Isil Oygur Ilhan
Asst Professor
Aronoff Center
DAAP School of Design - 0016
Professional Summary
Isil Oygur is an Assistant Professor of Industrial Design. She holds a Ph.D. from Washington State University and a master’s from Istanbul Technical University. She has experience developing family-centered service design solutions and physical and digital interactions. Her interdisciplinary scholarship focuses on design anthropology, design for health and wellbeing, family-centered design, child-computer interaction, and scholarship of teaching and learning in design. She not only develops design as an outcome but also uses design as a tool in the research process for learning with and from users.
PhD: Washington State University Pullman, WA, 2012 (Individual Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program)
MSc: Istanbul Technical University Turkey, 2006 (Industrial Design)
BID: Middle East Technical University Turkey, 2003 (Industrial Design)
Research and Practice Interests
Design anthropology, service design, design for health and wellbeing, family-centered design, child-computer interaction, scholarship of teaching and learning
Peer Reviewed Publications
Oygur I.; Gocer, O. & Karahan E.E. (2022. ) Hybrid Workplace: Activity-based Office Design in a Post-pandemic Era.Journal of Interior Design, , 47 (3 ) ,3-10 More Information
Oygur, I., Su, Z., Epstein, D.A. & Chen, Y. (2021. ) The Lived Experience of Child-Owned Wearables: Comparing Children’s and Parents’ Perspectives on Activity Tracking.CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21), , Yokohama, Japan, May 8–13. ACM, New York, NY, USA ,20 pages More Information
Oygur I. & Ulkebas S.D. (2022. ) Expertise Comparison among Product Design Students: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.International Journal of Technology and Design Education, , 32 ,2279-2296 More Information
Oygur, I.; Epstein, D.A. & Chen, Y. (2020. ) Raising the Responsible Child: CollaborativeWork in the Use of Activity Trackers for Children.Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, , 4 (CSCW2 ) ,157:1-157:23 More Information
Kaygan, P.; Ilhan, A.O. & Oygur, I. (2020. ) Change in Industrial Designers’ Jobs: The Case of Turkey, 1984-2018.The Design Journal, , 23 (6 ) ,821-841 More Information
Oygur, I. & Thompson, J.A.A. (2019. ) Intra-Organizational User-Centered Design Practices: The Impact of Design Research Departments at Design Consultancies.Creativity and Innovation Management, , 29 (1 ) ,112-127 More Information
Gocer, O.; Gocer, K.; Ergoz Karahan E. & Oygur, I. (2018. ) Exploring Mobility & Workplace Choice in a Flexible Office through Post-Occupancy Evaluation.Ergonomics, , 61 (2 ) ,226 -242More Information
Oygur, I. & Ulkebas, S.D. (2018. ) Students’ Product Perception: A Cross-Sectional Analysis .Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, , London, UK ,September 6-7
Dimli Oraklibel, R.; Ulkebas, S.D. & Oygur, I. (2018. ) Creative Problem-Solving Assessment and Product Design Education .Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, , London, UK ,September 6-7
Oygur, I. (2018. ) The Machineries of User Knowledge Production.Design Studies, , 54 ,23-49 More Information
Oygur, I. & Ulkebas, S.D. (2017. ) Facebook as a Boundary Object in Industrial Design Studio: A SoTL Study.The Design Journal, , 20 (sup1 ) ,S1037-S1047 More Information
Oygur, I. (2017. ) User, Research, and Practice. Learning from Design Consultancies.The Design Journal, , 20 (sup1 ) ,S4621-S4631 More Information
Oygur, I. & McCoy, J.M. (2011. ) User: Inspiration or Constraint? .Journal of Interior Design, , 36 (3 ) ,1-13 More Information
Oygur, I. (2010. ) Search for Rigor in Design Research: An Analysis of Qualitative User Research Literature .Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion, , Chicago, IL, October 4-7 ,1-12
Oygur, I. & Blossom, N. (2010. ) Design and the User Experience: The Turkish Context.Design Issues, , 26 (4 ) ,72-84 More Information
Wang, D. & Oygur, I. (2010. ) A Heuristic Structure for Collaborative Design.Design Journal, , 13 (3 ) ,355-372 More Information
Oygur, I. & Karapars, Z. (2019. ) Industrial Design Education in the Age of Digital Products.The Design Journal, , 22 (sup1 ) ,1973-1982 More Information
Oygur, I. (2014. ) Transforming User Information into User Knowledge: A Multiple Case Study .Proceedings of Design Research Society 2014 Conference, , Umea, Sweden ,June 16-19
Blossom, N., Oygur, I. & Payne-Tofte, E. (2013. ) Methodological Foundations of Design Pedagogy: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Design .Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, , Volume 2, Oslo, Norway, May 14-17 ,944-959
Oygur, I., Chen, Y., and A. Epstein, D. (2024. ) Analyzing User Experience with a Smart Product-Service System: Children-Owned Wearables.Gray, C., Hekkert, P., Forlano, L., Ciuccarelli, P. (eds.), DRS2024: Boston, 23–28 June, Boston, USA, , More Information
Oygur, I., Ilhan, A. O., Trauth, B. & Vogel, C. M. (2023. ) Pedagogical Implications of Service Design for Industrial Design Education: Current Claims and Future Directions .Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-8., ,
Oygur, I., Chen, Y. & Epstein, D. A. (2023. ) Co-Designing for the Co-Use of Child-Owned Wearables.Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC'23), Chicago, IL, USA, June 19–23. ACM, New York, NY, USA, , More Information
Book Chapter
Oygur, I., Gocer, O. & Ergoz Karahan, E. (2020 ) User Experience within Flexible Workplaces: An Ethnographic Approach Research Methods for Interior Design: Applying Interiority .(pp. 32-42).New York, NY, Routledge
Oygur, I. & Orthel, B.D. (2014 ) Connecting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to the Discipline of Interior Design The Handbook of Interior Design .(pp. 446-464).Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell