Danilo Palazzo , PhD, MArch
Professor, Director of the School of Planning
School of Planning - College of DAAP
2624 Clifton Court
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-556-0904
Email palazzdo@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Born in Milan, Italy
2012 - today Full Professor and Director, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati.
2002-2012 Associate Professor of urban planning and design at the School of Building Engineering-Architecture, Politecnico di Milano.
1997-2002 Assistant Professor of urban planning and design at the School of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Licensed Architect in Italy from 1990
Master in Architecture: Politecnico di Milano Milano, Italia, 1987 (Architecture, urbanism)
Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning: Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia Venezia, 1993 (Urban and Regional Planning )
Research and Practice Interests
Urban Design; Urbanism; Ecological Planning; Pedagogy
Positions and Work Experience
2012 -To Present Director, School of Planning, College of DAAP,
1997 -2002 Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Department of Regional Science (Dipartimento di Scienze del Territorio), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
2002 -2012 Associate Professor, School of Building Architecture/Engineering, Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Peer Reviewed Publications
Danilo Palazzo, Leah Hollstein (2019. ) Ian McHarg’s Confident Skill.Social and Ecological Practice Research , , 1 ,347-357 More Information
Stephen Diko, Danilo Palazzo (2019. ) Institutional Barriers to Urban Greenspace Planning in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana.Urban Forum, , 30 (3 ) ,357-376 More Information
Xinhao Wang, Danilo Palazzo∗, Mark Carper (2016. ) Ecological wisdom as an emerging field of scholarly inquiry in urbanplanning and design.Landscape and Urban Planning, , 155 ,100-107 More Information
Danilo Palazzo, Gabriele Masera, Manuela Grecchi, Laura Malighetti, Marta Sesana (2011. ) Multidisciplinary design process: urban, architectural and technological analyses for energy-efficient residential buildings in Northern Italy .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR HOUSING SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS, , 35 ,11-21
Massimo Tadi, Danilo Palazzo (2007. ) Workshop di progettazione urbanistica e architettonica .Territorio, , 39 ,141-150
Danilo Palazzo, Gabriele Masera, Manuela Grecchi, Laura Malighetti, Marta Sesana (2006. ) Il Parco del Macello a Monza. I progetti di recupero di un’area marginale .Territorio, , 37 ,96-114
Danilo Palazzo (2006. ) Responsabilità progettuale e paesaggio dei margini urbani. RI-VISTA. RICERCHE PER LA PROGETTAZIONE DEL PAESAGGIO, , 6 ,14-31
Danilo Palazzo (2005. ) Ma cosa fanno gli americani? Una breve indagine sui ruoli e i compiti dei landscape architect statunitensi. II parte .RI-VISTA. RICERCHE PER LA PROGETTAZIONE DEL PAESAGGIO, , 3 ,4-22
Danilo Palazzo (2004. ) Ma cosa fanno gli americani? Una breve indagine sui ruoli e i compiti dei landscape architect statunitensi. I parte .RI-VISTA. RICERCHE PER LA PROGETTAZIONE DEL PAESAGGIO, , 1 ,1-9
Danilo Palazzo (2004. ) Una volta era il pomerio .Territorio, , 28 ,29-34
Danilo Palazzo (2002. ) Review of: The Living Landscape. An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning, by Frederick R. Steiner .Landscape Journal, , 20 ,190-191
Danilo Palazzo (2001. ) Didattica e workshop di progettazione urbanistica e ambientale .Territorio, , 18 ,136-142
M.C. Treu, M. Magoni, F. Steiner, D. Palazzo (2000. ) Sustainable Landscape Planning for Cremona, Italy .LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, , 47 ,79-98
Danilo Palazzo (2000. ) Review of: Ecological Stewardship. A Common Reference for Ecosystem Management .LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, , 49 ,194-197
Danilo Palazzo, Maria Luisa Pedrazzini (1998. ) Pianificazione del territorio europeo .Urbanistica, , 111 ,47-60
