Vicki Plano Clark

Vicki L. Plano Clark



Teachers College


CECH Educational Studies - 0022

Professional Summary

Vicki L. Plano Clark is a professor in the Research Methods area of the School of Education.  She advises students in the Quantitative and Mixed Methods Research Methodologies (QMRM) concentration of the Educational Studies doctoral program and the Applied Research Methods (ARM) track of the Educational Studies master's program. 

As a methodologist specializing in mixed methods research, Dr. Plano Clark studies how researchers effectively integrate quantitative and qualitative approaches to address their research questions.  Her scholarship focuses on delineating useful designs for conducting mixed methods research, examining procedural issues associated with these designs, and examining larger questions about the contexts for the adoption and use of mixed methods.  She has written numerous books and articles in the field of mixed mehtods research.  She was the founding Managing Editor for the Journal of Mixed Methods Research and currently serves as an Associate Editor.  In 2011, she co-led the development of Best Practices for Mixed Methods in the Health Sciences for NIH's Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research.  In 2012 she became a founding co-editor of the new Mixed Methods Research Series with Sage Publications. She recently served as Chair of the Mixed Methods Research Special Interest Group of the American Association of Educational Research (AERA).

As an applied research methodologist, Dr. Plano Clark also engages in research and evaluation projects on a wide array of topics such as the management of cancer pain, the identity development of STEM graduate students, the professional development of teachers of Chinese, and the well-being of rural low-income families.

Before joining the University of Cincinnati in 2012, Dr. Plano Clark was the director of the Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research, a service and research unit that provided methodological support for proposal development and funded projects at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL).  She also taught research methods courses in UNL's Educational Psychology department.  Prior to that work, she spent 12 years developing innovative curricular materials for introductory physics as UNL's Physics Laboratory Manager.


Ph.D.: University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2005 (Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Education)

M.S.: Michigan State University 1993 (Physics)

B.A.: Kalamazoo College 1990 (Physics)

Research Support

Grant: #60040369-UC Investigators:Plano Clark, Vicki; Stringfield, Samuel 04-01-2013 -06-30-2014 Department of Education RTTT-Evaluation of Ohio Network of Education, Transformation (ONET) Schools Role:PI $16,661.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary Award AY2015-16 Investigators:Dariotis, Jacinda; Moore, Janet; Plano Clark, Vicki 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 UC's University Research Council REDUCING MASS INCARCERATION BY IMPROVING PUBLIC DEFENSE: DEFINING AND ASSESSING QUALITY ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC


Peer Reviewed Publications

Klassen, A. C., Creswell, J., Plano Clark, V. L., Smith, K. C., & Meissner, H. I. (2012. ) Best practices in mixed methods for quality of life research [Commentary] .Quality of Life Research, , 21 (3 ) ,377-380

Curry, L. A., O’Cathain, A., Plano Clark, V. L., Aroni, R., Fetters, M., & Berg, D. (2012. ) The role of group dynamics in mixed methods health sciences research teams .Journal of Mixed Methods Research, , 6 (1 ) ,5-20

Plano Clark, V. L. (2010. ) The adoption and practice of mixed methods: U.S. trends in federally funded health-related research .Qualitative Inquiry, , 16 (6 ) ,428-440

Plano Clark, V. L., Garrett, A. L., & Leslie-Pelecky, D. L. (2010. ) Applying three strategies for integrating quantitative and qualitative databases in a mixed methods study of a nontraditional graduate education program .Field Methods, , 22 (2 ) ,154-174

Schumacher, Karen L; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Eilers, June; Kigondu, Naomi; Geary, Carol; Kupzyk, Kevin; Lydiatt, William M; Lackner, Rudy P; Ly, Quan (2021. ) Methodological considerations for the design and implementation of a fully longitudinal mixed methods study.Research in nursing & health, , 44 (3 ) ,571-580 More Information

Schumacher, Karen L; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Rabow, Michael W; Paul, Steven M; Miaskowski, Christine The Experience of Complex Pain Dynamics in Oncology Outpatients: A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis.Cancer nursing, , 44 (2 ) ,136-144 More Information

Montgomery, LaTrice; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Twitty, Dylanne; Budney, Alan J; Prochaska, Judith J; Winhusen, Theresa (2020. ) Is it "loud" enough?: A qualitative investigation of blunt use among African American young adults.Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse, , 1-15 More Information

