Stephan Pelikan
French Hall
A&S Mathematical Sciences - 0025
Ph.D.: Boston University Boston MA, 1983 (Mathematics)
Research and Practice Interests
Mathematical biology, dynamical systems, teacher education
Research Support
Grant: #2014 Funding Investigators:Pelikan, Stephan; Rogstad, Steven 07-01-2013 -06-30-2014 Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium Endangered Plant Restoration in Ohio: The Development of NEWGARDEN, a Computer Program to Optimize Restoration Projects Role:Collaborator $9,500.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #DUE-1557387 Investigators:Meyer, Helen; Pelikan, Stephan; Rutz, Eugene 03-01-2016 -02-28-2022 National Science Foundation Noyce Masters Teacher Fellowship (MTF) Program - Expert Clinically-Based Teacher Educators (ECBTE) Role:Collaborator $1,732,528.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
McDonald, H. Gregory, & Pelikan, Steve (2006). Mammoths and mylodonts: Exotic species from two different continents in North American Pleistocene faunas. Quaternary International, 142-143, 229-241.
Saunders, Lauren P., Saunders, Charles W., Styer, David, & Pelikan, Stephan (2005). Bird Population Changes in a Hamilton County, Ohio, Forest. Ohio J. Sci., 105(3), 43-45.
Lim, H.W., Pelikan, S., & Rogstad, S.H. (2002). Genetic diversity among populations and size classes of buckeyes (Aesculus: Hippocastanceae) examined with multilocus VNTR DNA probes. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 230, 125-141.
Keane, B., Pelikan, S., Smith, M.K., Toth, G., & Rogstad, S.H. (1999). Genetic diverstiy and the effect of pollutants in Typha latifolia examined with synthetics tandem-repetetive DNA probes. Am. J of Bot., 86, 1226-1238.
Busemeyer, D.T., Pelikan, S., Kenedy, R.S., & Rogstad, S.H. (1997). Genetic diversity of Philippine Rubus moluccanus L. (Rosaceae) populations compared with synthetic DNA VNTR probes. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 14, 867-884.
Rogstad, Steven H, & Pelikan, Stephan (1996). GELSTATS: A Computer Program for Population Genetics Analyses Using VNTR Multilocus Probe Data. BioTechniques, 21, 1128-1131.
Pelikan, Stephan (1994). Hopf bifurcations via zero sets. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 52, 141-145.
Knight, Alec, Styer, David, & Pelikan, Stephan et al. (1993). Choosing among hypotheses of rattlesnake phylogeny: a best fit rate test for DNA sequence data. Systematic Biology, 42(3), 356-367.
Pelikan, Stephan, & Moskowitz, Myron (1993). Effects of lead time, length bias, and false negative assurance on screening for breast cancer. Cancer, 71(6), 1998-2005.
Orey, Steven, & Pelikan, Stephan (1989). Deviations of trajectory averages and the defect in Pesin's formula. Transactions of the AMS, 315(2), 741-756.
Pelikan, Stephan, & Wan, Zhangyoung (1989). Numbering homoclinic points of diffeomorphisms in the plane. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 4(2), 667-756.
Orey, Steven, & Pelikan, Stephan (1988). Large deviation principles for stationary processes. Annals of Probability, 16(4), 1481-1495.
Pelikan, Stephan, & Slaminka, Ed (1987). An upper bound for the index of fixed points of area preserving homeomorphisms of surfaces. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 7, 463-479.
Deneckere, Raymond, & Pelikan, Stephan (1986). Competetive Chaos. Journal of Economic Theory, 40(1), 13-25.
Kevrekedis, I., Pelikan, S., Aris, R., & Schmidt, L. (1985). The computation of invariant circles. Physica D, 16.
Pelikan, Stephan (1985). A dynamical meaning of fractal dimension. Trans. AMS, 292(2), 695-703.
Pelikan, Stephan (1985). The duration of transients. Transactions of the AMS, 287(2), 215-221.
Grebogi, Celso, Ott, Ed, Pelikan, Stephan, & Yorke, James A (1984). Strange attractors that are not chaotic. Physica D, 13, 261-268.
Pelikan, Stephan. Invariant densities for random maps of the interval. Transactions of the AMS, 281(2), 813-825.
Oehler, D. A., S. Pelikan et. al. Status of Crested Penguin (Eudyptes ssp.) Populations on Three Islands in Sourthern Chile. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(3):578-581 Sept. 2008.