Danilo Palazzo (1997. ) La terra dalla luna. Ovvero come la paura della bomba ha aiutato (negli Stati Uniti) la pianificazione ecologica .OIKOS, , 2 ,59-84
Danilo Palazzo (1997. ) Da Riverside, Illinois a Bandar Nusajaya, Malesia .Urbanistica, , 108 ,41-46
Treu M.C.; Magoni M.; Steiner F.; Palazzo D. (02-20-2000. ) Sustainable landscape planning for Cremona, Italy.Landscape and Urban Planning, , 47 (1-2 ) ,79-98 More Information
Palazzo D.; Hollstein L.; Diko S.K. (01-01-2021. ) Urban Planning as a Career Preference for Students: Efforts to Improve Awareness about the Professio.Planning Practice and Research, , 36 (2 ) ,174-192 More Information
Mehta V.; Palazzo D.; Kickert C.; Auffrey C.; Grundy T. (01-01-2024. ) The Case for Cities .The Case for Cities, , 1-326
Mehta V.; Palazzo D.; Kickert C.; Auffrey C.; Grundy T. (01-01-2024. ) INTRODUCTION: The Case for Cities .The Case for Cities, , 1-9
Palazzo D. (01-01-2024. ) THE CULTURED CITY: The City of Culture: arts, sports, and events .The Case for Cities, , 222-228
Palazzo D. (01-01-2024. ) THE GREEN CITY: Balancing Nature and Justice .The Case for Cities, , 94-102
Palazzo D., Morabito V. (07-01-2022. ) Walking and Staying in the Landscape.Ri-Vista, , 20 (1 ) ,5-21
More InformationPalazzo D.; Hollstein L.M.; Diko S.K. (04-21-2023. ) Introduction: The urban planning profession and diversity challenge.Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education, , 1-10 More Information
Palazzo D. (01-01-2018. ) Foreword.Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities: Emerging Approaches and Tools for A Climate-Sensitive Urban Development, , xv-xvi More Information
Diko S.K.; Palazzo D.; Hollstein L.M. (04-21-2023. ) Conclusion: A clarion call to act intentionally.Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education, , 311-316 More Information
Hollstein L.M.; Diko S.K.; Palazzo D. (04-21-2023. ) Becoming activated: Professional awareness through the activate community empowerment outreach progr.Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education, , 101-116 More Information
Palazzo D.; Hollstein L.M.; Diko S.K. (04-21-2023. ) Routledge companion to professional awareness and diversity in planning education.Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education, , 1-344 More Information
Mehta V.; Palazzo D. (06-03-2020. ) Companion to public space.Companion to Public Space, , 1-564 More Information
Palazzo D.; Hollstein L. (10-01-2019. ) Ian McHarg’s confident skill.Socio-Ecological Practice Research, , 1 (3-4 ) ,347-357 More Information
Diko S.K.; Palazzo D. (09-01-2019. ) Institutional Barriers to Urban Greenspace Planning in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana.Urban Forum, , 30 (3 ) ,357-376 More Information
Wang X.; Palazzo D.; Carper M. (11-01-2016. ) Ecological wisdom as an emerging field of scholarly inquiry in urban planning and design.Landscape and Urban Planning, , 155 ,100-107 More Information
Palazzo D.; Steiner F. (08-01-2014. ) Urban ecological design: A process for regenerative places.Urban Ecological Design: A Process for Regenerative Places, , 9781610912266 ,1-300 More Information
Park, H. Y., Palazzo, D., & Hollstein, L. (2025. ) Case Study for Planning Education: Lessons from Incorporating an Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach and APA Trend Reports in Capstone Planning Studios. .Sustainability, , 17 (3 ) ,1294 More Information
Invited Publications
Danilo Palazzo (2019. ) Utopianists wanted: Why we need a healthy dose of utopianism .Topos. The International Review of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, 107 ,26-31
Published Books
Vikas Mehta, Danilo Palazzo (2020. ) Companion to Public Space .London , Routledge (Co-Editor)
Danilo Palazzo, Frederick Steiner (2018. ) Urban Ecological Design. A Process for Regenerative Places .Nanjing, China , Yilin Press (Co-Author)
Danilo Palazzo, Frederick Steiner (2011. ) Urban Ecological Design. A Process for Regenerative Places .Washington D.C. , Island Press (Co-Author)
Danilo Palazzo (2008. ) Urban Design. Un processo di progettazione urbana .Milano, Italy , Mondadori Universita' (Author)