Valenta, Sabine; Spichiger, Elisabeth; Paul, Steven M; Rabow, Michael W; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Schumacher, Karen L; Miaskowski, Christine (2020. ) A Longitudinal Study of Predictors of Constipation Severity in Oncology Outpatients With Unrelieved Pain.Journal of pain and symptom management, , 59 (1 ) ,9-19.e1 More Information

Fryer, Craig S; Seaman, Elizabeth L; Clark, Rachael S; Plano Clark, Vicki L (2017. ) Mixed methods research in tobacco control with youth and young adults: A methodological review of current strategies.PloS one, , 12 (8 ) ,e0183471 More Information

Richards, David A; Bazeley, Patricia; Borglin, Gunilla; Craig, Peter; Emsley, Richard; Frost, Julia; Hill, Jacqueline; Horwood, Jeremy; Hutchings, Hayley Anne; Jinks, Clare; Montgomery, Alan; Moore, Graham; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Tonkin-Crine, Sarah; Wade, Julia; Warren, Fiona C; Wyke, Sally; Young, Bridget; O'Cathain, Alicia (2019. ) Integrating quantitative and qualitative data and findings when undertaking randomised controlled trials.BMJ open, , 9 (11 ) ,e032081 More Information

Schumacher, Karen L; Plano Clark, Vicki L; West, Claudia M; Dodd, Marylin J; Rabow, Michael W; Miaskowski, Christine (2014. ) Pain medication management processes used by oncology outpatients and family caregivers part II: home and lifestyle contexts.Journal of pain and symptom management, , 48 (5 ) ,784-96 More Information

Guetterman, Timothy C; Sakakibara, Rae V; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Luborsky, Mark; Murray, Sarah M; Castro, Felipe González; Creswell, John W; Deutsch, Charles; Gallo, Joseph J (2019. ) Mixed methods grant applications in the health sciences: An analysis of reviewer comments.PloS one, , 14 (11 ) ,e0225308 More Information

Schumacher, Karen L; Plano Clark, Vicki L; West, Claudia M; Dodd, Marylin J; Rabow, Michael W; Miaskowski, Christine (2014. ) Pain medication management processes used by oncology outpatients and family caregivers part I: health systems contexts.Journal of pain and symptom management, , 48 (5 ) ,770-83 More Information

Plano Clark, Vicki L; Miller, Dana L; Creswell, John W; McVea, Kristine; McEntarffer, Rob; Harter, Lynn M; Mickelson, William T (2002. ) In conversation: high school students talk to students about tobacco use and prevention strategies.Qualitative health research, , 12 (9 ) ,1264-83 More Information

Curry, Leslie A; Krumholz, Harlan M; O'Cathain, Alicia; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Cherlin, Emily; Bradley, Elizabeth H (2013. ) Mixed methods in biomedical and health services research.Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, , 6 (1 ) ,119-23 More Information

Aschbrenner, Kelly A; Kruse, Gina; Gallo, Joseph J; Plano Clark, Vicki L (2022. ) Applying mixed methods to pilot feasibility studies to inform intervention trials.Pilot and feasibility studies, , 8 (1 ) ,217 More Information

Klassen, Ann C; Creswell, John; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Smith, Katherine Clegg; Meissner, Helen I (2012. ) Best practices in mixed methods for quality of life research.Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation, , 21 (3 ) ,377-80 More Information

Varner, Kendra; Hittle, Beverly M; Martsolf, Donna; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Gillespie, Gordon L; Reutman, Susan (2022. ) Qualitative Findings for Supporting Newly Graduated Nurse and Teacher Sleep During Their First Year.Workplace health & safety, , 21650799221116598 More Information

Mamo, Sara K; Wheeler, Kara A; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Jacelon, Cynthia S (2022. ) A Mixed Methods Study of Hearing Loss, Communication, and Social Engagement in a Group Care Setting for Older Adults.Perspectives of the ASHA special interest groups, , 7 (2 ) ,592-609 More Information

Dorich, Jenny M; Whiting, Jordyn; Plano Clark, Vicki L; Ittenbach, Richard F; Cornwall, Roger (2024. ) Impact of brachial plexus birth injury on health-related quality of life in adulthood: a mixed methods survey study.Disability and rehabilitation, , 46 (10 ) ,2042-2055 More Information

Invited Publications

Plano Clark, V. L. (2019. ) Meaningful integration within mixed methods studies: Identifying why, what, when, and how [Invited commentary].Contemporary Educational Psychology, 57 ,106-111 More Information

