Isaac Kofi Nti
Asst Professor
Teachers College
CECH - School of Information Technology - 0002
Professional Summary
Dr. I. K. Nti holds PhD in Computer Science, MSc. in Information Technology, BSc. in Computer Science and HND in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. His research interests include applied machine learning, AI-powered cybersecurity, energy system modelling, intelligent information systems and social and sustainable computing, business analytics and data privacy and security.
PhD in Computer Science: University of Energy and Natural Resources Sunyani, Ghana, 2021 (Computer Science)
Master of Science: Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana, 2016 (Information Technology)
Positions and Work Experience
2009 -2021 Lecturer, Sunyani Technical University, Sunyani, Ghana
2021 - Lecturer, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, Sunyani
08-15-2022 -08-14-2024 Visiting Assistant Professor, Teaching graduate course in machine learning and data science, principles of cybersecurity and undergraduate course in fundamentals of information technology and data technology administration., School of Information Technology, University of Cincinnati, USA
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nti, I K; Narko-Boateng, O; Adekoya, F A and Somanathan, A R (2022. ) Stacknet Based Decision Fusion Classifier for Network Intrusion Detection.The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, , More Information
Nti, Isaac Kofi Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Nyarko Boateng, Owusu Ramasami, Ponnadurai (2022. ) Empirical assessment of COVID-19 infections and information diffusion: a data science approach .International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, ,
Nti, Isaac Kofi Nyarko‐Boateng, Owusu Aning, Justice (2021. ) Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms with Different K Values in K-fold Cross- Validation .International Journal Information Technology and Computer Science, , (6 ) ,
Ayawli, Ben Beklisi Kwame Appiah, Albert Yaw Nti, Isaac Kofi Kyeremeh, Frimpong Ayawli, Esinam Irene (2021. ) Path planning for mobile robots using Morphological Dilation Voronoi Diagram Roadmap algorithm .Scientific African, , (12 ) ,
Nyarko-Boateng, Owusu Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Weyori, Benjamin Asubam Ening, Justice Nti, Isaac Kofi (2021. ) Policy Compliance Standards for Underground Fiber Cable Deployment and Post-Deployment Protection .Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ,
Nti, Isaac Kofi Nyarko-Boateng, Owusu Adekoya, Felix Adebayo Weyori, Benjamin Asubam (2021. ) An empirical assessment of different kernel functions on the performance of support vector machines .Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ,
Nti, Isaac Kofi Akyeramfo-Sam, Samuel Bediako-Kyeremeh, Bright Agyemang, Sylvester (2021. ) Prediction of social media effects on students’ academic performance using Machine Learning Algorithms (MLAs) .Journal of Computers in Education, ,
Nti, Isaac Kofi Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Weyori, Benjamin Asubam Nyarko-Boateng, Owusu (2021. ) Applications of artificial intelligence in engineering and manufacturing: a systematic review .Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, ,
Nti, Isaac Kofi Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Weyori, Benjamin Asubam (2021. ) A novel multi-source information-fusion predictive framework based on deep neural networks for accuracy enhancement in stock market prediction .Journal of Big Data, ,
Owusu-Boadu, Bridgitte Nti, Isaac Kofi Nyarko-Boateng, Owusu Aning, Justice Boafo, Victoria (2021. ) Academic Performance Modelling with Machine Learning Based on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Features .Applied Computer Systems, ,
Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Nti, Isaac Kofi Weyori, Benjamin Asubam (2021. ) Long Short-Term Memory Network for Predicting Exchange Rate of the Ghanaian Cedi.FinTech, , More Information
Nti, Isaac Kofi Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Opoku, Michael Nimbe, Peter (2020. ) Synchronising social media into teaching and learning settings at tertiary education.International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments, , More Information
Nti, Isaac Kofi Teimeh, Moses Nyarko-Boateng, Owusu Adekoya, Adebayo Felix (2020. ) Electricity load forecasting: a systematic review.Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, , More Information
Nti, Isaac Kofi Adekoya, Adebayo Felix Weyori, Benjamin Asubam (2020. ) A comprehensive evaluation of ensemble learning for stock-market prediction.Journal of Big Data, , More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A. (04-01-2020. ) A systematic review of fundamental and technical analysis of stock market predictions.Artificial Intelligence Review, , 53 (4 ) ,3007-3057 More Information
Appiah V.; Asante M.; Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O. (01-01-2019. ) Survey of websites and web application security threats using vulnerability assessment.Journal of Computer Science, , 15 (10 ) ,1341-1354 More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A. (12-01-2020. ) A comprehensive evaluation of ensemble learning for stock-market prediction.Journal of Big Data, , 7 (1 ) , More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A. (01-01-2020. ) Efficient Stock-Market Prediction Using Ensemble Support Vector Machine.Open Computer Science, , 10 (1 ) ,153-163 More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A. (12-01-2021. ) A novel multi-source information-fusion predictive framework based on deep neural networks for accur.Journal of Big Data, , 8 (1 ) , More Information
