Lesley J. Raisor-Becker , PhD
Assoc Professor - Educator
Assistant Professor-Educator
University of Cincinnati
3225 Eden Ave.
Health Sciences Building Rm 371
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0379
Phone 513-558-1938
Fax 513-558-8501
Email raisorlj@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Lesley Raisor-Becker, PhD, is a researcher, teacher, and practicing clinician specializing in the language and literacy development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Her research interests include: the effects of prenatal drug/alcohol exposure on development, social skill and executive function in children, and pedagogy/supervision. She is also interested in the use of integrative health practices in allied health disciplines. Dr. Raisor-Becker currently serves as the graduate program director for online MA-SLP programs at UC and she serves as the SLP faculty member for the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Training Program at Cincinnati Children's Hosptial and Medical Center. She has taught numerous online and face-to-face courses and has presented in the areas of executive function, early language development, and managing difficult behaviors at the national, state, and local levels.
B.A.: University of Louisville 1999 (Psychology)
M.S.: University of Louisville 2001 (Speech Language Pathology)
Ph.D.: University of Cincinnati 2006 (Speech Language Pathology)
Research and Practice Interests
Dr. Raisor-Becker has practiced clinically as a speech language pathologist for over 10 years. Although her area of clinical focus has primarily been with preschool children, she also enjoys serving the geriatric community. In 2012, Dr. Raisor-Becker began leading the Language and Literacy Enrichment Group (LLEG) at the University of Cincinnati. This clinical program serves preschool children with speech and language delays by offering a small group environment that encourages vocabulary, social skills, and general language/literacy development. She teaches numerous courses at UC, including undergraduate courses in Anatomy and Physiology and Clinical Process of Intervention. In addition to these courses, Dr. Raisor-Becker teaches the Preschool and School-Aged Language Courses to distance learning graduate students. She also has co-taught several doctoral seminars.
Dr. Raisor-Becker’s research interests include dynamic and curriculum-based assessment of language and literacy skills in preschool and school-aged children. For the past 5 years, she has been conducting research on a curriculum-based screening tool for use in Response-to-Intervention programs in schools. She also leads research in the area of dialogic book reading in the Language and Literacy Enrichment Group. This purpose of this research is to examine the best methods and tools to elicit language-rich interactions with at-risk preschool children.
Dr. Raisor-Becker has presented her research findings in regards to phonological awareness intervention approaches, supervision techniques, online-teaching , and curriculum-based assessment/RtI at the local, state, and national level.
Positions and Work Experience
2008 -2016 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati ,
2008 -To Present PRN-Speech-Language Pathologist for skilled nursing facilities, Olympia Therapy, Southwestern Region of Ohio
2001 -2008 Speech-Language Pathologist, Speech and Language Associates, Cincinnati, OH
08-01-2016 -To Present Assistant Professor-Educator,
Research Support
Investigators:Raisor-Becker, L., Creaghead, N., Washington, K., & Combs, S. 2013 -2014 Department of Education Leadership
Investigators:Prendeville, J.A., & Creaghead, N.A. 10-2007 United States Department of Education Leadership Grant Leadership in Language and Literacy Through School/Community Engagement Completed
Investigators:Raisor, L.J., & Creaghead, N.A. 02-2003 United States Department of Education A Comparison of Phonological Awareness Intervention Approaches, Student Initiated Project 20,000. Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Raisor, L.J. 02-2002 University of Cincinnati Summer Research Fellowship Phonological Awareness in the Classroom 2,000. Completed Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Raisor-Becker, L. The Effects of a Canine Visitor on Children's Engagement and Speech Acts in a Preschool Classroom Role:PI
