Marepalli B. Rao , PhD
Medical Sciences Building
COM BHIDS Biostat - 0056
B.S.: Madras University 1962 (Major Statistics)
M.S.: Madras University 1964 (Major Statistics)
Ph.D.: Indian Statistical Institute India, 1973 (Statistics)
Research and Practice Interests
Analysis of Count Data in Multi-factor experiments.
Bagging and Boosting.
Case-Control Studies.
Cluster Analysis.
Dependence Relations in Multivariate Distributions.
Discrete Deconvolution.
Density Estimation.
Fuzzy Sets.
Incomplete block Designs and Row-Column Designs.
Limit Theorems in Probability.
Multilevel Models.
Multiple Testing.
Neural Networks and Multivariate Methods.
Observational Studies
Portfolio Analysis.
Quality Control and Taguchi Methods.
Ranked Set Sampling.
Repeated Measurement Models.
Sample Size Calculations.
Scan Statistics.
Statistical Genetics.
Statistical Models for Joint Action of Drugs.
Survival Analysis.
Support Vector Machines.
Target Tracking.
Time Series Models - Linear and Bilinear Models.
Positions and Work Experience
1972 -1983 Lecturer, Department of Probability & Statistics, University of Sheffield, Great Britain
1983 -1984 Visiting Professor , Center for Multivariate Analysis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
1984 -1986 Lecturer, Department of Probability & Statistics, University Sheffield, Great Britain
1986 -1987 Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
1987 -1991 Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
1991 -2003 Professor, Department of Statistics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
1992 -To Present Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
2003 -To Present Emeritus Professor, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
2003 -To Present Professor, Center for Genome Information, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Environmental Health, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1973 -1983 Organizer of Research Seminars, Sheffield University,
1984 -1986 Organizer of Research Seminars, Sheffield University,
1973 -1983 General Adviser to Ph.D. students, Sheffield University,
1984 -1986 General Adviser to Ph.D. students, Sheffield University,
1973 -1983 Tutor for admissions to Ph.D. programs, Sheffield University,
1984 -1986 Tutor for admissions to Ph.D. programs, Sheffield University,
1989 -1990 Member of the College-wide Curriculum Committee, NDSU,
1991 -1993 Member of Tenure, Promotion and Evaluation Committee, NDSU,
1994 -1996 Member of Tenure, Promotion and Evaluation Committee, NDSU,
1995 -2003 Member of Institutional Review Board, NDSU,
1995 -2000 Member of Program Review Committee, NDSU,
2001 -2003 Member of Tenure, Promotion, and Evaluation Committee, NDSU,
2005 - Chair of the Recruiting Committee for recruiting a faculty in Functional Genomics Track , University of Cincinnati,
2009 -To Present Member of the Biometric Division of the Center for Clincial Translational Science and Training, University of Cincinnati,
2010 -To Present Director of Graduate Education,
2010 -To Present Yates Fellowship award committee,
Research Support
Investigators:Nonlinear Time Series Models and Some Applications to Signal Processing, NDSU Grant-in-Aid 1988 $1,000
Investigators:Extreme Point Analysis in the Study of Various Classes of Multivariate Distributions and Some Applications to Contingency Tables, NSF-EPSCoR 1988 -1991 $38,000
Investigators:Analysis of Interval-censored Censored Data, NSF-EPSCoR 1992 -1995 $24,000
Investigators:A Comparative Study of Inspection Policies in Survival Analysis, EPA-EPSCoR 1995 -1996 $10,000
Investigators:Extreme Point Methods in Statistics and Probability, NATO grant 1996 -1998 $6,000
Investigators:Intelligent Quality Sensor for Food Safety, USDA CSREES – Special Grant 2002 -2004 $336,730
Investigators:Sample Size Determination Problems in Non-linear Regression – A project 2003 $5,000
Investigators:Intelligent Quality Sensor for Food Safety, USDA CSREES – Special Grant 2003 -2005 $336,730
Grant: #R01 46574-06 to -10 Investigators:David Butler (PI), M.B. Rao, Jason Shearn, Greg Boivin, and Marc Galloway.( Rao gets 6% salary support) 2005 -2010 In Vitro Mechanical Simulation of Tendon Tissue Engineered Constructs $1,500,000
Grant: #R01 ES11170-S1 NIEHS Investigators:Grace LeMasters (PI), M.B. Rao, James Lockey, Linda Levin, Tina Riponen, Gurjit Hershey, Manuel Villareal, Ranajit Chakraborty, and Sergey Grinshpun. (Rao gets 5% salary support) 2006 -2009 Allergens, Gene Interaction, and Atopy $ 733,227
Investigators:Jeffrey Johnson (PI) and M.B. Rao 2006 -2008 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Integrated Graduate Training Program in Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering $999,798
Investigators:Grace LeMasters (PI), David Bernstein, Ranajit Chakraborty, Sergey Grinshpun, Linda Levin, James Lockey, M.B. Rao, Tina Riponen, Pratim Biswas, Gurjit Hershey, Manuel Villareal 2006 -2011 CCAAPS : Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study, NIEHS Renewal Grant $4,639,607
Investigators:Director: R Chakraborty, Associate Director: M.B. Rao 2006 -2011 Statistical Genomics for Complex Diseases, NIH Training Grant $ 4,294,851
Investigators:B Haridas (PI), M.B. Rao, A Choe, and J H Lee 2006 -2011 PelvisSim – Experimental/Computational System for Biomechanical Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Disorders, NIH $3,146,452
Investigators:D Butler (PI), M.B. Rao, Kumar Vemaganti, and Shawn Hunter 2006 -2010 Mechanical Signaling of MSC-Derived Cells for Orthopedic Soft Tissue Engineering, NIH $ 2,118,534
Investigators:Jason Shearn (PI), M.B. Rao, and David Butler 2006 -2009 TGF Beta 1 Supplementation In Vitro to Enhance Tendon Repair $ 772,143
Investigators:M.B. Rao (PI), R. Chakraborty, Ranjan Deka, Grace LeMasters 2006 -2011 Size and Power Related to Multiple Hypotheses in Genetic Epidemiologic Context, NIH $ 1,402,291
Grant: #ES011170-06A2 Investigators:Bernstein, David; Chakraborty, Ranajit; Grinshpun, Sergey; Lemasters, Grace; Levin, Linda; Lockey, James; Rao, Marepalli; Reponen, Tiina 09-18-2007 -06-30-2012 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Diesel, Allergens and Gene Interaction and Child Atopy Role:Collaborator $2,882,292.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R21 EB008483 Investigators:Holland, Christy; Mast, T. Douglas; Rao, Marepalli; Rudich, Steven 02-01-2009 -01-31-2013 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Passive Cavitation Imaging for Guidance and Control of Ultrasound Ablation Role:Collaborator $387,043.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 AR056943 Investigators:Butler, David; Rao, Marepalli; Shearn, Jason 07-10-2009 -06-30-2014 National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease A Developmentally-Based Tissue Engineering Approach to Improve Tendon Repair Role:Collaborator $3,343,099.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #105979 / R01 AI080581 Investigators:Rao, Marepalli 07-22-2009 -06-30-2011 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Role of IL-15 in the Pathogenesis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis Role:PI $20,012.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #105713 / 1 U01CA139275-01 Investigators:Rao, Marepalli 07-16-2009 -06-30-2011 National Cancer Institute Prediction Model for Radiation Sensitivity in Children with Cancer Role:PI $30,386.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #4784-RFA08-1/09-5 Investigators:Rao, Marepalli; Ryan, Patrick 03-01-2010 -07-31-2011 Environmental Protection Agency Analysis of Personal and Home Characteristics Associated with the Elemental Composition of PM2.5 in Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air in the RIOPA Stu Role:Collaborator $54,076.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #K07 CA138714 Investigators:Bracken, R. Bruce; Ho, Shuk Mei; Lemasters, Grace; Rao, Marepalli; Succop, Paul; Wu, Tianying 09-08-2010 -08-31-2015 National Cancer Institute Global and Specific Oxidation Pathways Related to Prostate Cancer, Prospective and Cross-Sectional Analyses Role:Collaborator $656,117.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 ES020387 Investigators:Lee, Jae; Lemasters, Grace; Lockey, James; Rao, Marepalli; Ryan, Patrick; Son, Sang Young 09-16-2011 -08-31-2014 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Field Validation of a Personal Sensor for Ultrafine PM in Asthmatic Children Role:Collaborator $1,001,127.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #109080 \ R01 DK067255 Investigators:Rao, Marepalli 08-01-2011 -05-31-2015 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Mechanistic Analysis of Eosinophilic esophagitis Role:PI $7,301.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01CA158439 Investigators:Mast, T. Douglas; Rao, Marepalli; Rudich, Steven 08-10-2012 -05-31-2016 National Cancer Institute Real-Time Prediction of Thermal Ablation-Induced Cell Death by Echo Decorrelation Imaging Role:Collaborator $774,440.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #131098 \ 1R01ES019890-01A1 REVISED Investigators:Bernstein, David; Lemasters, Grace; Rao, Marepalli 07-01-2012 -03-31-2017 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Neurobehavioral And Neuroimaging Effects Of Traffic Exposure In Children Role:Collaborator $297,607.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #131447 \ 4912-RFA08-1\12-4 Investigators:Rao, Marepalli 12-01-2012 -11-30-2013 Environmental Protection Agency Analysis of Personal and Home Characteristics Associated w/the Elemental Composition of PM2.5 in Indoor, Outdoor and Personal Air in the RIOPA Study Role:PI $23,356.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01CA158439 Investigators:Ahmad, Syed; Chadalavada, Seetharam; Choe, K. Ann; Mast, T. Douglas; Rao, Marepalli; Ristagno, Ross; Shah, Shimul; Wang, Jiang 06-01-2018 -05-31-2023 National Cancer Institute Monitoring and control of human liver cancer ablation using real-time, 3D echo decorrelation imaging Role:Collaborator $437,316.