Melissa Neal

Melissa Neal

Instructor - Adjunct

Field Service Assistant Professor

Edwards Center

2150 EDWARDS 1

CECH ECE Online - 0002

Professional Summary

Melissa Neal is a native Rhode Islander. In 2002, she came to the University of Cincinnati to teach in the Early Childhood,Care, and Education Associate program. Melissa teaches various classes in the area of early childhood education. Her specialization is cultural diversity, teacher preparation, and assessment.

Melissa received her undergraduate and master's degree from the University of Rhode Island in Child Development and Family Studies specializing in early childhood education. She is currently working on her doctorate degree from Syracuse University. Melissa also was a preschool and elementary teacher before coming to the University of Cincinnati.

Research Support

Grant: #90YD0271-01 Investigators:Boat, Mary Barbara; Holstrom, Lisa; Neal, Melissa 09-30-2008 -09-29-2012 Administration for Children and Families Online Associates Degree for Infant/Toddler Teachers Role:Collaborator $3,000,000.00 Active Level:Federal