Daria Narmoneva , PhD
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
College of Engineering and Applied Science
850 ERC, University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-556-3997
Fax 513-556-4162
Email narmond@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Chronic diabetic ulcers are the leading cause of non-traumatic limb amputations in the US and are a significant health care burden. To improve healing of chronic diabetic wounds, we created a unique microenvironment using a novel hydrogel (based on self-assembling peptide nanofibers) that mimics the native matrix in the wound and promotes healing. To activate unresponsive, diseased cells within the chronic wound, we have developed an electric field-based technology that uses high-frequency wireless electric fields stimulation to activate capillary cells and enhance blood vessel formation in the wound, which results in much faster healing. This technology has been successfully tested in the mouse and pig models, and is under active translational development in collaboration with UCRI and the UC Office for Entrepreneurial Affairs and Technology Commercialization.
Postdoctoral Training: Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Division of Cardiovascular Research Boston, MA, 06-2004 (Cardiac tissue engineering)
Postdoctoral Training: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, 01-2001 (Development of novel angiogenic scaffold)
Postdoctoral Training: Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery Boston, MA, 12-2001 (Effects of shear stress on arteriogenesis)
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering: Duke University Durham, NC, 12-2000 (Material Property Determination for Normal and Osteoarthritic Articular Cartilage Using a Triphasic Mechano-Chemical Theoretical Model of Osmotic Loading)
M.S. in Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Moscow, Russia, 06-1993 (Phonon Interaction with Aluminum Single Crystal in Superconducting and Normal States)
Positions and Work Experience
2009 -To Present Assistant Professor (adjunct) , in Center for Molecular Fetal Therapy within Division of Pediatric, General and Thoracic Surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
2005 -To Present Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2002 -2004 Research Fellow, Cardiovascular Division, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2001 -2003 Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
2001 - Research Fellow, Department of Vascular Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
1995 -2000 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC
1991 -1994 Research Assistant, Laboratory for Liquid Helium Studies, Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow, Russia
2011 -To Present Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.,
Research Support
Investigators:University of Cincinnati 03-2005 -08-2009 Startup funds from the Department of Biomedical Engineering $150,000
Grant: #0765425B Investigators:Narmoneva 07-01-2007 -02-28-2010 American Heart Association Beginning-Grant-in-Aid Endothelial-Fibroblasts Interactions In Vascular Tissue Engineering. NOTE: this is a career-type award for young investigators and is not eligible for renewal $121,000
Investigators:Kogan, Physics, co-PI: Narmoneva, BME 01-01-2009 -12-31-2009 The Institute for Nanoscale science and Technology $22,000
01-01-2009 -12-01-2009 University of Cincinnati Rindsberg Memorial Fund Fellowship Award for Swathi Balaji $10,000
Investigators:Dr. Joel Fried 06-01-2002 -05-31-2009 Bioapplications of Membrane Science and Technology NSF IGERT predoctoral research traineeship for Jennifer Hurley $135,000
Investigators:Narmoneva 08-01-2002 -07-31-2004 American Heart Association Research Fellowship $66,000
Grant: #NIH/NIDDK 1R21DK078814-01A1 Investigators:Narmoneva 07-15-2008 -06-30-2011 $440,458 Subcontract to Children’s $63,554
Grant: #NIH/NIDDK ARRA 3R21DK078814-01A1S1 Investigators:Narmoneva 06-20-2009 -09-10-2010 $19,556
Grant: #0815371D 07-01-2008 -06-30-2010 Narmoneva American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship for Swathi Balaji $42,000
Grant: #GRA09PRE2150073 07-01-2009 -06-30-2011 Narmoneva American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship for Jennifer Hurley
Grant: #09PRE2230162 07-01-2009 -06-30-2011 Hinton, co-Mentor: Narmoneva American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship for Varun Krishnamurthy $42,000
Narmoneva National Science Foundation $400,000
Grant: #NIH/NIBIB RO1 Investigators:Narmoneva $ 1,563,684
Grant: #NIH/NIBIB RO1 Investigators:Mast, co-investigator: Narmoneva, 5% effort $1,160,517
Grant: #AHA 0765425B Investigators:Narmoneva, Daria 07-01-2007 -02-28-2010 American Heart Association - Great Rivers Affiliate Endothelial-Fibroblast Interactions in Vascular Tissue Engineering Role:PI $121,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #8081128D Investigators:Balaji, Swathi; Narmoneva, Daria 07-01-2008 -06-30-2010 American Heart Association - Great Rivers Affiliate Angiogenic Microenvironment to Augment Diabetes-Associated Deficiency in Vascularization in the db/db Mouse Model Role:Collaborator $42,200.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R21 DK078814 Investigators:Narmoneva, Daria 07-15-2008 -06-30-2012 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Angiogenic Peptide Scaffolds to Enhance Diabetic Wound Healing Role:PI $440,458.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #3 R21 DK078814-01A1S1 Investigators:Narmoneva, Daria 06-23-2009 -12-31-2010 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Angiogenic Peptide Scaffolds to Enhance Diabetic Wound Healing Role:PI $19,556.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #09PRE2150073 Investigators:Hurley, Jennifer; Narmoneva, Daria 07-01-2009 -06-30-2011 American Heart Association - National Chapter Development of MMP-2/Peptide Nanoscaffold Delivery System for Treatment of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Role:Collaborator $46,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #11PRE7420008 Investigators:Cho, Hongkwan; Narmoneva, Daria 07-01-2011 -06-30-2012 American Heart Association - Great Rivers Affiliate Mechanistic Studies of Increased Neovascularization in the Murine Diabetic Wound Treated with Peptide Nanofibers Role:Collaborator $23,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R01HL087861 Investigators:Fan, Guochang; Narmoneva, Daria 07-01-2013 -06-30-2018 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Roles of Hsp20-Exosomes in Myocardial Angiogenesis Role:Collaborator $393,270.00 Active Level:Federal