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #1R21DE031391 Investigators:Martin, John; Rao, Marepalli 09-01-2022 -08-31-2024 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Environmentally-responsive, dual-stage microparticle drug depots with healing-driven growth factor delivery for craniofacial bone regeneration Role:Collaborator 194993.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #WSIC24-230331-033 Investigators:Bhattacharya, Amit; Brandewie, Brooke; Davis, Kermit; Kim, Myoung Ok; Kubley, Ashley; Rao, Marepalli; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin 07-01-2023 -06-30-2024 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Developing Commercial Active Textile Cooling Turnout Coat Prototypes for the Ohio Fire Service Role:Collaborator 1479940.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #EMW-2023-FP-00437 Investigators:Bhattacharya, Amit; Kim, Myoung Ok; Kubley, Ashley; Rao, Marepalli; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin 09-27-2024 -09-26-2027 Department of Homeland Security Cooled Pressurized Turnout Gear for Active Firefighting Role:Collaborator 550000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Tatu R.;Oria M.;Pulliam S.;Signey L.;Rao M.B.;Peiro J.L.;Lin C.Y. (02-01-2019. ) Using poly(l-lactic acid) and poly(?-caprolactone) blends to fabricate self-expanding, watertight an.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, , 107 (2 ) ,295-305 More Information
Ishikawa K.;Rao M.B.;MacAuslan J.;Boyce S. (01-01-2019. ) Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech.Journal of Voice, , More Information
Rich K.;Holland C.;Rao M.;Mast T. (12-01-2018. ) Characterization of cavitation-radiated acoustic power using diffraction correction.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , 144 (6 ) ,3563-3574 More Information
Ali S.;Rao M.;Sahly A.;Alfageeh A.;Bakari A. (04-01-2018. ) A retrospective study to investigate the impact of immigration on tuberculosis control program by DO.Journal of Public Health (Germany), , 26 (2 ) ,163-175 More Information
Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. (02-01-2018. ) Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, , 46 (2 ) ,284-297 More Information
Brokamp C.;Jandarov R.;Rao M.;LeMasters G.;Ryan P. (02-01-2017. ) Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A.Atmospheric Environment, , 151 ,1-11 More Information
Brokamp C.;Rao M.;Ryan P.;Jandarov R. (01-01-2017. ) A comparison of resampling and recursive partitioning methods in random forest for estimating the as.Stat, , 6 (1 ) ,360-372 More Information
Karkhanis T.;Rao M.;Zafar F.;Morales D.L.S.;Haridas B. (06-01-2016. ) Tracheal cartilage ring biomechanical properties for pediatric exostent design.Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, , 10 (2 ) , More Information
Peck R.;Grinshpun S.;Yermakov M.;Rao M.;Kim J.;Reponen T. (03-01-2016. ) Efficiency of portable HEPA air purifiers against traffic related combustion particles.Building and Environment, , 98 ,21-29 More Information
Rao M.B.;Zhang H.;Huang C.;Cheng F.C. (02-01-2016. ) A discrete probability problem in card shuffling.Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, , 45 (3 ) ,612-620 More Information
Ndikintum N.;Rao M. (01-02-2016. ) A Special Inference Problem in Repeated Measures Design—Test of Statistical Hypothesis on Accuracy R.Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, , 8 (1 ) ,60-76 More Information
Brokamp C.;Rao M.B.;Fan Z.;Ryan P.H. (01-01-2015. ) Does the elemental composition of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 accurately represent the elemental compos.Atmospheric Environment, , 101 ,226-234 More Information
Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. (01-01-2015. ) Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage.Tissue Engineering - Part A, , 21 (3-4 ) ,438-450 More Information
Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. (01-01-2015. ) Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza.Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , 33 (8 ) ,1142-1151 More Information
Rao M.;Kasala S. (01-01-2014. ) Sample Size Calculations with R: Level 1.Handbook of Statistics, , 32 ,177-220 More Information
Rao M.;Bannerman-Thompson H. (01-01-2014. ) Sample Size Calculations with R: Level 2.Handbook of Statistics, , 32 ,221-255 More Information
Mallick P.;Rao M.B. (01-01-2014. ) Graphics Miscellanea.Handbook of Statistics, , 32 ,93-142 More Information
Rao M.;Rao C. (01-01-2014. ) Bayesian networks.Handbook of Statistics, , 32 ,357-385 More Information
Bessho K.;Mourya R.;Shivakumar P.;Walters S.;Magee J.;Rao M.;Jegga A.;Bezerra J. (01-01-2014. ) Gene expression signature for biliary atresia and a role for interleukin-8 in pathogenesis of experi.Hepatology, , 60 (1 ) ,211-223 More Information
Fosnight T.;Hooi F.;Keil R.;Subramanian S.;Barthe P.;Wang Y.;Ren X.;Ahmad S.;Rao M.;Mast T. (01-01-2014. ) Motion-corrected echo decorrelation imaging of in vivo focused and bulk ultrasound ablation in a rab.IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, , 2161-2164 More Information
Yucesoy B.;Johnson V.J.;Lummus Z.L.;Kashon M.L.;Rao M.;Bannerman-Thompson H.;Frye B.;Wang W.;Gautrin D.;Cartier A.;Boulet L.P.;Sastre J.;Quirce S.;Tarlo S.M.;Germolec D.R.;Luster M.I.;Bernstein D.I. (01-01-2014. ) Genetic variants in the major histocompatibility complex class i and class II genes are associated w.Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, , 56 (4 ) ,382-387 More Information
Subramanian S.;Schmidt D.;Fosnight T.;Rao M.;Mast T. (01-01-2013. ) TU?E?144?02: Dependence of Ultrasound Echo Decorrelation On Tissue Temperature During Radiofrequency.Medical Physics, , 40 (6 ) ,451 More Information
Ding L.;Abebe T.;Beyene J.;Wilke R.;Goldberg A.;Woo J.;Martin L.;Rothenberg M.;Rao M.;Khurana Hershey G.;Chakraborty R.;Mersha T. (01-01-2013. ) Rank-based genome-wide analysis reveals the association of Ryanodine receptor-2 gene variants with c.Human Genomics, , 7 (1 ) , More Information
Ghosh C.;Roy S.;Rao M. (10-29-2012. ) Modeling and validation of channel idleness and spectrum availability for cognitive networks.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, , 30 (10 ) ,2029-2039 More Information
Sahay R.;Haynes E.;Rao M.;Pirko I. (06-01-2012. ) Assessment of sexual satisfaction in relation to potential sexual problems in women with multiple sc.Sexuality and Disability, , 30 (2 ) ,227-236 More Information
Williams D.;Rao M.;Carey P. (04-27-2012. ) Impact of a transfusion-related acute lung injury reduction strategy on apheresis platelet collectio.Journal of Clinical Apheresis, , 27 (4 ) ,205-211 More Information
Rao M.B.;Kasala S.;Zhang H. (12-01-2011. ) Probabilistic recurrence relations.Advances in Directional and Linear Statistics: A Festschrift for Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka, , 217-233 More Information
Moyer K.;Kaimal V.;Pacheco C.;Mourya R.;Xu H.;Shivakumar P.;Chakraborty R.;Rao M.;Magee J.;Bove K.;Aronow B.;Jegga A.;Bezerra J. (05-13-2010. ) Staging of biliary atresia at diagnosis by molecular profiling of the liver.Genome Medicine, , 2 (5 ) , More Information
Ghosh C.;Roy S.;Rao M.;Agrawal D. (01-01-2010. ) Spectrum occupancy validation and modeling using real-time measurements.Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, , 25-30 More Information
Ghosh C.;Cordeiro C.;Agrawal D.;Rao M. (09-28-2009. ) Markov chain existence and hidden markov models in spectrum sensing.7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2009, , More Information
Ogunyemi T.;Qu X.;Rao M. (08-07-2009. ) On a nonbinary S-Optimal design over a class of minimally connected binary row-column designs .Progress in Applied Statistics Research, , 223-234
Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. (11-01-2008. ) Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o.Tissue Engineering - Part A., , 14 (11 ) ,1883-1891 More Information
Jauhar P.;Rahman H.;Rao M. (01-08-2008. ) Homoeologous group-5 chromosome effects on the ability of durum and bread wheats to produce haploids.Journal of Crop Improvement, , 21 (1 ) ,1-11 More Information
Nirmalanandhan V.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Gooch C.;Butler D. (01-01-2008. ) Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness o.Journal of Biomechanics, , 41 (4 ) ,822-828 More Information
Rao C.R.;Rao M.B.;Zhang H. (12-01-2007. ) One bulb? Two bulbs? How many bulbs light up? - A discrete probability problem involving dermal patc .Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, , 69 (2 ) ,137-161
Nirmalanandhan V.S.;Kinneberg K.R.C.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Powell H.M.;Rao M.;Boyce S.T.;Butler D.L. (12-01-2007. ) Evaluation of a novel scaffold material for tendon tissue engineering .Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 1005-1006
Nirmalanandhan V.;Dressler M.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Bradica G.;Butler D. (12-01-2007. ) Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: Effect of scaffold materials.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , 129 (6 ) ,919-923 More Information
Nirmalanandhan V.;Rao M.;Sacks M.;Haridas B.;Butler D. (07-26-2007. ) Effect of length of the engineered tendon construct on its structure-function relationships in cultu.Journal of Biomechanics, , 40 (11 ) ,2523-2529 More Information
Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. (12-01-2006. ) Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair .MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, , 3 (4 ) ,131-133
Zhang H.;Rao M.;Mitra R. (09-01-2006. ) On the generalized maximum likelihood estimator of survival function under Koziol-Green model.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, , 136 (9 ) ,3032-3051 More Information
