Allan R. Pinhas
Crosley Tower
A&S Chemistry - 0172
Professional Summary
Allan Pinhas is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. After his BS degree from the University of Rochester, he went to Cornell University where he earned a PhD. It was at Cornell, working under the direction of Prof. Barry Carpenter, that he became interested in experimental organometallic chemistry. In addition, while in graduate school, he studied theoretical chemistry with Prof. Roald Hoffmann. He then went to Yale University as a postdoctoral fellow, working with Prof. Jerry Berson on the photochemistry of molecules in their triplet state. He took a second postdoctoral fellowship at the University of North Carolina, working with Prof. Maurice Brookhart on the reactivity of organometallic complexes. Dr. Pinhas joined the faculty of the University of Cincinnati in 1982. He is a physical-organic chemist who is interested in the effect metal complexes have on organic molecules, especially organic compounds that contain small rings. In addition, he is interested in new methods for the formation of carbon-carbon bonds.
PhD: Cornell University 1980
Research and Practice Interests
• Organometallic chemistry
• Molecular rearrangements
• Catalysis
• Carbon-carbon bond formation
Research Support
12-17-2002 -12-16-2003 University Research Council of the University of Cincinnati The Mechanism of Cell Death by Chromium $5,000
04-01-2005 -03-31-2006 Faculty Development Grant by the University of Cincinnati Teaching Science Faculty Members About Inquiry Based Education $4,450
Investigators:Lawrence M. Pratt, James Mack, and Nguyen Thanh 01-01-2008 -12-31-2008 American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute Establishment of an Alternative Fuel Research Program in Vietnam $4,700
04-01-2008 -03-31-2012 National Science Foundation IRES. International Chemistry Research Experience for Students in Vietnam Role:co-PI $150,000 Type:Grant
01-01-2010 -06-30-2012 Wild Flavors The Structure and Mechanism of Formation of the Blue Colored Material Generated by the Reaction of Genipin and an Amino Acid Role:PI $31,427 Type:Grant
Grant: #CHE-0097726-NCE Investigators:Pinhas, Allan 03-15-2001 -12-31-2004 National Science Foundation Summer Research Fellowships in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI $180,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #NCE Investigators:Pinhas, Allan 02-24-1997 -02-28-2000 BP Chemicals, Incorporated The Nickel Catalyzed Conversion of Acetonitrile to Acrylonitrile and Related Chemistry Role:PI $100,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
12-2014 UC Honors Council Chemical Aspects of Forensic Science $6,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #SRS 006684 Investigators:Pinhas, Allan 01-01-2010 -12-31-2011 WILD Flavors, Inc. The Structure and Mechanism of Formation of the Blue Colored Material Generated by the Reaction of Genipin and an Amino Acid Role:PI $31,427.00 Active Level:Industry
Investigators:Allan Pinhas and Eric Tepe URC Real-time Monitoring of Humidity, Carbon Dioxide, and Ethylene in Plants under Stress Denied Type:Grant
Investigators:Allan Pinhas 12-15-2016 -12-14-2017 URC Sustainable and Green-Chemical Methodology for Formation of Carbon-Carbon Bonds Role:PI $10,000 Active
Grant: #URC Faculty Awards AY2016-17 Investigators:Pinhas, Allan 01-01-2017 -03-31-2018 UC Sustainable and Green-Chemical Methodology for Formation of Carbon-Carbon Bonds Role:PI $10,000.00 Active
Abbreviated Publications
Orchin, M.; Macomber, R. S.; Pinhas, A. R.; Wilson, R. M. The Vocabulary and Concepts of Organic Chemistry, 2nd ed.; Wiley-Interscience: Hoboken, NJ, 2005.
"A Pictoral Introduction to Frontier Orbitlas of Organometallic Fragments" Ashoka G. Samuelson and Allan R. Pinhas
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hancock, M. T.; Pinhas, A. R. "A Convenient and Inexpensive Conversion of an Aziridine to an Oxazolidinone". Tetrahedron Lett. (2003), 44, 5457-5460.
