Hye Pae
Teachers College
CECH Literacy & Second Language Studies - 0022
Professional Summary
Hye K. Pae, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics in the Literacy and Second Language Studies program at the University of Cincinnati (UC). She received her doctorate from Georgia State University. Her research interests center on psycholinguistics, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties, assessment challenges across cultures, and reading disabilities in children and adult learners. She is particularly interested in psychometric properties of measurement tools, L1 effects on L2 reading acquisition, dual-language processing, and assessment. She has published numerous research articles in SSCI journals, such as Assessment, Annals of Dyslexia, Journal of Research in Reading, Language Assessment Quarterly, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and more, as well as authored and edited books. Her research in bilingualism and biliteracy has been expanded with collaborative work in Korea. She is currently serving as Faculty Director for the TESOL Endorsement Program.
Research Support
Grant: #T365Z210007 Investigators:PI: Ottley, J. 09-01-2021 -08-31-2026 US Department of Education Enhancing Evidence-Based Practices for English Learners (EBPs4ELs) Role:Co-PI $2,950,000.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #T365Z220055 Investigators:PI: Ottley, J. 09-01-2022 -08-31-2027 US Department of Education Early Learning for Multilinguals Role:Co-PI $2,947,479.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #AHSS Research Grant Investigators:Hye Pae 2017 -2018 University Research Council Online Information Processing and Hypermedia Literacy: A model for digitally-mediated reading English as a second language Role:PI $7,364.00 Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #4-ZZEP Investigators:Sun-A Kim & Hye Pae 2015 -2016 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Lexical Processing of Visually Manipulated Words in Native Speakers of Chinese and Korean Role:Co-PI HKD $120,000.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:International
Investigators:Maya Israel et al. 2011 -2013 Ohio Board of Regents Building STEM for All Capacity through Systematic Scaling and Evaluation Efforts Role:Co-I $479,352.00 Type:Grant Level:State
Grant: #URC 2011 Investigators:Hye Pae 2011 -2012 University Research Council Pathways to Reading Comprehension: MIMIC and Multigroup Methods Role:PI $8,000.00 Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #2011-001 Investigators:Hye Pae 2011 -2012 Pearson External Research Funding Construct Validity of Pearson Test of English Academic: A Multitrait-Multimethod Approach Role:PI $15,500.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:International
Grant: #URC 2009 Investigators:Hye Pae 2009 -2010 University Research Council Bilingual development in beginning English-Korean readers Role:PI $8,000.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Investigators:Hye Pae 2019 -2020 Office of the Provost Script Relativity: The Hidden Drive of the Mind, Cognition, and Culture Role:PI $20,000.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Peer Reviewed Publications
Greenberg, D., Wise, W., Morris, R. D., Fredrick, L. D., Rodrigo, V., Nanda, A., & Pae, H. K. (2011. ) A randomized control study of instructional approaches for struggling adult readers .Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, , 4 (2 ) ,101-117
Pae, H. K. (2011. ) Is Korean a syllabic alphabet or an alphabetic syllabary? .Writing Systems Research, , 3 (2 ) ,103-115
Pae, H. K., & Sevcik, R. A. (2011. ) The role of verbal working memory in second language reading fluency and comprehension: A comparison of English and Korean .International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, , 4 (1 ) ,47-66
Bornman, J., Sevcik, R. A., Romski, M., & Pae, H. K. (2010. ) Successfully translating language and culture when adapting assessment measures .Successfully translating language and culture when adapting assessment measures, , 7 (2 ) ,111-118
Pae, H. K. (2012. ) Linguistic relativity revisited: L1 and L2 in thinking and learning .Psychology, , 3 ,49-56
Pae, H. K., Sevcik, R. A., & Morris, R. D. (2010. ) Cross-language correlates in phonological process and naming speed: Evidence from deep and shallow orthographies .Journal of Research in Reading, , 33 (4 ) ,335-436
Pae, H. K. (2012. ) A psychometric measurement model for adult English language learners: Pearson Test of English Academic .Educational Research and Evaluation, , 18 ,211-229
Pae, H. K., Greenberg, D., & Morris, R. D. (2012. ) Construct validity and measurement invariance of the PPVT in the performance of struggling adult readers .Language Assessment Quarterly, , 9 ,152-171
Pae, H. K., Greenberg, D., & Williams, R. S. (2012. ) An analysis of differential error patterns on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III in children and struggling African-American adults readers .Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, , 25 ,1239-1258
Pae, H. K. (2012. ) Convergence and Discriminant: Assessing multiple traits using multiple methods .Educational Research and Evaluation, , 18 ,571-596.