Investigators:Co-Investigator: Dr. Andrei Kogan, Physics Department, CA&S, UC 08-01-2016 -08-31-2017 State of Ohio & University of Cincinnati Technology Commercialization Accelerator An Innovative Approach for Non-invasive Wound Healing Therapy Role:PI
07-01-2014 -06-30-2019 National Science Foundation S-STEM: Bridging Our Students to Their Future Role:Co-PI (PI: Dr. Anant Kukreti)
Grant: #NIH 2R01HL087861 Investigators:PI: Guo-Chang Fan, Dept. of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH 07-26-2013 -06-30-2018 National Institutes of Health Roles of HSP20-exosomes in myocardial angiogenesis Role:Co-Investigator
Investigators:PI: Dr. Jo El Schulz, Dept. of Cell Biophysics, UC COM 07-01-2016 -06-30-2017 UC Heart, Lung and Vascular Institute: New Horizons Seed grant Angiogenesis and arteriogenesis capacity of the FGF2 HMW isoforms in ischemic disease. Role:Co-Investigator
Investigators:Co-investigator: Dr. YiGang Wang, Dept. of Pathology, UC COM 07-01-2014 -06-30-2016 UC Heart, Lung and Vascular Institute: Seed grant Bioengineering Microenvironment for Myocardial Regeneration and Diabetic Cardiomyopathy Role:PI
09-01-2015 -08-31-2016 University of Cincinnati NSF ADVANCE IT, “UC LEAF” (Leadership, Empowerment, Advancement for Women in Stem Faculty) Participation in Leadership development program Role:PI
Investigators:Collaboration with: Dr. Mike Davis, Principal Scientist at P&G 01-25-2015 -02-12-2016 The Procter & Gamble Company, Hair Biology Group, Beauty Technology Division A novel 3D system for hair growth and regeneration Role:PI
01-01-2014 -12-31-2015 University of Cincinnati NSF ADVANCE IT, “UC LEAF” seed award (Leadership, Empowerment, Advancement for Women in Stem Faculty) Cardiac Cell Interactions In Diabetes: A Pilot Study
Investigators:Dale Schaefer – Co-PI 01-01-2014 -12-31-2014 University of Cincinnati BCEE Seed Grant A Cell-Sheet Approach to Wound Healing Role:PI
Grant: #11PRE7420008 Investigators:predoctoral fellowship for Hongkwan Cho; Sponsor: Narmoneva 07-01-2011 -06-30-2012 American Heart Association Mechanistic studies of increased neovascularization in the murine diabetic wound treated with peptide nanofibers
Investigators:Co-Investigators: Kogan, Crombleholme 07-01-2011 -12-31-2012 University Research Council Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Support Grant Low-intensity electromagnetic field for wound healing therapy Role:PI
Grant: #09PRE2230162 Investigators:predoctoral fellowship for Varun Krishnamurthy; Sponsor: Hinton, co-Mentor: Narmoneva) 07-01-2009 -06-30-2012 American Heart Association Elastin haploinsufficiency as a model of progressive aortic valve disease
Investigators:PI: Kogan, Physics, co-PI: Narmoneva, BME 01-01-2009 -12-31-2009 The Institute for Nanoscale science and Technology, University of Cincinnati Effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on capillary cell-cell communication Role:Co-PI
Grant: #GRA09PRE2150073 Investigators:predoctoral fellowship for Jennifer Hurley; Sponsor: Narmoneva 07-01-2009 -06-30-2011 American Heart Association Peptide nanoscaffold for MMP delivery and cardiac remodeling in diabetic cardiomyopathy
Grant: #3R21DK078814-01A1S1 06-20-2009 -09-10-2010 National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Angiogenic Peptide Scaffolds to Enhance Diabetic Wound Healing Role:PI
Grant: #0815371D Investigators:predoctoral fellowship for Swathi Balaji; Sponsor: Narmoneva 07-01-2008 -06-30-2010 American Heart Association Angiogenic microenvironment to augment diabetes-associated deficiency in vascularization in the db/db mouse model
Grant: #1R21DK078814-01A1 Investigators:Narmoneva, co-investigator: Dr. Timothy Crombleholme, CCHMC 07-15-2008 -06-30-2012 National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Angiogenic Peptide Scaffolds to Enhance Diabetic Wound Healing Role:PI
Grant: #0765425B Investigators:Endothelial-Fibroblasts Interactions In Vascular Tissue Engineering 07-01-2007 -02-28-2010 American Heart Association Beginning-Grant-in-Aid Role:PI
08-01-2002 -07-31-2004 American Heart Association Research Fellowship A new three-dimensional culture system for in vitro angiogenesis and cardiac tissue engineering Role:PI
Grant: #863401 Investigators:Narmoneva, Daria 04-01-2021 -03-31-2022 American Heart Association - National Chapter An Innovative Approach for Wireless Wound Healing Therapy Role:PI $31,520.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hurley JR, Balaji S, Sheikh AQ, Cho H, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA Diabetes-impaired angiogenic potential of endothelial cells is restored by angiogenic microenvironment .
S. Balaji, King BA, Herbig BA, Crombleholme TM, and Narmoneva DA Improved wound healing in angiogenic provisional matrix occurs with limited TGF-b and myo-fibroblast contribution .
Cho H, Sheikh AQ, Narmoneva DA Peptide nanofibers mediate angiogenesis via non-specific interactions with endothelial cells .
Sheikh AQ, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA Frequency-dependent electromagnetic field regulation of angiogenesis and MAPK/MEK signaling .
Balaji S, Vaikunth SS, Sheikh AQ, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA Tissue engineered provisional matrix as a novel approach to enhance diabetic wound healing .
