Susan H. Prince
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor
Blegen Library
A&S Classics - 0226
Professional Summary
Susan Prince's research interests are in the history of ancient Greek thought and literature, especially the Socratic traditions. Her primary projects are on Antisthenes and the ancient Cynics. Her teaching interests cover Greek and Roman literature from its beginnings, Homer and Hesiod, to the prose authors of the high Roman Empire, especially those who wrote in Greek.
PhD: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, 1997 (Classical Studies)
BA: Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford Oxford, 1989 (Literae Humaniores (Greek and Latin literature, ancient and modern philosophy))
BA: Yale College New Haven, CT, 1986 (Classics (Latin))
non-degree: University of Basel Basel, Switzerland, 1994 (Seminar für Klassische Philologie)
Positions and Work Experience
1997 -1998 Visiting Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
1998 -2007 Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
2007 -2011 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Abbreviated Publications
Book Chapter
Heraclides of Pontus. Texts and Translation.
Encyclopedia Article
“Cynicism” and “Diogenes of Sinope,” in Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, Oxford 2010.
“Anonymus Londiniensis,” in Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Blackwell.
D. Sedley, Creationism and its Critics in Antiquity(2007), New England Classical Journal35.4
(2008) 301-304.
Invited Presentations
(02-25-2010. ) Prodicus’ Choice of Heracles and the Socratic revision of Kingship, Slavery, and Social Class .Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Other Institution. . Level:University
(08-11-2008. ) Hippocrates and Other Monists in the Iatrica of Anonymus Londiniensis .Colloquium Hippocraticum XIII, Austin, TX. Conference. . Level:International
(03-22-2008. ) Starting an Ancient Quarrel: Plato versus Hippias in Hippias Minor .Plato and Platonisms, Columbia, SC. Conference. . Level:International