Hall, R., Greenberg, D., Laures-Gore, J., & Pae, H. K. (2014. ) The relationship between expressive vocabulary knowledge and reading skills for adult struggling readers .Journal of Research in Reading, , 37 ,S87-S100
Pae, H. K., *Schanding, B., Kwon, Y-J. , & Lee, Y-W. (2014. ) Animacy effect and language specificity: Judgment of unaccusative verbs by Korean learners of English as a foreign language .Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, , 43 ,187-207.
Pae, H. K., & Greenberg, D. (2014. ) The relationship between receptive and expressive subskills of academic L2 proficiency in nonnative speakers of English: A multigroup approach .Reading Psychology, , 35 (3 ) , 221-259.
Pae, H. K. (2014. ) Forced choice or free choice?: The role of question formats in predicting speaking and writing skills of nonnative speakers of English . Educational Assessment, , 19 (2 ) ,97-115.
Pae, H. K., & Kwon, Y-J. (2014. ) Implication of grammar teaching in English as a foreign language .New Korean Journal of English Language and Literature, , 56 (2 ) ,217-234.
Pae, H. K. & Lee, Y-W. (2014. ) Processing of alternated and inverse fonts in word recognition by native and nonnative speakers of English .Athens Journal of Philology, , 1 (4 ) ,233-244.
Pae, H. K., & Lee, Y.-W. (2015. ) The Resolution of visual noise in word recognition .Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, , 44 (3 ) ,337-358.
Bojczyk, K., Rogers-Haverback, H., Pae, H. K., Davis, A. E., & Mason, R. S. (2015. ) Cultural capital theory: A study of children enrolled in rural and urban Head Start program .Early Child Development and Care, , 185 ,1390-1408.
Mano, Q. R., *Williamson, B., Pae, H. K., & Osmon, D. C. (2016. ) Stroop interference associated with efficient reading fluency and prelexical orthographic processing .Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, , 38 (3 ) ,275-83.
Pae, H. K., Sevcik, R. A., Greenberg, D., & Kim, S-A. (2016. ) Relationships among metacognitive skills, listening, and academic reading in English as a foreign language. Linguistic Research .Linguistic Research, , 33 ,1-27.
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., & Sevcik, R. A. (2016. ) Child, home, and heritage language: The influence of home literacy activities on emergent reading skills in a sequential language .Bilingual Research, , 64, , 20-54.
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., Mano, T., & Kwon, Y.-J. (2017. ) Sublexical and lexical processing of English orthography among nonnative speakers of Chinese and Korean .Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal , , 30 ,1-24.
Pae, H. K., Greenberg, D., Taylor, N., Laures-Gore, J., & Quinones, L. Y. (2017. ) The use of syntactic features in formulating sentences in English as a second language by native speakers of Spanish .Language and Cognition, , 9 (3 ) ,501-524.
Bojczyk, K. E., Haverback, H. R., & Pae, H. K. (2018. ) Investigating maternal self-efficacy and home learning environment of families enrolled in Head Start. .Early Childhood Education Journal , , 46 (2 ) ,169-178.
Schanding, B., & Pae, H. K. (2018. ) Shell noun use in argumentative essays of nonnative and native English speakers .International Journal of Learner Corpus Linguistics, , 4 ,54-81.
Sun, J., & Pae, H. K. (2018. ) A comparative analysis on motion events encoding by Chinese ESL learners .International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, , 4 (4 ) , 260-264.