Wang Y, Xiang J, Vannest J, Holroyd T, Narmoneva DA, Horn P, Liu Y, Rose D, Ton deGrauw2, Holland S Electromagnetic fields induced by word processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals .Clinical Neurophysiology, ,
Krishnamurthy VK, Guilak F, Narmoneva DA, Hinton RB (01-04-2011. ) Regional structure-function relationships in mouse aortic valve tissue .J Biomech., , 44 (1 ) ,77-83
Hinton RB, Adelman-Brown J, Witt S, Krishnamurthy VK, Gruber MJ, Osinska H, Sakthivel B, Narmoneva DA, Mecham RP, Benson DW (08-20-2010. ) Elastin Haploinsufficiency Results in Latent Progressive Aortic Valve Disease in a Mouse Model .Circulation Research., , 107 (4 ) ,549-557
Hurley JR, Balaji S, Narmoneva DA (08-2010. ) Complex temporal regulation of capillary morphogenesis by fibroblasts .American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology., , 299 (2 ) ,C444-453
Balaji S, King BA, Sheikh AQ, Cho H, Bloomer M, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2010. ) Improved wound healing in angiogenic provisional matrix occurs in the absence of increased TGF-beta expression .Wound Repair and Regeneration , , 18 (2 ) ,A22
Cho H, Balaji S, Sheikh AQ, Bloomer M, King BA, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2010. ) Pro-angiogenic microenvironment restores angiogenic potential of diabetic endothelial cells .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 18 (2 ) ,A22
Cho H, Sheikh AQ, Narmoneva DA (2010. ) Non-specific endothelial cell interactions with the substrate result in cell activation and angiogenesis in vitro .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, ,
Balaji S, Sheikh AQ, Vaikunth SS, Parvadia JK, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2009. ) Wound treatment with angiogenic provisional matrix enhances wound neovascularization and improves healing in db/db mice .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 17 (2 ) ,A15
Sheikh AQ, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA (2009. ) Electromagnetic field mediates capillary-like network formation va MAPK/ERK sgnaling cascade .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference , , SBC2009 (PART B) ,853-854
Balaji S, Sheikh AQ, Morris L, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2009. ) Angiogenic nanoscaffold accelerates diabetic wound healing and improves wound tissue strength in DB/DB mice .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference , , SBC2009 (PART B) ,1173-1174
Hurley JR, Narmoneva DA (2009. ) Endothelial-fibroblast interactions in angiogenesis and matrix remodeling .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference , , SBC2009 (PART A) ,413-414
Gruber M., Krishnamurthy V., Narmoneva DA, Hinton Jr RB (2008. ) Elastin haploinsufficiency results in progressive aortopathy and altered interstitial cell phenotype .Proceedings of the ASME summer bioengineering conference , , 501-502
Hurley JR, Balaji S, Narmoneva DA (2008. ) Fibroblasts induce mechanical changes in the extracellular environment and enhance capillary-like network formation .Proceedings of the ASME summer bioengineering conference , , 641-642
Balaji S, Parvadia J, Vaikunth SS, Crombleholme TC, and Narmoneva DA (2008. ) In situ tissue engineering using angiogenic nanoscaffold enhances diabetic wound healing in db/db mouse model .Proceedings of the ASME summer bioengineering conference , , 223-224
Vaikunth SS, Balaji S, Maldonado A, Parvadia J, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2007. ) In situ tissue engineering using self-assembling peptide improves wound healing and neovascularization in a diabetic mouse model .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 15 (2 ) ,A43
Balaji S, Marcotte KE, R. Helton, and Narmoneva DA (2006. ) Novel peptide scaffold promotes cell migration and angiogenesis through enhanced expression of angiogenic factors .Thrombosis and Haemostasis, , 4 (Suppl I ) ,69
Narmoneva DA, Oni O, Sieminsky A, Zhang S, Gertler JP, Kamm RD, and Lee RT (08-2005. ) Self-Assembling Peptides as a Novel Biomaterial for Promoting Angiogenesis .Biomaterials., , 26 (23 ) ,4837-4846
Hsieh PCH, Resta LP, Davis ME, Narmoneva DA, and Lee RT (2005. ) Cardiomyocyte-endothelial interactions in cardiac regeneration .Nova Acta Leopoldina, , NF 92 (343 ) ,61-72
Davis ME, Motion JP, Narmoneva DA, Takahashi T, Hakuno D, Kamm RD, Zhang S, Lee RT (2005. ) Injectable self-assembling peptide nanofibers create intramyocardial microenvironments for en-dothelial cells .Circulation., , 111 (4 ) ,442-450
Narmoneva DA, Vukmirovic R, Davis ME, Kamm RD, and Lee RT (08-2004. ) Endothelial Cells Promote Cardiac Myocyte Survival and Spatial Reorganization: Implications for Cardiac Regeneration .Circulation., , 110 (8 ) ,962-968
Narmoneva DA, Vukmirovic R, Davis ME, Kamm RD, and Lee RT (2003. ) : Endothelial cells promote cardiac myocyte survival and spatial reorganization in engineered cardiac tissue .Circulation, , 108 (17 ) ,165-165
Narmoneva DA, Howell DS, Cheung HS, Wang JY and Setton LA (2002. ) Altered swelling behavior of femoral cartilage following joint immobilization in a canine mode .Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 20 (1 ) ,83-91
Elliott DM, Narmoneva DA and Setton LA (2002. ) Direct measurement of the Poisson’s ratio of human patellar cartilage in tension .Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 124 (2 ) ,223-228
Flahiff CM, Narmoneva DA, Huebner JL, Kraus VB, Guilak F, and Setton LA (09-2002. ) Osmotic loading to determine the intrinsic material properties of guinea pig knee cartilage .Journal of Biomechanics., , 35 (9 ) ,1285-1290
Narmoneva DA, Wang JY and Setton LA (2001. ) A non-contacting method for material property determination for articular cartilage from osmotic loading .Biophysical Journal , , 81 (6 ) ,3066-3076
Narmoneva DA, Wang JY and Setton LA (1999. ) A new method for determination of the tensile modulus of articular cartilage in situ in a free swelling configuration .ASME Advances in Bioengineering, , 43 ,31-32
Narmoneva DA, Wang JY and Setton LA (1999. ) Nonuniform swelling-induced residual strains in articular cartilage .Journal of Biomechanics, , 41 ,401-408
Narmoneva DA, Wang JY, Patel SS, Howell DS, and Setton LA (1997. ) Altered swelling–induced strain fields in articular cartilage following periods of immobilization .ASME Advances in Bioengineering, , 36 ,125-126
Zinov’eva KN, DA Narmoneva and AS Semenov (1994. ) Effect of the transition from the normal state to the superconducting state on the phonon transmission through liquid 4 He-metal interface .Letters to the Journal of the Experimental and Theoretical Physics , , 59 (2 ) ,124-129
Zinov’eva KN, DA Narmoneva and AS Semenov (1994. ) Resonant acoustic modes at a liquid 4 He–copper interface .Journal of the Experimental and Theoretical Physics, , 78 (5 ) ,690-705
Zinov’eva KN, DA Narmoneva and AS Semenov (1993. ) Interaction of acoustic waves with metal crystal surfaces .Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, , VII ,385