Danilo Palazzo, Maria Cristina Treu (2006. ) Margini. Descrizioni, strategie, progetti .Firenze , Alinea (Co-Editor)
Danilo Palazzo, Anna Paola Canevari (2001. ) Paesaggio e Territorio. Strumenti per il governo e la pianificazione .Milano, Italy , Franco Angeli (Co-Author)
Danilo Palazzo (1997. ) Sulle spalle di giganti. Le matrici della pianificazione ambientale negli Stati Uniti .Milano, Italy , Franco Angeli (Author)
Stephen Diko, Leah Hollstein, Danilo Palazzo (2023. ) Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education (1st Edition) .Routledge (Co-Editor)
Vikas Mehta, Danilo Palazzo, Chris Auffrey, Conrad Kickert, Terry Grundy (2023. ) The Case for Cities .Routledge (Co-Editor)
Danilo Palazzo, Frederick Steiner (2023. ) Urban Ecological Design: the process of place creation .Mashhad, Iran , Mashhad Ferdowsi University (Co-Author)
Book Chapter
Chris Auffrey, Danilo Palazzo (2020 ) Box 12 - Fostering Reflection in a Course Cluster at the University of Cincinnati Reflective Planning Practice: Theory, Cases, and Methods .London, Routledge
Danilo Palazzo (2018 ) Introduction Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities .Elsevier (Author)
Danilo Palazzo (2016 ) The Role of Utopia in Ecological Planning and Design Nature and Cities .(pp. 213-237 -432-434 (notes)).Cambridge, Lincoln Institute (Author)
Danilo Palazzo, Stephen Diko (2016 ) From the Past into the Future: The Utopian Roots of Ecological Planning in North America Topics and Methods for Landscape, Urban and Architectural Design .(pp. 213-226).London, Springer (Co-Author)
Danilo Palazzo, Frederick R. Steiner (2014 ) Processes The Ecological Design and Planning Reader .(pp. 379 -389).Washington D.C., Island Press (Co-Author)
Danilo Palazzo, Laura Malighetti (2012 ) Il senso dell'iniziativa. The meaning of the initiative Riqualificare Garlate. Area Pratogrande. Renovating Garlate. Pratogrande Area .(pp. 12 -13).Santarcangelo di Romagna (RM), Maggioli Editore (Co-Author)
Tosoni P., Comino E., Ingaramo R., Rosso M., Palazzo D., Voghera A. (2011 ) VALORiver. Sustainable valorisation project of the Sangone River. Alta Scuola Politecnica. Multidisciplinarity and innovations ASP Projects 5 .(pp. 50 -63).Milan, Italy, Polipress
Danilo Palazzo (2011 ) Pedagogical Tradition Companion to Urban Design .(pp. 41 -52).New York, Routledge (Author)
Danilo Palazzo (2010 ) The Controversial Dimensions of Urban Design between Urban Plans and Architecture Architecture, Culture, Environment .(pp. 110 -125).Santarcangelo di Romagna (RM), Maggioli Editore
Danilo Palazzo (2007 ) Design Responsibilities Timişora 2020 Overall Vision. A Case Study .(pp. 104 -109).Firenze, Alinea
Danilo Palazzo (2007 ) Design, Planning and Vision for the Public City ACEMacau. Architecture, Culture, Environment Macau .(pp. 92 -105).Macau, Milan, Institute of European Studies of Macau & Polipress
Danilo Palazzo (2007 ) Pianificazione dei paesaggi e responsabilità di progetto Paesaggio: didattica, ricerche e progetti .(pp. 333 -341).Firenze, Firenze University Press
Danilo Palazzo (2007 ) Strategies for Sustainable Urban Edges ECOPOLIS Sustainable Planning and design Principles. Revealing and Enhancing Sustainable Design .(pp. 59 -67).Firenze, Alinea (Author)
Danilo Palazzo (2006 ) 5+1 strategie per i margini urbani Descrizioni, strategie, progetti .(pp. 167 -212).Firenze, Alinea
Danilo Palazzo (2006 ) Margini urbani strategici Il progetto ambientale in aree di bordo .(pp. 101 -133).Milano, Franco Angeli
M. Cavallazzi, D. Palazzo, C. Peraboni, M. C. Treu (2006 ) Margini. Interpretazioni e casi studio Margini. descrizioni, strategie, progetti .(pp. 63 -91).Firenze, Alinea
Danilo Palazzo (2006 ) Strategies for Sustainable Urban Edges ECOPOLIS Revealing and Enhancing Sustainable Design .(pp. 59 -67).Firenze, Alinea
Danilo Palazzo (2005 ) A Process for sustainable Urban Planning Aided Design. Lesson Learned from Transforming the Places of Production ECOPOLIS Sustainable Planning and design Principles .(pp. 135 -144).Firenze, Alinea
