Tamara Maus
Asst Professor - Clin
Assistant Professor of Clinical
Procter Hall
CON Advanced Practice Nursing - 0038
Professional Summary
Professor Maus is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing and the Director of the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing. For three decades, Professor Maus, a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP), has delivered evidence-based care to medically underserved women across the United States, including central California and the United States/Mexico border. With her current focus on education, she directs her energy toward technology in learning and teaching clinical skills through online and onsite simulation. She and her team were awarded the 2017 Dean’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant. In 2020, Bayer Global awarded her team a grant for development of simulation model for use in a distance learning format. Over the last several years, she published several articles by invitation. In 2021, she was part of the authoring team for an article that received the Nursing in Women’s Health Excellence in Writing Award. Most recently, she received the 2023 National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH) Inspiration in Research and Quality Improvement Award. Professor Maus has provided extensive service to the University of Cincinnati through committee work at the Department, College, and University levels. She is completing her Doctor of Nursing Practice at University of Alabama in Huntsville. She plans to remain at the forefront in advancing the nursing profession.
Master of Nursing Science: Drexel University Philadelphia, PA, 2004
Certified Women's Health Nurse Practitioner: National Certification Corporation Chicago, IL, 1994 ((Original Certification))
Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Program: Planned Parenthood of Greater Minnesota & North Dakota Minneapolis, MN, 1994
Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Winona State University Winona, MN, 1985
Positions and Work Experience
01-2010 -To Present Assistant Professor Clinical, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
10-2008 -11-2012 Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, University Hospital Center for Women’s Health, Cincinnati, OH
07-2008 -12-2008 Clinical Consultant, El Paso Community Family Planning Services, El Paso, TX
05-2007 -02-2008 Director of Clinical Services, El Paso Community Family Planning Services, El Paso, TX
08-2004 -05-2007 Clinical Instructor, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX
10-1997 -06-2003 Clinical Coordinator, University of Texas at El Paso College of Health Sciences Family Nurse Practitioner Program, El Paso, TX
10-1997 -05-1998 Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, William Beaumont Army Medical Center OB/GYN Department, El Paso, TX
06-1996 -08-1997 Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, University of Texas at El Paso Student Health Center, El Paso, TX
05-1996 -04-2007 Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Consultant, El Paso Community Family Planning Services, El Paso, TX
01-1996 -05-1996 Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, Santa Cruz County Health Department, Santa Cruz, CA
06-1994 -08-1995 Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, El Paso Community Family Planning Services, El Paso, TX
02-1993 -08-1993 Clinic Nurse Staff, University of Texas at El Paso Student Health Center, El Paso, TX
03-1988 -02-1988 Perinatal Homecare Nurse, Tokos Medical Corporation, Minneapolis, MN
06-1987 -03-1988 Perinatal Program Coordinator and Clinic Charge Nurse, Model Cities Health Center, St. Paul, MN
09-1985 -06-1987 Labor and Delivery Staff Nurse, Fairview Riverside Hospital, Minneapolis, MN
Research Support
Investigators:Hachey and Miller 04-2020 -08-2021 Bayer Global The Feasibility of Distance Education Clinical Skills Simulation Training for Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Students Role:Co-PI $97,000 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Hachey, Pavlik-Maus, and Jarvis 2017 -2019 College of Nursing M-Learning Augmented Reality for Clinical Skills Training Role:Co-PI $20,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #IIR-US-00105 Investigators:Hachey, Lisa; Miller, Elaine; Pavlik-Maus, Tamara 10-30-2020 -10-29-2023 Bayer AG Pelvic simulator development for Augmented Reality (AR) Intrauterine Device (IUD) placement training for Nurse Practitioner graduate students. Role:Collaborator $96,450.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Lisa M. Hachey, Jason A. Gregg, Tamara L. Pavlik-Maus, & Jill S. Jones (2017. ) Health Implications and management of women with opioid use disorder. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice .Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, , 7 (8 ) ,1 -2-7
Jarvis, M.A., Pavlik-Maus, T.L., Mullins, K. (05-2018. ) Ovarian Torsion: ED Recognition and Management .Journal of Emergency Nursing, ,
Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie A; Pavlik-Maus, Tamara; Mullins, Kimberly (11-2018. ) CEU Edition Ovarian Torsion: ED Recognition and Management.Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association, , 44 (6 ) ,647-649 More Information
Hachey, Lisa M; Kroger-Jarvis, Melanie; Pavlik-Maus, Tamara; Leach, Rhonda (2020. ) Clinical Implications of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescents.Nursing for women's health, , 24 (2 ) ,115-126 More Information
Winkler, A., Kroger-Jarvis, M., Pavlik-Maus, T. (2022. ) Is the Pandemic Fatigue the “New Normal”? .Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, , 7 (1. ) ,
Electronic Journal
Jarvis, M.A., Pavlik-Maus, T.L., Mullins, K. (11-2019. ) Ovarian Torsion or Something Else .Atlas of Science,
Invited Presentations
Nypaver, C. & Maus, T. (09-2013. ) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): How to Diagnose and Current Treatments. 8th Annual AWHONN Ohio Section Conference, Columbus, OH. Level:State
Maus, T. & Nypaver, C (11-2013. ) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): How to Diagnose and Current Treatments .CEU presentation at the AWHONN Greater Cincinnati Chapter Fall Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Lisa Hachey and Tamara Pavlik-Maus (12-2021. ) THE RITE EXPERIENCE Connecting Reality with Unlimited Opportunity .Virtual, Internet. Level:International
• Hachey L. , Miller, E. (01-2023. ) Expect the Unexpected: An Interdisciplinary Team’s Lessons Learned .23rd International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Orlando, FL. Conference. . Level:International
Poster Presentations
Arbour, M., Hachey, L., Maus, T. (05-2018. ) Efficacy and Satisfaction of Distance-Based Pre-Clinical Skills Training for Women’s Health NP Students .Annual American College of Nurse Midwifery Conference, Savannah, GA. . Conference. . Level:National
Hachey L., Maus, T., Arbour, M (02-2018. ) Efficacy and Satisfaction of Distance-Based Pre-Clinical Skills Training for Women’s Health NP Students .3T: Teaching, Techniques and Technology Conference, Batavia, OH. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Honors and Awards
2023 Inspiration in Research and Quality Improvement Award. National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH). Status:Recipient Level:National
2021 Nursing in Women’s Health Excellence Writing Award. Hachey, L., Kroger-Jarvis, M., Pavlik-Maus, T., & Leach, R. Clinical Implications of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescent Girls. Journal of Nursing and Women’s Health. (2020, April). Status:Recipient Level:National
Hurricane Katrina Relief Worker – El Paso Convention Center Site Member 2005
College of Nursing (Simulation Taskforce ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:College 2015 -To Present
WinMed (Centering Steering Committee ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2014 -2016
Post Graduate Training and Education
06-1998-12-1998 Colposcopy Course, MD Anderson Cancer Center, ,
Professional Affiliation
2005 -To Present: Member of Sigma Theta Tau
01-2010 -To Present: National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health's (NPWH)
Patents and Inventions
2020-047 Remote Immersion Technology XR Environments Lisa Hachey and Tamara Pavlik-Maus, Filed Co-Inventor