Grant: #H325D160007 Investigators:Becker, Lesley; Combs, Sandra; Creaghead, Nancy; Hobek, Amy; Washington, Karla 09-01-2016 -08-31-2021 Department of Education Preparation of Leadership Personnel in Language and Literacy Role:Collaborator $250,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #H325K190069 Investigators:Becker, Lesley; Boone, Xan; Kennedy, Kelly; Redle, Erin 11-01-2019 -10-31-2024 Department of Education Preparing Early Intervention Providers for the Opioid Epidemic (PEPOpE) Role:Collaborator $249,198.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #T73MC00032 Investigators:Becker, Lesley; Cushion, Melanie 07-01-2021 -06-30-2026 Health Resources and Services Administration University of Cincinnati Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities Role:Collaborator 713466.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R01DC019337 Investigators:Becker, Lesley; Vannest, Jennifer; Washington, Karla 09-15-2021 -06-30-2026 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disor Neuroimaging Reveals Treatment-Related Changes in DLD: A Randomized Controlled Trial Role:Collaborator 689046.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #515357 / R01DC019337 Investigators:Becker, Lesley; Vannest, Jennifer 09-01-2022 -06-30-2023 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disor Neuroimaging Reveals Treatment-Related Changes in DLD: A Randomized Controlled Trial Role:Collaborator 240044.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Schmidlin, S., & Raisor-Becker, L. (2014. ) Using reflective practice in supervision/mentoring .HEARSAY: Journal of the Ohio-Speech-Language-Hearing Association, , 4 (1 ) ,4
Lieberman, R., Raisor-Becker, L., Sotto, C., Redle, E. (2018. ) Investigation of Graduate Student Stress in Speech Language Pathology .Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences & Disorders, , 2 (2 ) , More Information
Lazewnik, Rochel & A. Creaghead, Nancy & Breit Smith, Allison & Prendeville, Jo-Anne & Raisor-Becker, Lesley & Silbert, Noah (2018. ) Identifiers of Language Impairment for Spanish–English Dual Language Learners .Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, , 50 (1 ) ,
F. Rivera Pérez, Jean & A. Creaghead, Nancy & Washington, Karla & Guo, Ying & Raisor-Becker, Lesley & Combs, Sandra (2019. ) Using Audio Prompting to Assist Monolingual Speech-Language Pathologists to Teach English–Spanish Vocabulary to English Learners.Communication Disorders Quarterly, , More Information
Wright Karem, Rachel & Washington, Karla & Crowe, Kathryn & Jenkins, Alyssa & Leon, Michelle & Kokotek, Leslie & Raisor-Becker, Lesley & Westby, Carol (2019. ) Current Methods of Evaluating the Language Abilities of Multilingual Preschoolers: A Scoping Review Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health–Children and Youth Version. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, , 50 ,1 More Information
Liberman, R., Creaghead, N., Raisor-Becker, L., Sotto, C. (2019. ) Preschool children’s emotion labels and social responses to positive and negative vignettes. eHearsay, , 9 (2 ) ,5 -16
Invited Publications
Elledge, D., Hasselbeck, E., Hobek. A., Combs, S. G., Raisor-Becker, L. J., Creaghead, N. A. (2010. ) Perspectives on preparing graduate students to provide educationally relevant services in schools. .Perspectives On School Based Issues , 11, (2, ) ,40.
Lazewnik, R., Combs, S. G., Raisor-Becker, L. J., Creaghead, N. A. (2010. ) Perspectives on preparing graduate students to provide services to diverse populations in schools. .Perspectives On School Based Issues, 11, ((2), ) ,33.
Other Publications
Creaghead, N. A., Combs, S. G., Becker, L. J., Sickman, L. A. (2008. ) Empowering Teachers of Children from Low-Income Homes .www.speechpathology.com,
Invited Presentations
Rivera-Campos, A., Rivera, J.F., Hobek, A., Washington, K., Raisor-Becker, L.J., Combs, S.G., Creaghead, N.A. (03-15-2013. ) Current Research on Language and Literacy Development in Children .Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
Schmidlin, Sue, L. & Raisor-Becker, Lesley (03-15-2013. ) Using Reflective Practices in Supervision .Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association Conference, Columbus, OH.
Boyce, S., Busch, J., Combs, S., Creaghead, N., Hobek, A., Raisor-Becker, L., Rivera-Campos, A., Rivera-Perez, J., Speights, M., & Washington, K. (03-2013. ) Current research on language and literacy development in children .International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics Conference; Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Confernece, Turin, Italy; Columbus, OH.
Lazewnik, R., Creaghead, N. Briet-Smith, A., Cahill, L., Raisor, L., & Prendeville, J. (11-15-2012. ) Identifiers of Bilingual Spanish-English Speaking Children with Language Impairments .American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
Lazewnik, R., Creaghead, N. Briet-Smith, A., Cahill, L., Raisor, L., & Prendeville, J. (11-15-2012. ) Comparison of Standardized Language Assessments for Bilingual Spanish-English Speaking Children .American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.
Combs, S.G., Creaghead, N.A., Raisor-Becker, L.J. (07-25-2012. ) Developing community partnerships: Building collaborative teams, supporting professional development, conducting research .Office of Special Education Programs- Project Directors' Conference, Washington D.C..