Steven H. Rogstad and Stephan Pelikan, NEWGARDEN: a computer program to model the population dynamics and genetics of establishing and fragmented plant populations. Conservation Genet Resour (2013) 5:857–862
Steven H Rogstad and Stephan Pelikan; Plant Species Restoration: Effects of Different Founding Patterns on Sustaining Future Population Size and Genetic Diversity. Sustainability 2013, 5, 1304-1316
Steven H Roagstad and Steve Pelikan,
Monitoring Endangered Species Populations: Gene Dispersal Can Have Pronounced Effects on the Relationship between Census Size and Genetic Diversity.
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 4, 1932-1937
Steve H Rogstad and Stephan Pelikan.
Restoring the American Chestnut: Optimizing Founder Spacing to Promote Population Growth and Genetic Diversity Retention.
I n Restoration Ecology: Volume 22, Issue 5, pages 668–675, September 2014
- Pelikan, S., S. Heywood, and S. H. Rogstad. 2015. Weed Suppression Success Can Depend on Removal Pattern and Gene Dispersal Distance: Modeling Callery Pear. Weed Science 63:703-709. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1614/WS-D-14-00100.1
- Kashimshetty, Y., S. Pelikan, and S. Rogstad. 2015. Variable gene dispersal conditions and differing spatial deforestation patterns affect tropical tree conservation. PLoS ONE 10(5): 1-22; e0127745.
Other Publication
(2004). Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation: A Primer. Ohio Board of Regents.
Moore, J., & Pelikan, S. (2003). Case study and commentary on preparation of middle school teachers. Proceedings of OBR conference on teacher preparation.
Conover, D.G. and S. Pelikan, Earlier flowering in a restored wetland-prairie correlated with warmer temperatures. Ecological Restoration 28:4 December 2010 pp 428-430
Book Chapter
Basista, Beth, & Van Vleck, Richard (2007). Middle School Teacher Preparation Current Practices and Future Perspectives. A Research Agenda (pp. 33-39). The Ohio Board of Regents.
Rogstad, Steven H, & Pelikan, Stephan (2003). Biocomputing: Computer Tools for Biologists. In Stuart M. Brown (Eds.), Update to Gelstats: A Computer Program for Population Genetics Analyses Using VNTR Multilocus Probe Data (pp. 389-390). Biotechniques Press, Eaton Publishing.
Kashimshetty, Y., M. Simkins, S. Pelikan, and S. H. Rogstad. Founder placement and gene dispersal affect population growth and genetic diversity in restoration plantings of American chestnut.
In Genetic Diversity in Plants; Caliskan, M., Ed.; InTech Press: Shanghai, China, 2012.
Rogstad, Steven H and Stephan Pelikan, Genetic Diversity in Establishing Plant Populations: Founder number and geometry. 2011. Science Publishers, CRC Press. 353 pages.
Invited Presentations
Rogstad, Steve, S Pelikan, M. Simkins, Y. Kashimshetty (09-2013. ) The Geometry of Chestnut Restoration . Southern Illinois University , Edwardsville, IL. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Steven H. Rogstad and Stephan Pelikan (6/1/0201 12:00:00 AM. ) RESTORING THE AMERICAN CHESTNUT: OPTIMIZING FOUNDER SPACING TO PROMOTE POPULATION GROWTH AND GENETIC DIVERSITY RETENTION .Conference on Ecological and Ecosystem Restoration , New Orlean,LA. Conference. . Level:National
Steve Pelikan, Steve Phelps (11-2014. ) Math Circles for Teachers (Liar's Bingo) .Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics , Cleveland, Ohio. Professional Meeting. . Level:State
Steve Pelikan (03-11-2013. ) The fun of doing mathematics .Mathematics and the public good lecture series, Bellarmine University. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Heywood, Sam, S. Pelikan, S. H. Rogstad. (09-2013. ) Removal Patterns of Invasive Species: Does Geometry Matter? .Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH.. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Post Graduate Training and Education
1983-1982 Post Doc. Fellow, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, , University of Minnesota, Minnepolis MN
Courses Taught
MDL SCH MATH 1 Level:Undergraduate
Geom tchr/lrnr Level:Undergraduate
15-MATH-588 GRAPH THEORY Level:Both
12U_15MAT801001 Level:Graduate
12U_1MATH750001 Tech for Calculus Level:Graduate
Stat Data Analys 1 Level:Graduate