Allyn W. Phillips
Associate Professor Educator
Associate Professor Educator
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Mechanical Eng - 0072
Research Support
Grant: #7478/1 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 01-01-2003 -04-30-2004 The Boeing Company Structural Analysis Software Development 2003 Role:PI $155,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #05265-001-04 47 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 10-22-2004 -01-15-2005 Department of Energy HP-SDF to MatLab/API Reader Development Role:PI $28,528.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #PO 11882 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 04-01-2004 -12-31-2004 The Boeing Company Structural Analysis Software Enhancement Role:PI $70,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #TAA Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 08-01-2004 -08-31-2004 ATA Engineering, Inc. HPE 143x Demonstration Software Role:PI $10,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #PO 13094 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 11-08-2004 -07-31-2005 The Boeing Company AFP LM Drive Model Role:PI $65,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #PO 14948 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 01-01-2005 -12-31-2008 The Boeing Company Improved Parameter Identification for Transient Excitation Data Role:PI $320,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #B286924-3 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 01-01-2000 -12-31-2003 The Boeing Company Structural Analysis Software Development Role:PI $386,799.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #B 285169 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 01-01-1999 -12-31-1999 The Boeing Company Structural Analysis Software Research Role:PI $121,333.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #OSP00178 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 03-01-1999 -02-28-2001 MANTA Corporation Structural Analysis Software Development Operating Data Enhancement Role:PI $57,706.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #PO 285182 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 05-01-1999 -12-31-1999 The Boeing Company Structural Analysis Software Development for Data Display Enhancement Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #FA9302-07-M0010 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 05-01-2007 -12-31-2007 CSA Engineering, Inc. CSA Fast GVT Support Role:PI $15,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #B&W Y-12LLC Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 02-01-2008 -09-30-2008 Department of Energy Development of Draft Requirements for Data Archive Format for Long Term Storage of Dynamic Signal Data Role:PI $96,880.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005492 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn 09-01-2007 -08-31-2008 Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S Modal Parameter Estimation Techniques Demonstration Software Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Foreign Industry
Grant: #26580 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 07-01-2008 -08-31-2008 The Boeing Company Modal Analysis Seminar and Workshop Role:PI $14,538.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #NSP # 27292 / R# 2935491 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 06-01-2008 -03-31-2010 The Boeing Company X-Modal Structural Analysis Software Enhancement 2008 General Usability and Performance Improvements Role:PI $27,500.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #2007-003-001 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 01-01-2009 -03-31-2010 The Boeing Company Automated Modal Analysis Support 2009 Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #43000069160 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 02-28-2009 -09-30-2009 Department of Energy Development of Draft Requirements for Data Archive Format for Long Term Storage of Dynamic Signal Data-FY09 Role:PI $112,247.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2007-003-02 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 04-19-2007 -03-31-2010 The Boeing Company X-Modal General Usability and Performance Improvements 2009 Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #430074053 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 01-25-2010 -09-30-2010 Department of Energy Development of Draft Requirements for Data Archive Format for Long Term Storage of Dynamic Signal Data-FY10 Role:PI $95,903.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2007-003-03 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 03-08-2010 -11-01-2010 The Boeing Company X-Modal General Usability and Performance Improvements 2010 Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #2007-003-04 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 05-10-2010 -11-01-2010 The Boeing Company Automated Modal Analysis Support 2010 Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #4300079300 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 01-24-2011 -09-30-2012 Department of Energy Dynamic Signal Archive (DSA) Standard Programming Environment Development Role:PI $95,335.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #N5142682 / 2007-003 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 06-29-2011 -06-28-2014 The Boeing Company X-Modal General Usability and Performance Improvements 2011 Role:PI $25,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #SRS 007676 Investigators:Phillips, Allyn; Schaffner, Grant 08-01-2011 -12-31-2011 United States Olympic Committee Skeleton Sled Structural Dynamics Modeling and Testing Role:Collaborator $24,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 007863 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 12-01-2011 -05-31-2012 VTI Instruments Corporation X-Modal Data Acquisition Enhancement VTEXDigitizer Support Role:PI $63,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #Order No. NS165166 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 06-01-2012 -12-31-2012 The Boeing Company Modal Analysis Flutter Support 2012 Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #PO 4500363720 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 12-14-2012 -08-15-2013 BMW Manufacturing Company, LLC Alternative Methods for Determining Painted Body Global Stiffness Role:Collaborator $90,082.