Combs, S.G., Raisor-Becker, L.J., Creaghead, N.A. (07-24-2012. ) Building leaders: Weaving research, teaching, and community partnerships together .Office of Special Education Programs- Project Directors' Conference,
Creaghead, N.A., Sickman, L.S., Combs, S., & Raisor, L.J. (09-19-2007. ) Empowering Teachers in Head Start Classrooms .Speechpathology.com,
Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Creaghead, N., Raisor, L.J., Rozier, H., Sickman, L., Smith, A., & Wakefield, L. (07-13-2003. ) Naturalistic Emergent Literacy Intervention: A Head Start Case Study .The American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Conference for Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools, Anaheim, CA.
Raisor, L.J., Wakefield, L., & Blackwell, P. (2002. ) Identifying Young Children with Language Impairments .American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Conference for Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools, Nashville, TN.
Raisor, L.J. (2002. ) Speech and Language Disorders: Ideas for the Classroom .Annual Early Childhood Learning Institute, University of Cincinnati.
Sotto, C.D. & Raisor-Becker, L. Handling Changing Times: Examining 'Generation Me' Expectations Against Our Own .The Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Columbus, OH.
Raisor, L. J. (08-19-2017. ) The Effects of Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure on Development .Marion County Board of Education, West Virginia. Conference. . Level:Local
Raisor-Becker, L. J. (02-17-2016. ) Contextualized Language Assessment and Intervention in the Preschool Years .Kentucky Speech Language and Hearing Association, Lexington, KY. Level:State
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) The Effects of Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure .Kentucky Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Lexington, KY. Conference. . Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) Authentic Executive FUnction Assessment. West Virginia Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, West Virginia. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) The Effects of Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure .West Virginia Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, West Virginia. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) Evidence Based SOcial SKill INtervention for Preschoolers .Kentucky Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, Lexington, KY. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) No fault of their own: Serving preschool-aged children exposed to drugs prenatally .McCulloh Therapeutic Solutions, Greenville, SC. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) The Effects of Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure .Maine Speech Language and Hearing Association, Bancor, Maine. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2019. ) Curriculum Based Assessment: Connecting Assessment to the Classroom .Illinois Speech Language and Hearing Association , Illinois. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2019. ) Behavior 101: Managing Difficult Behaviors with Trauma-Informed Practices .Illinois Speech Language and Hearing Association , Illinois. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2019. ) Strategies for SLPs Working with Children who have Challenging Behaviors .Ball State University, Muncie, IN. Level:Local
Raisor-Becker, L. (2019. ) The Effects of Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Exposure on Speech and Language Development .Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire, Concord, NH. Level:Regional
Raisor-Becker, L. (2019. ) Mindfulness and Living Well .CAHS Supervisory Conference, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Poster Presentations
Lazewnik, R., Creaghead N., Prendeville, J., Raisor-Becker, L., Breit-Smith, A. (11-2013. ) Language Assessment of Bilingual Spanish-English Preschoolers in the United States .American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Chicago, IL. .
Raisor-Becker, L., Hasselbeck, E., Combs, S., & Hobek, A. (11-18-2010. ) Enhancing parental involvement in preschool: A dialogic book reading program .The American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. .
Forelich, L., Raisor-Becker, L., Hayes, D., Creaghead, N., Holzhauer-Peters, L., & Prendeville, J.A. (11-18-2010. ) American Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. .
Raisor, L.J. (11-19-2005. ) A Comparison of Phonological Awareness Intervention Approaches .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. .
Raisor, L.J., & Wakefield, L. (07-13-2003. ) Naturalistic Emergent Literacy Intervention: A Head Start Case Study .The American Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Conference for Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools, Anaheim, CA. .
Raisor, L.J., & Wakefield, L. (03-08-2003. ) Naturalistic Emergent Literacy Intervention: A Head Start Case Study .The Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Columbus, OH. .
Raisor, L.J. (03-07-2003. ) Student Perspectives of Doctoral Education in Communication Disosrders .The University of Cincinnati Annual Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH. .
Raisor, L.J. (11-22-2002. ) Student Perspectives of Doctoral Education in Communication Disosrders .The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA. .
Raisor, L.J., Wakefield, L., & Blackwell, P. (07-14-2002. ) Metalinguistic Awareness in Preschoolers: Word Knowledge and Emergent Literacy .The American Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention for Speech-Language Pathologists in the Schools, Nashville, TN. .
Paper Presentations
Washington, K., & Raisor-Becker, L. (03-2014. ) Pediatric Speech-Language Practice and Outcomes in Monolingual and Multilingual Children .Columbus, OH.
Raisor-Becker, L., Clineman, D., Lazewnik, R., & Speights, M. (11-18-2011. ) Evidence-Based Strategies for Effective Online Instruction .San Diego, CA.