Zhang H.;Rao M. (03-01-2006. ) Maximum likelihood estimation in linear models with equi-correlated random errors.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, , 48 (1 ) ,79-93 More Information
Nirmalanandhan V.;Sacks M.;Rao M.;Haridas B.;Butler D. (12-01-2005. ) Effect of length of the engineered tendon construct on its structure-function relationships in cultu .Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, , 2005 ,1388-1389
Satyavathi V.V.;Jauhar P.P.;Elias E.M.;Rao M.B. (09-01-2004. ) Effects of growth regulators on in vitro plant regeneration in durum wheat .Crop Science, , 44 (5 ) ,1839-1846
Jia X.;Rao M.B.;Zhang H. (11-01-2003. ) On weak consistency in linear models with equi-correlated random errors.Statistics, , 37 (6 ) ,463-473 More Information
Abu-Taleb A.;Rao M.;Zhang H. (01-01-2003. ) Periodic inspection plans: The case of Weibull distribution.Metrika, , 58 (1 ) ,15-30 More Information
Terpstra J.;Rao M. (11-15-2002. ) On the asymptotic distribution of a multivariate GR-estimate for a VAR(p) time series.Statistics and Probability Letters, , 60 (2 ) ,219-230 More Information
Ogunyemi T.;Rao M. (09-01-1998. ) On s - and (m,s) -optimality of minimal incomplete block designs.Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, , 73 (1-2 ) ,189-195 More Information
Almouslem A.;Jauhar P.;Peterson T.;Bommineni V.;Rao M. (01-01-1998. ) Haploid durum wheat production via hybridization with maize.Crop Science, , 38 (4 ) ,1080-1087 More Information
Jiang T.;Rao M.;Wang X. (01-01-1995. ) Large deviations for moving average processes.Stochastic Processes and their Applications, , 59 (2 ) ,309-320 More Information
Li D.;Rao M.B.;Wang X.C. (01-01-1995. ) On the strong law of large numbers and the law of the logarithm for weighted sums of independent ran.Journal of Multivariate Analysis, , 52 (2 ) ,181-198 More Information
Wang X.;Yang X.;Rao M.B. (01-01-1993. ) Convergence rates on strong laws of large numbers for arrays of rowwise independent elements.Stochastic Analysis and Applications, , 11 (1 ) ,115-132 More Information
Jiang T.;Wang X.;Rao M. (09-03-1992. ) Moderate deviations for some weakly dependent random processes.Statistics and Probability Letters, , 15 (1 ) ,71-76 More Information
Babu G.;Rao C.;Rao M. (01-01-1992. ) Nonparametric estimation of specific occurrence/exposure rate in risk and survival analysis.Journal of the American Statistical Association, , 87 (417 ) ,84-89 More Information
Wang X.;Rao M. (01-01-1990. ) A note on convergence in Banach spaces of cotype p.Statistics and Probability Letters, , 10 (5 ) ,391-396 More Information
Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya (2020. ) Treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria with benralizumab: Report of primary endpoint per-protocol analysis and exploratory endpoints.Allergy, , More Information
Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya (2020. ) Benralizumab for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria.The New England journal of medicine, , 383 (14 ) ,1389-1391 More Information
Ishikawa, Keiko; Rao, Marepalli B; MacAuslan, Joel; Boyce, Suzanne (2020. ) Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech.Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation, , 34 (4 ) ,645.e11-645.e18 More Information
Abbass, Mohamed A; Ahmad, Syed A; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Krothapalli, K Sameer; Masterson, Jack A; Rao, Marepalli B; Barthe, Peter G; Mast, T Douglas (2019. ) In vivo ultrasound thermal ablation control using echo decorrelation imaging in rabbit liver and VX2 tumor.PloS one, , 14 (12 ) ,e0226001 More Information
Wathen, Michael J; Gautam, Yadu; Ghandikota, Sudhir; Rao, Marepalli B; Mersha, Tesfaye B (2019. ) LEI: A Novel Allele Frequency-Based Feature Selection Method for Multi-ancestry Admixed Populations.Scientific reports, , 9 (1 ) ,11103 More Information
Singh, U; Mani, A; James, K; Rao, M B; Bhattacharya, A (2019. ) Effects of Heat Exposure from Live-Burn Fire Training on Postural Stability of Firefighters.Ergonomics international journal, , 3 (4 ) , More Information
Wang, Qin; Fan, Yunxia; Kurita, Hisaka; Jiang, Min; Koch, Sheryl; Rao, Marepalli B; Rubinstein, Jack; Puga, Alvaro (2017. ) Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ablation in Cardiomyocytes Protects Male Mice From Heart Dysfunction Induced by NKX2.5 Haploinsufficiency.Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, , 160 (1 ) ,74-82 More Information
Brokamp, Cole; Jandarov, Roman; Rao, M B; LeMasters, Grace; Ryan, Patrick (2017. ) Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A comparison of regression and random forest approaches.Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994), , 151 ,1-11 More Information
Other Publications
Marepalli B. Rao (1982. ) Damage Models .Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 2 ,262-265
Marepalli B. Rao (1989. ) Analysis of Odds Ratio in Contingency Tables .Academic Press, 505-520
Marepalli B. Rao (1990. ) Nonparametric Estimation of Survival Functions Under Dependent Competing Risks .Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related Topics, 431-441 Kluwer Academic Publishers
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) SAS Macros for Some Problems in Multivariate Analysis .Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association, 265-269 American Statistical Association
Marepalli B. Rao (1993. ) On Improving the Quality of Minimal Incomplete Block Designs .Conference on Industrial Statistics and Quality Improvement, 246-250 American Statistical Association
Marepalli B. Rao (1994. ) An Alternative Model for Joint Action of Drugs .Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity, 305-309
Marepalli B. Rao (1994. ) A New Modeling Approach for Joint Action of Drugs .Proceedings of the Biopharmaceutical Section, 154-159
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) Landmark Achievements in Statistics and Probability in the Twentieth Century .Bam Senso Sensibilidade, 1-30 J Branco, P Gomes, and J. Prata
Marepalli B. Rao Statistics in the Twentieth Century .Encyclopedia Italiana - Della Storia del XX Secolo ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1996. ) Interval-censored Type II Plan .Proceedings of the Section on Physical and , American Statistical Association
Marepalli B. Rao (1996. ) Analysis of Regression Dependence in 2xn Bivariate Distributions and Some Applications in Contingency Tables .Total Positivity and Its Applications, 385-400 Mariano Gasca and Charles Micchelli, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Marepalli B. Rao (1999. ) Efficient Estimation of Lifetime Distribution: A New Sampling Plan .Proceedings of the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences, 203-206 American Statistical Association
Marepalli B. Rao (2001. ) Interval-censored Type II Plan .10th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 773-778
Marepalli B. Rao (2003. ) Markov Chain Approaches to Damage Models .Handbook of Statistics, 21 ,775-794
Marepalli B. Rao (2003. ) On Convex Sets of Multivariate Distributions and Their Extreme Points .Stochastic Musings, Perspectives from the Pioneers of the Late 20th Century, 161-166 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Marepalli B. Rao (2003. ) Sample Size Determination for Nonlinear Models .Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings – Biopharmaceutical Section, 349-356
Marepalli B. Rao (2004. ) The Hat Problem, Its Ramifications, and Some Variations .Proceedings of the International Conference on Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and Inference In Honor of Barry C Arnold, held at the University of Cantabria,
Marepalli B. Rao (2004. ) A Variation of the Hat Problem .Proceedings of American Statistical Association – ASA Section on Statistical Education, 2721-2727
Marepalli B. Rao (2005. ) Control of Type I Error Rates in the Presence of General Augmentation Procedures in Multiple Testing .Proceedings of the American Statistical Association – ASA Biometrics Section, 219-222
Marepalli B. Rao (2005. ) A Self-Building System for Ranked Set Sampling .Proceedings of the American Statistical Association – ASA Section on Nonparametric Statistics, 1679-1682
Marepalli B. Rao (2005. ) What is Type II Error in Multiple Testing? .Proceedings of the American Statistical Association – ASA Biometrics Section, 369-376
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) The Hat Problem and Some Variations .Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and Inference, -459-479 Editors: N Balakrishnan, Enrique Castillo, and Jose Maria Sarabia, Birkhauser
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) A Probability Problem on the Number of Loops Formed when Ends of Strings are Tied .Proceedings of the American Statistical Association – Section on Statistical Education, -2355-57
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) Sample Size Calculations in Logistic Regression – Some Comments on Hsieh, Bloch, and Larsen’s Method .Proceedings of the American Statistical Association – Biopharmaceutical Section, -789-796
Marepalli B. Rao (1996. ) Energy absorption for short duration impacts .SAE Technical Paper Series, No. 961851 ,1-5
Marepalli B. Rao (1998. ) Spatial Distribution of Phyllophaga implicata (Horn) (Coleoptera; Scarabaeidae) .Journal of Economic Entomology, 91 ,457-463
Marepalli B. Rao (1998. ) Haploid Durum Wheat Production via Hybridization with Maize .Crop Science, 38 ,1080-1087
Marepalli B. Rao Effects of Growth Regulators on In Vitro Plant Regeneration in Durum Wheat .Crop Science, 44 ,1839-1846
Marepalli B. Rao Virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae in Sugarbeet Root Maggot Larvae (with Nyle B Jonason, Mark A Boetel, Larry G Campbell) .to appear in Environmental Entomology,
Marepalli B. Rao (2005. ) SKIN Targeted DNA Vaccine Delivery Using Electroporation in Rabbits. I: Efficacy .International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 294 ,53-63
