Professional Summary
Joseph H. Nevin received the B.S.E.E., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Cincinnati. In 1967 he joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty at the University of Cincinnati where he is now a Professor. Part of his research thrust in the past has been directed toward the study of electronic materials used in integrated circuit fabrication. Recent research activity is directed toward the development of integrated circuit sensors along with the analog circuits necessary for signal processing. Pressure, humidity and chemical sensors have been fabricated as a part of this research program. He currently serves as an Assistant Dean in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.
Ph.D: University of Cincinnati 1974
B.S. in Electrical Engineering: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1964 (Electrical Engineering)
Master of Science: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1966 (Microelectronic Processing Systems)
Research and Practice Interests
Microelectronics, analog and integrated circuits, sensors and systems.
Research Support
Grant: #ECS-0622036 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Nevin, Joseph 09-01-2006 -08-30-2010 National Science Foundation Interdigitated Nanoelectrode Biosensors on Polymer with A Charge-Balanced Transduction Method Role:Collaborator $239,051.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #G4P-4500476364 Investigators:Nevin, Joseph 07-01-2005 -06-30-2008 Procter & Gamble Company Hand Held Electronic System for Sensor Measurements Role:PI $75,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Nevin, Joseph 03-01-1997 -06-30-2000 Ohio Board of Regents Establishment of Micromachining Technology in Analytical Chemistry Role:PI $225,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #GAP 3060379851 Investigators:Nevin, Joseph 09-15-2008 -12-31-2008 Procter & Gamble Company Electronic Systems Development Role:PI $18,274.00 Active Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Do, Jaephil; Lee, Sehwan; Han, Jungyup; Kai, Junhai; Hong, Chien-Chong; Gao, Chuan; Nevin, Joseph H; Beaucage, Gregory; Ahn, Chong H (2008. ) Development of functional lab-on-a-chip on polymer for point-of-care testing of metabolic parameters.Lab on a chip, , 8 (12 ) ,2113-20 More Information
Choi, Jin-Woo; Oh, Kwang W; Thomas, Jennifer H; Heineman, William R; Halsall, H Brian; Nevin, Joseph H; Helmicki, Arthur J; Henderson, H Thurman; Ahn, Chong H (2002. ) An integrated microfluidic biochemical detection system for protein analysis with magnetic bead-based sampling capabilities.Lab on a chip, , 2 (1 ) ,27-30 More Information
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