Ashley E. Paz y Puente
Assoc Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Materials Science & Engineering - 0072
Professional Summary
Assistant Professor, Materials Engineering, August 2016 - present Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Research Interests: physical metallurgy, phase transformations; diffusion reactions and kinetics; diffusion coatings; Kirkendall effect; metallic microtubes; intermetallics; high temperature alloys; shape memory alloys; additive manufacturing; metallic scaffolds; X-ray tomography
PhD in Materials Science and Engineering: Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 2016
MS in Materials Science and Engineering: University of Central Florida Orlando, FL, 2012
BS in Mechanical Engineering: University of Central Florida Orlando, FL, 2011
Positions and Work Experience
05-2009 -08-2009 Summer Intern, Worked under the Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program. Performed image analysis on RERTR as-fabricated and irradiated nuclear fuel plate micrographs. Compiled a comprehensive U-Mo fuel cladding chemical interaction (FCCI) database., Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
08-2006 -08-2012 Research Assistant, Worked with Prof. Yongho Sohn in the Materials and Coatings for Extreme Environments laboratory. Conducted research on U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) supported project titled “Investigation on Diffusion Barrier for U-Mo Fuel Alloys with Al Cladding Alloys” and reported monthly progress to Idaho National Laboratory. Performed diffusion couple experiments to assess feasibility of different metals as diffusion barriers in metallic nuclear fuel plates., University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
09-2012 -08-2016 Research Assistant, Worked with Prof. David Dunand in the Structural Metallic Materials group. Conducted research supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Processed novel metallic fibers and fiber assemblies via the pack cementation technique. Fabricated Ni-Cr-Al and Ni-Ti microtubes from core-shell structured wires via the Kirkendall effect. Characterized phase and Kirkendall pore formation and evolution via in situ X-ray tomography at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
08-15-2016 -To Present Assistant Professor, Principal investigator of the Reaction and Transformation Engineering (RATE) Laboratory. Conducting research on processing and alloying of metallic lattice structures fabricated via additive manufacturing techniques. Investigating the size, geometry, temperature, and composition effects on Kirkendall pore formation in metallic systems. Characterizing internal porosity and phase evolution in metallic materials using in situ X-ray tomography techniques., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
01-20-2017 -To Present Primary Instructor, Teaching MTEN6070/5071 – Phase Transformations, graduate level course discussing driving forces and mechanisms for microstructural changes within materials, particularly metals, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
09-20-2015 -06-30-2016 Teaching Consultant, Selected to serve as a teaching consultant by the Searle Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning. Performing teaching observations and soliciting feedback from small student focus groups for graduate students and post docs pursuing academic careers, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
06-20-2015 -06-30-2016 Graduate Teaching Fellow, Selected as one of eight university wide by the Searle Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning. Working on a project to advance teaching and learning in the materials science department. Organizing and conducting several pedagogical methods workshops for new materials science teaching assistants and those in the Searle Teaching Certificate Program., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