Marepalli B. Rao On the Matching Problem .Mathematics Magazine,
Marepalli B. Rao Extreme Points of the Set of all Bivariate Positive Quadrant Dependent Distributions and Some Applications .Journal of Royal Statistical Society (with K. Subramanyam),
Marepalli B. Rao On the Structure of Positive Regression Dependent Distributions .
Marepalli B. Rao Testing of Hypotheses About Interclass Correlation in Two Parent Family Data .
Marepalli B. Rao When the Kaplan-Meier Estimator of the Survival Function is Really a Survival Function? .
Marepalli B. Rao Minimal Row-column Designs .
Marepalli B. Rao On the Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Survival Function Under Proportional Hazards Model .
Marepalli B. Rao On the Non-null Distribution of Some Estimators of Interclass Correlation in Familial Data .
Marepalli B. Rao A Note on E-optimal Minimal Block Designs Under Mixed Effects Model .
Marepalli B. Rao Effects of Random and Deterministic Inspection on the Asymptotic Properties of Estimators in Survival Analysis .
Marepalli B. Rao Moderate Deviations for Renewal Processes .
Marepalli B. Rao Moderate Deviations for Random Geometric Series with Applications to the Law of the Iterated Logarithm .
Published Books
M.B. Rao and K.P.S.B. Rao (1983. ) Theory of Charges .Academic Press ,
Electronic Journal
Marepalli B. Rao (1972. ) A Remark on Nonatomic Measures .Ann. Math. Stat., ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1971. ) Borel -algebra on .Manuscripta Mathematica, 5 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1972. ) A Note on Countable Chain Condition and -finiteness of Measures .Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., , 6 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1972. ) Countable Additivity of a Set Function Induced by Two Vector Valued Measures .Indiana Univ. Math. J., 21 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1972. ) Mixtures of Nonatomic Measures .Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 33 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1972. ) On a Generalization of Birkhoff’s Theorem on Matrices I .Matrix Tensor Quarterly, 23 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1972. ) On a Generalization of Birkhoff’s Theorem on Matrices II .Matrix Tensor Quarterly, 23 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1973. ) Cardinalities of Banach Spaces .J. Indian Math. Soc., 37 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1973. ) Charges on Boolean Algebras and Almost Discrete Spaces .Mathematika, 20 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1974. ) A Category Analogue of Hewitt-Savage Zero-One Law .Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 44 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1975. ) A Note on the Difference of Two Second Category Baire Sets in a Topological Vector Space .Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 47 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1975. ) A Note on Order Topologies .Nanta Mathematika, 8 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1975. ) Some Characterizations of Nonatomic Measures .Indian J. Math, 17 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1975. ) On a Characterization of Distribution Functions Based on Conditional Expectations .Sankhya, Series A (37 ) ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1977. ) Topological Properties of Charge Algebras .Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures et Appl., 22 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1977. ) On Leader’s Vp-spaces of Finitely Additive Measures .Crelle’s Journal, 293/294 (197 ) ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1977. ) Remarks on Subsequences, Subseries and Rearrangements .Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 67 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1978. ) Existence of Nonatomic Charges .J. Austral. Math. Soc., 25 (Series A ) ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1978. ) Some Remarks on the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Banach Space Valued Weakly Integrable Random Variables .J. Multivariate Anal., 8 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1978. ) On Weak Orthogonality and a Strong Law of Large Numbers .Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., 26 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1978. ) Mixtures on Invariant Non-ergodic Probabilities .Port. Math., 37 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1979. ) A Strong Law of Large Numbers for Subsequences of Random Elements in Separable Banach Spaces .Ann. Prob., 7 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1979. ) On Summability Methods and Limit Theorems for Banach Space Valued Random Variables .Bull. Inst. Math., 7 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1979. ) On the Lattice of Subalgebras of a Boolean Algebra .Czechoslovak Math. J., 29 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1979. ) Limit Theorems for Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Separable Banach Spaces .J. Multivariate Anal., 9 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1979. ) On an Analogue of Komlos’ Theorem for Strategies .Ann. Prob., 7 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1981. ) Some Comments on Fuzzy Variables .Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 6 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1981. ) On the Separating Number of a Finite Family of Charges .Math. Nachr., 101 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1981. ) On an Extension of Some Results of Chow and Lai on Limit Theorems for Weighted Sums of Independent Random Variables to Separable Banach Spaces .Bull. Inst. Math., 9 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1982. ) On Weak Consistency in Linear Models .J. Multivariate Anal., 12 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1983. ) Some Remarks on the Construction of Independent Identically Distributed Random Variables, Markov Chains and Martingales .Metrika, 30 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1983. ) On the Existence of Bilinear Time Series Models .J. Time Series Anal., 4 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1984. ) Convergence in the pth Mean and Some Weak Laws of Large Numbers for Sequences of Weighted Sums Banach Space Valued Random Variables .J. Multivariate Anal., 15 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1985. ) A Note on Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Variables .Intern. J. Math. & Math. Sci., 8 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1986. ) On the Ergodicity of Bilinear Time Series Models .J. Time Series Anal.,
Marepalli B. Rao (1986. ) A Note on Some Characterizations of Various Types of Convergence .Bull. Inst. Math., 14 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1986. ) Measurability and Convergence Theorems for Random Elements in Banach Spaces in Terms of Total Subsets of Linear Functionals .Bull. Inst. Math., 14 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1987. ) Some Results on the Convergence of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Separable Banach Spaces .Studia Math., 86 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1987. ) A Structure Theorem on Bivariate Positive Quadrant Dependent Distributions and Tests for Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables .J. Multivariate Anal., 23 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1987. ) Some Weak and Strong Law of Large Numbers for D[0,1]-valued Random Variables .Stochastic Anal. Appl., 5 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1988. ) Analysis of Odds ratio in Contingency Tables .J. Multivariate Anal., 27 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1989. ) On the Matrix Convexity of Moore-Penrose Inverse and Some Applications .J. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 24 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1989. ) Some Comments on a Result of Hans on Strong Convergence of Sequences of Random Elements in Separable Banach Spaces .Math. Slov., 39 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1990. ) On the Structure of Distributions Which are Totally Positive of Order Two .Topics in Statistical Dependence, Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 16 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1990. ) A Note on Convergence in Banach Spaces of Cotype p .Statistics and Probability Letters, 10 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1990. ) Estimation of Parent-Offspring Correlation .Biometrika, 77 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1990. ) The Structure of Some Classes of Bivariate Distributions and Some Applications .Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 10 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1991. ) Measures with Prescribed Marginals, Extreme Points and Measure Preserving Transformations .Real Analysis Exchange, 16 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) On the Strong Law of Large Numbers and the Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Weighted Sums of Independent Random Variables with Multidimensional Indices .Annals of Probability, 20 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) Nonparametric Estimation of Specific Occurrence/Exposure Rate in Risk and Survival Analysis .J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 87 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) Complete Convergence of Moving Average Processes .Statistics and Probability Letters, 14 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) Some Results on Convergence Rates for Probabilities of Moderate Deviations for Sums of Random Variables .International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 15 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) A Three-door Game Show and Some of Its Variants .Mathematical Scientist, 17 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) Almost Sure Behavior of F-valued Random Fields .Probability Theory and Related Fields, 93 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) Moderate Deviations for Some Weakly Dependent Random Processes .Statistics and Probability Letters, 15 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) On a Game-show Problem of Marilyn vos Savant and Its Extensions .a letter in American Statistician, 46 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1992. ) Convergence in the r-th Mean of Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Banach Spaces of Type p .Northeastern Mathematical Journal, 8 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1993. ) Laws of Large Numbers and Moderate Deviations for Stochastic Processes with Stationary and Independent Increments .Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 44 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1993. ) Convergence Rates on Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Arrays of Rowwise Independent Random Elements .Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 11 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1994. ) On Feller’s Criterion on the Law of the Iterated Logarithm .International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 17 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) Complete Convergence and Almost Sure Convergence for Weighted Sums of Random Variables .Journal of Theoretical Probability, 8 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) Some Results on Strong Limit Theorems for (LB)-space-valued Random Variables .Statistics and Probability Letters, 23 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) On the Strong Law of Large Numbers and the Law of the Logarithm for Weighted Sums of Independent Random Variables with Multidimensional Indices .J. Multivariate Analysis, 52 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) Convergence in the r-th Mean and Some Weak Laws of Large Numbers for Random Weighted Sums of Random Elements in Banach Spaces .Northeastern Mathematical Journal, 11 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) A Strong Law for B-valued Arrays .Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 123 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1995. ) Large Deviations for Moving Average Processes .Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 59 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1996. ) On Improving the Quality of Minimal Incomplete Block Designs .Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 4 ,
Marepalli B. Rao A Note on the Iterated Logarithm for Weighted Sums of Independent Identically Distributed Random Variables .Convergence in Probability and Ergodic Theory,
Marepalli B. Rao (1997. ) A Generalization of the Jerusalem Ticket Problem .The Mathematical Scientist, 22 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1997. ) Can One Load a Set of Dice so that the Sum is Uniformly Distributed? .Mathematics Magazine, 70 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1997. ) Result on a 2x2 Survival Experiment .Mathematical Biosciences, 146 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1998. ) On S- and (M,S)-optimality of Minimal Incomplete Block Designs .Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 73 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (1998. ) A Note on E-optimal Minimal Block Designs under Mixed Effects Model .Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 7 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2000. ) Some Gambling Strategies: An Evaluation .The Mathematical Scientist, 25 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2000. ) On Improving the Quality of Minimal S-optimal Row-Column Designs .Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 10 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2001. ) The Law of the Iterated Logarithm and Central Limit Theorem for L-Statistics .Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 78 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2000. ) On Minimal s-Optimal Row-Column Designs .Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,
Marepalli B. Rao A Note on the Interclass Correlation: A Case for Unbalanced Regression .The Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2001. ) Generalized Rank Estimates for an Autoregressive Time Series: A U-Statistic Approach .Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 4 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2002. ) Damage Models: A Martin Boundary Connection .Sankhya, 64 (Series A ) ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2002. ) On the Asymptotic Distribution of a Multivariate GR-estimate for a VAR(p) time series .Statistics and Probability Letters, 60 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2003. ) Periodic Inspection Plans: The Case of Weibull Distribution .Metrika, 58 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2003. ) On Weak Consistency in Linear Models with Equi-correlated Random Errors .Statistics, 37 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2004. ) On Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Proportional Hazards Model with Partially Informative Censoring .Metrika, 59 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2004. ) Occurrence/Exposure Rate .Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science, 3 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) On the Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Survival Function Under Koziol-Green Model .Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 ,
Marepalli B. Rao Interval-Censored Type II Plan .
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Linear Models with Equi-Correlated Errors .The Australian New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 48 ,
Marepalli B. Rao Sample Size Determination in Logistic Regression .
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) A Note on the Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Partial Koziol-Green Model .Statistics and Probability Letters, 76 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2006. ) Melanin Content and MC1R Function Independently Affect UVR-Induced DNA Damage in Cultured Human Melanocytes .Pigment Cell Research, 19 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2007. ) Effect of Length of the Engineered Tendon Construct on Its Structure-Function Relationships in Culture .Journal of Biomechanics, 40 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2007. ) Mechanical Stimulation of Tissue Engineered Temdon Constructs: Effect of Scaffold Materials .Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 129 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2007. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light Up? – A Discrete Probability Problem Involving Dermal Patches .Sankhya Series A, 69 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2008. ) Effect of Scaffold Material, Construct Length and Mechanical Stimulation on the in vitro Stiffness of the Engineered Construct .Journal of Biomechanics, 41 ,
Marepalli B. Rao Optimizing Mechanical Stimulus to Improve in vitro Biomechanical Properties of Tissue Engineered Constructs .Tissue Engineering ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2008. ) Homoeologous Group-5 Chromosome Effects on the Ability of Durum and Bread Wheats to Produce Haploids .Journal of Crop Improvement, 21 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2008. ) Mathematics Behind a Certain Card Trick .Mathematics Spectrum,
Marepalli B. Rao (2008. ) On Control of the False Discovery Rate Under No Assumption of Dependency .Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2008. ) On the Optimality of Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure for the False Discovery Rate .Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 ,
Marepalli B. Rao (2009. ) Some Properties of Extreme Stable Laws and Related Infinitely Divisible Random Variables .Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139 ,
Marepalli B. Rao On Generalized Closure Principle for Generalized Family Wise Error Rate .
Marepalli B. Rao Improving Noninvasive Methods of Assessing Liver Fibrosis Using an Ordinal Regression Index .Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Marepalli B. Rao On Nelson-Aalen Type Estimation in the Partial Kozio-Green Model under Informative Censoring .Statistics,
Marepalli B. Rao Sample Size Calculations in Case-Control Unmatched Studies when Controls Contain Cases .
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1983. ) Some Limit Theorems for Weighted Sums of Random Elements .International Conference on Stochastic Processes and Applications, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1984. ) On Uniform Compact Integrability Condition for Sequences of Random Elements .International Conference on Probability in Banach Spaces, Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1985. ) On Extreme Point Methods in Multivariate Distributions .International Conference on Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On the Structure of Distributions Which are Totally Positive of Order Two .International Conference on Dependence Relations in Multivariate Distributions, Hidden Valley, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) A New Method of Estimation in Moving Average Models of Order One .Joint ASA and IMS Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1988. ) First International Conference on Almost Sure Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability .Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1989. ) On Inferences about Interclass Correlation Coefficient from Familial Data .Joint ASA & IMS Conference, Washington, D.C..
