Daniel Murphy
Associate Professor
Braunstein Hall
A&S Anthropology - 0380
Professional Summary
Dr. Murphy is a cultural anthropologist whose research explores the interwoven relationships between humans and their environments, focusing, in particular, on the cultural, political, and economic dimensions of human response to environmental change. Both in his research and as an educator, Dr. Murphy is deeply committed to the application of anthropological perspectives in the development of theoretically sound yet practical solutions to a range of human problems including rural poverty, environmental degradation, and adaptation to climate change. His current research is embedded in two, long-term programmatic interests: 1) ethnographic research on disaster and rural social change among mobile pastoralists in Mongolia and 2) applied research on climate change adaptation in the United States.
PhD: University of Kentucky 2011 (Anthropology)
Positions and Work Experience
2011 -2012 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, College of Forestry and Conservation, University of Montana
Research Support
Investigators:Daniel Murphy, Laurie Yung, Solomon Dobroski, Cory Cleveland, Lisa Eby, Paul Lachapelle, and Elizabeth Shanahan 02-2012 Montana Institute on Ecosystem's EPSCoR Program Climate change vulnerability in Rural Montana: Using Multi-scale, iterative scenario-building to investigate community decision-making under future uncertainty Role:Co-PI 45,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Laurie Yung and Daniel Murphy 07-2011 USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Forest Community Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in the Context of Climate Change Role:Co-PI 225,386 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:PI: Nina Burkhardt (USGS); Co-PIs: Renée Rondeau (Colorado State University, Colorado Natural Heritage Program), Betsy Neely (The Nature Conservancy), Marcie Bidwell (Mountain Studies Institute) Laurie Yung (University of Montana), Carina Wyborn (University of Montana), Rudy M. Schuster (USGS), John Sanderson (TNC); William Travis (University of Colorado), Daniel Williams (USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station) 07-2013 North Central Climate Science Center, Department of Interior Socioecological Resilience to Climate Change in Southwestern Colorado Role:Co-PI $553,985 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #SMA-1743019 Investigators:Koster, Jeremy; Murphy, Daniel 04-01-2017 -08-31-2021 National Science Foundation The effect of social networks on inequality: A longitudinal cross-cultural investigation Role:PI $880,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Investigators:Daniel Murphy 09-2013 USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station (Continuing Support) Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Rural Ohio: Using Scenario-Building to Investigate Community Decision-Making Under Uncertainty Role:PI 10,600 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #BCS-1951195 Investigators:Koster, Jeremy; Murphy, Daniel 09-01-2020 -08-31-2023 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Testing Models of Cooperation in a Large-scale Communal Project Role:Collaborator $29,950.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #BCS-2218861 Investigators:Murphy, Daniel 12-01-2022 -11-30-2025 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: HNDS-R: Economic Networks and the Dynamics of Wealth Inequality: A Longitudinal Cross-Cultural Investigation Role:PI 378020.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #12-JV-11221636-169 Investigators:Murphy, Daniel 08-25-2013 -09-30-2015 Department of Agriculture Using Climate Change Scenario-building to Investigate Community Vulnerability in the Western U.S. Role:PI $55,085.75 Completed
Investigators:Daniel Murphy 09-2015 USDA Forest Service Climate Adaptation Planning in the Intermountain West Role:PI 35000 Completed Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Daniel J. Murphy and Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo (2023. ) Index Insurance and the Moral Economy of Pastoral Risk Management in Mongolia .Journal of Peasant Studies , ,
Daniel J. Murphy, Laurie Yung, Daniel R. Williams, Carina Wyborn, and Courtney Schultz (2023. ) Understanding Perceptions of Climate Change Scenario Planning in US Resource Management Agencies .Society & Natural Resources, ,
