Brian S. Pan , MD
Associate Professor of Clinical-Affiliate
Director of Craniofacial and Pediatric Plastic Surgery Fellowship
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Division of Pediatric Plastic Surgery
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Phone 513-636-7181
Email brian.pan@cchmc.org
Professional Summary
Facial aesthetics; pediatric plastic surgery
Medical Degree: Creighton University School of Medicine 2004
Bachelor's Degree: Creighton University 2000 (Biology)
Aesthetic Surgery Visiting Fellowship: James Stuzin, MD, Miami, FL 2009
Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency: University of Cincinnati 2010 ( )
Craniofacial and Pediatric Plastic Surgery Visiting Fellowship: Toronto Hospital for Sick Children 2011
Craniofacial and Pediatric Plastic Surgery Fellowship: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 2011
Research and Practice Interests
Pediatric Plastic Surgery
Peer Reviewed Publications
Pan, Brian S; Vu, Anthony T; Yakuboff, Kevin P (2015. ) Management of the Acutely Burned Hand.The Journal of hand surgery, , 40 (7 ) ,1477-84 More Information
Kosnik-Infinger, Libby; Gendron, Craig; Gordon, Christopher B; Pan, Brian S; van Aalst, John A; Vogel, Timothy W (2015. ) Enzyme replacement therapy for congenital hypophosphatasia allows for surgical treatment of related complex craniosynostosis: a case series.Neurosurgical focus, , 38 (5 ) ,E10 More Information
Rapp, Scott J; Rumberg, Aaron; Visscher, Marty; Billmire, David A; Schwentker, Ann S; Pan, Brian S (2015. ) Establishing a Reproducible Hypertrophic Scar following Thermal Injury: A Porcine Model.Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, , 3 (2 ) ,e309 More Information
Pan, Brian S; Rapp, Scott J; Vu, Anthony; Uribe-Rivera, Armando; Billmire, David A; Gordon, Christopher B (2014. ) Evolution in minimal-incision palatoplasty: surgical technique and outcomes in 67 consecutive cases.Plastic and reconstructive surgery, , 134 (1 ) ,102-11 More Information
Visscher, Marty O; Pan, Brian S; Kitzmiller, W John (2013. ) Photodamage: treatments and topicals for facial skin.Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America, , 21 (1 ) ,61-75 More Information
Visscher, Marty O; Pan, Brian S (2013. ) Update on techniques for the quantitation of facial skin characteristics.Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America, , 21 (1 ) ,7-19 More Information
Bookman, Laurel B; Melton, Kristin R; Pan, Brian S; Bender, Patricia L; Chini, Barbara A; Greenberg, James M; Saal, Howard M; Taylor, Jesse A; Elluru, Ravindhra G (2012. ) Neonates with tongue-based airway obstruction: a systematic review.Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, , 146 (1 ) ,8-18 More Information
Pan, Brian S; Vu, Anthony T; Rapp, Scott J; Saenger, Nick J (2017. ) Reconstruction of the Isolated Columellar Defect: A Novel 2-Stage Technique and Review of the Literature.Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, , 75 (4 ) ,822-827 More Information
Visscher, Marty O; White, Cynthia C; Jones, Jennifer M; Cahill, Thomas; Jones, Donna C; Pan, Brian S (2015. ) Face Masks for Noninvasive Ventilation: Fit, Excess Skin Hydration, and Pressure Ulcers.Respiratory care, , 60 (11 ) ,1536-47 More Information
Rapp, Scott J; Pan, Brian S; Yakuboff, Kevin P (2014. ) Flail extremity resulting from constriction band syndrome: Neurovascular implications and surgical management.Case reports in plastic surgery & hand surgery, , 1 (1 ) ,29-32 More Information
Book Chapter
Pan BS (2008 ) Burn Care The Mont Reid Surgical Handbook, 6th Edition .Philadelphia, PA, Saunders Elsevier
Pan BS (2008 ) Thromboembolic Prophylaxis and Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis The Mont Reid Surgical Handbook, 6th Edition .Philadelphia, PA, Saunders Elsevier
Paper Presentations
Pan BS, Taylor JA, Gordon CB, Jones DC. (04-2008. ) Minimally invasive neonatal mandibular distraction .Philadelphia, PA.
Honors and Awards
Medical School Awards: Theodore Hubbard Scholarship; Robert M. Wiprud, M.D. Scholarship; Charles Shramek Scholarship; Garry and Judy Rust Scholarship
University of Cincinnati (Resident Advisory Committee ) Type:University/College Service 2008 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
2000 -To Present: Member, American Medical Association
Contact Information
Academic - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Division of Pediatric Plastic Surgery
Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-636-7181