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1989. ) On Probability Distributions with Prescribed Marginals .International Conference on Data Analysis and Inference, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1989. ) On Almost Sure Convergence in Banach Spaces of Co-type p .Second International Conference on Almost Sure Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1990. ) International Workshop on Time Series, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1990. ) Nonparametric Estimation of Survival Functions Under Dependent Competing Risks .International Conference on Nonparametric Regression, Advanced Research Institute, NATO, Spetses Island, Greece.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1991. ) On the Non-null Distributions in Familial Data .Joint ASA & IMS Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) On the Distribution of Some Estimators in Multivariate Familial Data .Joint ASA & IMS Conference, Boston, MA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) On the Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Survival Function Under Proportional Hazards Model .Seventh International Conference on Multivariate Analysis, New Delhi, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) On the Strong Law of Large Numbers, Law of the Logarithm and Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Weighted Sums of Independent Identically Distributed Random Variables .Fourth International Conference on Almost Sure Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) On Weak Consistency in Linear Models with Equi-correlated Errors .Joint ASA and IMS Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) On Improving the Quality of minimal Incomplete Block and Row-Column Designs .Invited speaker, International Conference on Industrial Statistics and Quality Improvement, Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) “A New Model for Noninteractive Joint Action of Two Drugs,” .Joint ASA & IMS Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) “The Wonderful World of Dice,” and “On Complete Convergence in Probability,” .Invited speaker, Second Iranian Statistics Conference, Mashhad, Iran.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) Twentieth Century Statistics .Invited plenary speaker, Portugal Statistical Society Annual Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) “A Comparison of Several Neural Network Schemes with Classical Methods in Classification”, and “A Comparison of Some Methods of Least Squares Estimation in Linear Regression,” .Joint ASA & IMS Conference, Orlando, FL.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1996. ) Interval-censored Type II Plan .Joint ASA and IMS conference, Chicago, IL.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) A linear model approach to analysis of interval-censored data .International Conference on Combinatorics, Information Theory and Statistics, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) Interval-censored Data .Joint ASA and IMS conference, Anaheim, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) “Interval-censored Type II Plan is the Death Knell of Type II Plan,” and “Discrete deconvolution problems in Probability,” .Joint ASA and IMS Conference, Dallas, TX.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) On Interval-Censored Type II Plan .International Conference organized by the IISA, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light Up? .Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore, Maryland.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2000. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light up? .International Conference in honor of Professor C.R. Rao’s 80th birthday held at the University of Texas, San Antonio, TX.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2000. ) A Probability Problem on Chemical Bonding .Joint Statistical Meetings, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2001. ) Interval-censored Type II Plan .10th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2001. ) Proportional Hazards Model in Survival Analysis .International Conference on Characterizations, Modeling, and Applications,Antalya, Turkey.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) Cluster Analysis for Contours .Fourth Biennial International Indian Statistical Association Conference held at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) Attended Joint Statistical Meetings, Manhattan, New York City.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2003. ) “A Birthday Problem,” “Nonparametric Estimation in Proportional Hazards Model,” and “Sample size determination in Regression Problems,” .Joint Statistical Meetings, San Francisco, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2004. ) The Hat Problem, Its Variations and Ramifications .International Conference on Distribution Theory, Order Statistics, and Inference in Honor of Barry C Arnold held at the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2004. ) The Hat Problem and Some Variations .Joint Statistical Meetings, Toronto, Canada.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) The Hat Problem and Some Variations .International Conference on the Future of Statistical Theory, Practice, and Education, Hyderabad, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) “Augmentation Procedures in Multiple Hypotheses Testing,” “What is Power in Multiple Hypotheses Testing,” and “On Ranked Set Sampling,” .Joint Statistical Meetings, Minneapolis.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) Can genes act as mediators describing the gene-environment interaction effects on obesity? .The American Society of Human Genetics, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light Up? .International Workshop on Applied Probability, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) A Compendium of Applications of Matrix Algebra .Workshop on Matrix Theory and Computations for Research in Physical and Biological Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Singular Value Decomposition – Mother of All Decompositions? –Some Applications .Workshop on Matrix Theory and Computations for Research in Physical and Biological Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Sample Size Calculations in Logistic Regression – Some Comments on Hsieh, Bloch, and Larsen’s Method .Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Multiple Testing under no Assumption on Dependency .Talk at the Sixth Triennial Calcutta Statistical Conference, Calcutta, Inida.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Non-parametric Estimation in Koziol-Green Model .International Indian Statisticians Association, Cochin, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Some Remarks on Multiple Imputations in Longitudinal Context .Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Estimation of allelic frequencies and inbreeding coefficient .The American Society of Human Genetics 57th Annual Meeting, San Diego.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Bioinformatics Tools using R .International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery, University of Hyderabad, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Genome Wide Association Studies .International Conference on Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery , University of Hyderabad, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) A Discrete Probability Problem involving Dermal Patches .Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) A Discrete Probability Problem in Chemical Bonding .International Indian Statistical Association Conference , University of Connecticut, Storrs.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) A Discrete Probability Problem in Chemical Bonding .International Workshop in Applied Probability , Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, Compiegne, France.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Sample Size Determination for Logistic Regression Re-Revisited .Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, Colorado.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Sample Size Calculations in Multiple-Matched Case-Control Studies with Binary Exposure Levels .American Society of Human Genetics 58th Annual Meetong, Philadelphia.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) The Magic of R .An eight-hour workshop conducted at the International Workshop on Data Mining, University of Hyderabad, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Hidden Markov Models in Cognitive Radio .International Conference on Data Mining, Indian Institute of Business, Hyderabad, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1973. ) A Category Analogue of Hewitt-Savage Zero-one Law .University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1974. ) A Limit Theorem for Subsequences of Random Elements .Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, UK.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1975. ) On the Lattice of Subalgebras of a Boolean Algebra .University of Tubingen, Tubingen, West Germany.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1975. ) On -spaces of Finitely Additive Measures .University of Tubingen, Tubingen, West Germany.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1975. ) On the Metric Space Generated by a Charge Space .University of Tubingen, Tubingen, West Germany.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1977. ) On Biorhythms - A Statistical Analysis .University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1978. ) On Weak Consistency in Linear Models .University of Hull, Hull, UK.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1980. ) On the Least Squares Estimator in Linear Models .Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1981. ) On Limit Theorems for Exchangeable Sequences of Random Variables .University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1982. ) On Bilinear Models in Time Series .Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1983. ) On Weak and Strong Consistency in Linear Models .Center for Multivariate Analysis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1983. ) On Bilinear Time Series Models .Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1984. ) Some Limit Theorems in Banach Spaces .University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Chicago, IL.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1984. ) On Positive Quadrant Dependence .University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1984. ) On Dependence Relations .University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1985. ) Extreme Point Analysis on Positive Quadrant Dependence .University of Maryland at Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On Positive Quadrant Dependence in Bivariate Distributions .North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On Extreme Point Methods on Multivariate Distributions .University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On a Problem in Medical Diagnosis .Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On Positive Quadrant Dependence and Some Applications to Contingency Tables .University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On Total Positivity of Order Two .University of California, Santa Barbara, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1987. ) On Regression Dependence .University of California, Davis, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1988. ) My Favorite Problems in Probability and Statistics .Red River Valley ASA Chapter, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1988. ) My Favorite Stories from Probability and Statistics .Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1988. ) On a Problem in Survival Analysis .Marquette University, Marquette, WI.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1988. ) On the Range of a Charge .North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1989. ) On Analogies Between Measure Theory and Topology .North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1989. ) On the Convexity of Moore-Penrose Inverse .Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1990. ) On the Estimation of Interclass Correlation in Familial Data .Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1991. ) Prisoner’s Dilemma and Some of Its Variants .Red River Valley ASA Chapter, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1991. ) On a Problem of Marilyn vos Savant .Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1991. ) On the Wonderful World of Dice .Department of Mathematics Colloquium, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1991. ) On the Furore Created by the Solution of a Problem of Marilyn vos Savant .Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN, and The Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, Fall meeting,
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1991. ) On Complete Convergence of Moving Averages .North Dakota State University and American Mathematical Society Regional Meeting, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) Some Entertaining Problems in Probability and Statistics .Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society - NDSU Chapter, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) Can the Dice be Loaded so That the Sum is Uniformly Distributed? .Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN, and The Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, Spring meeting,
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) Nonparametric Estimation in Survival Analysis .University of North Dakota, Grand Forks and the North Dakota Academy of Science, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) On Improving the Quality of Incomplete Designs .Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) I Want to Be a Great Writer..., An Adventure in Probability .Moorhead State University and North Central Section of Mathematical Association of America, Fall meeting.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1992. ) Some Entertaining Problems in Statistics .University of Madras, Madras, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) On an n-door Game Show Problem .Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Center.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) Some Entertaining Problems in Probability .St. Cloud State University, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Club, St. Cloud, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) The Wonderful World of Dice .invited as a plenary speaker, Mathematical Association of America and Minnesota Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges, Riverwood Conference Center, Monticello, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) Statistical Modelling of Joint Action of Drugs .Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1993. ) On the Jerusalem Ticket Problem .Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, Fall meeting.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) Some Entertaining Problems in Mathematics, Probability and Statistics .Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) On Minimal Designs .Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) Some Entertaining Problems in Mathematics, Probability and Statistics .Institute of Industrial and Mathematical Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) Some Winning and Losing Strategies in Football Pools .(jointly with Brenda Krogen), Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, Spring Meeting, Winona State University, Winona, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) Statistical Modeling of Joint Action of Drugs .Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1994. ) Abuses of Statistics - Some Case Studies .Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, Fall meeting, Minot State University, Minot, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) Some Recent Research in Survival Analysis .Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) Abuses of Statistics .Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) On Moving Averages .Invited Speaker, American Mathematical Society, Regional Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) Capture-recapture Methods and Large Deviations .Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, Spring meeting, Carleton College, Northfield, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) The Wonderful World of Dice .University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) Some Recent Research in Survival Analysis .University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1995. ) A Case Study of Randomness - Minnesota Powerball .Mathematical Association of America, North Central Section, Fall meeting, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1996. ) North Dakota is No. 2 in the Nations in SAT Math, Really? .Hamline University, St. Paul, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1996. ) A Problem in Pattern Recognition .University of Minnesota at Duluth, Duluth, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) Sources of Research Problems I work on .Invited Talk at the Department of Industrial Engineering Colloquim, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) A Statistical Data Analysis for Identifying Important Factors for Maximum Production of Durum Wheat Haploids .under the aegis of the North Dakota Academy of Science at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) An Evaluation of Some Gambling Strategies .Mankato State University, Mankato, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) Some research problems in Statistics .Joint ND-SD EPSCoR conference, Brookings, South Dakota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) Stories from Statistics and Probability .a one-hour invited talk at the Mathematical Association of America-North Central Section Fall Meeting at South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1997. ) Stories from Statistics and Probability .Department of Electrical Engineering, North Dakota State University.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) Summability Methods in Probability .an invited talk at the Department of Mathematics, University of South Dakota, Vermillion.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) Some Good Gambling Strategies .an invited talk at the Department of Statistics, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) Let’s make a deal .a workshop conducted for 7-9th graders under the aegis of EXPANDING YOUR HORIZONS, North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) Discrete Convolution Problems in Probability .The Mathematical Association of America North-Central Section Spring Meeting, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) Weighted Sums of Independent Random Variables .an invited talk at the Division of Statistics, University of Sheffield, SHEFFIELD, U.K..
