Furuzan Ozbek
Assistant Professor Educator
French Hall
A&S Mathematical Sciences - 0025
Professional Summary
I have worked at Auburn University as a postdoctoral fellow between 2014-2017. I started working at UC as an Educator Assistant Professor the Fall of 2017.
During my work at Auburn,
- I had led undergratduate research at the REU program during the summer sessions.
- I had participated at Masamu Advanced Study Institutes (MASI) and Workshops every fall that promotes the intercontinental collaboration in mathematical sciences.
- I taught several courses such as Calculus I-III, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations etc.
Ph.D.: University of Kentucky 2014
Positions and Work Experience
08-2014 -08-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Auburn University,
Peer Reviewed Publications
S. Estrada, P. Guil, F. Ozbek (2014. ) Covering ideals of morphisms and module representations of the quiver A_2 .Journal of Pure and applied Algebra, , 10 (218 ) ,1953
Furuzan Ozbek (2015. ) Precovering and preenveloping ideals .Communications in Algebra, , 43 (6 ) ,2568
E. Enochs, O. Jenda, F. Ozbek (2017. ) Submonoids of the formal power series .Houston Journal of Mathematics, ,