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Order No. NS185481 Under Agreement 2007-003 P.O. NS142682 Investigators:Allemang, Randall; Phillips, Allyn 03-08-2013 -12-01-2013 The Boeing Company Modal Analysis Flutter Support 2013 Role:PI $75,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Phillips A. (12-01-1993. ) Simulation environment for the investigation of measurement errors in lightly damped structures .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 1923 (pt 1 ) ,340-349
Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Pickrel C. (12-01-1997. ) Clustering of modal frequency estimates from different solution sets .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1053-1062
Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Brown D. (12-01-1997. ) Specialized parameter estimation algorithms for multiple reference testing .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1078-1087
Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Brown D.;Olsen N.;Lurie R. (01-01-1998. ) Integration of VXI data acquisition into MATLAB .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1089-1093
Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Zucker A. (01-01-1998. ) New excitation method: Combining burst random excitation with cyclic averaging .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,891-899
Li S.;Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Brown D. (01-01-1998. ) Automotive applications of the Enhanced Mode Indicator Function parameter estimation method .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 1 ,36-44
Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Fladung W. (01-01-1998. ) Complex Mode Indicator Function (CMIF) as a parameter estimation method .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 1 ,705-710
Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Pickrel C. (01-01-1998. ) Estimating modal parameters from different solution sets .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1014-1021
Dahling T.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-1999. ) Application of differencing to frequency domain parameter estimation algorithms .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 1 ,833-839
Phillips A.;Zucker A.;Allemang R. (01-01-1999. ) Comparison of MIMO-FRF excitation/averaging techniques on heavily and lightly damped structures .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1395-1404
Fladung W.;Zucker A.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-1999. ) Using cyclic averaging with impact testing .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 1 ,850-853
Phillips A.;Zucker A.;Allemang R. (01-01-1999. ) Frequency resolution effects on FRF estimation: Cyclic averaging vs. large block size .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1161-1168
Witter M.;Phillips A.;Brown D. (01-01-2000. ) Extending the utility of rigid body calculations in test .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 4062 ,
Dahling T.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2000. ) Application of differencing to frequency domain parameter estimation algorithms .Shock and Vibration Digest, , 32 (1 ) ,59
Witter M.;Phillips A.;Brown D. (01-01-2000. ) Extending the utility of rigid body calculations in test .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 2 ,1894-1900
Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-2000. ) Introduction of a general user excitation source signal for modal testing .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 4062 ,
Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-2000. ) Introduction of a general user excitation source signal for modal testing .Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, , 1 ,973-979
Adams D.E.;Allemang R.;Phillips A.W.;Wynn R.H. (10-12-2000. ) Spatial truncation in models of non-linear vibrating systems.Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 237 (1 ) ,145-161 More Information
Brown D.L.;Phillips A.W.;Cox K.;Davis L. (01-01-2002. ) Remote modal testing using the Internet .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 4753 II ,971-976
Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (05-01-2003. ) Application of a generalized residual model to frequency domain modal parameter estimation.Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 262 (3 ) ,677-705 More Information
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (05-01-2003. ) An overview of MIMO-FRF excitation/averaging/processing techniques.Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 262 (3 ) ,651-675 More Information
Allemang R.;Phillips A. (12-01-2004. ) The unified matrix polynomial approach to understanding modal parameter estimation: An update .Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 2373-2401
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (12-01-2004. ) A low order implementation of the polyreference least squares complex frequency (LSCF) algorithm .Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 2447-2474
Fladung W.;Phillips A.;Brown D.;Olsen N.;Lurie R. (12-01-1998. ) The integration of VXI data acquisition into matlab .Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 1269-1273
Brown D.;Phillips A. (12-01-2002. ) Remote modal testing using vitalNet .Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 671-678
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (12-01-1998. ) The Enhanced Frequency Response Function (eFRF): Scaling and other issues .Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 981-988
Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Zucker A. (12-01-1998. ) An overview of MIMO-FRF excitation/averaging techniques .Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 655-666
Roscher T.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (12-01-2000. ) A new detection method for structural non-linearities .Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA, , 717-724
Pickrel C.;Foss G.;Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Brown D. (10-01-2006. ) New concepts in aircraft ground vibration testing .Sound and Vibration, , 40 (10 ) ,12-18
Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W.;Brown D.L. (06-13-2011. ) Combined state order and model order formulations in the unified matrix polynomial method (UMPA) .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,429-443
Brown D.L.;Phillips A.W.;Witter M.C. (06-13-2011. ) Practical trouble shooting test methodologies .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,351-362
Brown D.L.;Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W. (06-13-2011. ) Autonomous modal parameter estimation: Application examples .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,403-428
Phillips A.W.;Allemang R.J.;Brown D.L. (06-13-2011. ) Autonomous modal parameter estimation: Methodology .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,363-384
Phillips A.W.;Allemang R.J. (06-13-2011. ) Development of a long term viable dynamic data archive format .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,541-555
Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W.;Brown D.L. (06-13-2011. ) Autonomous modal parameter estimation: Statisical considerations .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,385-401
Phillips A.W.;Allemang R.J. (08-15-2011. ) Application of modal scaling to the pole selection phase of parameter estimation .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 (PART 1 ) ,499-518
Elwali W.;Satakopan H.;Shauche V.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (08-15-2011. ) Modal parameter estimation using acoustic modal analysis .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 (PART 1 ) ,23-33
Phillips A.W.;Allemang R.J. (08-15-2011. ) Requirements for a long-term viable, archive data format .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 (PART 2 ) ,1475-1479
Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W.;Allemang M.R. (08-15-2011. ) Application of principal component analysis methods to experimental structural dynamics .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 (PART 1 ) ,477-498
Chauhan S.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (12-01-2008. ) Damping estimation using Operational Modal Analysis .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, ,
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (12-01-2005. ) Data presentation schemes for selection and identification of modal parameters .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, ,
Brown D.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (12-01-2005. ) A first order, extended state vector expansion approach to experimental modal parameter estimation .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, ,
Pickrel C.R.;Foss G.C.;Phillips A.;Allemang R.J.;Brown D.L. (12-01-2006. ) New concepts GVT .Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, ,
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (07-24-2012. ) Evaluation of a long term viable dynamic data archive format.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,261-267 More Information
Majba C.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (07-24-2012. ) A review of uncertainty quantification of estimation of frequency response functions.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,595-601 More Information
Dargah M.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (07-24-2012. ) Exciter impedance and cross-axis sensor sensitivity issues in FRF estimation.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 5 ,535-545 More Information
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (06-01-2012. ) Evaluating a format for viable, long-term dynamic data archiving .Sound and Vibration, , 46 (6 ) ,14-17
Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. (12-01-2003. ) Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 2: Experimental case studies.SAE Technical Papers, , More Information
Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. (12-01-2003. ) Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 1: Analytical case studies.SAE Technical Papers, , More Information
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-2008. ) Additional mechanisms for providing clear stabilization (consistency) diagrams .23rd International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2008, ISMA 2008, , 5 ,2661-2693
Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2014. ) Spatial information in autonomous modal parameter estimation.Shock and Vibration, , 2014 , More Information
Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2015. ) Techniques for evaluation of modal vector contamination .Sound and Vibration, , 49 (1 ) ,8-11
Pasha H.G.;Kohli K.;Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W.;Brown D.L. (01-01-2015. ) Structural dynamics model calibration and validation of a rectangular steel plate structure.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 3 ,351-362 More Information
Poland J.;Young A.;Pasha H.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2015. ) An estimation of torsional compliance (Stiffness) from free-free FRF measurements: eRCF application.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,133-139 More Information
Brown D.L.;Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W. (01-01-2015. ) Forty years of use and abuse of impact testing: A practical guide to making good FRF measurements.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,221-241 More Information