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) On Some Gambling Strategies .an invited talk at the Pennsylvania State, University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1998. ) One bulb, two bulbs, how many bulbs light up? .The Mathematical Association of America North-Central Section Fall Meeting, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Some Entertaining Problems in Statistics and Probability .an invited talk at the Department of Biochemistry, North Dakota State University, Fargo.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Some Statistical Methods for Detecting Acts of Omission and Commission .The Mathematical Association of America North-Central Section Spring Meeting, Carleton College, Northfield, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) One bulb? Two bulbs? How may bulbs light up? + Discrete deconvolution problems .Indian Statistical Institute , Bangalore Center, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) The Wonderful World of Dice .Indian Statistical Institute , Bangalore Center, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Some Practical Problems in Statistics and Probability .Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Some Consulting Problems I Solved .Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) The Wonderful World of Dice .Indian Statistical Institute , Hyderabad Center, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Some Practical Problems in Statistics and Probability .Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Interval-censored Type II Plan .Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Some Consulting Problems in Statistics and Probability .Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Musings in Mathematics, Statistics, and Other Scientific Pursuits .Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) The Wonderful World of Dice .Madras University, Chennai, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) Abuses of Statistics .Madras University, Chennai, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (1999. ) A Probability Problem from Chemical Bonding .Fall Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at University of Minnesota , Morris.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2000. ) A Card Shuffling Problem .Spring Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center, Duluth, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2000. ) Two Research Problems in Discrete Probability .Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2000. ) Benford’s Law and Its Ramifications .An invited talk at the Fall Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2001. ) Some Brain Teasers from Linear Algebra, Group Theory, Topology, and Measure Theory .Spring Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2001. ) Birthday Problem .Fall Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) Three problems from the world of consulting work .An invited talk presented under the aegis of One Day Conference in Undergraduate Mathematics Research held at South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) A Discrete Deconvolution Problem .An invited talk presented at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) Some Good Gambling Strategies? .An invited talk presented under the aegis of One Day Conference in Undergraduate Mathematics Research held at South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) Betting on the Outcome of the NBA Final: Can One Make Money? .Spring Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) Cluster Analysis of Contours .Fall Meeting of the North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America held at Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2002. ) A trio of Consulting Problems .An invited talk presented at the Center for Genomic Information, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2003. ) A trio of Consulting Problems .An invited talk presented at the Department of Cereal Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2003. ) Some Entertaining Problems from Statistics and Probability .An invited talk presented at the Department of Cereal Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2003. ) Four Research Problems from the World of Statistical Consulting .an invited talk presented at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2003. ) The Yeast Genome, The Hat Problem, and Some Extensions .Spring Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Macalester Colleger, St. Paul, MN.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2004. ) The Hat Problem and Some Variations .Spring Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2004. ) The Mathematics Behind a Certain Card Trick .Fall Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section, John Carroll University, Cleveland.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) Bagging and Boosting – Manna from the Heavens? .An invited talk from the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) A Chemical Bonding Problem .Fall Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section, Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light up? – A Dermal Patch Problem from a Pharmaceutical Company .Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2005. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light Up? – A Problem in Discrete Probability .Health Informatics Group, University of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) One Bulb? Two Bulbs? How Many Bulbs Light Up? – A Problem from a Pharmaceutical Co. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Bagging and Boosting – The Mother of All Classification Protocols .Health Informatics Group, University of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) I Want to Write a Scintillating Article .Spring Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, University of Akron, Akron, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Bagging and Boosting – The Mother of All Classification Protocols .Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) A Discrete Probability Problem .Department of Mathematics and Statistics Seminar Series, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Monty Hall Phenomenon – Stories and Controversies .under the aegis of Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section at Muskingum College, New Concord, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) The World of Multiple Testing and Control of the False Discovery Rate .A talk presented under the seminar series of Biostatistics and Epidemiology in the Department of Environmental Health, University Of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) A Discrete Probability Problem in Chemical Bonding .A talk presented in the Department of Mathematics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Basic Ideas in Multiple Testing – Applications in MEG and fMRI data .A talk presented at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Monty Hall Phenomenon .An invited talk presented at the Statistics Department, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2006. ) Entertaining Problems in Statistics and Mathematics .An Invited Talk Presented at Gayathri College, Visakhapatnam, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) A Novel Technique of Cluster Analysis .A talk presented under the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) A Novel Technique of Cluster Analysis .A Talk Presented at the Informatics Group of the Children’s Hospital of the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Patterns in Coin Tossing .A Talk Presented under the Aegis of the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section held at Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, Ohio.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Patterns in Coin Tossing .A Talk Presented in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) On the Control of False Discovery Rate under no Assumption on Dependency .An Invited Talk in the Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Three Problems from Biostatistics: Dermal Patches, Chemical Bonding, and Sample Size Calculations in Logistic Regression .An Invited Talk Presented in the Division of Biostatistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) A Discrete Probability Problem on Dermal Patches .An Invited Talkin the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, California State University at Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) What are Scan Statistics? .A Talk Presented in the Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) High-Throughput Analysis of Human Phenome to Investigate Modular Nature of Complex Disorders .A Talk Presented at the Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics held at Miami University, Oxford, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Entropy, Scan Statistics, and Pattern in Coin Tossing .A Talk Presented at the Health Informatics Division of the Children’s Hospital of the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) A Discrete Probability Problem from a Pharmaceutical Industry .An invited talk at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) A Discrete Probability Problem on Dermal Patches .an invited talk at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Patterns in Coin Tossing .A Talk Presented at the Fall Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Meeting held at Wittenburg University, Springfield, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Problems in Data Collection .an invited talk presented at Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2007. ) Genome Wide Association Studies .an invited talk presented at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Krein-Milman Theorem and Statistical Genetics – I .an invited talk presented in the Department of Mathematics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Abuses of Statistics .an invited talk presented under the aegis of the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Krein-Milman Theorem and Statistical Genetics – II .an invited talk presented in the Department of Mathematics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Doubly Stochastic Matrices .A talk presented at the Spring Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section held at Marietta College, Marietta, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) A Discrete Probability Problem in Dermal Patches .An invited talk presented at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Genome Wide Association Studies .A talk presented under the aegis of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series of the Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) The Wonderful World of Randomization .A Talk Presented under the aegis o Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series of the Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2008. ) Matrices with Prescribed Marginals .A talk presented at the Autumn Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America held at Capital University, Bexley, OH .
Marepalli Bhaskara Rao (2009. ) Can One Fake Data? .A Talk Presented Under the Biostatistics and Epidemiology Seminar Series, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Marepalli B. Rao (2009. ) Betting on the Outcome of the National Basketball Championship .A Talk Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America held at the Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.
