Professional Summary
Kevin joined the College of Arts & Sciences in the summer of 2010, coming to the staff after the Center for Access and Transition closed where he started at the University of Cincinnati in the spring of 2007. Kevin has more than twenty-five years of experience in higher education. Areas of interest within higher education that he has experience include career services, student-athlete support services, residence life and housing, but truly enjoys his experience in academic advising. Working with students to plan their educational experience to meet and exceed the goals they set, keeps him enjoying his time within advising. Coordinating the College's graduation process involves him in the culmination of each student's time within A&S.
Previous positions have afforded him the opportunity to work with first-year students in all aspects of their transition to college life. As an undergraduate student staff member he developed an interest in the first-year experience and was able to continue involvement through his graduate program at Georgia Southern University. While in Statesboro, he coordinated residential efforts for the Success-In-U program at GSU, and as the First-Year Experience Center and New Student Programming Coordinator at Franklin College in Franklin, IN after graduating with his Master of Education from GSU. He then served as Assistant Director, Office of Residence Life and Housing at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, IN before returning to academic advising and a first-year program with the Center for Access and Transition here at the University of Cincinnati.
Kevin's interests include sports at all levels and during all seasons. He also enjoys spending good times with family and friends.
Bachelor of Science: Indiana University Bloomington, 1996 (Kinesiology)
Master of Education: Georgia Southern University Statesboro, 1999 (Higher Education Student Services)
Positions and Work Experience
1999 -2003 First-Year Experience Center and New Student Programming Coordinator, Coordinated Summer Registration, Orientation, Parent Programming, and a co-ed residence hall., Franklin College, Franklin, IN
2003 -2006 Assistant Director, Residence Life and Housing, Coordinated summer housing and assisted with student discipline., University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
1997 -1999 Graduate Hall Coordinator, Worked in residence life and housing, career services, and student-athlete services during graduate school, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
2007 -2010 Assistant Director, Academic, Advised students in the Center for Access and Transition(CAT). The CAT was a point of admission for students needing to supplement high school preparation for their desired program at the University of Cincinnati. I worked to students to achieve their goal of entering their desired program in many of the colleges within the University., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2010 -To Present Director, Started as an academic advisor for students in the College of Arts and Sciences from orientation to graduation. I work as the Director for all academic processes in A&S Advising. I continue to work with all majors offered within the college to reach graduation in a timely fashion while finding their passion. Assisting students in the identification of the best fit programs for their goals and dreams is what makes academic advising so very rewarding., University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Poster Presentations
Schiller, Kelly and Ploeger, Kevin (2015. ) From High School to College: Counseling to Advising Creating a Culture of Engagement .Region V NACADA Conference, Indianapolis, IN. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Courses Taught
Success-In-U, Georgia Southern University
New STeP, Franklin College
College Success Skills, Center for Access and Transition and McMicken
Next Bearcat Lives Here Level:Undergraduate