Angel PM, Narmoneva DA, Sewell-Loftin MK, Munjal C, Dupuis L, Landis BJ, Jegga A, Kern CB, Merryman WD, Baldwin HS, Bressan GM, Hinton RB (2017. ) Proteomic Alterations Associated with Biomechanical Dysfunction are Early Processes in the Emilin1 Deficient Mouse Model of Aortic Valve Disease.Ann Biomed Eng., , 45 (11 ) ,2548 -2562More Information
Knorr JM, Jackson J, Batie MR, Narmoneva DA, Jones DC (2016. ) Application of strain and calibration of FRET emission for in vitro live cell response to cytoskeletal deformation.J Biomechanics, , More Information
Cho H, Balaji S, Hone NL, Moles CM, Sheikh AQ, Crombleholme TM, Keswani SG, Narmoneva DA (2016. ) Diabetic wound healing in a MMP9-/- mouse model.Wound Repair Regen., , More Information
McWhorter ED, Huang W, Stumpf E, Tolpadi A, Narmoneva DA, Wang Y In situ microenvironment for diabetic myocardium repair following injury .Wound Repair Regen., , 24 (2 ) ,
Zafar F, Hinton RB, Moore RA, Baker RS, Bryant R 3rd, Narmoneva DA, Taylor MD, Morales DL (2015. ) Physiological Growth, Remodeling Potential, and Preserved Function of a Novel Bioprosthetic Tricuspid Valve: Tubular Bioprosthesis Made of Small Intestinal Submucosa-Derived Extracellular Matrix.J Am Coll Cardiol, , 66 (8 ) ,877-888 More Information
Taghian, T; Sheikh, AQ; Cho, H; Kogan, AB; Narmoneva, DA (2015. ) A novel contact electric field therapy to enhance angiogenesis and wound healing .Wound Repair Regen., , 23 (2 ) ,
Krishnamurthy VK, Godby RC, Liu GR, Smith JM, Hiratzka LF, Narmoneva DA, Hinton RB (2015. ) Review of Molecular and Mechanical Interactions in the Aortic Valve and Aorta: Implications for the Shared Pathogenesis of Aortic Valve Disease and Aortopathy .J Cardiovasc Transl Res., ,
Krishnamurthy VK, Evans AN, Wansapura JP, Osinska H, Maddy KE, Biechler SV, Narmoneva DA, Goodwin RL, Hinton RB (2014. ) Asymmetric cell-matrix and biomechanical abnormalities in elastin insufficiency induced aortopathy .Ann Biomed Eng., , 42 (10 ) ,2014-2028
Taghian T, Sheikh AQ, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA (2014. ) Harnessing Electricity in Biosystems - A Functional Tool for Tissue Engineering Applications .Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering, , 1 (5 ) ,
Sheikh AQ, Kuesel C, Taghian T, Hurley JR, Huang W, Wang Y, Hinton RB, Narmoneva DA (2014. ) Angiogenic microenvironment augments impaired endothelial responses under diabetic conditions .American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology, , 306 (8 ) ,768-778
Hurley JR, Cho H, Sheikh AQ, Balaji S, Keswani SG, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2014. ) Nanofiber Microenvironment Effectively Restores Angiogenic Potential of Diabetic Endothelial Cells .Advances in Wound Care, , 3 (11 ) ,717-728
Yao J, Liu GR, Narmoneva DA., Hinton RB, Zhang Z-Q (2013. ) Immersed smoothed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction simulation of aortic valves .Computational Mechanics, , 20 (6 ) ,789-804
Sheikh AQ, Taghian T, Hemingway B, Cho H, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA (2013. ) Regulation of endothelial MAPK/ERK signaling and capillary morphogenesis by low amplitude electric field.Journal of the Royal Society Interface, , 10 (78 ) , More Information
Sheikh AQ, Hurley J, Huang W, Taghian T, Cho H, Kogan AB, Wang Y, Narmoneva D (2012. ) Diabetes alters intracellular calcium transients in cardiac endothelial cells .PLoS One, , 7 (5 ) ,
Hurley JR, Sheikh AQ, Huang W, Wang Y, Narmoneva DA (2012. ) Effects of diabetes on matrix protein expression and response to cyclic strain by cardiac fibroblasts .Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, , 5 (2 ) ,173-183
Hurley JR, Sheikh AQ, Huang W, Wang Y, Narmoneva DA (2012. ) Self-assembling peptide nanofibers for MMP delivery and cardiac regeneration in diabetes.Journal of Bioengineering and Biomedical Sciences, , More Information
Krishnamurthy VK, Opoka AM, Kern CB, Guilak F, Narmoneva DA, Hinton RB (2012. ) Maladaptive Matrix Remodeling and Regional Biomechanical Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Aortic Valve Disease .Matrix Biology, , 31 (3 ) ,197-205
Cho H, Balaji S, Sheikh AQ, Hurley JR, Tian YF, Collier JH, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2012. ) Regulation of endothelial cell activation and angiogenesis by injectable peptide nanofibers .Acta Biomaterialia, , 8 ,154-164
Balaji S, Vaikunth SS, Lang SA, Sheikh AQ, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (2012. ) Tissue engineered provisional matrix as a novel approach to enhance diabetic wound healing .Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 20 (1 ) ,15-27
Karunakaran CP, SM Rudich, A Alqadah, MT Burgess, DA Narmoneva, DT Mast (2012. ) Histologic analysis of rabbit liver cancer treated by bulk ultrasound ablation .AIP Proceedings , , 10 ,162-168
Wang Y, Xiang J, Vannest J, Holroyd T, Narmoneva DA, Horn P, Liu Y, Rose D, Ton deGrauw, Holland S (2011. ) Electromagnetic fields induced by word processing in Bilinguals and Monolinguals .Clinical Neurophysiology, , 122 (9 ) ,1706-1717
Krishnamurthy VK, Guilak F, Narmoneva DA, Hinton RB (2011. ) Regional structure-function relationships in mouse aortic valve tissue .Journal of Biomechanics, , 44 (1 ) ,77-83
Taghian T, Narmoneva DA, Kogan AB (2015. ) Modulation of cell function by electric field: a high-resolution analysis.J R Soc Interface, , 6 (12 ) , More Information
Angel P.;Narmoneva D.;Sewell-Loftin M.;Munjal C.;Dupuis L.;Landis B.;Jegga A.;Kern C.;Merryman W.;Baldwin H.;Bressan G.;Hinton R. (11-01-2017. ) Proteomic Alterations Associated with Biomechanical Dysfunction are Early Processes in the Emilin1 D.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 45 (11 ) ,2548-2562 More Information
Knorr J.;Jackson J.;Batie M.;Narmoneva D.;Jones D. (10-03-2016. ) Application of strain and calibration of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) emission for in vi.Journal of Biomechanics, , 49 (14 ) ,3334-3339 More Information
Cho H.;Balaji S.;Hone N.;Moles C.;Sheikh A.;Crombleholme T.;Keswani S.;Narmoneva D. (09-01-2016. ) Diabetic wound healing in a MMP9-/- mouse model.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 24 (5 ) ,829-840 More Information
Zafar F.;Hinton R.;Moore R.;Baker R.;Bryant R.;Narmoneva D.;Taylor M.;Morales D. (08-25-2015. ) Physiological Growth, Remodeling Potential, and Preserved Function of a Novel Bioprosthetic Tricuspi.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 66 (8 ) ,877-888 More Information
Taghian T.;Narmoneva D.;Kogan A. (06-06-2015. ) Modulation of cell function by electric field: A high-resolution analysis.Journal of the Royal Society Interface, , 12 (107 ) , More Information
Sheikh A.;Kuesel C.;Taghian T.;Hurley J.;Huang W.;Wang Y.;Hinton R.;Narmoneva D. (04-15-2014. ) Angiogenic microenvironment augments impaired endothelial responses under diabetic conditions.American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, , 306 (8 ) , More Information
