Kathleen Oliphant, DNP, RN, CNL, NEA-BC
Asst Professor - Clin
Procter Hall
CON Population Health - 0038
Professional Summary
Kathleen Oliphant, DNP, RN, CNL, NEA-BC is an Assistant Professor of Nursing and Director of the Systems Leadership Program. Her experience includes clinical and leadership positions in both the hospital and ambulatory settings focusing on improving cost efficiency, patient experience, safety, and quality outcomes. Interest areas include nurse well-being and continuum of care with recent partnership involving leaders in seven states and Ireland. Teaching experience includes graduate nursing courses in systems leadership, strategic management, clinical nurse leader immersion, and fundamentals of population health.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing: University of Akron Akron, OH, 1998
Master of Science in Nursing: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2012 (Nursing Administration)
Doctor of Nursing Practice: Mount St. Joseph University Cincinnati, OH, 2021 (Health Systems Leadership)
Diploma in Nursing (RN): Fairview Hospital School of Nursing Cleveland, OH, 1981
Positions and Work Experience
2021 -2022 System Director, Ambulatory Nursing and Continuum Care , Provided leadership and nursing practice oversight as well as strategic and operational direction for clinical care delivery across the continuum in Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Ireland. Chair of Nurse Well-Being Committee., Bon Secours Mercy Health, Cincinnati, OH
2016 -2022 Adjunct Faculty , Professor for graduate nursing courses: Clinical Nurse Leader Role and Ethical Considerations; Clinical Nurse Leader Immersion; Strategic Management in Nursing Administration; Strategic Management and Financial Controls of Healthcare Organizations , Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH
2018 -2021 Director, Population Health Management , Transitioned health system from a volume-based to a value-based model of care. Established collaborative process with executive and physician leaders to embrace new strategies and implement tactics to ensure the highest quality of care at the best possible value for 290,000 value-based lives. , Lumeris/TriHealth, Cincinnati, OH
2017 -2018 Professor and Healthcare Consultant , Adjunct faculty for graduate nursing courses at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, OH. Assisted hospitals in OH and CA with the implementation of Clinical Nurse Leader programs. Consultant for Halo Health and chair of national nursing advisory council., Cincinnati, OH
2011 -2017 Director of Inpatient Care Coordination / Professional Excellence Specialist , Integrated the Clinical Nurse Leader role into the nursing model of care. Designed dashboards for trending metrics related to improving quality, patient satisfaction, and cost efficiency related to LOS, specific DRG analysis, cost per case, and readmission rates. , TriHealth, Cincinnati, OH
1981 -2007 Numerous roles in clinical and administrative leadership , Achieved rapid, continuous promotion to progressively responsible roles over 26 years of combined service: staff nurse, preceptor, assistant nurse manager, nursing case manager, clinical nurse manager, special projects coordinator, consultant. Provided direct patient care on a 34-bed Nephrology/Kidney Transplant/Heart & Hypertension inpatient unit, Managed clinical operations on a 37-bed inpatient unit, Managed clinical operations for two integrated delivery ambulatory sites, Led innovative LEAN projects and initiatives in acute and ambulatory care settings., Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
1996 -2000 Adjunct Faculty , RN Refresher Course , Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
2023 -To Present Assistant Professor, Director of Systems Leadership Program, Assisting graduate nursing students in the MSN and DNP programs in their journey to becoming a well-prepared nurse leader. Programs prepare students to develop a solid evidence-based decision-making framework to lead the design, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare services offered to individuals, populations, and communities. , University of Cincinnati,
Other Publications
Oliphant, K. (2021. ) Remote Home Blood Pressure Monitoring for Management of Hypertension [Doctoral dissertation, Mount St. Joseph University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=msjdn1618956937723355 .
Oliphant, K. (2017. ) The Clinical Nurse Leader Role. Health Jobs Nationwide. http://blog.healthjobsnationwide.com/clinical-nurse-leader-role/.