Daniel J. Murphy and Daniel R. Williams (2021. ) Navigating the Temporalities of Place in Climate Adaptation .Changing Senses of Place: Navigating Global Challenges, , Christopher Raymond et al, eds. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. ,
Daniel J. Murphy (2018. ) Disaster, Mobility and the Moral Economy of Exchange in Mongolia .Nomadic Peoples , , 22 (2 ) ,304
Daniel J. Murphy (2018. ) We’re living from loan to loan’: Pastoral Vulnerability and the Cashmere Debt-Cycle in Mongolia .Research in Economic Anthropology , , 39 ,7-30
Daniel J. Murphy, Laurie Yung, Daniel R Williams, and Carina Wyborn (2017. ) Rethinking climate change adaptation and place through a situated pathways framework: A case study from the Big Hole Valley, USA .Landscape and Urban Planning , , 167 ,441-450
Daniel J. Murphy, Carina Wyborn, Laurie Yung, Cory Cleveland, Lisa Eby, Solomon Dobrowski, and Daniel R. Williams (2016. ) Engaging Future Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Using Landscape-scale Iterative Scenario-Building .Human Organization, , 75 (1 ) ,33-47
Laurie Yung, Nicky Phear, Alayna Dupont, Daniel J. Murphy, and Jessica Montag (2015. ) Negotiating Climate Change: How Working Ranchers in Montana Respond to Drought .Weather, Climate, and Society , , 7 ,281-293
Daniel J. Murphy (2015. ) From Kin to Contract: Labor, Work, and the Production of Authority in Mongolia .Journal of Peasant Studies , , 42 (2 ) ,397-424
Carina Wyborn, Laurie Yung, Daniel J. Murphy, and Daniel R. Williams (2015. ) Situating Adaptation: How Governance Challenges and Perceptions of Uncertainty Influence Adaptation in the Rocky Mountains .Regional Environmental Change , , 15 ,669-682
Daniel J. Murphy (2015. ) Dzud and Thresholds of ‘Property’ In Mongolia Pastoralism .Proceedings of the Trans-disciplinary Research Conference: Building Resilience of Mongolian Rangelands,, , June 9-10, 2015 ,148-153
Daniel J. Murphy, Laurie Yung, Carina Wyborn, and Daniel R Williams (2015. ) Key Concepts and Methods in Social Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity .USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, General Technical Reports , , RMRS-328 ,
Butler, Patricia et al (2014. ) Central Appalachians Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment. .Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and the USFS Northern Research Station, General Technical Reports , , NRS-146 ,
Daniel J. Murphy (2014. ) Ecology of Rule: Governance, Territorial Authority, and the Environment in Rural Mongolia .Anthropological Quarterly , , 87 (3 ) ,759-792
Daniel J. Murphy (2014. ) Booms and Busts: Asset Dynamics, ‘Natural’ Disaster, and the Politics of Excess in Rural Mongolia .Economic Anthropology, , 1 (1 ) ,104-123
Paige Fischer, Travis Paveglio, Matt Carrol, Daniel J. Murphy, and Hannah Brenkert-Smith (2013. ) Assessing social vulnerability to climate change in human communities near public forests and grasslands: a framework for resource managers and planners .Journal of Forestry , , 111 (5 ) ,352-369
Daniel J. Murphy (2012. ) Cross-boundary Resource Use and the Franchise State in Rural Mongolia .Mongolians after Socialism , , Bruce Knauft, Richard Taupier, and L. Purevjav, eds. Admon Publishing: Ulaanbaatar. ,
Moritz, Mark, Jasmine Bruno, Daniel Murphy, Maria Fernandez-Gimenez, and Nikolaus Schareika (2025. ) Transformations in Livestock Keeping Systems: Beyond Ranching and Pastoralism .Agriculture & Human Values, ,
Daniel Murphy, Munkhochir Surenjav, Bayartogtokh Tserennadmid, and Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo (2025. ) Between Khot (City) and Khuduu (Country): Negotiating Rural and Urban Identities in Post-Covid Mongolia (in press) .In Rural Transition in Post-Pandemic Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, , Munkherdene Gantulga, Ariell Ahearn, and Troy Sternberg, eds. (White Horse Press: Cambridge, UK ) ,
Other Publications
Daniel J. Murphy, Laurie Yung, Carina Wyborn and Daniel R Williams (2014. ) Future Uncertainty and Climate Skeptics in the American West .Anthropology News,
Daniel J. Murphy (2019. ) Back to the Future: Science and Scenarios in Climate Adaptation .AnthFOR: The Network for Anthropologies of Forecasting Weather and Climate,
Additional Publications
Courses Taught
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Catastrophe! Anthropology of Disaster
Culture, Nature, Power: Critical Perspectives in Political Ecology
Culture, Environment, and Globalization
Applied Anthropology
Human Dimensions of Climate Change
This is Our Land: People and Public Lands