Pasha H.;Allemang R.;Phillips A.;Young A.;Poland J. (01-01-2015. ) Estimation of torsional compliance (Stiffness) from free-free FRF measurements: eRCF theory.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,121-132 More Information
Pasha H.;Allemang R.;Phillips A.;Young A.;Poland J. (01-01-2015. ) Estimation of bending compliance (stiffness) from free-free FRF measurements: eBCF theory.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,141-155 More Information
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-2010. ) Archive format requirements for long term storage of dynamic signal data .Proceedings of ISMA 2010 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, including USD 2010, , 2551-2558
Allemang R.J.;Brown D.L.;Phillips A.W. (01-01-2010. ) Survey of modal techniques applicable to autonomous/semi-autonomous parameter identification .Proceedings of ISMA 2010 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, including USD 2010, , 3331-3372
Arora R.;Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-2015. ) Operational modal parameter estimation from short-time data series.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 10 ,183-198 More Information
Sharma A.;Brown D.L.;Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W. (01-01-2016. ) An alternative MIMO FRF estimation method using pneumatic exciters.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 10 ,361-379 More Information
Vemuri A.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2016. ) Estimation of instantaneous speed for rotating systems: New processing techniques.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,521-535 More Information
Deshmukh S.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2016. ) Synthesizing uncorrelated drive files for MIMO transmissibility measurements on road simulators.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 5 ,47-59 More Information
Baver B.;Phillips A.;Allemang R.;Kim J. (01-01-2016. ) Magnetic excitation and the effects on modal frequency and damping.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 10 ,347-354 More Information
Niranjan A.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2016. ) Normalization of complex mode shapes by truncation of alpha-polynomial.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 10 ,81-96 More Information
Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2016. ) Comparison of various modal vector estimation methods used in modal parameter estimation.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 10 ,1-25 More Information
Inamdar S.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2016. ) Estimation of frequency and damping of a rotating system using MEOT and virtual sensor concept.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,23-35 More Information
Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2014. ) Un-weighted and weighted versions of the modal assurance criterion (MAC) for evaluation of modal vec.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 7 ,173-180 More Information
Pasha H.G.;Allemang R.J.;Brown D.L.;Phillips A.W. (01-01-2014. ) Static torsional stiffness from dynamic measurements using impedance modeling technique.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 1 ,307-316 More Information
Phillips A.;Allemang R. (01-01-2014. ) Normalization of experimental modal vectors to remove modal vector contamination.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,29-41 More Information
Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2014. ) Integrating multiple algorithms in autonomous modal parameter estimation.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 8 ,1-9 More Information
Pasha H.G.;Kohli K.;Allemang R.J.;Brown D.L.;Phillips A.W. (01-01-2014. ) Support systems for developing system models.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,183-193 More Information
Pasha H.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2014. ) Techniques for synthesizing FRFs from analytical models.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,73-79 More Information
Vemuri A.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2016. ) New methods for estimating instantaneous velocity for rotating systems .Proceedings of ISMA 2016 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD2016 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, , 961-975
Pasha H.G.;Kohli K.;Allemang R.J.;Brown D.L.;Phillips A.W. (01-01-2014. ) Support systems for developing system models.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,183-193 More Information
Pasha H.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2014. ) Techniques for synthesizing frfs from analytical models.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , 6 ,73-79 More Information
Kolluri M.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (05-15-2019. ) Non-parametric detection and localization of structural nonlinearities using orthogonal projections.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, , 123 ,455-465 More Information
Pandiya N.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (01-01-2018. ) Design and validation of a nonlinear test rig with hardening stiffness in multiple degrees of freedo .Proceedings of ISMA 2018 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2018 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, , 1245-1248
Allemang R.J.;Phillips A.W.;Brown D.L. (01-01-2018. ) Impact testing lightweight structures .Proceedings of ISMA 2018 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2018 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, , 1431-1446
Kolluri M.;Chawla R.;Allemang R.;Phillips A. (11-01-2019. ) An investigation of the component of response spectrum uncorrelated with input.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, , 133 , More Information