(07-27-2006. ) Two-Day Workshop on MATRIX THEORY AND COMPUTATIONS FOR RESEARCH IN SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES .Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
(12-22-2008. ) Six-day INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DATA MINING .University of Hyderabad,
(12-28-2008. ) Four-day INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA MINING .Indian Institute of Business, Hyderabad,
Honors and Awards
1962 Awarded Bourdillon Prize for proficiency in Language
1964 Awarded Maharajkumar Vizianagaram Prize as the best student of the year
1962 -1964 Awarded Merit Scholarship
1964 Awarded AL Mudaliar Prize for securing I rank in Statistics in M.S. examinations
1999 Recipient of Chapter Service Recognition Award from the Council of Chapters, American Statistical Association at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore
2000 Recipient of The Mathematical Association of America North Central Section’s Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics in recognition of extraordinary successful teaching (The North Central Section comprises North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Western Ontario. One award is given every year. Award giving by the North Central Section started in 1993.)
2001 -2002 President-Elect The Mathematical Association of America North Central Section. In the Spring meeting of the association held at Gustavus Adolphus College, M.B. Rao has been elected as President-Elect for the academic year 2001-02. The North Central Section comprises North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Western Ontario.
2001 Recipient of Distinguished Teaching Award College of Science and Mathematics, North Dakota State University
2002 Fellow of the American Statistical Association Elected as a fellow. The award was given at the Joint Statistical Meetings held at Manhattan, NY on August 13, 2002. Citation reads: For fundamental contributions to probability theory, time series analysis, survival analysis, experimental design and multivariate dependence, for leadership in statistical education, and for contributions to the development of the Red River Valley Chapter
2002 Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2002. Elected as a fellow. The award was given at the annual meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics held at Banff, Canada Citation reads: For contributions to probability theory in abstract spaces; research on bilinear time series models, survival analysis and multivariate dependence; and creative and effective teaching at all levels
2002 -2003 President – The North Central Section of the Mathematical Association of America The North Central Section comprises North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Western Ontario
2003 -2004 Past-President The Mathematical Association of America North Central Section. The North Central Section comprises North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Western Ontario
2006 Fellow of the International Statistical Institut Elected as a fellow
2008 Director’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati
Student Advising
Brenda Krogen
Brenda Krogen
Thomas Lind
Mr. T. Hill (Master ) 1973
Mr. A. Bozorgnia (Master ) 1974
Mr. I.M. Hillier (Master ) 1974
Mr. George Kolokos (Master ) 1975
Ms. S. Kraidej (Master ) 1975
Mr. M.S. Tehranian (Master ) 1975
Mr. B. Perez-Canales (Master ) 1975
Mr. Pedro Quesada (Master ) 1976
Mr. N. Logothetis (Master ) 1976
Ms. Amal Rashed 1977
Ms. Rupa Mitra (Master ) 1989
Mr. Glen Leverson (Master ) 1990
Mr. Juan J. Diaz (Master ) 1990
Mr. Manzoor Hussain (Master ) 1990
Mr. Girish Budhwar (Master ) 1991
Mr. Dwight H. Galster 1994
Mr. Amare Worku 1995
Mr. Lam Por Lo (Master ) 1995
Mr. Hansen M. (Master ) 1995
Mr. Scott Allen Schimetz (Master ) 1995
Ms. Jodi Rae Rylance (Master ) 1997
Ms. Fengjuan Xu (Master ) 1997
Mr. Partha Pratim Dass (Master ) 1999
Mr. Koji Fujiwara (Master ) 2002
Mr. Chia-Hao Chang (Master ) 2003
Mr. Brian Eric Tucker (Master ) 2003
Mr. John De Haan (Master ) 2005
Ms. Bin Xue (Master ) 2005
Rashmi Sahay (Master ) 2010
Elizabeth Mack (Master ) 2009
Mr. Jim Pitman (Doctoral ) 1974
Mr. Trevor Sweeting (Doctoral ) 1975
Mr. A. Bozorgnia (Doctoral ) 1977
Mr. Avner Halevy (Doctoral ) 1977
Mr. Demetrios Kaffes (Doctoral ) 1977
Mr. David Green (Doctoral ) 1980
Ms. Amal Rashed (Doctoral ) 1981
Ms. Narges Abinema (Doctoral ) 1983
Mr. Sylvester Akamanam (Doctoral ) 1983
Mr. H.A. Niroomand-Chapeh (Doctoral ) 1988
Mr. Sami Masoud (Doctoral ) 1989
Ms. Rupa Mitra (Doctoral ) 1991
Ms. Katherine M. Kraft (Doctoral ) 1992
Mr. Manzoor Hussain (Doctoral ) 1992
Mr. Xin Wei Jia (Doctoral ) 1994
Mr. Ramin Bahreini-Arani (Master ) 1994
Mr. Glen Leverson (Doctoral ) 1996
Mr. Ahmed Abu-Taleb (Doctoral ) 1997
Mr. Dwight Harold Galster (Doctoral ) 2000
Ms. Surekha Mudivarthy (Doctoral ) 2002
Mr. Jerome Stockrahm (Doctoral ) 2002
Mr. Jeff Morel 2002
Mr. Fu-Chih Cheng (Doctoral ) 2003
Mr. Mohammed Alam (Doctoral ) 2003
Mr. Wenge Guo (Doctoral ) 2007
Ms. Ran He (Doctoral ) 2007
Ms. Xiaolei Liu (Doctoral ) 2008
Mr. Hansen Bannerman-Thompson (Doctoral ) 2008
Mr. Tao Yu (Doctoral ) 2009
Mohammed Alam (Postdoctoral ) 2006
Hansen Bannerman (Postdoctoral )
Journal of Multivariate Analysis Type:Editorial Service 1995 -2002
Type:Editorial Service 2001 -2002
Sankhya, Series B Type:Editorial Service 2008 -To Present
(Red River Valley Chapter of the American Statistical Association ) Vice President 1989 -1990
Session No. 14: Environmental Statistics, ASA Annual meeting (San Francisco ) Discussant 1993
(Red River Valley Chapter of the American Statistical Association ) President 1997 -1998
Fourth Biennial International Indian Statistical Association meeting held at Northern Illinois University Committee Chair 2002
(Platinum Jubilee of Indian Statistical Institute Celebrations Conference held at Calcutta ) Committee Chair 2008
(International Indian Statistical Association Conference held at the University of Connecticut ) Committee Chair 2008
International Conference on Data Mining in Business held at the University of Hyderabad under the aegis of CR Rao Advanced Institute in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Committee Chair 2008
Professional Affiliation
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
American Statistical Association
London Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of America
SIGMA XI, The Scientific Research Society
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Other Information
December, 1975 Department of Mathematics, University of Tubingen, Tubingen, West Germany.
July-Sept., 1977 Department of Statistics, University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
July-Sept., 1978 Department of Statistics, University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
July-Sept., 1979 Department of Statistics, University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
July-Sept., 1980 Department of Statistics, University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
July-Aug., 1981 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy.
July-Aug., 1982 Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India.
July, 1983 Center for Multivariate Analysis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
July-Sept., 1985 Center for Multivariate Analysis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
July-Aug., 1988 Center for Multivariate Analysis, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
June-Aug., 1989 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1990 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1991 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1992 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1993 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1994 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1995 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1996 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-Aug., 1997 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
June-July, 1998 Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, P.A.
July-Aug., 2000 Department of Quantitative Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
July-Aug., 2001 Department of Quantitative Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
July-Aug., 2002 Department of Quantitative Studies, Syracuse University,
Apart from giving a wide variety of courses in Probability and Statistics at undergraduate and graduate levels, I gave courses on the following topics at research level in Sheffield, Pittsburgh, Fargo, and Cincinnati. I have been giving a one-credit seminar course every semester for the last fifteen years covering some important research areas. These topics are also included in the following list.
Additive Models.
Advanced Matrix Methods in Statistics.
Analysis of Infectious Disease Data.
Bagging and Boosting.
Bayesian Analysis on R.
Bayesian Networks.
Clinical trials.
Cluster Analysis in Biomedical Research.
Compositional Data Analysis.
Cross-over Designs.
Current Trends in Survival Analysis.
Data Augmentation, EM Algorithm, and Gibbs Sampling.
Data Envelopment Analysis.
EM Algorithm.
False Discovery Rate.
Fractal Geometry.
Genome Wide Association Studies.
Graphical Models.
Graphics on R.
Group Theoretic Methods in Probability and Statistics.
Hausdorff Measures.
Hidden Markov Chains.
Jackknife and Bootstrap.
Longitudinal Data Analysis.
Multilevel Models on R.
Multiple Imputations.
Neural Networks in Statistics
Observational Studies
Probability Measures on Topological Spaces.
Radon Transforms and Applications.
Repeated Measurements Analysis.
Resampling Methods.
Research Problems in Statistics.
Scan Statistics.
Spatial Models.
Splines and Trees in Regression.
Contact Information
Department of Biomedical Engineering
3223 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267