Violeta Orozco , Ph.D. student Romance Languages and Literatures
Graduate Assistant
Professional Summary
Violeta Orozco is a bilingual poet, translator and educator studying the Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures at UC with a concentration in Creative Writing. She is the author of three poetry collections, Stillness in the Land of Speed (Jacar Press, forthcoming), The Broken Woman Diaries (Andante Books) and El cuarto de la luna (Proyecto Literal). She has received awards like the New Voices 2021 poetry award confered by Jaki Shelton Green and fellowships like BANFF Literary Translator's Residency in Alberta, Canada. Her poetry has appeared in Acentos Review, MALCS Chicana/Latina Studies Journal, Label Me Latina, Harvard's Palabritas, The Gathering of the Tribes, Cloud Women's Quarterly Journal and several U.S.A. antologies like Somos en Escrito's "Nuestra Realidad" and .Viento del Norte, Poetas en Nueva York.
Ph.D. in Romance Languages: University of Cincinnati Ohio, (Latin American literature, Latinx and Chicanx literature, Decolonial and intersectional feminism in Chicanx poetry and performance)
M.A. in Spanish Literature and Culture: Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2021 (Decolonial Latinx and intersectional feminisms Indigenous Environmentalisms and ecocriticism in Chicanx Literature )
M.A. in Spanish and Linguistics: Ohio University Athens, Ohio, 2019 (Latin American Literature)
B.A. in Philosophy: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico City, 2015 (Epistemology and literary criticism, Marxism, Postcolonial studies and translation studies)
Research and Practice Interests
Positions and Work Experience
08-23-2021 - Teaching Assistant, Instructor for Span 1001 Section 13 Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Orozco, Violeta (2019. ) • “The trace of the silenced voices of Latin American women poets: a postcolonial and feminist analysis of Alaíde Foppa’s poems in "Las palabras".Cuadernos de ALDEEU, , 32 ,89-108 More Information
Published Books
Orozco, Violeta (2020. ) El cuarto de la luna .Mexico City , Editorial Literal (Author)
Orozco, Violeta The Broken Woman Diaries .Port Townsend, Washington State , Andante Books (Author)
Electronic Journal
Orozco, Violeta (2019. ) Review of "Strategic Occidentalism: On Mexican Fiction, the Neoliberal Book Market, and the Question of World Literature” by Ignacio Sánchez Prado .Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies., 23 ,
Invited Presentations
Orozco, Violeta and Conor Tomas Reed Translation and Latina testimonials as a decolonial technology:The afterlives of This Bridge Called My Back .Yale University, Yale, New Haven. Conference. . Level:University