Krishnamurthy V.;Godby R.;Liu G.;Smith J.;Hiratzka L.;Narmoneva D.;Hinton R. (01-01-2014. ) Review of Molecular and Mechanical Interactions in the Aortic Valve and Aorta: Implications for the .Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, , 7 (9 ) ,823-846 More Information
Krishnamurthy V.;Evans A.;Wansapura J.;Osinska H.;Maddy K.;Biechler S.;Narmoneva D.;Goodwin R.;Hinton R. (01-01-2014. ) Asymmetric Cell–Matrix and Biomechanical Abnormalities in Elastin Insufficiency Induced Aortopathy.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 42 (10 ) ,2014-2028 More Information
Sheikh A.;Taghian T.;Hemingway B.;Cho H.;Kogan A.;Narmoneva D. (01-06-2013. ) Regulation of endothelial MAPK/ERK signalling and capillary morphogenesis by low-amplitude electric .Journal of the Royal Society Interface, , 10 (78 ) , More Information
Sheikh A.;Taghian T.;Kogan A.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2012. ) Electric field stimulates angiogenesis via activation of MAPK/ERK signaling in microvascular endothe.ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2012, , 695-696 More Information
Karunakaran C.;Rudich S.;Alqadah A.;Burgess M.;Narmoneva D.;Mast T. (12-01-2012. ) Histologic analysis of rabbit liver cancer treated by bulk ultrasound ablation.AIP Conference Proceedings, , 1481 ,162-168 More Information
Hurley J.;Sheikh A.;Huang W.;Wang Y.;Narmoneva D. (06-01-2012. ) Effects of diabetes on matrix protein expression and response to cyclic strain by cardiac fibroblast.Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, , 5 (2 ) ,173-183 More Information
Sheikh A.;Hurley J.;Huang W.;Taghian T.;Kogan A.;Cho H.;Wang Y.;Narmoneva D. (05-09-2012. ) Diabetes alters intracellular calcium transients in Cardiac endothelial cells.PLoS ONE, , 7 (5 ) , More Information
Krishnamurthy V.;Opoka A.;Kern C.;Guilak F.;Narmoneva D.;Hinton R. (04-01-2012. ) Maladaptive matrix remodeling and regional biomechanical dysfunction in a mouse model of aortic valv.Matrix Biology, , 31 (3 ) ,197-205 More Information
Yao J.;Liu G.;Narmoneva D.;Hinton R.;Zhang Z. (01-01-2012. ) Immersed smoothed finite element method for fluid-structure interaction simulation of aortic valves.Computational Mechanics, , 50 (6 ) ,789-804 More Information
Balaji S.;Vaikunth S.;Lang S.;Sheikh A.;Lim F.;Crombleholme T.;Narmoneva D. (01-01-2012. ) Tissue-engineered provisional matrix as a novel approach to enhance diabetic wound healing.Wound Repair and Regeneration, , 20 (1 ) ,15-27 More Information
Cho H.;Balaji S.;Sheikh A.;Hurley J.;Tian Y.;Collier J.;Crombleholme T.;Narmoneva D. (01-01-2012. ) Regulation of endothelial cell activation and angiogenesis by injectable peptide nanofibers.Acta Biomaterialia, , 8 (1 ) ,154-164 More Information
Sheikh A.;Hurley J.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2011. ) Diabetes alters intracellular calcium transients in cardiac endothelial cells.ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,201-202 More Information
Hurley J.;Sheikh A.;Beckenhaupt M.;Ingram C.;Mutchler A.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2011. ) Self-assembling peptide nanofibers for mmp delivery and cardiac regeneration in diabetes.ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,199-200 More Information
Wang Y.;Xiang J.;Vannest J.;Holroyd T.;Narmoneva D.;Horn P.;Liu Y.;Rose D.;deGrauw T.;Holland S. (09-01-2011. ) Neuromagnetic measures of word processing in bilinguals and monolinguals.Clinical Neurophysiology, , 122 (9 ) ,1706-1717 More Information
Krishnamurthy V.;Guilak F.;Narmoneva D.;Hinton R. (01-04-2011. ) Regional structure-function relationships in mouse aortic valve tissue.Journal of Biomechanics, , 44 (1 ) ,77-83 More Information
Cho H.;Sheikh A.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2010. ) Non-specific endothelial cell interactions with the substrate result in cell activation and angiogen.ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, , (PARTS A AND B ) ,511-512 More Information
Hinton R.;Adelman-Brown J.;Witt S.;Krishnamurthy V.;Osinska H.;Sakthivel B.;James J.;Li D.;Narmoneva D.;Mecham R.;Benson D. (08-20-2010. ) Elastin haploinsufficiency results in progressive aortic valve malformation and latent valve disease.Circulation Research, , 107 (4 ) ,549-557 More Information
Hurley J.;Balaji S.;Narmoneva D. (08-01-2010. ) Complex temporal regulation of capillary morphogenesis by fibroblasts.American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, , 299 (2 ) , More Information
Hurley J.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2009. ) Endothelial-fibroblast interactions in angiogenesis and matrix remodeling.Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, , (PART A ) ,413-414 More Information
Hurley J.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2009. ) Fibroblasts induce mechanical changes in the extracellular environment and enhance capillary-like ne .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, , (PART B ) ,641-642
Sheikh A.;Kogan A.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2009. ) Electromagnetic field mediates capillary-like network formation via MAPK/ERK signaling cascade.Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, , (PART B ) ,853-854 More Information
Gruber M.;Krishnamurthy V.;Narmoneva D.;Hinton R. (12-01-2009. ) Elastin haploinsufficiency is associated with altered interstitial cell phenotype and progressive ao .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, , (PART A ) ,501-502
Balaji S.;Vaikunth S.;Parvadia J.;Crombleholme T.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2009. ) In situ tissue engineering using angiogenic nanoscaffold enhances diabetic wound healing in db/db mo .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, , (PART A ) ,223-224
Balaji S.;Sheikh A.;Morris L.;Lim F.;Crombleholme T.;Narmoneva D. (12-01-2009. ) Angiogenic nanoscaffold accelerates diabetic wound healing and improves wound tissue strength in DB/.Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, , (PART B ) ,1173-1174 More Information
Johnson J.;Privitera M.;Narmoneva D.;Haridas B. (01-01-2008. ) Design and experimental capstone: An integrated experience .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Narmoneva D.;Oni O.;Sieminski A.;Zhang S.;Gertler J.;Kamm R.;Lee R. (08-01-2005. ) Self-assembling short oligopeptides and the promotion of angiogenesis.Biomaterials, , 26 (23 ) ,4837-4846 More Information
Davis M.;Motion J.;Narmoneva D.;Takahashi T.;Hakuno D.;Kamm R.;Zhang S.;Lee R. (02-01-2005. ) Injectable self-assembling peptide nanofibers create intramyocardial microenvironments for endotheli.Circulation, , 111 (4 ) ,442-450 More Information
Narmoneva D.;Vukmirovic R.;Davis M.;Kamm R.;Lee R. (08-24-2004. ) Endothelial cells promote cardiac myocyte survival and spatial reorganization: Implications for card.Circulation, , 110 (8 ) ,962-968 More Information