01-20-2015 -06-30-2016 Undergraduate Research Mentor, Served as a mentor to an undergraduate materials science student conducting a senior project. Independently trained and set research goals for the undergraduate student., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
03-20-2015 -06-20-2015 Teaching Certificate Program, Coordinated with instructor (Prof. Shull) to teach portions of the course (361-1) on diffusion and recrystallization. Worked with Prof. Shull to edit course content, lectures, and notes. Conducted five newly developed guest lectures on the above mentioned topics., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
03-20-2014 -06-20-2015 Teaching Assistant, Served as teaching assistant for Microstructural Dynamics (316-1 and 316-2). Worked with Professors Voorhees, Shull, Joester, and Stair over three quarters of the class. Held office hours and review sessions to assist students and graded homework assignments., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
08-20-2011 -12-20-2011 Teaching Assistant, Served as teaching assistant for Introduction to Structures and Properties of Materials (3365). Held office hours to assist students, graded homework assignments, and conducted three lectures., University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Research Support
Grant: #CMMI-1727472 Investigators:Paz y Puente, Ashley 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 National Science Foundation Gas-Phase Alloying and Sintering Kinetics of 3D Printed Ni Scaffolds Role:PI $400,741.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SP0036177-PROJ0014866 Sub-NSF-1611308 Investigators:Paz y Puente, Ashley 09-01-2018 -08-31-2019 National Science Foundation Size Effect on the Evolution of Kirkendall Pores in Ti-Coated Ni Wires Role:PI $48,114.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DMR-2143334 Investigators:Paz y Puente, Ashley 08-15-2022 -07-31-2027 National Science Foundation CAREER: Controlling Vacancy Migration and Kirkendall Pore Evolution: Understanding Compositional, Geometrical, and Thermal Influences Role:PI 96001.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #80NSSC23K0233 Investigators:Erdeniz, Dinc; Paz y Puente, Ashley; Sun, Ying 01-17-2023 -01-16-2026 NASA Headquarters High-Temperature Lightweight Radiator Panels with 3D-Printed Titanium Loop Heat Pipes Role:Collaborator 232545.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #ITE-2322605 Investigators:Honken, Nora; Kwuimy, Cedrick; Payton, Eric; Paz y Puente, Ashley 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 National Science Foundation Pivots: Reskilling Education Via Advanced Manufacturing Practicum (REVAMP) Role:PI 999997.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #22-01-EWD-6104 Investigators:Calhoun, Christopher; Erdeniz, Dinc; Payton, Eric; Paz y Puente, Ashley; Steiner, Matthew 09-01-2023 -02-28-2024 Department of Energy Short Courses in Software Tools for Alloy and Process Optimization Role:Collaborator 99113.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
A. Paz y Puente, D. Erdeniz, J.L. Fife, D.C. Dunand (2016. ) In situ X-ray Tomographic Microscopy Study of Kirkendall Pore Formation and Evolution during Homogenization of Pack-Aluminized Ni-Cr Wires .Acta Materialia,, , 103 ,534-546
Y. Park, K. Huang, A. Paz y Puente, B.H. Sencer, J.R. Kennedy, Y.H. Sohn (2015. ) Diffusional Interaction between U - 10wt.% Zr and Fe at 903K, 923K and 953K .Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, , 46A ,72-82
J. Dickson, L. Zhou, A. Paz y Puente, M. Fu, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (2014. ) Interdiffusion and Reaction Between Zr and Al Alloys from 450 to 625°C .Intermetallics, , 49 ,154-162
A. Paz y Puente, J. Dickson, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (2014. ) Investigation of Interdiffusion Behavior in the Mo-Zr Binary System via Diffusion Couple Studies .International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, , 43 ,317-321