Pae, H. K., & O’Brien, B. (2018. ) Overlap and uniqueness: Linguistic componential traits contributing to expressive skills in English as a foreign language .Reading Psychology , , 39 (4 ) ,384-412.
Bojczyk, K. E., Haverback, H. R., Pae, H. K., Hairston, M., & Haring, C. D. (2019. ) Parenting practices focusing on literacy: A study of cultural capital of kindergarten and first-grade students from low-income families. Early Child Development and Care, , 189 (30 ) ,500-512.
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., Mano, Q. R., & Wang, M. (2019. ) Another look at the role of vowel letters in word reading in L2 English among native Korean readers .Journal of Neurolinguistics, , 50 ,82-93.
Pae, Hye K., Bae, S. & Yi, K. (2019. ) Is the consonant primacy script-universal or script-specific? Evidence from non-Roman script Korean Hangul . Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, , 31 ,1085-1106.
Sun, J., Zhao, W., & Pae, H. K. (2020. ) Inter-character orthographic similarity effects on the recognition of Chinese coordinative compound words .Journal of Psycholinguistic Research , , 49 ,125-145.
Pae, H. K., Yi, K., & Bae, S. (2019. ) More than an alphabet: Linguistic features of Korean and their influences on word recognition of Hangul .Literacy and Written Languages, , 22 , 223-246.
Ma, F., Ai, H., Guo, T., Xiao, T., & Pae, H. K. (2020. ) Speech perception in a second language: Hearing is believing—seeing is not. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. .Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, , 73, ,881-890
Pae, H. K., Bae, S., & Yi, K. (2020. ) Lexical properties influencing word recognition in Hangul. .Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, , 33, ,2391-2412
Pae, H. K., Bae, S., & Yi, K. (2021. ) Horizontal orthography versus vertical orthography: The effects of writing direction and syllabic format on visual word recognition in Korean Hangul .Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, , 74, ,443-458
Pae, H. K., Sun, J., Luo, X., Ai, H., Ma, F, Yang, N., & Xia, D. (2021. ) Linguocultural cognition manifested in spoken narratives in L2 English by native Chinese and Korean speakers .Journal of Cultural and Cognitive Science, , 5, ,345-365
Sun, J., Pae, H. K., & Ai, H. (2022. ) The recognition of coordinative compound words by learners of Chinese as a foreign language: A mixed methods study .54, ,923-951
Xia, D., Ai, H., & H. K. Pae (2022. ) “Please let me know”: Lexical bundles in business emails by business English learners and working professionals .International Journal of Learner Corpus Linguistics, , 8, ,1-30
Bae, S., Pae, H.K., & Yi, K. (2021. ) Modeling morphological processing in Korean: Within- and cross-scriptal priming effects on the recognition of Sino-Korean compound words.Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, , More Information
Bae, S., Pae, H. K., & Yi, K. (2022. ) The effects of script specificity on word recognition: Syllabic type, syllabic format, and reading direction in Korean Hangul .Journal of Cultural and Cognitive Science, , 6, ,179-198
Xia, D., Chen, Y., & Pae, H. K. (2022. ) Lexical and grammatical collocations in beginning and intermediate L2 argumentative essays: A bigram study .International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), ,
Pae, H. K., & Wang, M. (2022. ) The effects of writing systems and scripts on cognition and beyond: An introduction .Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, , 35 ,1315-1321
Pae, H. K. (2022. ) Toward a script relativity hypothesis: Focused research agenda for psycholinguistic experiments in the science of reading .Journal of Cultural and Cognitive Science, , 6 ,97-117
Pae, H. K. (2022. ) Neo-Whorfianism goes to school .Sociolinguistic Studies, , 16 (2 ) ,
Other Publications
Pae, H. K. (2011. ) Differential item functioning and unidimensionality in the Pearson Test of English Academic .Research Note, Pearson Language Test
Pae, H. K. (2011. ) The factor structure of vocabulary skills and academic reading performance by adult English learners .Research Note, Pearson Language Test
Pae, H. K. (2012. ) A model of receptive and expressive modalities in adult English learners’ academic L2 skills .Research Note, Pearson Language Test