Ayawli B.B.K.; Appiah A.Y.; Nti I.K.; Kyeremeh F.; Ayawli E.I. (07-01-2021. ) Path planning for mobile robots using Morphological Dilation Voronoi Diagram Roadmap algorithm.Scientific African, , 12 , More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A.; Nyarko-Boateng O. (08-01-2022. ) Applications of artificial intelligence in engineering and manufacturing: a systematic review.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, , 33 (6 ) ,1581-1601 More Information
Nti I.K.; Akyeramfo-Sam S.; Bediako-Kyeremeh B.; Agyemang S. (06-01-2022. ) Prediction of social media effects on students’ academic performance using Machine Learning Algorith.Journal of Computers in Education, , 9 (2 ) ,195-223 More Information
Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Adekoya F.A.; Weyori B.A. (12-01-2021. ) An empirical assessment of different kernel functions on the performance of support vector machines.Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, , 10 (6 ) ,3403-3411 More Information
Nti I.K.; Quarcoo J.A.; Aning J.; Fosu G.K. (06-01-2022. ) A mini-review of machine learning in big data analytics: Applications, challenges, and prospects.Big Data Mining and Analytics, , 5 (2 ) ,81-97 More Information
Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Boateng S.; Bawah F.U.; Agbedanu P.R.; Awarayi N.S.; Nimbe P.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A.; Akoto-Adjepong V. (01-01-2021. ) Enhancing Flood Prediction using Ensemble and Deep Learning Techniques.2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT 2021, , More Information
Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Adekoya A.F.; Arjun R. (01-01-2021. ) Network intrusion detection with stackNet: A phi coefficient Based Weak Learner Selection Approach.2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT 2021, , More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Narko-Boateng O.; Somanathan A.R. (01-01-2022. ) Stacknet Based Decision Fusion Classifier for Network Intrusion Detection.International Arab Journal of Information Technology, , 19 (Special Issue 3A ) ,478-490 More Information
Nti I.K.; Owusu-Boadu B. (12-01-2022. ) A hybrid boosting ensemble model for predicting maternal mortality and sustaining reproductive.Smart Health, , 26 , More Information
Mensah P.K.; Ayidzoe M.A.; Opoku A.A.; Adu K.; Weyori B.A.; Nti I.K.; Nimbe P. (01-01-2022. ) Uncertainty Estimation Using Variational Mixture of Gaussians Capsule Network for Health Image Class.Computational intelligence and neuroscience, , 2022 ,4984490 More Information
Nti I.K.; Appiah A.Y.; Nyarko-Boateng O. (01-01-2020. ) Assessment and prediction of earthing resistance in domestic installation.Engineering Reports, , 2 (1 ) , More Information
Nti I.K.; Somanathan A.R. (01-01-2022. ) A Scalable RF-XGBoost Framework for Financial Fraud Mitigation.IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, , More Information
Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A.; Adjei H.P. (01-01-2023. ) Predicting diabetes using Cohen’s Kappa blending ensemble learning.International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, , 13 (1 ) ,57-70 More Information
Agbedanu P.R.; Umar Bawah F.; Akoto-Adjepong V.; Awarayi N.S.; Nti I.K.; Boateng S.; Nimbe P.; Nyarko-Boateng O. (01-01-2022. ) BLOCOVID: A blockchain-based COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate verification system.8th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies, ICEET 2022, , More Information
Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Aning J.; Fosu G.K.; Pokuaa H.A.; Kyeremeh F. (01-01-2022. ) Early Detection of Stroke for Ensuring Health and Well-Being Based on Categorical Gradient Boosting .Journal of ICT Research and Applications, , 16 (3 ) ,313-332 More Information
Kyeremeh F.; Zhi F.; Yi Y.; Gyamfi E.; Nti I.K. (01-01-2022. ) Solar PV Power Forecasting with a Hybrid LSTM-AdaBoost Ensemble.Proceedings of 2022 IEEE and IET-GH International Utility Conference and Exposition, IUCE 2022, , More Information
Nti I.K.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Adekoya A.F.; Mensah P.K.; Abra Ayidzoe M.; Fosu G.K.; Adjei Pokuaa H.; Arjun R. (01-01-2023. ) Intelligent Computational Model for Accurate and Early Diagnosis of Heart Failure.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 551 ,383-397 More Information
Mensah P.K.; Akoto-Adjepong V.; Adu K.; Ayidzoe M.A.; Bediako E.A.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Boateng S.; Donkor E.F.; Bawah F.U.; Awarayi N.S.; Nimbe P.; Nti I.K.; Abdulai M.; Adjei R.R.; Opoku M.; Abdulai S.; Amu-Mensah F. (08-01-2023. ) CCMT: Dataset for crop pest and disease detection.Data in Brief, , 49 , More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Weyori B.A.; Keyeremeh F. (09-01-2023. ) A bibliometric analysis of technology in sustainable healthcare: Emerging trends and future directio.Decision Analytics Journal, , 8 , More Information
Nti I.K.; Zaman A.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Adekoya A.F.; Keyeremeh F. (09-01-2023. ) A predictive analytics model for crop suitability and productivity with tree-based ensemble learning.Decision Analytics Journal, , 8 , More Information
Nti I.K.; Umar Bawah F.; Quarcoo J.A.; Kalos F. (01-01-2023. ) A Bibliometric Analysis of Soft Computing Technology Applications Trends and Characterisation in Edu.Africa Education Review, , 19 (3 ) ,55-77 More Information
Nti I.K.; Adekoya A.F.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Ramasami P. (01-01-2024. ) Empirical assessment of COVID-19 infections and information diffusion: a data science approach.International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, , 16 (2 ) ,97-114 More Information
Nti I.K.; Adu K.; Nimbe P.; Nyarko-Boateng O.; Adekoya A.F.; Appiahene P. (01-01-2024. ) Robust and resourceful automobile insurance fraud detection with multi-stacked LSTM network and adap.International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, , 17 (2 ) ,230-249 More Information