C. Wei, A. Aitkaliyeva, Z. Luo, A. Ewh, Y.H. Sohn, J.R. Kennedy, B.H. Sencer, M.T. Meyers, M. Martin, J. Wallace, M.J. General, L. Shao (2013. ) Understanding the Phase Equilibrium and Irradiation Effects in Fe-Zr Diffusion Couples .Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 432 ,205-211
K. Huang, Y. Park, A. Ewh, B.H. Sencer, J.R. Kennedy, K.R. Coffey, Y.H. Sohn (2012. ) Interdiffusion and Reaction Between Uranium and Iron .Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 424 ,82-88
D.D. Keiser, J. Jue, N.E. Woolstenhulme, A. Ewh (2011. ) Potential Annealing Treatments for Tailoring the Starting Microstructure of Low-Enriched U-Mo Dispersion Fuels to Optimize Performance During Irradiation .Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 419 ,226-234
A. Ewh, E. Perez, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (2011. ) Characterization of Interaction Layer in U-Mo-X (X=Nb,Zr) and U-Nb-Zr vs. Al Diffusion Couples Annealed at 600°C for 10 hours .Defects and Diffusion Forum, , 312-315 ,1055-1062
A. Ewh, E. Perez, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (2010. ) Microstructural Characterization of U-Nb-Zr, U-Mo-Nb, and U-Mo-Ti Alloys Via Transmission Electron Microscopy .Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, , 31 ,216-222
D.L. Porter, A. Ewh (2010. ) Interaction Layer Characteristics in U-xMo Monolithic/Dispersion Fuels .Idaho National Laboratory Internal Document, , INL/EXT-10-17972 ,
E. Perez, A. Ewh, J. Liu, B. Yuan, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (2009. ) Phase Constituents of Al-rich U-Mo-Al Alloys Examined by Transmission Electron Microscopy .Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 394 ,160-165
E. Perez, N. Hotaling, A. Ewh, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (2007. ) Growth Kinetics of Intermetallic Phases in U-Mo vs. Al Alloy Diffusion Couples at 550oC .Defects and Diffusion Forum, , 266 ,149-156
A. Paz y Puente, D.C. Dunand Effect of Cr Content on Interdiffusion and Kirkendall Pore Formation during Homogenization of Pack-Aluminized Ni and Ni-Cr Wires .To be Submitted., ,
A. Paz y Puente, D.C. Dunand Microtube Formation via the Kirkendall Effect during Interdiffusion of Al-Coated Ni-Cr Wires .To be Submitted., ,
A. Paz y Puente, S. Plain, D.C. Dunand Synthesis of Shape-Memory NiTi Microtubes via the Kirkendall Effect during Interdiffusion of Ti-Coated Ni Wires .To be Submitted., ,
Yost A.;Erdeniz D.;Paz y Puente A.;Dunand D. (01-01-2019. ) Effect of diffusion distance on evolution of Kirkendall pores in titanium-coated nickel wires.Intermetallics, , 104 ,124-132 More Information
Paz y Puente A.;Dunand D. (10-01-2018. ) Effect of Cr content on interdiffusion and Kirkendall pore formation during homogenization of pack-a.Intermetallics, , 101 ,108-115 More Information
Paz y Puente A.;Dunand D. (09-01-2018. ) Shape-memory characterization of NiTi microtubes fabricated through interdiffusion of Ti-Coated Ni w.Acta Materialia, , 156 ,1-10 More Information
Paz y Puente A.;Dunand D. (01-01-2018. ) Synthesis of NiTi microtubes via the Kirkendall effect during interdiffusion of Ti-coated Ni wires.Intermetallics, , 92 ,42-48 More Information
Paz Y Puente A.;Erdeniz D.;Fife J.;Dunand D. (01-15-2016. ) In situ X-ray tomographic microscopy of Kirkendall pore formation and evolution during homogenizatio.Acta Materialia, , 103 ,534-546 More Information
Park Y.;Huang K.;Paz y Puente A.;LEE H.S.;Sencer B.H.;Kennedy J.R.;Sohn Y.H. (01-01-2015. ) Diffusional Interaction Between U-10 wt pct Zr and Fe at 903 K, 923 K, and 953 K (630 °C, 650 °C, an.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, , 46 (1 ) ,72-82 More Information
Paz Y Puente A.;Dickson J.;Keiser D.;Sohn Y. (03-01-2014. ) Investigation of interdiffusion behavior in the Mo-Zr binary system via diffusion couple studies.International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, , 43 ,317-321 More Information