Elliott D.M.;Narmoneva D.A.;Setton L.A. (04-29-2002. ) Direct measurement of the Poisson's ratio of human patella cartilage in tension.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 124 (2 ) ,223-228 More Information
Narmoneva D.;Cheung H.;Wang J.;Howell D.;Setton L. (01-01-2002. ) Altered swelling behavior of femoral cartilage following joint immbolization in a canine model.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 20 (1 ) ,83-91 More Information
Flahiff C.;Narmoneva D.;Huebner J.;Kraus V.;Guilak F.;Setton L. (01-01-2002. ) Osmotic loading to determine the intrinsic material properties of guinea pig knee cartilage.Journal of Biomechanics, , 35 (9 ) ,1285-1290 More Information
Narmoneva D.;Wang J.;Setton L. (01-01-2001. ) A noncontacting method for material property determination for articular cartilage from osmotic load.Biophysical Journal, , 81 (6 ) ,3066-3076 More Information
Narmoneva D.;Wang J.;Setton L. (12-01-1999. ) New method for determination of the tensile modulus of articular cartilage in situ in a free-swellin .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED, , 43 ,31-32
Narmoneva D.;Wang J.;Setton L. (04-01-1999. ) Nonuniform swelling-induced residual strains in articular cartilage.Journal of Biomechanics, , 32 (4 ) ,401-408 More Information
Narmoneva D.;Wang J.;Patel S.;Howell D.;Setton L. (12-01-1997. ) Altered swelling-induced strain fields in articular cartilage following periods of immobilization .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED, , 36 ,125-126
Other Publications
Johnson JD, Privitera MB, Narmoneva DA, and Haridas B (2008. ) Design and Experimental Capstone: An Integrated Experience .Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, 74008 ,
Invited Presentations
Daria A. Narmoneva (04-2011. ) Endothelial cell as a universal sensor .to be given at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Pennsilvania.
Daria A. Narmoneva (04-2010. ) Electromagentic field as a regulator of MAPK/ERK pathway in angiogenesis .Vascular Club, Division of Pulmonary Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Daria A. Narmoneva (02-2010. ) Regulation of angiogenesis by extracellular microenvironment .University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Cincinnati, OH.
Daria A. Narmoneva (09-2008. ) Cell-Cell & Cell-Matrix Interactions In Vascular Tissue Engineering .Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Foundation, Department of Pediatrics and Pulmonary Biology, Cincinnati, OH.
Daria A. Narmoneva (11-2007. ) Vascular Tissue Engineering Using Self-Assembling Peptide Nanoscaffold .University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Division: Nephrology & Hypertension, Cincinnati, OH.
Daria A. Narmoneva (08-2007. ) Endothelial cell – fibroblast interactions in vascular tissue engineering .Vascular Club, Division of Pulmonary Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Daria A. Narmoneva (06-2004. ) Self-Assembling peptide nanoscaffolds: a novel system for angiogenesis and vascular tissue engineering .Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Daria A. Narmoneva (02-2002. ) A novel culture system for in vitro angiogenesis and tissue engineering .Cardiovascular Division Work-In-Progress Research Seminar, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Daria A. Narmoneva (02-2001. ) A non-contacting method for material property determination for articular cartilage from osmotic loading .Seminar Series in Fluid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Daria A. Narmoneva (05-2000. ) Osteoarthritis-related alterations in cartilage structure and mechanical properties detected using a novel osmotic-loading technique .Molecular cell bioengineering laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Daria A. Narmoneva (03-1997. ) Nonuniform swelling strains in full-thickness articular cartilage .Seminars in Cellular and Biosurface Engineering, Duke University,
Poster Presentations
Sheikh AQ, Nolan K, Cho H, Balaji S, Bloomer M, Narmoneva DA (10-2010. ) Diabetes-associated endothelial deficiency is improved by pro-angiogenic microenvironment .Accepted for presentation at the Biomedical Engineering Society annual meeting,
Krishnamurthy VK, Adelman-Brown J, Nielsen R, Guilak F, Narmoneva DA, Hinton RB (2010. ) Regional Aortic Valve Biomechanics in a Mouse Model of Aortic Valve Disease .4th Biennial Heart Valve Biology and Tissue Engineering Meeting, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. .
Sheikh AQ, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA (10-2009. ) Nanosecond electromagnetic field mediates capillary-like network formation via MAPK/ERK pathway .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Hurley JR, Balaji S, King B, Nolan K, Jiang S, Haider KH, Wang Y, Ashraf M, Narmoneva DA (10-2009. ) Self-assembling peptide nanoscaffold for MMP delivery and cardiac regeneration in the diabetic heart .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Cho H, Sheikh AQ, Narmoneva DA (10-2009. ) Peptide nanoscaffold mediates angiogenesis via non-specific interactions with endothelial cells .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Krishnamurthy VK, Johnson A, Guilak F, Narmoneva DA, Hinton RB (10-2009. ) Micorpipette aspiration as a nove approch for biomechanical testing of heart valve tissue .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Hurley JR, Balaji S, Narmoneva DA (2009. ) Dual role of fibroblasts as mediators of angiogenesis in the peptide nanoscaffold microenvironment .Transactions of the International Society for Heart Research , Baltimore, MD. .
Hurley JR, Balaji S, King B, Nolan K, Jiang S, Haider KH, Ashraf M, Narmoneva DA (04-2009. ) Peptide Nanoscaffold for MMP Delivery and Cardiac Remodeling in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Pittsburgh, PA. .
Cho H, Sheikh QA, Narmoneva DA (2009. ) The RAD16-II Peptide Nanoscaffold Enhances Capillary-Like Network Formation By Non-Specific Interactions With Endothelial Cells .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Pittsburgh, PA. .
S. Balaji, A.Q. Sheikh, L. Morris, F.Y. Lim, T.M. Crombleholme, and D.A. Narmoneva (04-2009. ) Angiogenic nanoscaffold enhances neovascularization and improves wound healing and repair tissue strength in db/db mice .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Pittusburg, PA. .
Hurley JR, Narmoneva DA (04-2009. ) Matrix Remodeling by Fibroblasts Supports Angiogenesis in the Peptide Nanoscaffold Microenvironment .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Pittsburgh, PA. .
Zimnicki T, Narmoneva DA (11-2008. ) Fibroblast Cells Promote Capillary-Like Network Formation by Endothelial Cells via Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-Dependent Mechanism .19TH Annual Argonne symposium for undergraduates in science, engineering and mathematics, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL. .