Hancock, M. T.; Pinhas, A. R. "The Conversion of an Aziridine Plus an Iminium Salt to a 1,2-Diamine". Tetrahedron Lett. (2003), 44, 7125-7128.
Hancock, M. T.; Minto, R. E.; Pinhas, A. R. "The Conversion of an Aziridine Plus a Phenyl-substituted Amine Oxide or Aminoether to a Benzodiazepine Derivative". Tetrahedron Lett. (2003), 44, 8357-8360.
Vonderheide, A. P.; Meija, J.; Tepperman, K.; Puga, A.; Pinhas, A. R.; States, J. C.; Caruso, J. A. "Retention of Cr(III) by High-Performance Chelation Ion Chromatography Interfaced to Inductively-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric Detection with Collision Cell". Journal of Chromatography A (2004), 1024, 129-137.
Hancock, M. T.; Pinhas, A. R. "Synthesis of Oxazolidinones and 1,2-Diamines from N-Alkyl Aziridines". Synthesis (2004), 2347-2355.
Wallace, J. R.; Lieberman, D. L.; Hancock, M. T.; Pinhas, A. R. "Conversion of an Aziridine to an Oxazolidinone Using a Salt and Carbon Dioxide in Water". J. Chem. Ed. (2005), 82, 1229-1230.
Mack, E. T.; Brown, M. J.; Krause, J. A.; Lieberman, D. L.; Pinhas, A. R. "2-(2-Bromo-4-chloroanilino)-2-phenylethanol". Acta Cryst. (2005), E61, 2810-2812.
Hermanson, J. R.; Figley, T. M.; Seibert, A. L.; Pinhas, A. R. "The Reactivity of a Nucleophilic Nickel Acylate Complex". Journal of Organometal. Chem. (2008), 693, 2061-2064.
Keller, C. L.; Dalessandro, J. D.; Hotz, R. P.; Pinhas, A. R. "Reactions In Water: Alkyl Nitrile Coupling Reactions Using Fenton’s Reagent". Journal of Organic Chemistry (2008), 73, 3616-3618.
McNeely, S. C.; Belshoff, A. C.; Taylor, B. F.; Fan, T. W.-M.; McCabe, M. J.; Pinhas, A. R.; States, J. C. "Sensitivity to Sodium Arsenite in Human Melanoma Cells Depends Upon Susceptibility to Arsenite-induced Mitotic Arrest". Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (2008), 229, 252-261.
"The High Yield and Regioselective Conversion of an Unactivated Aziridine to an Oxazolidinone Using Carbon Dioxide with Ammonium Iodide as the Catalyst"” Phung, C.; Pinhas, A. R. Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 4552-4554.
"A Kinetic Study using Evaporation of Different Types of Hand-Rub Sanitizers" J. Chem. Ed. 2010, 87. 950-951.
A Redox Titration for a General-Organic-Biochemistry (GOB) Course Using Povidone Iodine” Pinhas, A. R. J. Chem. Ed. 2010, 87. 985-986.
“Learning about Regiochemistry from a Hydrogen-Atom Abstraction Reaction in Water” Sears-Dundes, C.; Huon, Y.; Hotz, R. P.; Pinhas, A. R. J. Chem. Ed. 2011, 88, 1437-1438.
“The Solvent-free and Catalyst-free Conversion of an Aziridine to an Oxazolidinone Using Only Carbon Dioxide” Phung, C.; Ulrich, R. M.; Ibrahim, M.; Tighe, N. T. G.; Lieberman, D. L.; Pinhas, A. R. Green Chem. 2011, 13, 3224-3229.
“Sodium Arsenite ± Hyperthermia Sensitizes p53 Expressing Human Ovarian Cancer Cells to Cisplatin by Modulating Platinum DNA Damage Responses” Muenyi, C. S.; Pinhas, A. R.; Fan, T. W.; Brock, G. N.; Helm, C. W.; States, J. C. Toxicol. Sci. 2012, 127, 139-149.