Dickson J.;Zhou L.;Paz Y Puente A.;Fu M.;Keiser D.;Sohn Y. (01-01-2014. ) Interdiffusion and reaction between Zr and Al alloys from 425° to 625 °c.Intermetallics, , 49 ,154-162 More Information
Wei C.C.;Aitkaliyeva A.;Luo Z.;Ewh A.;Sohn Y.H.;Kennedy J.R.;Sencer B.H.;Myers M.T.;Martin M.;Wallace J.;General M.J.;Shao L. (01-01-2013. ) Understanding the phase equilibrium and irradiation effects in Fe-Zr diffusion couples.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 432 (1-3 ) ,205-211 More Information
Huang K.;Park Y.;Ewh A.;Sencer B.;Kennedy J.;Coffey K.;Sohn Y. (05-01-2012. ) Interdiffusion and reaction between uranium and iron.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 424 (1-3 ) ,82-88 More Information
Keiser D.;Jue J.;Woolstenhulme N.;Ewh A. (12-01-2011. ) Potential annealing treatments for tailoring the starting microstructure of low-enriched U-Mo disper.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 419 (1-3 ) ,226-234 More Information
Ewh A.;Perez E.;Keiser D.;Sohn Y. (01-01-2011. ) Characterization of interaction layer in U-Mo-X (X = Nb, Zr) and U-Nb-Zr vs. Al Diffusion Couples An.Defect and Diffusion Forum, , 312-315 ,1055-1062 More Information
Ewh A.;Perez E.;Keiser D.;Sohn Y. (06-01-2010. ) Microstructural characterization of U-Nb-Zr, U-Mo-Nb, and U-Mo-Ti alloys via electron microscopy.Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, , 31 (3 ) ,216-222 More Information
Perez E.;Ewh A.;Liu J.;Yuan B.;Keiser D.;Sohn Y. (11-01-2009. ) Phase constituents of Al-rich U-Mo-Al alloys examined by transmission electron microscopy.Journal of Nuclear Materials, , 394 (2-3 ) ,160-165 More Information
Perez E.;Hotaling N.;Ewh A.;Keiser D.;Sohn Y. (01-01-2007. ) Growth kinetics of intermetallic phases in U-Mo vs. Al alloy diffusion couples annealed at 550°C.Defect and Diffusion Forum, , 266 ,149-156 More Information
Invited Presentations
A. Paz y Puente (10-21-2016. ) Harnessing the Kirkendall Effect for the Fabrication of Shape Memory Alloy Microtubes and Hollow Scaffolds .MSE Graduate Seminar, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
A. Paz y Puente (01-22-2016. ) Harnessing the Kirkendall Effect for the Fabrication of Metallic Microtubes and Hollow Scaffolds .MSE Graduate Seminar, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
A. Paz y Puente (11-20-2015. ) Harnessing the Kirkendall Effect for the Fabrication of Metallic Microtubes and Hollow Scaffolds .MSE Graduate Seminar, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
A. Paz y Puente, D. Erdeniz, J.L. Fife, D.C. Dunand, (03-15-2015. ) Phase and Kirkendall Void Evolution Study in Aluminized Ni-Cr Wires via Ex Situ Annealing and In Situ X-ray Tomographic Microscopy Experiments .TMS 2015: 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando, FL, USA.
Paper Presentations
A. Achuthankutty, A. Bhattacharjee, A. Patibandla, H. Zhang, A. Paz y Puente (10-08-2017. ) Fabrication of Ni- Based Metallic Scaffolds with Dual Level Porosity .Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Conference.
A. Paz y Puente, S. Plain, D. Erdeniz, D.C. Dunand (07-09-2017. ) Fabricating NiTi Microtubes via Interdiffusion and Kirkendall Pore Formation in Ti-Coated Ni Wires .Chicago, IL, USA. Conference.
A. Paz y Puente, D.C. Dunand (02-26-2017. ) Harnessing the Kirkendall Effect for the Fabrication of Metallic Microtubes and Hollow Scaffolds .San Diego, CA, USA. Conference.
A. Paz y Puente, S. Plain, D. Erdeniz, D.C. Dunand (10-23-2016. ) Phase and Kirkendall Void Evolution Study in Titanized Ni Wires via Ex Situ Annealing and In Situ X-ray Tomographic Microscopy Experiments .Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Conference.
A. Paz y Puente, D. Erdeniz, J.L. Fife, X. Xiao, D.C. Dunand (10-08-2015. ) Diffusion Study of Aluminized and Titanized Ni Wires via Ex Situ Annealing and In Situ X-ray Tomography Experiments .Columbus, OH, USA. Conference.