Plano Clark, V. L. (2017. ) Mixed methods research [Invited commentary].Journal of Positive Psychology,, 12, ,305-306 More Information

Published Books

Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018. ) Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.) .Thousand Oaks, CA , Sage Publishing

Plano Clark, V. L., & Creswell, J. W. (2015. ) Understanding research: A consumer's guide (2nd ed.) .Upper Saddle River, NJ , Pearson Education

Plano Clark, V. L., & Creswell, J. W. (2008. ) The mixed methods reader .Thousand Oaks, CA , Sage Publishing

Plano Clark, V. L., & Ivankova, N. V. (2016. ) Mixed methods research: A guide to the field .Thousand Oaks, CA , Sage Publishing

Book Chapter

Plano Clark, V. L., & Badiee, M. (2010 ) Research questions in mixed methods research Handbook of mixed methods research (2nd ed.) .(pp. 275-304).).Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE

Plano Clark, V. L., & Wang, S. C. (2010 ) Adapting mixed method research to multicultural counseling Handbook of multicultural counseling (3rd ed.) .(pp. 427-438).).Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE

Creswell, J. W., Fetters, M. D., Plano Clark, V. L., & Morales, A. (2009 ) Mixed methods intervention trials Mixed methods research for nursing and the health sciences .(pp. 161-180).).Oxford, Blackwell Publishing

Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., & Garrett, A. L. (2008 ) Methodological issues in conducting mixed methods research designs Advances in mixed methods research: Theories and applications .(pp. 66-83).).London, SAGE

Plano Clark, V. L., Creswell, J. W., Green, D. O., & Shope, R. J. (2008 ) Mixing quantitative and qualitative approaches: An introduction to emergent mixed methods research The handbook of emergent methods .(pp. 363-387).).New York, Guilford Press

Green, D. O., Creswell, J. W., Shope, R. J., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007 ) Grounded theory and diversity The handbook of grounded theory .(pp. 444-464).).London, SAGE

Ivankova, N. V., Creswell, J.W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2007 ) Foundations and approaches to mixed methods research First steps in research .(pp. 253-282).).Hatfield, South Africa, Van Schaik Publishers

Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Guttman, M., & Hanson, W. (2003 ) Advanced mixed methods research designs Handbook of mixed methods research .(pp. 209-240).).Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE


Invited Presentations

Plano Clark, V. L., & Schumacher, K. (2012. ) The design and practice of mixed methods research .Invited workshop, 8th annual Mixed Methods International Conference, Leeds, U.K..

Plano Clark, V. L., & Shumacher, K. (2011. ) The design and practice of mixed methods research .School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco.

Plano Clark, V. L., & Creswell, J. W. (2011. ) The practice of mixed methods research from a disciplinary-based perspective .Invited workshop, 7th annual Mixed Methods International Conference, Leeds, U.K..

Plano Clark, V. L. (2011. ) Embedding qualitative methods within randomized clinical trials (RCTs): Possibilities and tensions of mixing methods .Invited keynote address, 7th annual Mixed Methods International Conference, Leeds, U.K..

Plano Clark, V. L. (2011. ) An introduction to mixed methods research .University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Plano Clark, V. L. (2010. ) Emerging trends in mixed methods research .Invited presentation, EN4MRB Evaluation Network Conference, Omaha, NE.

Plano Clark, V. L., & Creswell, J. W. (2010. ) Mixed methods research and the practice of research .Invited workshop, 6th annual Mixed Methods International Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Plano Clark, V. L. (2010. ) Qualitative research methods workshop - Part 2: Data analysis .NSF-sponsored workshop, Milwaukee Convention Center, Milwaukee, WI.

Plano Clark, V. L. (2009. ) Qualitative research methods workshop - Part 1: Data collection .University of California, Berkeley, CA.

Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2009. ) Conducting mixed methods research and the practice of research .Invited workshop, 6th annual Mixed Methods International Conference, Harrogate, U.K..

Plano Clark, V. L. (2009. ) Designing mixed methods studies in leadership research .Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI.

Plano Clark, V. L., & Galt, K. (2009. ) Research methods: Using a mixed methods approach to strengthen instrument development and validation .Invited Presentation, American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting & Exposition (APhA2009), San Antonio, TX.

Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2009. ) How to design a mixed methods study .University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Contact Information

638P Teachers-Dyer Complex
Phone: (513) 556-2610