“Food Waste as a Source of Biofuels” Pratt, L. M.; Gunasekaran, M.; Voit, S.; Thach, L. N.; Thi, L. T. X.; Khiem, C. N. D.; Slocum, J.; McCallister, M.; Herrmann, Z. M.; Doepke, A.; Nubel, C.; Pinhas, A. R.; Gardner, O. Journal of Science and Technology Development 2012, 15, 46-56.
“Pencil-Paper Learning Should be Combined with Online Homework Software” Smithrud, D. B.; Pinhas, A. R. J. Chem. Ed. 2015, 92, 1965-1970.
“The Mechanism of the Reaction between an Aziridine and Carbon Dioxide with No Added Catalyst” Phung, C.; Tantillo, D. J.; Hein, J. E.; Pinhas, A. R. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2018, 31:e3735, 7 pages.
“Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Answer-Until-Correct Multiple-Choice Test Format for a Class of Non-STEM Majors” Pinhas, A. R. J. Chem. Ed. 2021, 98, 2128-2131.
“Hand hygiene with hand sanitizer versus handwashing. What are the planetary health consequences?” Duane, B.; Pilling, J.; Saget, S.; Ashley, P.; Pinhas, A. R.; Lyne, A. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, accepted for publication.
“Barry Carpenter – Pioneering Physical Organic Chemist, Teacher, Mentor and Friend” Hare, S. R.; Pinhas, A. R.; Rehbein, J.; Tantillo, D. J.; Wiggins, S. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2022, e4431, 12 pages.
“Hand Hygiene with Hand Sanitizer versus Handwashing. What are the Planetary Health Consequences?” Duane, B.; Pilling, J.; Saget, S.; Ashley, P.; Pinhas, A. R.; Lyne, A. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021, 29, 48736-48737.
“The Mechanism of Friedel-Crafts Chlorination Historically Reconsidered” Jensen, W. B.; Kugel, R. W.; Pinhas, A. R. International Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 15, 50-61.
Book Chapter
“Responsible Decontamination" Duane, B.; Armstrong, N.; Harford, S.; Viviana; Pinhas, A.; Ahmed, H.; Ramasubbu, D. in Sustainable Dentistry-Making a Difference, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2023.
Invited Presentations
Allan Pinhas (03-2003. ) Chromium Kills Cells, and yet, You Can Survive Graduate School .Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL.
Allan Pinhas (03-2004. ) Chromium Kills Cells, and yet, You Can Survive Graduate School .Grambling State University and University of Louisiana at Monroe, LA.
Allan Pinhas (11-2005. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and β-Lactams .Fisk University, Nashville, TN.
Allan Pinhas (11-2005. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and β-Lactams .Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN.
Allan Pinhas (11-2005. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and β-Lactams .University of Toledo, Toledo, OH.
Allan Pinhas (11-2006. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and β-Lactams .Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN.
Allan Pinhas (01-2007. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and β-Lactams .Marshall University, Huntington, WV.
Allan Pinhas (03-2007. ) Nucleophilic Attack on Coordinated Ligands .College of Mount Saint Joseph, Cincinnati, OH.
Allan Pinhas (04-2007. ) What it is it like being a chemist .Dater High School, Cincinnati, OH.
Allan Pinhas (05-2007. ) UC’s Chemistry 122: Introduction to Forensics; the mistakes I made in this new course .American Chemical Society Central Regional Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Allan Pinhas (10-2007. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and β-Lactams .Bradley University, Peoria, IL.
Allan Pinhas (10-2009. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and -Lactams .East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.