D. Erdeniz, H. Cho, A. Paz y Puente, K. Sharp, D.C. Dunand (10-04-2015. ) Processing and High-Temperature Creep of Topologically Optimized, 3D-Woven Ni-Based Superalloy Wire Scaffolds .Columbus, OH, USA. Conference.
M. Glazer, J. Wang, J. Cho, A. Paz y Puente, D. Sauza, J. Okasinski, J. Almer, P. Braun, D.C. Dunand (05-24-2014. ) Measuring Strain In Operando by X-ray Diffraction in Bicontinuous Si and NiSn Inverse Opal Anodes Under Rapid Cycling Conditions .Chicago, IL, USA. Conference.
Y.H. Sohn, Y. Park, K. Huang, A. Paz y Puente, J. Dickson, E. Perez, D.D. Keiser Jr. (06-23-2014. ) Selected Observations and Analysis from Diffusion Studies for U-Mo Nuclear Fuel Development for RERTR .Paris, France. Conference.
A. Paz y Puente, D. Erdeniz, M. Glazer, T. Phillipe, J. Fife, P. Voorhees, D. Dunand (02-16-2014. ) An In situ X- ray Tomographic Microscopy Study on the Microstructural Evolution of Aluminide Coatings on Ni- 20Cr Wires, .San Diego, CA, USA. Conference.
Y.H. Sohn, K. Huang, Y. Park, E. Perez, J. Dickson, A. Ewh, D.D. Keiser Jr. (03-03-2013. ) Experimental Observations and Analyses from Diffusion Studies for U-Mo Nuclear Fuel Alloys .San Antonio, TX, USA. Conference.
J. Dickson, A. Ewh, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (10-07-2012. ) Interdiffusion Behavior of the Al-Zr System and the Effects of Si .Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Conference.
A. Aitkaliyeva, C.C. Wei, A. Ewh, Y.H. Sohn, B.H. Sencer, J.R. Kennedy, L. Shao (11-25-2012. ) Phase Equilibrium in Ion Beam Irradiated Fe-Mo Diffusion Couples .Boston, MA, USA. Conference.
A. Ewh, J. Dickson, B. Sencer, R. Kennedy, Y.H. Sohn (03-10-2012. ) Investigation on Effects of Zr Allotropic Transformation on Interdiffusion Between Mo and Zr .Orlando, FL, USA. Conference.
A. Ewh, J. Dickson, B. Sencer, R. Kennedy, Y.H. Sohn (10-16-2011. ) Investigation on Effects of Zr Allotropic Transformation on Interdiffusion Between Fe and Zr .Columbus, OH, USA. Conference.
K. Huang, Y. Park, A. Ewh, B. Sencer, R. Kennedy, Y.H. Sohn (10-17-2011. ) Reaction Diffusion Between Uranium and Iron .Columbus, OH, USA. Conference.
D.D. Keiser, J.F. Jue, I. Glagolenko, G. Moore, C. Clark, B. Rabin, D. Wachs, A. Ewh, Y.H. Sohn, B. Yao, T. Totev, T. Wiencek (10-18-2011. ) Microstructural Characterization of Candidate Burnable Absorber Materials for Application in LEU U-Mo Fuel Plates .Cincinnati, OH, USA. Conference.
A. Ewh, J. Dickson, B. Sencer, R. Kennedy, Y.H. Sohn (02-27-2011. ) Interdiffusion Investigation of Mo and Zr vs. Fe, Fe-Cr, and Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys at 750 and 850°C .San Diego, CA, USA. Conference.
A. Ewh, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (10-17-2010. ) Effective Impurity Diffusion Investigation of Zr in Polycrystalline U-Mo at 550, 600, and 650°C .Houston, TX, USA. Conference.