Raisor-Becker, & L., Sotto, C. (11-17-2011. ) Handling Changing Times: Examining 'Generation Me' Expectations Against Our Own .San Diego, CA.
Hobek, A., Raisor-Becker, L., Hayes, D., Creaghead, N., Holzhauer-Peters, L., & Prendeville, J.A. (11-19-2010. ) Philadelphia, PA.
Froelich, L., Hayes, D., Elledge, D., Raisor-Becker, L., & Holzhauer-Peters, L. (11-18-2010. ) Cirriculum-based language assessment for intervention planning .Philadelphia, PA.
Raisor-Becker, L.J., & Johnson, H.B. (11-19-2009. ) Creating Writing Picassos: Using Visual Arts in Writing Interventions .New Orleans, LA.
Raisor-Becker, L.J., Hobek, A., Combs, S.G., & Creaghead, N.A. (11-19-2009. ) Encouraging Preschool Teachers to Create Language-Rich Interactions in Storybook Reading .New Orleans, LA.
Combs, S.G., Hobek, A., Raisor-Becker, L.J., & Creaghead, N.A. (11-20-2008. ) Collaborating with Preschool Teachers to Create Language and Literacy-Rich Classrooms .Chicago, IL.
Raisor, L.J., & Yeager, C. (03-2007. ) Phonological Awareness Interventions .Columbus, OH.
Raisor, L.J., & Sickman, L. (11-17-2006. ) Bridging the Gap: SLPs as Consultants in the Preschool Classroom .Miami, OH.
Raisor, L.J., Creaghead, N.A. Yeager, C. (11-16-2006. ) Beginning the Bridge to Literacy: Preschool Phonological Awareness Intervention Strategies .Miami, OH.
Combs, S., Hobek, A., Raisor, L.J., Sickman, L., & Creaghead, N.A. (03-10-2006. ) Summer Language Enrichment: SLPs and Teachers Creating Literacy Rich Classrooms .Columbus, OH.
Combs, S., Hobek, A., Raisor, L.J., Sickman, L., & Creaghead, N.A. (11-18-2005. ) Summer Language Enrichment: SLPs and Teachers Creating Literacy Rich Classrooms .San Diego, CA.
Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Raisor, L.J., Sickman, L., Smith, A., & Wakefield, L. (03-2005. ) Preparing SLPs for Doctoral Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy .Columbus, OH.
Hobek, A., Combs, S., Raisor, L.J., & Walker, M. (11-18-2004. ) Taking Themes to Extremes: Using Stories Across the Curriculum .Philadelphia, PA.
Creaghead, N., Prendeville, J., Sotto, C., Raisor, L.J., Rozier, H., Sickman, L., Smith, A. & Wakefield, L. (11-2004. ) Preparing SLPs for Doctoral Leadership Roles in Language and Literacy .Philadelphia, PA.
Raisor-Becker, L. (2018. ) Strategies for SLPs Working with Children who have Challenging Behaviors .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:National
Raisor-Becker, L., Creaghead, N., Cuervo, S., Leon, M., Ciesieslki, E., Prather, L. (2018. ) Research to Support Children who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse in Language and Literacy .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:National
Student Advising
Lynne Christofaris (Doctoral ) Advisor
Katherine Cummins (Master ) Advisor 2014
Jamie Busch Advisor
Jean Franco Rivera Advisor
Ahmed Rivera Advisor
Jenny Burton Advisor
Emily Greive (Undergrad ) 2014
(LLEG Program ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(SSEG program ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders: Strategic Planning Committee ) 2010 -To Present
(Scholarship Committee ) 2009 -To Present
(Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools ) Reviewer 03-2008
(Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in the Schools ) Reviewer 11-2006
(American Speech, Language and Hearing Association National Convention Program Committee--Language and Learning in School-Aged Children and Adolescents ) Reviewer 05-2009
Warren County Children's Services (Foster/Adoptive Parent )
Crossroads Community (Service to the church )
(Mid-Collegiate Experience ) Type:Departmental Service Level:College
(Head Start ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Post Graduate Training and Education
Quality Matters Rubric, Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. QM is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its peer-based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.,
Courses Taught
Cinical Practicum in Speech/Language Pathology
Anatomy & Physiology of Voice and Speech Production
Honors Work in Communication Sciences & Disorders
Language Disorders in Early Childhood
Clinical Process II: Professional Issues & Intervention
Language Disorders in Later Childhood
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati
3225 Eden Ave.
Ohio, 45267-0379
Phone: 513-558-1938
Fax: 513-558-8501