Sheikh A, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA (10-2008. ) Electromagnetic field stimulation of capillary assembly in RAD16 nanoscaffold for angiogenic therapy .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Hurley J, Zimnicki T, Narmoneva DA (10-2008. ) Regulation of angiogenesis via fibroblast-mediated matrix remodeling .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Krishnamurthy V., Gruber M., Narmoneva DA, Hinton Jr RB (11-2008. ) Elastin haploinsufficiency leads to altered interstitial cell phenotype and progressive aortopathy .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Balaji S, Parvadia J, Vaikunth SS, Lim FY, Crombleholme TC, and Narmoneva DA (04-2008. ) Peptide nanoscaffold treatment enhances endothelial and progenitor cell recruitment and improves wound healing in db/db mice .Symposium on the Advanced Wound Care,
Johnson JD, Privitera MB, Narmoneva DA, and Haridas B (2008. ) Design and Experimental Capstone: An Integrated Experience .Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education,
Gruber M., Krishnamurthy V., Narmoneva DA, Hinton Jr RB (04-2008. ) Elastin haploinsufficiency is associated with altered interstitial cell phenotype and progressive aortopathy .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Cincinnati, OH. .
Hurley JR, Marcotte KE, Narmoneva DA (04-2008. ) Fibroblasts Regulate the Extracellular Mechanical Environment and In Vitro Capillary-Like Network Formation .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Cincinnati, OH. .
Balaji S, Parvadia J, Vaikunth SS, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (04-2008. ) In Situ Tissue Engineering Improves Neovascularization And Wound Healing In Db/Db Mice .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Cincinnati, OH. .
Sheikh A, Kogan AB, Narmoneva DA (04-2008. ) Microwave field enhances capillary-like network assembly by microvascular endothelial cells .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Cincinnati, OH. .
Hurley JR, Balaji S, Marcotte KE, Narmoneva DA (09-2007. ) Fibroblasts Facilitate In Vitro Angiogenesis via Regulation of Chemical and Mechanical Environments .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Balaji S, Parvadia J, Vaikunth SS, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (09-2007. ) Angiogenic scaffold promotes neovascularization and wound healing in murine model of type II diabetes .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Balaji S, Vaikunth SS, Maldonado AM, Parvadia J, Lim FY, Crombleholme TM, Narmoneva DA (04-2007. ) Angiogenic Scaffold Enhances Wound Healing In Murine Model of Type II Diabetes .Midwest Tissue Engineering Consortium, Ann Arbor, MI. .
Marcotte KE, Balaji S and Narmoneva DA (08-2006. ) Peptide scaffold promotes endothelial cell-fibroblast interactions and angiogenesis in vitro .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Harmon M, Narmoneva DA (08-2005. ) Effects of Scaffold Mechanical Properties on Endothelial Cell Network Formation .Surfaces in Biomaterials regional conference, Minneapolis. .
Narmoneva DA, Lee RT and Kamm RD (08-2004. ) Effect of scaffold material properties on capillary formation by human endothelial cells .Transactions of the Biomedical Engineering Society,
Narmoneva DA, Lee RT, Gertler JG, and Kamm RD (2002. ) Self-assembling peptide scaffold promotes angiogenesis and network formation in three-dimensional culture of human microvascular endothelial cells .Transactions of the International Society of Biomechanics XVIII Congress, Calgary, Canada. .
Flahiff CM, Narmoneva DA, Kraus VB, Huebner JL, Wang JY, Guilak F, Setton LA (2001. ) Cartilage mechanics in the guinea pig model of osteoarthritis .Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society,
Narmoneva DA, Wang JY and Setton LA (2000. ) An inhomogeneous model describes the nonuniform swelling behaviors of human patellar cartilage .Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 25:882,
Leddy HA, Narmoneva DA, Kraus VN, Huebner JL, Guilak F, Wang JY and Setton LA (2000. ) Quantitative swelling for material property determinations in guinea pig cartilage .Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 25:108,
Setton LA, Narmoneva DA, Leddy H, Guilak F and Kraus VB (1999. ) Quantitative swelling for cartilage property determinations in small animal joints .Transactions of the International Society of Biomechanics XVII Congress,
Narmoneva DA, Guilak F, Vail TP, and Setton LA (1998. ) Quantitation of swelling effects in articular cartilage following meniscectomy in a canine model .Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 23:480,
Narmoneva DA and Setton LA (1997. ) Measurement of nonuniform swelling strains in full–thickness articular cartilage .Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 22:81,
Honors and Awards
2007 -2010 Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
08-2010 Mentor Recognition Award NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program, University of Cincinnati
08-2008 Mentor Recognition Award NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program, University of Cincinnati
08-2007 Mentor Recognition Award NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program, University of Cincinnati
2002 -2004 American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellow A new three-dimensional culture system for in vitro angiogenesis and cardiac tissue engineering
11-1999 2nd place, PhD best paper competition International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Nashville, TN
04-2017 Mid-Career Health Research Award University of Cincinnati
05-2017 Distinguished Research award College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati
05-2015 Translational Research Award International Wound Healing Society
03-2014 Featured on NSF website Laboratory research on novel wound healing therapy is featured on the NSF webpage
01-2014 Research Seed Award University of Cincinnati NSF ADVANCE “UC LEAF” (Leadership, Empowerment, Advancement for Women in Stem Faculty)
05-2013 Anita Roberts award for the best research article published in the journal Wound Repair and Regeneration Wound Healing Society
2016 College of Engineering and Applied Science Master Educator award
11-2011 Nominated for the George S. Barbour Award for Promoting Good Student-Faculty Relations (nominations by students/alumni only)
Student Advising
Swathi Balaji (Doctoral )
Philip Jung (Doctoral )
Jennifer Hurley (Doctoral )
Hongkwan Cho (Doctoral )
Abdul Sheikh (Doctoral )
Varun Krishnamurthy (Doctoral )
John Vennemeyer (Doctoral )
Kyle Rich (Doctoral )
Stephen Perrin (Doctoral )
Kirthi Radhakrishnan (Doctoral )
Matthew Gruber (Doctoral )
Adeola Adeyemo (Doctoral )
Chandra Karunakan (Doctoral )
Jonathan Kopechek (Doctoral )
Kate Hitchcock (Doctoral )
Dahai Gao (Doctoral )
Balakumar Rajendran (Doctoral )
Annette de Kloet
Kirsten Kinneberg