A. Ewh, E. Perez, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (07-05-2010. ) Characterization of Interaction Layer in U-Mo-X (X=Nb,Ti,Zr) vs. Al Diffusion Couples Annealed at 600°C for 10 hours .Paris, France. Conference.
A. Ewh, E. Perez, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (BAD DATE. ) Interdiffusion in U-Mo-X (X=Nb,Ti,Zr) vs. Al Diffusion Couples .San Francisco, CA, USA. Conference.
A. Ewh, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (10-05-2008. ) Phase Constituents and Microstructure of Ternary Uranium- Alloys and Their Interdiffusion with Al .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Conference.
E. Perez, A. Ewh, N. Hotaling, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (09-16-2007. ) Phase Constituents in Al-rich U-Mo-Al Alloys .Detroit, Michigan, USA. Conference.
E. Perez, N. Hotaling, A. Ewh, D.D. Keiser, Y.H. Sohn (07-04-2007. ) Diffusional Growth of Reaction Layer in Diffusion Couples Between U-Mo and Al Alloys .Algarve, Portugal. Conference.
E. Perez, N. Hotaling, A. Ewh, Y.H. Sohn, D.D. Keiser (05-14-2007. ) Composition-Dependent Growth Kinetics of Intermetallic Phases in U-Mo vs. Al Alloy Diffusion Couples Annealed at 550 C and 600 C .Washington D.C., USA. Workshop.
Honors and Awards
2015 Graduate Teaching Fellowship One of eight chosen university wide by Northwestern University’s Searle Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning
2013 Graduate Excellence Outstanding Masters Thesis Award University of Central Florida award that recognizes the quality, content and contribution of the student’s masters thesis research
2012 Cabell Fellowship Society of Cabell Fellows is an honor society of doctoral students who have been awarded Cabell Fellowships. Only 10 fellowships are awarded to a highly select group of incoming Northwestern Engineering doctoral students each year from this endowment
2012 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (accepted) NSF program that recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF’s mission
2012 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (declined) Department of Defense fellowship offered to individuals who have demonstrated the ability and special aptitude for advanced training in science and engineering
2011 Order of Pegasus Award University of Central Florida award that recognizes exemplary performance by undergraduate students in the areas of academic achievement, outstanding university involvement, leadership, and community service and is the most prestigious award given by UCF
2011 UCF Founders Award University of Central Florida award that recognizes one student from the college of engineering with outstanding academics and community service
2008 -2009 Astronaut Scholarship National scholarship awarded to college students who exhibit motivation, imagination and exceptional performance in the science/engineering field of their major
2008 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship National scholarship awarded to college students who have outstanding potential and who intend to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences or engineering
2011 Summa Cum Laude Graduated Summa Cum Laude, University of Central Florida. Status:Recipient Level:University
Professional Affiliation
2016 -To Present: Journal Reviewer Materials Chemistry and Physics
2016 -To Present: Journal Reviewer Journal of Materials Processing Technology
2016 -To Present: Journal Reviewer Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
2017 -To Present: Journal Reviewer Intermetallics
2017 -To Present: Journal Reviewer Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion
2017: NSF Review Panelist Division of Materials Research, Metals and Metallic Nanostructures
2016 -To Present: Committee Member Advanced Manufacturing Steering Committee University of Cincinnati Research Center,,
2016 -To Present: Instructor Developed a University Honors Program seminar entitled “From Soda Cans to Smart Phones: How It’s Made” to teach fundamental materials science to honors undergraduate students who then conduct outreach workshops to expose local STEM high school students to the discipline (ongoing) University of Cincinnati,
2016 -To Present: Professional Society Member The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS)
2016 -To Present: Professional Society Member ASM International
2006 -To Present: Organizer/Volunteer Helped design, conduct, and organize workshops at several STEM outreach events, particularly focused on engaging young women, for Society of Women Engineers, Expanding Your Horizons and UCF Materials Camp
Contact Information
Phone: 513-556-3133 (Office)