exploration of needs and concerns. .The 100th Annual Conference of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta, GA. . Conference. . Level:National

Morrison, C.F., Lambert, J., & Pai, A.L.H. (04-25-2024. ) Immunosuppressant Adherence in Adults Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant. The 49th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Washington, D.C.. . Conference. . Level:International

Paper Presentations

Caroline F. Morrison (03-01-2014. ) Practices and experiences of nurses working on a pediatric bone marrow transplant unit .Dallas, TX. Conference. Level:National

Caroline F. Morrison (11-01-2014. ) “Life as we know it” Uncovering the culture of BMT nursing .Covington, KY. Conference. Level:Regional

Caroline F. Morrison, Long, L.E., & Kinstler, A. (04-01-2010. ) An evidence-based practice project: Peripheral vesicant chemotherapy administration .University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN. Conference. Level:Regional

Caroline F. Morrison (10-19-2016. ) Self-management for adolescents and young adults following a stem cell transplant .Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:Local

Caroline F. Morrison (06-23-2016. ) Self-management for adolescents and young adults following a stem cell transplant .University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH. UC. Level:Local

Caroline F. Morrison (06-20-2013. ) Practices and experiences of nurses working on a pediatric bone marrow transplant unit .Cincinnati Children’s, Cincinnati, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:Local

Caroline F. Morrison (06-10-2010. ) An evidence-based practice project: Peripheral vesicant chemotherapy administration .Phoenix, AZ. Conference. Level:University

Morrison, Caroline; Drake, Sarah; Pai, Ahna (05-2021. ) Adolescent/Young Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivor and Caregiver Mental Health .virtual. Conference. Level:International

Othman, M., Morrison, C., & Zhang, B. (11-2023. ) Antecedents of cancer related fatigue (CRF) in pediatric oncology. .San Antonio, TX. Conference. Level:International

Morrison, C.F. & Bader, K.W. (07-22-2022. ) Qualitative findings on symptom profiles of adult survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Edinburgh, Scotland. Conference. Level:International

Honors and Awards

2015 -2016 Graduate Incentive Award Scholarship Status:Recipient Level:University

2014 -2016 Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar Status:Recipient Level:University

2012 -2014 University Graduate Scholarship Status:Recipient Level:University

2007 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Induction Status:Recipient Level:International

2022 Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Research Program Status:Nomination Level:University Type:Recognition

Student Advising

Nicole Wehrkamp, Jessie Michael, Megan Freeman, & Alyssa Bauer (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 2017

Holly Meyer (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 10-2021

Bryant Lesnoski (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 07-2019

Abigail Hite, Alex Blitz, Augie West, Leah Teserovitch, Bret Sagasser, & McKenna Warner (Undergrad ) Advisor Status:Completed 04-2020

Melanie Soller (Undergrad ) Supervisor Status:Completed 05-2021

Jamilah Alqahtani (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress

Wala'a Almallah (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress

Elizabeth Hutzel-Dunham (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress

Skylar Harris (Undergrad ) Status:Completed 05-2023

Stephanie Szovati (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 03-2022

Zach Smith (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 05-2023

Bridget Lartey (Undergrad ) Supervisor Status:In Progress

Tharaa Ananzeh (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress

Shatha Al-Sabbah (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress


University/Academic Medical Center Other Type:University/College Service Level:University 2017 -10-2018

University/Academic Medical Center Other Type:University/College Service Level:University 2017 -To Present

University/Academic Medical Center Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 2017 -2017

College of Nursing Other Type:University/College Service Level:College 2017 -To Present

Society of Pediatric Nurses Ohio River Valley Chapter (Advocacy Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Prof. Org. 2014 -2016

Society of Pediatric Nurses (Research Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Prof. Org. 2013 -2014

Society of Pediatric Nurses Ohio River Valley Chapter Board Member Type:Service to Professional Development Programs Level:Prof. Org. 2012 -2014

Pain Management Nursing Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2018 -To Present

(Faculty Affairs ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2018 -07-2020

(Research and Scholarly Activities ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2019 -07-2023

(University Research Council ) Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -2022

Judge Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -To Present

Academic Health Center Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2018 -2019

(PhD Program-Preliminary Exam Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2018 -2019

Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nursing Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2017 -To Present

(PhD Program-Preliminary Exam Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 2019 -2021

American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (Palliative and Supportive Care SIG ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2021 -2025

(PhD Program-Student Progression Task Force ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2020 -2021

University of Cincinnati Cancer Center (Institution Research Grant (IRG) Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:Grant Panel Level:University 2023 -To Present

University of Cincinnati College of Nursing (Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2023 -08-2025

UC College of Nursing PhD Program (Candidacy Examination by Portfolio Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2023 -08-2025

Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON) (EBP/Research Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 02-2024 -To Present

Post Graduate Training and Education

09-2016-09-2017 T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Promotion of Treatment Adherence and Self-Management, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, , , Cincinnati, OH

06-2018Summer Genetics Institute, A month long intensive in genetics on NIH campus. Included didactic lectures and lab work. Received 8 graduate credits. , NIH/NINR, , Bethesda, MD


self-management, adherence, treatment-related effects, adolescents and young adults, hematopoietic stem cell transplant

Professional Affiliation

06-2018: Summer Genetics Institute A month long intensive training in genetics on NIH campus. Course work included didactic lectures and lab work. Received 8 graduate credits. NIH/NINR, Bethesda, MD