Model of receptive and expressive modalities
Pae, H. K. (2012. ) Construct validity of the Pearson Test of English Academic: A multitrait-multimethod approach .Research Note, Pearson Language Test
Pae, H. K. (2012. ) Lexical ambiguity in reading fluency and comprehension of young dual-language learners .International ELT Research Conference Proceedings, 7 ,23-35
Pae, H. K., & Johnson, H. (2012. ) Online TESOL programs: Trends, benefits, and challenges .Asian Conference in Education Proceedings, 445-456
Pae, H., & Johnson, H. (2013. ) The TESOL Certificate Program of the University of Cincinnati. .A Case for Online English Language Teacher Education, The International Research Foundation for English Language Education
Pae, H. K. (2014. ) Word and nonword recognition by native English speakers and Korean learners of English as a foreign language .16th Annual International Conference on Education Proceedings, EDU2014-1010 ,
Xia, D., & Pae, H. K. (2022. ) Using phrase frames to demonstrate workplace decorum and formality: A corpus-based study of learners of business English .Newsletter of the International TESOL,
Published Books
Pae, H. K. (2018. ) Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Languages .Amsterdam , John Benjamins (Editor)
Pae, H. K. (2020. ) Script Effects as the Hidden Drive of the Mind, Cognition, and Culture .Amsterdam , Springer (Author)
Pae, H. K. (2024. ) Analyzing the Korean Alphabet: The Science of Hangul .Springer (Author)
Analyzing the Korean Alphabet: The Science of Hangul
Book Chapter
Jiang, N., & Pae, H. K. (2020 ) The role of phonology in L2 visual word recognition First language backgrounds and multilingual lexicons .(pp. 15-34).New York, NY, Routledge
Pae, H. K. (2018 ) Written language, East-Asian scripts, and cross-linguistic influences Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages .(pp. 1-21).Amsterdam, John Benjamins
Pae, H. K. (2018 ) Introduction to the Korean language, script Hangul, and word reading Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages .(pp. 335-352).Amsterdam, John Benjamins
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., Mano, Q. R., & Wang, M. (2018 ) Crosslinguistic influences of script format: L1-derived syllabification in reading L2 English among native Korean readers Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages .(pp. 353-372).Amsterdam, John Benjamins
Bae, S., Pae, H. K., & Yi, K. (2018 ) Subunit priming effects on lexical decision in Hangul: Both body and rime units are important in Korean Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages .(pp. 373-390).Amsterdam, John Benjamins
Pae, H. K., Kim, S-A., & Luo, X. (2018 ) Constituent processing or gestalt processing? How native Korean speakers read mutilated words in English Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages .(pp. 427-446).
Bae, H. S., Joshi, M. R., & Pae, H. K. (2018 ) Looking ahead: Theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical advances in reading Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Writing systems, reading processes, and cross-linguistic influences: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages .(pp. 447-458).
Pae, H. K., & Lakes, R. D (2004 ) Preparation for (In)equality: Women in South Korean Vocational Education Globalizing education for work: Comparative perspectives on gender and the new economy .(pp. 85-95).Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum.
Pae, H. K. (2003 ) Global education from an ecological perspective: To become a global citizen The future of educational studies .(pp. 139-161).New York, NY, Peter Lang
Sun, J., Ai, H., Kwon, Y. J., & Pae, H. K. (2022 ) Motion-Path Expressions in L2 English and Pedagogical Implications for Multi-Word Verb Use: A Comparison among Native Speakers of Chinese, Korean, and English Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives .(pp. 187-211).
Pae, H. K., Sun, J. & Xia, D. (2022 ) The tendencies of overpassivization and overuse of be-verbs in the writing of Chinese learners of English and applications for practice Challenges encountered by Chinese ESL learners: Problems and solutions from complementary perspectives .(pp. 187-211).