Danilo Palazzo, Leah Marie Hollstein, Stephen Kofi Diko (2023 ) The Urban Planning Profession and Diversity Challenge Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education (1st ed.). .(pp. 1-10).New York & London, Routledge (Co-Author)
Leah Marie Hollstein, Stephen Kofi Diko, Danilo Palazzo (2023 ) Becoming Activated Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education (1st ed.). .(pp. 101-116).New York & London, Routledge (Co-Author)
Stephen Diko, Danilo Palazzo, Leah Hollstein (2023 ) Conclusion: A Clarion Call to Act Intentionally Routledge Companion to Professional Awareness and Diversity in Planning Education (1st ed.). .(pp. 311-316).New York & London, Routledge (Co-Author)
Danilo Palazzo (2024 ) Urban Design Education and Practice The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Practice .New York & London, Routledge
Palazzo D.; Mehta V. (06-03-2020 ) Epilogue Companion to Public Space .(pp. 513-514).
Mehta V.; Palazzo D. (06-03-2020 ) Introduction Companion to Public Space .(pp. 1-3).
Electronic Journal
Danilo Palazzo, Valerio Morabito (2022. ) Walking and Staying in the Landscape .Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture, 20 (1 ) ,
Encyclopedia Article
Danilo Palazzo (2001. ) Encyclopedia of Gardens History and Design .1100 -1102 Chicago, Chicago Botanic Garden, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers (Author)
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Danilo Palazzo (05-29-2020. ) 1969 .Secondo Natura. Ripensare il Terrestre (According to Nature. Rethink the Earth) Google Meet, Florence, Italy. Workshop. . Level:National
Danilo Palazzo (10-24-2019. ) Recruiting for Diverse Planning Programs .ACSP CoD Workshop - ACSP, Greenville SC. Conference. . Level:National
Danilo Palazzo (08-02-2018. ) The Future is Passed. What Now? .Revisiting Utopia to the Centenary Symposium – Cathedral Thinking – Designing for the Next Century, by the School of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Other Institution. . Level:International
Danilo Palazzo (03-04-2017. ) The History of Utopian Thinking .TEDxUCincinnati, University of Cincinnati. Level:Local
Danilo Palazzo (11-06-2013. ) People and Place-making: participation in urban design processes .IV Simpósio de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Urbana and I Encontro Nacional de Tecnologia Urbana, Conference held by the Programa de Engenharia Urbana, Escola Politécnica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Conference. .
Danilo Palazzo (12-06-2014). Utopia vs. Retrofitting. Look Further Away in the Future or Fix the Faults of the Past? . international seminar Design along the River workshop’s final event, Turin, Italy.
Danilo Palazzo (02-28-2014). We all are Utopians . Nature and Cities. Urban Ecological Design and Planning, Austin, TX. Level:International
Paper Presentations
Danilo Palazzo, Kate Bonansinga (11-03-2017. ) Public Art and Placemaking: An Ongoing Collaboration between the School of Art and the School of Planning at the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati .Boston, MA. Level:National
Danilo Palazzo, Leah Hollstein, Stephen Diko (11-04-2016. ) Urban Planning as a Career Preference for High School Students: Rethinking Efforts to Improve Awareness about The Profession .Portland, OR. Level:National
Danilo Palazzo, Stephen Diko (11-04-2016. ) Institutional Barriers to Planning for Urban Greenspaces in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana .Portland, OR.
Danilo Palazzo (03-08-2018. ) The Future is Past. What Now? .Sydney, Australia. Conference. Level:International
Danilo Palazzo (03-07-2013. ) People and Place-making: participation in urban design processes .Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Level:International
Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture (Editorial Board ) Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2019 -To Present
Post Graduate Training and Education
1994-1995 Post-Doctoral Scholarship, "Environmental and Regional Planning", Politecnico di Milano, , Milan - Italy
Contact Information
Academic - School of Planning - College of DAAP
2624 Clifton Court
Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-556-0904