2018 -To Present: International Society of Nurses in Genetics,

2017 -To Present: Cincinnati Cancer Center,

2015 -To Present: American Nurses Association/Ohio Nurses Association,

2014 -To Present: Oncology Nursing Society,

2013 -To Present: Midwest Nursing Society,

2010 -2017: Association of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses,

2010 -2016: Society of Pediatric Nurses,

2007 -To Present: Beta Iota Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International,

2018 -To Present: American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Steering committee member for Palliative and Supportive Care SIG 2021-2025

2023 -To Present: Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON)

2024 -2028: Evidence-Based Practice/Research Committee Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON),

Courses Taught

Intro to Genetics/Genomics for Healthcare Professionals Level:Undergraduate

-NPHD-9012 INTRO QUAL METHODS Level:Graduate



Genetics/Genomics for Professional Nursing Level:Undergraduate

Genetics/Genomics for Professional Nursing Level:Undergraduate

Genetics/Genomics for Health Professionals Level:Undergraduate

Senior Capstone Level:Undergraduate

-NPHD-9012 INTRO QUAL METHODS Level:Graduate

Research Practicum Level:Graduate

Scholarly Writing Level:Graduate

Introduction to Genetics/Genomics for Health Professionals Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Genetics/Genomics for Health Professionals Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Qualitative Methods Level:Graduate

Introduction to Qualitative Methods Level:Graduate

Senior Capstone Level:Undergraduate

Senior Capstone Level:Undergraduate


Faculty Development Activities

05-2019 Precision Genomics Midwest Conference Cincinnati, OH Type:Conference Attendance

05-2019 -05-2019 Designing of an Online Course in Canvas CET&L summer institute on course design in the Canvas platform, CET&L Cincinnati, OH Type:Workshop

06-2020 Summer Genetics Institute 20th Anniversary Symposium NIH/NINR Virtual Type:Conference Attendance

02-2020 Teaching Engaging courses series: Engaging studies through in-class group activities CET&L University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop

04-28-2020 Faculty Development: Evaluating Active Learning Virtual Type:Workshop

04-28-2020 Using Microsoft Teams to Teach Remotely CET&L Virtual Type:Workshop

02-17-2022 Digital Health Tools Roundtable Discussed AI and digital innovation across campus, UC The Collaboration Network Virtual Type:Workshop

05-16-2022 -05-17-2022 Machine Learning and Health Outcomes in Cancer Care Delivery Research Workshop NIH/NCI Virtual Type:Workshop

05-18-2022 Well-being and Economic Burden of Disease-Cancer Survivors NIH/NCCIH Virtual Type:Seminar

07-12-2022 NINR Directors Lecture-Social Determinants of Health NIH/NINR Virtual Type:Seminar

02-14-2023 NINR Director's Lecture-Systems Models of Care NIH/NINR Virtual Type:Seminar

03-06-2023 NCI- The effects of blood or marrow transplantation on aging outcomes among individuals diagnosed with hematologic cancer NIH/NCI Virtual Type:Seminar

03-23-2023 Hutton Lecture: Moral Engagement, Disengagement and Conflicts in Development of Health Care AI - Mildred Cho, PhD, Stanford University UC Office of Research Virtual Type:Seminar

04-03-2023 Evaluate the Concept of Precision Health through Determinants of Health: Focus on Social Determinants and Omics ISONG/ENRS Virtual Type:Seminar

04-26-2023 Advancing equity in artificial intelligence for cancer care delivery NRG Oncology Virtual Type:Seminar

05-03-2023 NINR Director’s Lecture Series: Prevention and Health Promotion NIH/NINR Virtual Type:Seminar

02-15-2023 Teaching with ChatGPT UC Faculty Engagement Virtual Type:Workshop

08-12-2022 -09-13-2022 R Club UC College of Medicine Virtual Type:Workshop

09-12-2023 Research Faculty Development (RFD): Techniques to Make Your Proposal Competitive Faculty Enrichment Center, University of Cincinnati Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

06-22-2023 -06-29-2023 Digital Literacy Assignment Workshop Center for Education on Teaching & Learning, University of Cincinnati Virtual Type:Workshop

05-2024 -06-2024 Generative AI Assessment Design Institute Center for Education on Teaching & Learning, University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop

07-12-2023 NINR Director’s Lecture Series: Population and Community Health NIH/NINR Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

10-02-2023 Cancer-related cognitive impairments: Neural mechanisms and potential interventions NIH/NCI Type:Continuing Education Program

12-13-2023 Applying the NIH Stage Model for Behavioral Intervention Development to mHealth Self-Management Interventions Midwest Nursing Research Society Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

12-14-2023 -12-15-2023 Music as Medicine: The Science and Clinical Practice NIH/NCCIH Virtual Type:Conference Attendance

02-06-2024 Building Bridges in Cancer Symptom Science: Lessons Learned Opportunities, and Challenges - A Personal Perspective NIH Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

03-26-2024 Fatigue in Pediatric Cancer Populations NIH/NCI Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

04-04-2024 Explaining EHR Data Ecosystems and how to Access Them CCTST Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

04-19-2024 University of Cincinnati Cancer Center Research Retreat University of Cincinnati Cancer Center University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance

05-02-2024 Hutton Ethics Lectureship 2024 | Bringing a Health Equity Lens to Clinical Care and Research UC Office of Research Virtual Type:Continuing Education Program

04-24-2024 -04-28-2024 49th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress Oncology Nursing Society Washington, D.C. Type:Conference Attendance