Allan Pinhas (08-2011. ) Chemistry in Water: Coupling Reactions Using Fenton’s Reagent .University of Natural Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Level:International
Allan Pinhas (10-2012. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines, Oxazolidinones, Benzodiazepines, and b-Lactams .Ball State University, Muncie, IN. Level:National
Allan Pinhas (09-2013. ) Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines Plus Carbon Dioxide to Oxazolidinones .Division of Energy and Fuels Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Level:International
Allan Pinhas (03-2014. ) A High Score on Online Homework does not mean a High Examination Score .Learning Solutions in Chemical Education Symposium, Orlando, FL. Level:National
Allan Pinhas (05-2015. ) A High Score on Online Homework does not mean a High Examination Average .Ohio Project Kaleidoscope Conference on Increasing STEM Student Success in Higher Education, Otterbein University, Columbus, OH. Level:Regional
Allan Pinhas (10-2015. ) The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to 1,2-Diamines and Oxazolidinones .Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. Level:University
Pinhas, A. R.; Vonderheide, A. (02-2022. ) Jones Cycladenia: An Undergraduate Research Project at the University of Cincinnati .Wright State University, Dayton, OH. Level:University
Ferragut-Cardoso, A. P.; Wilkerson, C.; Banerjee, M.; Pinhas, A. R.; States, J. C.; Watson, W. H. (10-2022. ) Relative Sensitivity to Acute Arsenic Toxicity Among Different Keratinocyte Cell Lines is Determined by Differences in Glutathione Production .University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Level:University
Pinhas, A. R. (06-2023. ) “Organic Chemistry in Water: C-H Activation to Form New C-C Bonds” .Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Pinhas, A. R. (06-2023. ) “Pencil−Paper Learning Should Be Combined with Online Homework Software” .Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Pinhas, A. R. (06-2023. ) “The Conversion of N-Alkyl Aziridines to Oxazolidinones” .Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Poster Presentations
Jennifer L. Meyer, Mark D. Naber, Christopher Sears-Dundes, Richard P. Hotz, Allan R. Pinhas (06-2010. ) Chemistry in Water: Coupling Reactions Using Fenton’s Reagent .ACS Regional Meeting, Dayton OH. . Level:Regional
Jennifer L. Meyer, Mark D. Naber, Christopher Sears-Dundes, Richard P. Hotz, Allan R. Pinhas (06-2010. ) Chemistry in Water: Coupling Reactions Using Fenton’s Reagent .Reaction Mechanisms Conference, Amherst MA. . Level:International
Chau Phung, Allan R. Pinhas (10-2010. ) A Simple and Efficient Way to Convert an Unactivated Aziridine to an Oxazolidinone .Oesper Symposium, UC. . Level:Regional
Tamar Wiener, Ren Ariizumi, Thomas Centa, Allan Pinhas (04-2013. ) Coupling of Water-Soluble Nitriles and Ketones Using Fenton’s Reagent .Undergraduate Poster Session, UC. . Level:University
Alex Nurre and Allan Pinhas (04-2014. ) Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates from Monosubstituted Epoxides .UC Poster Session, UC. . Level:University
Alexandra Duell, Richard Hotz, and Allan Pinhas (11-2014. ) Chemistry in Water: Radical Coupling Reactions of Ketones Using Fenton's Reagent .Oesper Symposium Poster Session, UC. . Level:Local
Thomas Centa, Allan Pinhas (04-2015. ) Fenton Chemistry Calculations on Forming 1,4-Diketones .UC Undergraduate Poster Session, UC. . Level:University
Kevin Klusmeier, Allan Pinhas (04-2015. ) Synthesis of Acetonylacetone from Acetone in one Reaction using Fenton’s Reagent .UC Undergraduate Poster Session, UC. . Level:University
Jennifer L. Meyer, Richard P. Hotz, Allan R. Pinhas (10-2016. ) Fenton Chemistry of Acetophenones in Water: Evidence of Ipso Substitution .Oesper Symposium, UC. . Level:Regional
Mapes, K. B.; Ranly, N.; Hotz, R. P.; Pinhas, A. R. (11-2017. ) Radical Coupling Reactions of Amines and Ketones Using Fenton's Reagent .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Regional
Meyer, J. L.; Duell, A.; Baker, K. M.; Mapes, K. B.; Hotz, R. P.; Pinhas, A. R. (08-2017. ) Chemistry in Water: Radical Reactions of Ketones Using Fenton's Reagent .National Organic Symposium, Washington, DC. . Level:International
Hope Guthier, Allan Pinhas (2018. ) Finding the Ideal Conditions for Creating Cyclic Carbonates Using Green Chemistry .All University Undergraduate Poster Session, University of Cincinnati. . Level:University
Erica N. Rawlings, Richard P. Hotz, Allan R. Pinhas (2018. ) Fenton Chemistry of Pinacolone in Water .Oesper Poster Session, University of Cincinnati. . Level:Local
Nathan Ranly, Alyssa Solano, Richard Hotz, Allan Pinhas (2020. ) Activation of sp3-hybridized Carbon-Hydrogen Bonds for the Formation of New Carbon-Carbon Bonds .All University Undergrad Poster Session (poster generated but session cancelled due to COVID), UC. . Level:University
Paper Presentations
(05-2007. ) Research as an Undergraduate Teaching Technique .Cincinnati, OH.