Stephen R. Perrin
Rada Vukmirovich
Andrew Mutchler (Undergrad )
Cameron Ingram (Undergrad )
Laura DeMott (Undergrad )
Shawn Rockey (Undergrad )
Michele Bloomer (Undergrad )
Kristof Nolan (Undergrad )
Brad King (Undergrad )
Kathryn Kadasia (Undergrad )
Andrew Reckers (Undergrad )
Adam Hoenle (Undergrad )
Brent Huxel (Undergrad )
Shaan Sethi (Undergrad )
Matt Gruber (Undergrad )
Maya Harmon (Undergrad )
Karen Marcotte (Undergrad )
Ashley Wheeler (Undergrad )
Theresa Wu (Undergrad )
Brad Herbig (Undergrad )
Danielle L. Bourgeois (Undergrad )
Thea Zimnicki (Undergrad )
Hoi (Justin) Wong (Undergrad )
Sonia Merritt (Undergrad )
Cathy Pham (Undergrad )
Muyiwa Oni (Undergrad )
Suelin Chen (Undergrad )
Toloo Taghian (Doctoral ) Advisor Status:Completed 12-2015
Nava Rijal (Doctoral ) Status:In Progress
University Research Council (URC) subcommittee on Life Sciences Type:University/College Service 09-2009 -To Present
UC SEEBME web site committee member Type:University/College Service 08-2009 -09-2009
BME Chair Search Committee member Type:University/College Service 03-2009 -08-2009
College of Engineering Awards Committee member Type:University/College Service 09-2007 -To Present
UCBME Graduate Committee member 06-2007 -To Present
Tissue Engineering subcommittee for graduate student recruitment 02-2007
Tissue engineering/biomechanics curriculum committee
(BME Department Head search committee ) Member 2016 -To Present
(CEAS workgroup on Improving quality of students ) Member 2016 -To Present
(BME strategic development committee ) Member 2016 -To Present
(ABET ) Coordinator 2015 -To Present
(CEAS awards committee ) 2016 -To Present
(CCHMC-CEAS Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine working group ) Member 2015 -To Present
(Faculty Hiring Committee: Chemical engineering ) Member 2015 -2016
(Faculty Senate Research and Scholarship Committee ) 2013 -2016
(CEAS Awards Committee ) Member 2007 -2011
(BME Graduate Committee ) Member 2007 -To Present
(BME Curriculum Committee ) 2010 -To Present
(CEAS Cluster Hiring Committee – Health Cluster ) 2014 -2015
(BCEE Department Policy & Procedures Committee ) Member 2010 -2013
(BCEE Department Chair search committee ) Member 2013 -2014
(UCBME ABET (Research Track) ) Coordinator 2012 -2013
(BME endowed chair search committee ) Member 2012 -2013
(ChemE endowed chair search committee ) 2012 -2013
(CEAS Institute of Materials Science and Engineering Committee ) Member 04-2012 -10-2012
(NSF Accend program ) 2016 -To Present
(NSF REU program ) 2010 -To Present
(UC WISE - Women in Science and Engineering program )
(Women in Engineering activities )
(Undergraduate and Graduate Student Research Forums )
Post Graduate Training and Education
-01-20-2001 Postdoctoral Fellowship, (Development of novel angiogenic scaffold), Massachussetts Institute of Technology, , Cambridge, MA
-06-20-2004 Postdoctoral Fellowship, (Cardiac tissue engineering), Brigham and Women's Hospital, , Boston, MA
-12-20-2001 Postdoctoral Fellowship, (Effects of shear stress on arteriogenesis), Massachussetts General Hospital, Vascular Surgery, , Boston, MA
Professional Affiliation
2009 -To Present: Member, Wound Healing Society
2004 -To Present: Member, Biomedical Engineering Society
2002 -To Present: Member, American Heart Association
1997 -To Present: Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (Bioengineering Division).
06-2010 -To Present: Chair of the PhD Student Competition Committee American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division
05-2009 -06-2009: Application Reviewer NIH ARRA Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies Integrated Review Group
06-2009 -03-2010: Chair of the MS Student Competition Committee American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division
02-2009 -10-2009: Orthopedic Biomaterials Session Organizer and Chair Annual meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, October 2009, Pittsburg, PA
06-2008 -05-2009: Chair of the Undergraduate Student Competition Committee American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division
01-2008 -04-2008: Co-chair of the Organizing Committee (with Dr. Jason Shearn) Midwestern Tissue Engineering Consortium Meeting, April 10-12, Cincinnati, OH
06-2007: Session co-chair Summer Bioengineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division
2009: Ad-hoc member, NIH ARRA Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies Integrated Review Group
2011: Reviewer, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
2013 -2015: Member, VA SPiRE (Small Projects in the Office of Research and Development’s Rehabilitation Research and Development Service) panel
2012 -To Present: Reviewer on more than 15 NIH grant review panels on wound healing and related research
2013 -To Present: Editorial Board Member, Austin Journal of Biomedical Engineering
2014 -To Present: Member, Wound Healing Society Program Committee
2015 -To Present: Member of the Federal Adivisory Committee and RR&D scientific merit review board, Veteran’s Health Administration, US Department of Veterans Affairs
2014 -2015: Chair/Organizer of the Regenerative Medicine Track for the Global Biotechnology Congress 2015
2015 -2016: Fellow, Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering (ELATE) 2015/2016 program
2016 -2017: Session organizer and chair, International Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting, April 2017
Courses Taught
Statistical Experimental Design
Research Capstone I
Research Capstone II
Research Design
Tissue Mechanics Lab
Tissue Biomechanics
Functional Tissue Engineering
Biomedical Engineering Survey
Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Patents and Inventions
Effects of high-frequency EMF on angiogenic signaling DA Narmoneva, AB Kogan, 06-05-2009
Chronic and diabetic wound healing with peptide nanoscaffolds and related compositions and methods of use thereof DA Narmoneva, TM Crombleholme, 06-2008
US 20040242469 Angiogenesis and cardiac tissue engineering with peptide hydrogels and related compositions and methods of use thereof RT Lee, RD Kamm, DA Narmoneva, S Zhang, ,
UOC-15115P Therapeutic Modulation of Cell Function By An Electric Field DA Narmoneva, AB Kogan, T Taghian,
61/879,268 Method and Device for Treating a Tissue with a High Frequency Electromagnetic Field DA Narmoneva, AB Kogan, AQ Sheikh, T Taghian,
Electromagnetic field for wound healing therapy DA Narmoneva, AB Kogan, AQ Sheikh,
US 20040242469 Angiogenesis and cardiac tissue engineering with peptide hydrogels and related compositions and methods of use thereof DA Narmoneva, AB Kogan, AQ Sheikh,
Electromagnetic field for wound healing therapy DA Narmoneva, AB Kogan, AQ Sheikh, 09-18-2013
Contact Information
Academic - College of Engineering and Applied Science
850 ERC, University of Cincinnati
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-556-3997
Fax: 513-556-4162