Shureka _ Nyawalo , PHD
Assoc Professor - Educator
Associate Professor Educator and Coordinator of the Basic French Program
Email nyawalsa@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
My name is Dr. Shureka Nyawalo and I am an Associate Professor Educator and the Basic French Program Coordinator at the University of Cincinnati Clifton (uptown) campus. My research and scholarly interests include French phonology, second/foreign language teaching and learning, and teaching in higher education contexts. At UC, I teach 1000-level, 2000-level and 3000-level courses in French. As coordinator, I oversee the 1000- and 2000-level courses in the French program.
Additionally, I organize the summer language immersion program in Bordeaux, France, at the DEFLE (Département d'Études de Français Langue Étrangère). (For more details, go to: https://defle.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/en/index.html).
In 2022, my collegues and I were awarded a competitive federal grant to develop teaching materials. (Read UC's article on this grant: https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2022/08/uc-to-become-nationwide-resource-center-for-language-instructors.html). I'm currently writing an open educational textbook called Parlons-en ! Manuel de français intermédiare et avancé, published in Pressbooks, an open digital textbook repository.
PhD: Université Bordeaux Montaigne Pessac, France, 2017 (L1 French phonology)
MA: Penn State University State College, PA, 2007 (French phonology, applied linguistics)
BA: Truman State University Kirksville, MO, 2004 (French, French translation, linguistics)
Research and Practice Interests
--French language and culture
--French phonology
--Teaching and learning
--Non-European French language and cultures
--Professional development
Positions and Work Experience
08-2019 - Assistant Professor Educator and Basic French Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08-2017 -05-2019 Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH
08-2015 -05-2017 Visiting Instructor, Colorado State University-Pueblo, Pueblo, CO
08-2012 -05-2012 Adjunct Instructor, Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, OH
01-2012 -05-2012 Visiting instructor, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
08-2024 - Associate Professor Educator and Basic French Program Coordinator, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Paper Presentations
Shureka Nyawalo (11-2018. ) Aspects sociolinguistiques du schwa final en conversation à Bordeaux .Paris, France.
Shureka Nyawalo (11-2017. ) Une analyse de la liaison après être et avoir : un cas d’étude à Bordeaux .Paris, France.
Shureka Nyawalo (02-2017. ) Liaison and enchaînement realization in L2 and L3 French: Results from a reading task .Loveland, Colorado.
Shureka Nyawalo (04-2016. ) Schwa realization in Bordeaux French: a sociolinguistic approach .Pueblo, Colorado.
Shureka Nyawalo (01-2015. ) A case study of Minnesota French in attrition: what is retained and what is lost .Portsmouth, Ohio.
Shureka Nyawalo (07-2014. ) Class size, interpersonal relationships, and foreign language anxiety .Grand Forks, North Dakota.
Honors and Awards
09-01-2022 Project director for the CEDAR LRC My colleagues in the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures (RALL) and I have recently been awarded a competitive grant from the US Department of Education called the Curricular Enhancement, Development, Access, and Research Language Resource Center (CEDAR LRC). For this project, my contribution is to develop open-access teaching materials for intermediate-high/advanced-low French, specifically targeting language varieties and cultural aspects from non-European, French-speaking parts of the world. U.S. Department of Education Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Grant
(Basic Languages Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Policies Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Evaluation Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Language Placement Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College
Professional Affiliation
Member of AABHE, The American Association of Blacks in Higher Education
Member of AATF, The American Association of Teachers of French
Member of AAUSC, The American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Foreign Language Programs
Member of ACTFL, The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Courses Taught
Basic French 1
Basic French 2
Speaking in French about France/Francophone Cultures
Extended Basic French 1
French Practicum 1 Level:Graduate
French Practicum 2 Level:Graduate
Other Information
Academia.edu profile: independent.academia.edu/SNyawalo
Linked in profile: www.linkedin.com/in/shurekanyawalo,
Contact Information
Academic - nyawalsa@ucmail.uc.edu