Chau Phung and Allan Pinhas (03-2012. ) Generation of Oxazolidinones from Aziridenes and CO2 .San Diego. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Chau Phung and Allan Pinhas (08-2012. ) Generation of Oxazolidinones from Aziridenes and CO2 .Philadelphia. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Allan Pinhas (06-2010. ) Chemistry in Water: Coupling Reactions Using Fenton’s Reagent. Springfield, MA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Allan Pinhas
Allan Pinhas (02-2011. ) On-line Homework for Organic Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati .Tucson, AZ. Conference. Level:National
Allan Pinhas (03-2011. ) On-line Homework for Organic Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:National
Event Organized
Oesper SymposiumOesper Symposium Symposium 10-2016 UC Level:Regional
Honors and Awards
2023 -2023 Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Status:Recipient Level:International
UC Department of Chemistry (Assistant Head ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
UC Department of Chemistry (RPT Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
UC Department of Chemistry (Graduate Appointments and Curriculum Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
UC Department of Chemistry (Greene Chair Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
UC Department of Chemistry (Industrial Affiliates ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
UC Department of Chemistry (Service Centers ) Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
UC Department of Chemistry (Budget Committee/Cabinet ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
American Chemical Society and other journals Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:Prof. Org.
NSF and PRF Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:National
Chem Bond (departmental news magazine ) Editor Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(A&S Outstanding PhD Dissertation Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
(A&S Outstanding Masters Thesis Selection Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
UC (Cincinnatus Scholars Interviewer ) Type:University/College Service Level:University
Graduate and Undergraduate Poster Forums Judge Type:University/College Service Level:University
UC Dapartment of Chemistry (Web Site Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Teaching and Learning Liaison Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
URC proposal review committee Type:University/College Service Level:University
(General Gateways Faculty Learning Community ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
CET&L SoTL Journal Club Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
Education Strategy committee Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (Guest Editor ) Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Research Safety Council Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University
Michelman Innovation Program (review proposals ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University
drug design, organic
Courses Taught
15-CHEM-122 INTRO TO FORENSICS Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-212H HONORS ORG CHEM LAB Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-322H CHEM ASP FOREN SCI Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-213H HONRS ORG CHEM LAB Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-544 ORG STRUCTURAL ANA Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-761 ORG SPECTROSCOPY Level:Graduate
15-CHEM-106 GOBCHEM III Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-105 GOBCHEM II Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-201 ORG CHEM LEC & REC Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-122 INTRO TO FORENSICS Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-322H CHEM ASP FOREN SCI Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2041 ORGANIC CHEMISTRYII Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2041L ORGANIC CHEM LAB II Honors Lab Level:Undergraduate
Organometallic Chemistry Level:Graduate
-CHEM-1006 INTRO TO FORENSICS Level:Undergraduate
Physical Organic Chemistry Level:Graduate
-CHEM-3006 CHEMICAL FOREN SCI Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2040 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I Level:Undergraduate
Modern Spectroscopy Level:Graduate
Spectroscopy Level:Graduate
-CHEM-1041 GEN CHEM II Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
05-2016 Active Learning Workshop CET&L UC Type:Workshop
08-2016 bi-weekly meetings to discuss teaching, CET&L Type:Workshop
Maximizing the Use of Groups for In-Class Activities CET&L Type:Workshop
CET&L Educational Journal Club
helped create a forensic chemistry course at Scott High School
Great Gateways Faculty Learnign Community workshop CETL Type:Workshop