Xi-Zhi Niu
Asst Professor
2901 Woodside Dr
Engineering Research Centre
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 5135567833
Email xi-zhi.niu@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Niu's research focuses on emerging organic contaminants, environmental organic chemistry, environmental analytical chemistry, aquatic photochemistry, and environmentally benign semiconductor fabrication. We employ environmental organic chemistry and analytical chemistry approaches to identify and solve environmental and public health problems caused by organic pollutants
Niu Emerging Contaminants Lab @ UC
PhD: Curtin University Australia, 2018 (Environmental chemistry)
Master: King Abdullah University of Science & Technology Saudi Arabia, 2013 (Environmental Science & Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
2018 -2021 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
2022 -2022 Guest R&D scientist, Zhejiang University- Jiande Environmental Innovation and Technology Center, Hangzhou, China
2022 -2022 Visiting scholar, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen China
2013 -2014 Research asst, Unite Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
2011 - Intern Trainee, National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Research Support
Grant: #G24AP00027-00 Investigators:Niu, Xi-Zhi 01-01-2024 -12-31-2026 U.S. Geological Survey; Level: Federal; Tracing the Shortest: method development and analysis of ultrashort-chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the Ohio River basin Role:PI 268, 288.00 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #OSU AWD-113963 Investigators:Niu, Xi-Zhi 09-01-2024 -08-31-2025 U.S. Geological Survey; Level: Federal; Impact of combined sewer overflow on emerging contaminants in surface waters in Greater Cincinnati Role:PI 40000.00 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #ES-3316 Investigators:Xi-Zhi Niu, Tim Strathmann 01-01-2025 -12-31-2027 Semiconductor Research Corporation Detection and removal of photoacid generators in fab waste streams Role:PI 315, 000 Pending
Investigators:Niu, Xi-Zhi 01-01-2025 -12-31-2027 Semiconductor Research Corporation Detection and removal of oniums, photoproducts, and co-occurring PFAS in fab waste streams Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Niu, X. Z., Moore, E. J., & Croué, J. P. (2018. ) Excited Triplet State Interactions of Fluoroquinolone Norfloxacin with Natural Organic Matter: A Laser Spectroscopy Study .Environmental Science & Technology, ,
Niu, X. Z., & Croué, J. P. (2019. ) Photochemical production of hydroxyl radical from algal organic matter .Water Research, ,
Niu, X. Z., Glady-Croué, J., & Croué, J. P. (2017. ) Photodegradation of sulfathiazole under simulated sunlight: Kinetics, photo-induced structural rearrangement, and antimicrobial activities of photoproducts .Water Research, ,
Niu, X. Z., Busetti, F., Langsa, M., & Croué, J. P. (2016. ) Roles of singlet oxygen and dissolved organic matter in self-sensitized photo-oxidation of antibiotic norfloxacin under sunlight irradiation .Water Research, ,
Niu, X. Z., Liu, C., Gutierrez, L., & Croué, J. P. Photobleaching-induced changes in photosensitizing properties of dissolved organic matter .Water Research, ,
Niu, X. Z.*, Harir, M., Schmidt-Koplin, P. & Croué, J. P. (2018. ) Characterisation of dissolved organic matter using high-resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry: type-specific unique signatures and implications for reactivity .Science of the total environment, ,
Niu, X. Z., Harir, M., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., & Croué, J. P. (2019. ) Sunlight-induced phototransformation of transphilic and hydrophobic fractions of Suwannee River dissolved organic matter .Science of the total environment, ,
Niu, X. Z., Abrell, L., Sierra-Alvarez, R., Field, J. A., & Chorover, J. (2022. ) Analysis of hydrophilic per-and polyfluorinated sulfonates including trifluoromethanesulfonate using solid phase extraction and mixed-mode liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry .Journal of Chromatography A, ,
Niu, X. Z., Field, J. A., Paniego, R., Pepel, R. D., Chorover, J., Abrell, L., & Sierra-Alvarez, R. (2021. ) Bioconcentration potential and microbial toxicity of onium cations in photoacid generators .Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ,
Niu, X. Z., Pepel, R., Paniego, R., Field, J., Chorover, J., Abrell, L., ... & Sierra-Alvarez, R. (2021. ) Photochemical Fate of Sulfonium Photoacid Generator Cations under Photolithography Relevant UV Irradiation .Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, ,
Niu, X. Z., Pepel, R. D., Paniego, R., Abrell, L., Field, J. A., Chorover, J., & Sierra-Alvarez, R (2022. ) Fate of bis-(4-tert-butyl phenyl)-iodonium under photolithography relevant irradiation and the environmental risk properties of the formed photoproducts .Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ,
Pan, J., Zhuo, Q., Niu, X. Z., Zeng, Y., Wang, H., & Guan, B. (2024. ) Screening of Trace PhACs from Drinking Water and Removal of Gemfibrozil by Catalytic Ozonation at Pilot Scale.ACS ES&T Water, , More Information
Hu, W., Niu, X. Z., Chen, H., Ye, B., Liang, J. K., Guan, Y. T., & Wu, Q. Y. (2024. ) Molecular insight of dissolved organic matter and chlorinated disinfection by-products in reclaimed water during chlorination with permanganate preoxidation. Chemosphere, , (349 ) ,140807
Peng, Y., Hu, W., Niu, X.Z. (2024. ) Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances removal in water and wastewater treatment plants: overall efficiency and performance of adsorption.Environmental Research Communications, , 6 (092002 ) , More Information
Jividen, L., Duran, T., Niu, X. Z., & Bai, J. (2024). Uncovering the Mechanism of Hepatotoxiciy of PFAS Targeting L-FABP Using GCN and Computational Modeling (2024. ) Uncovering the Mechanism of Hepatotoxiciy of PFAS Targeting L-FABP Using GCN and Computational Modeling. More Information
Student Advising
Karen Noda Morishita (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Zixi Fan (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Ouro Koumai (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Gulizhaer Abulikemu (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Samantha Smith (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Hyunsik Kim (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Quinn Birch (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Ayoung Choi (Other ) Advisor Status:In Progress
Haesung Lee (Other ) Advisor Status:In Progress
Ali Sallakh Niknejad (Other ) Advisor Status:Completed
Association of Chinese American Professors in Environmental Engineering Science Executive Board Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2024 -2026
Lake Erie Aquatic Research Network Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional
Nano Life Guest Co-Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Courses Taught
ENVE 4010 Water & Wastewater Treatment Level:Undergraduate
ENVE 4020 Water & Wastewater Treatment Level:Undergraduate
ENVE 4010L Environmental Measurements Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Academic - 2901 Woodside Dr
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 5135567833