Book Chapter
Oliphant, K. (2010 ) Nurses of the Future Program Without Whose Aid: Wisdom, Compassion and Courage (2nd ed.) .
Invited Presentations
Oliphant, K. (2023. ) Implementing a Compassion Response Program Provides Clinicians with Needed Stress Relief .Sigma Creating Healthy Work Environments, Austin, TX. Conference. . Level:International
Oliphant, K. (2021. ) Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring for Management of HTN .Ohio State University Fuld Conference for Evidence Based Practice, Columbus, OH. Level:International
Oliphant, K. (2016. ) Don’t Get Lost in the Data: Developing Useful Dashboards for Clinical Nurse Leaders .CNL Summit , Long Beach, CA. Level:National
Oliphant, K. & Irvin, M. (2014. ) Implementing a Clinical Nurse Leader Program: We can’t afford not to! .CNL Summit , Anaheim, CA. Level:National
Oliphant, K. (2000. ) Nephrology: Anatomy, Physiology and Nursing Implications .Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH. Level:University
Oliphant, K. (1996. ) Use of a Case Management Model in the Care of Renal Transplant Patients: Successful Achievement of Outcomes .Fifth International Transplant Nurses Society Symposium, New Orleans, LA. Level:International
Oliphant, K. (1992. ) IV Immune Globulin Therapy in Transplant Patients .Hi-Tech Home Care Symposium, Cleveland, OH. Level:Regional
Oliphant, K. (1992. ) Implementing a Nursing Case Management Program .Fairview Hospital, Cleveland Clinic System, Cleveland, OH. Level:Local
Oliphant, K. (1991. ) Nursing Case Management on a Nephrology/Renal Transplant Unit .Kidney Foundation of Ohio Symposium , Cleveland, OH. Level:Regional
Oliphant, K. (1990. ) Development and Utilization of a Patient Education Record for Renal and Pancreas Transplant Recipients .ANNA 21st National Symposium , Washington DC. Level:National
Oliphant, K. (1987. ) Nursing Care of the Renal Transplant Recipient .Charleston Area Medical Center, Charleston, WV. Level:Local
Oliphant, K. (1986. ) Adaptation to Pancreas/Renal Transplantation: An Approach to Patient Education .ANNA 17th National Symposium , New Orleans, LA. Level:National
Oliphant, K. (2024. ) A Strategic Program to Demonstrate Compassion for Nursing Staff .Presentation to regional hospital Chief Nursing Officers, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Oliphant, K. (2021. ) Remote Blood Pressure Monitoring for Management of Hypertension .Mount St. Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University
Clendenin, J., Johnson, P. Nelson, P., Nieberding, J., Nordstrom, H., O’Hearn, L., Oliphant, K., Owens, C. (2016. ) Unburying and Sharing Critical Information Across Settings: Promoting an Integrated System .TriHealth Quality Days, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local
Zeroske, J., Wadsworth, T., Sargeant, M., Kay, R., Oliphant, K., Richter, J. (1995. ) Comparison of GI Hemorrhage Cost Per Case and Length of Stay: Management by Gastroenterology vs. Internal Medicine Departments .American College of Gastroenterology, 60th Annual Scientific Mtg., Washington DC. . Level:National
Oliphant, K. (2024. ) A Strategic Program to Demonstrate Compassion for Nursing Staff .Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Honors and Awards
2021 Selected as Member of 100 Wise Women, Cincinnati, OH
2020 Nursing Leadership Award: Mount St. Joseph University
2019 Excellence in Teaching Award: Mount St. Joseph University
2017 Convocation Address: Mount St. Joseph University College of Nursing
2016 Leadership Award: Top Performing Leader, Cincinnati, OH
2012 Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
2000 Patient Care Excellence Award, Cleveland Clinic
1992 Bruce Hubbard Stewart Humanitarian Fellowship Award, Cleveland Clinic
2024 Elizabeth Kemble Nursing Excellence Award
Professional Affiliation
American Organization for Nursing Leadership
Clinical Nurse Leader Association
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Contact Information
Phone: 216-832-6085